Read Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Kristen Luciani

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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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He grazed her inner thigh and she jumped. “You’re not the only one who can tease.”

An impish giggle escaped her lips. Her hands crept lower. She reached into his boxers and stroked his full length. “How does that feel?” She breathed the words against his ear.

He gasped for air. It was so hard to focus; her touch was electric.
His body ached with yearning; his erection throbbed in her grasp. All thoughts were eclipsed by the lust coursing through him.

Jessica held his gaze as she slowly pulled off her tank top. She put her hands on his bare chest and trailed gentle kisses to his mouth.

He moaned and guided her hips over him. His fingers tugged at her panties and she shimmied out of them with a seductive smile. “Now
are you going to do with me?”

The throbbing in his chest overtook his ability to think. His breathing grew ragged. “I need you now, Jess…”

“A little anxious, aren’t we?” She nibbled his ear.

“I know what I’m missing, can you blame me?” He buried his head in her neck and his hands moved between her thighs. “Jess, you’re so sexy. You know you’re driving me crazy, don’t you?” His fingers penetrated her with urgency. She gasped as they delved deeper and deeper. The searing pain caused by her nails digging into his skin only heightened his desire. He groaned. “I can’t wait any more, Jess. I have to be inside you.”

“Okay…I give in.” She grabbed one of the condoms lying on the floor and tore open the wrapper. “Are you ready?” He nodded, entranced. His pulse raced as she methodically rolled it on. Her dancing fingertips sent chills down his spine.

“I love the way you do that. It’s so hot.” He murmured as he caressed her hips.

“I know, I can tell.” She lowered herself onto him and grazed her tongue over his neck. James let out a sharp breath as her warmth surrounded him. His heart thumped furiously. Their movements became more frenzied. She laced her fingers with his for leverage and tensed the muscles surrounding him.

“Pull me closer.” Her raspy whisper sent tremors through him. He gripped her backside to thrust deeper. Such soft skin. She had an amazing body that fit perfectly with his.
I have to make this last. But she’s so…’s too good. I need to focus on something else or I’m gonna lose it.

It was no use. His focus was unwavering. Jessica permeated every thought, feeling, and breath. He stroked her curves, immersed in thoughts and emotions that were completely foreign.
Is it possible to feel this way so soon? I can’t be without this girl. She’s it for me.

Their bodies rocked together. He wrapped his arms around her and brushed her lips with his.
I know she’s close, I can feel it
. Her body quivered and she whimpered with each thrust.
Come on, just a little longer. Don’t lose it yet, Jay.

He finally found the spot that made her wail and plunged deeper to drive her toward climax. His erection throbbed and craved release.
I can’t hold on any more…

“I want you to come with me, James.” She pressed against him. Her sudden cries drove him over the edge. He erupted inside of her with such force that it depleted all of his energy in an instant. Jessica’s effect on him was staggering; she was so in tune with his body and made him feel pleasure that he’d never known possible.

She dropped next to him with a deep sigh. “
. That was crazy.”

James chuckled, still out of breath. “An understatement for sure.” He draped his arm around her. “Hey, you’re shivering. Are you cold?”

“No, I’m….really good.” She nestled into his embrace and closed her eyes.

“Me too.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled the blanket over them.
My God, I’m falling in love with this girl…



JESSICA SAT IN her office with a mile-long list of to-dos but replaying the weekend took precedence over everything else. Being with James was pure bliss. Just thinking about him made her stomach flutter. She doodled in a notebook and frowned.
I should have told him. What am I waiting for?

The phone rang, yanking her back to reality. “Jessica Latham.”

“Jessica, hi, how are you? It’s Andy Sykes.”

“Hi Andy! I’m great. How is everything?”

“Everything is really going well. We’re still on for tomorrow, right?”

“Absolutely. I’ll be there at nine. Everything is all smoothed out with Rich?” She bit around her thumbnail.
He’d better have handled this.

“Yes, yes, he’s on board. We had a few little rough edges to round out, but it looks like we’re ready to go!”

“Excellent. I’m looking forward to it. See you tomorrow.”

“Thanks again, Jessica. Have a great day!”

