Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) (19 page)

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Authors: Kristen Luciani

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“I can always fit in some time for an old friend.” He winked and paid for the drinks.

Jessica followed him to a quiet corner and sat down. She cleared her throat, a nervous smile plastered on her face.
Why do I feel so guilty being here with him? I’m not doing anything wrong. I have to make sure he knows this isn’t leading back to his apartment.

“You know I’m not going to bite, right?” He chuckled and picked up his cup.

“I know. It’s just that this whole situation is a little weird to me. I mean, what happened between us, I don’t do that...
. I feel like it’s the elephant in the room, you know? I don’t want to give you the wrong impression about my intentions. It would be great to have an opportunity to work with you, but I want to keep things on a professional level. I’m not looking for anything more than that.” She averted her eyes for a moment
. I need his help but not if it comes with strings.

“Listen, don’t read too much into this. It was just a fun night, a
fun night. We can leave it at that if it makes you feel comfortable.” He shrugged his broad shoulders.

Jessica smiled with relief.
Thank God!
She knew now that her heart was with James
. I’m not about to mess it up.

Paul took a sip of his coffee. He appeared unruffled. Jessica wondered how many times he’d been turned down by a girl, if ever. A shield was drawn over his penetrating blue eyes, making it impossible to know what he was really thinking.

“So tell me about your progress, Jessica.”

Back to business.
For good this time, I hope.

“We have three clients signed in Palo Alto and they’re ready to kick off their projects. There’s also a fourth client…but I haven’t been able to sign them yet. I have a meeting set with the management team next week.”

“What company is that?”

“Secure Transact, ever hear of it? Their technology is amazing and the competition can’t touch them.”

“Yes, I’ve heard of it.” Paul nodded, offering no other reaction.

“That’s all you’ve got? Am I barking up the wrong tree with them or are you not at liberty to say?”

Grinning, Paul took another sip of his coffee. “I plead the fifth.”

“Okay, I understand. I’m not going to badger you. I’ll just go with my gut. Have you met with any other promising start-ups lately?” She changed the subject, wondering if he’d mention his meeting with LazerShark.
Doubtful, but worth a shot.

“Well, I can’t tell you if I have any companies on my roster that are investment-worthy, because that’s confidential.” He gave her a sly smile. “But I will say that I’ve seen several principals in the past couple of months that delivered really solid presentations, a couple of which I’m very interested in pursuing.”

No dice.
“I see.”

“Another thing I can tell you is that technology investments are extremely lucrative if they have the right cast of characters at the helm. I have to like the company concept
what the principals bring to the table before I decide to commit. I need to have confidence that they can deliver on their own strategy. It’s not always about the idea.” He paused with a smile. “It’s about the execution.”

“Words to live by.” She looked down at her watch and gasped. Where had the time gone? “Listen, I’m really sorry to cut this short, but I have to run. My flight to Palo Alto is tomorrow morning and I still have to finish packing.”

“Well, I’m glad we got the chance to chat again, Jessica. I wish you the best of luck with your work. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

“Thank you so much, Paul, I really appreciate all your insights.”

Paul stood up as Jessica gathered her bags. “Anytime. Have a safe trip.”

She hurried out of the café and headed down the street. Leading him on was a defense mechanism of sorts; she sensed he was still attracted to her even though she denied it to Lisa.
Paul’s not in the market for anything long-term
Yeah, he’s gorgeous and I’m not going to lie…I like the attention. Who wouldn’t? But spending time with James really made me realize what I’ve been missing all this time. He’s the one who can fill that void, not Paul Emerson. It’s the fresh start I’ve been hoping for.



PAUL SAT BACK and folded his arms. He watched Jessica hurry out the door and admired how her form-fitting skirt clung to her in all the right places. Maybe she
she wanted to keep things professional but her actions indicated there was still a spark between them. Paul loved nothing more than a challenge and he already knew she was worth the wait.

I’ll just play it cool until she feels comfortable with the idea.

He figured she was just a little gun-shy about being with him again so he decided to reach her on a different level. She’d be back in California next week at Secure Transact and he knew exactly how to break the ice.

Until then, Jessica.



JESSICA BOUNDED OFF the plane in her new flats, excited beyond words. She ran through San Francisco International Airport, clutching her carryon. The baggage carousel wasn’t very crowded, and her bags were out first. A quick jaunt to the taxi stand and she was on her way. Each passing minute brought her closer to James. She hugged herself in anticipation of seeing him again. It felt like months since she’d tasted his warm lips.

She shot off a text to James with the address of the corporate apartment. When the cab driver pulled up to the complex a few minutes later, she took a deep breath. So much happened over the past few days, it was almost unbelievable that she was back in Palo Alto.

Jessica squirmed under the lustful gaze of the cab driver. He gave her denim short-clad legs an appraising glance as she dug for a tip. “Thanks again!”

He flashed a leering smile and trotted backwards towards the cab to get a final look. Jessica turned her back to him, rolling her eyes as she walked inside.

Her new home was on the third floor, right outside the elevator door. She walked in and gasped. Palatial was an understatement. The apartment was enormous and fully decorated, with a huge plush sofa and loveseat in the living room, a fireplace, elegant area rugs and dark walls adorned with antique-looking sconces. Jessica wandered down the hallway to check out the other rooms, marveling at the breathtaking decor.
I better keep signing clients so I can stay here as long as possible!

She peeked into one of the bathrooms and saw a large white marble Jacuzzi tab lining the back wall.
Hmm…maybe that will come in handy sooner than later.

With twenty minutes to spare, Jessica tore through her suitcases for a bag of toiletries. She raced to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and reapplied her makeup. A hot pink jersey dress was her pick for the evening, since it was wrinkle-free and left little to the imagination. Smoothing the front of the fabric, she regarded her reflection in the mirror.
I definitely need some heels. This isn’t exactly a sneaker outfit.

There was a knock just as she spritzed her favorite Cartier perfume.
He’s here!

She glided into the foyer and took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves. A wide smile spread over her face when she saw James. Entranced, Jessica inched closer and drew him in with a deep lingering kiss. She breathed in the delicious scent of cologne mingled with spearmint, her whole body tingling with pent up desire.

James wrapped his arms around her and she let out a soft moan. His touch was rousing. Shivers ran down her spine and she melted against him in submission. When they finally pulled apart, Jessica saw that James was as flushed as she felt.

“Hi.” Her palm grazed the side of his face. He kissed her hand as it neared his lips.

“Wow.” His eyes twinkled. “Hello to you, too, gorgeous.” He bent to pick up a bouquet of lilies on the floor. “Sorry, I guess I got kind of distracted there for a minute and forgot about these.” He pulled out a bag of Starburst jelly beans from his jacket pocket. “And

“Yum!” She giggled. “The flowers are beautiful, thank you so much. I hope I can find a vase…”

He let out a low whistle as he followed her inside. “This place is unreal. DMC does things in style, huh?”

Jessica tore open the bag and popped a few into her mouth. “Only the best. It’s way nicer than the hotel, and there’s so much space. I’m going to get spoiled living here!” She found a vase in the kitchen and put the flowers on the half wall leading to the living room, admiring the vibrant colors.

“I really missed you, Jess.” He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his head in her neck. His breath was warm against her bare skin. “I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve felt…well, kind of lost since you’ve been gone. Is that weird?”

Jessica smiled. “Yes. But I felt the same way, so it looks like we’re both a little off, huh?”

He loosened his grip and turned her around, his eyes blazing with intensity. His fingers played with the tendrils of hair framing her face. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve thought about your face every night since we met, every single detail about it.”

James flashed her a smile, breaking the spell. “Hey, I forgot we were supposed to go to dinner. You must be starving.”

Jessica shifted closer. “I was.” Standing on her toes, she kissed him again and let the blissful sensations overtake her. The passion between them hadn’t cooled in the time they had been apart. If anything, the chemistry was even more powerful.
I’ve dreamed of feeling this way for so long. I’m ready to take the next step.

The setting sun cast a dim, romantic glow in the apartment. Jessica slipped off her heels and led him into the living room, hoping to appear more confident than she felt.
He’s nervous, too. But I can’t seem to stop myself.
Under his heated stare, lust consumed all rational thought. His mere presence made her ache.

“So, I guess dinner is on hold?” His tone was innocent but a mischievous smile played at his lips.

“Maybe permanently. Let’s see how things go.

Her hands shook a little as she trailed them down the front of his freshly starched shirt. She felt his heart beat faster; it matched the speed of her own. “Is this better than what you had in mind for tonight?”

“You have no idea,” he breathed. Cupping her face, he drew her closer. “But I don’t want to rush it. Are you sure?”

“Yes.” A hot flush warmed her insides. Every inch of her tingled with excitement as his fingertips grazed her skin. A delicious chill raced down her spine. They were so incredibly in sync. No one had ever elicited this kind of physical response, not that she’d been with many other guys.
It's like my body craves him and knows what's coming next. Mmm, and it can’t wait.
She let out a slow breath, praying she wouldn’t overheat from all the buildup. Her body was on fire; every sense was on high alert.
Oh my God, it’s been so long…too long.

With trembling fingers, Jessica unfastened the buttons on his shirt and slid it off. She ran her hand down the front of his smooth chest and felt his muscles ripple. Her breath caught when she met his gaze.

He traced the outline of her lips. “Close your eyes.”

Heart thumping, she obeyed. His breath was so warm on her skin. She tilted her head back as he trailed gentle kisses down her neck. His growing erection pressed against her and she nearly swooned. Only one coherent thought prevailed.
Get him naked…now.

When their lips met, a flurry of erotic sensations cascaded over her.
He’s driving me crazy with that body!
She ran her hands through his dark hair. Her heart did flip-flops as his tongue explored her hungry mouth.
Oh yes, I’m sooo ready to

Hold it! Am I the guy here? Shouldn’t he be the one on the brink of losing control? Get a grip!

With a languid movement, Jessica took a small step back.
Let him come and get it now.
She untied the belt on her dress so it fell open. He stared at her, mesmerized. “Can you help me with this?” she whispered.

James smiled and moved closer. Goosebumps shot up her arms and down her legs. He slipped the straps over her shoulders. “This has to be uncomfortable too.” He toyed with her bra straps and unhooked the back. “I think we need to get it off right

Oh, yes we do!
She slipped off the bra and pulled him onto the large plush sofa.
Almost as big as a bed. Perfect.

In slow motion, she positioned herself on top of him, enjoying the control she exhibited.
I wonder how much more he can take
. With a seductive look, she guided his hands over her bare skin. A shiver shot through as his hands explored her curves. “That feels
much better.”

She traced a path over his bare chest with her tongue. His skin was so tanned and smooth. Strong hands gripped her firm backside and pulled her toward him. She rotated her hips, weak at the thought of him being inside her

“What are you doing to me?” His breathy whisper tickled her ear and heightened her arousal. With one swift movement, he was on top of her, his eyes dark with wanting.

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