Jessica sat back and let out a deep breath.
Secure Transact was back on track. Nothing could derail her at that meeting.
I’m walking out of there with a signed contract.
Justin will see just what a great salesperson I am and he’ll have to reward me!
Ah, yes.
Such lofty goals, Jess. Let’s land the account first.

She sipped her coffee and dialed Lisa’s work number.

“Lisa Embry.”

“Hey, lady. What’s going on?”

“Jess, what the hell? Radio silence since you landed? You didn’t even text me to let me know you’re still alive!”

Jessica giggled. “Sorry.” She stretched her arms overhead. “It was a

“Uh-huh. And? Are you giving me details here or just teasing me?”

“Let’s just say that the past couple of days were extremely gratifying.”

“Ooh, so it happened, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did, over and over and
…and it didn’t end until last night.” Jessica hugged herself, her belly twitching at the memories.

“Wow, so how was it? How was

“Li, it was
ridiculously and intensely hot. He was
.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I just…I don’t know…I’ve never had so much of a physical and emotional connection with a guy before, at least at the same time. He’s so sweet and smart and funny, but totally sexy at the same time…just

Lisa squealed. “Jessie, I’m so happy for you! Yay! Hot sex
a potential love connection? What could be better?”

Jessica laughed. “Let’s just say I’m
glad to be back.”

“Have you gotten your MRI results yet?”

“No.” Jessica picked at her thumbnail. “But I’m trying to be optimistic. I guess I’ll get a call today or tomorrow.”

“And…did you tell him?”

“No, it wasn’t the right time.”
Let it go, Li…

“You have to be honest with him, Jessie. Give him the benefit of the doubt and just do it already.”

“Look, I
I need to tell him. It’s just that this weekend was so perfect. Am I wrong for not wanting to put a damper on it?”

“Of course not. I just want to see you happy and relaxed again. You’re so close, just level with him. He’s not Drew, Jessie.”

“Trust me, I’m just trying to pick the right time. Telling him I have MS after having mind-blowing sex wouldn’t make for the best pillow talk, you know?”

Lisa giggled. “That’s true. Now, what am I going to do without my roomie for a whole month?”

“You’re not headed out here in the next couple of weeks? I figured you’d probably be making a trip soon.”

“No, probably not. There isn’t much going on right now.”

“Bummer. Let me know if anything changes.”

“Okay. Hey, by the way, I spoke to Rochelle the other day and mentioned you were back in Cali. She may give you a call to hang out.”

“Seriously?” Jessica groaned. “I have no desire to see her. She’d better not call.”

“Well, if she does call, you
actually talk to her.”

“No, I
.” Jessica picked up on Lisa’s disgruntled tone but she plunged ahead. “Because she’s just a malicious bitch and I don’t want to be
her at all.”

“I wish you guys could work things out.”

“Not going to happen. Too much has happened, I’m done.”

Lisa sighed. “She probably won’t call anyway. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

The office manager’s voice drifted into the office. “Jessica, the new consultants are here.”

Jessica covered the mouthpiece. “Thanks, I’m on my way down.” She lifted her hand. “Li, I need to run. Time for work. I’ll let you know if I hear from the doctor.”

“All right, have a good day, sweetie. Call me later. I want more juicy details!”

Jessica laughed. “You’ve got it. Bye.”

After briefing the consultants on the new clients, it was after noon and she decided to head out for lunch. Another beautiful day in Palo Alto, the perfect complement to her sunny mood. Jessica sauntered down El Camino Real and surveyed the restaurants lining the street. Her mouth watered from the smells permeating the air. She pulled open the door to Salad Works and heard her phone beep.

Can’t stop thinking about you. Maybe we can actually make it out sometime this week? I still owe you dinner…

Her heart caught in her throat. She thought for a moment and shot off a reply.
Food’s overrated. I barely ate this weekend and I feel fantastic

Within an instant, his response appeared.
Cool, let’s not eat together tonight, how about 7?
The words sent a chill racing down her spine.
Oh, hell yeah!

Fantastic. I’ll make sure to fuel up. I like to be prepared.

Stepping inside, she surveyed the spread.
Okay, Jess, we need lots and lots of protein.



JAMES TOSSED HIS phone onto the nightstand after his last text from Jessica, feeling more relaxed than he had in months. His body begged him to stay put, but he had a team meeting at one-thirty. With a groan, he rolled out of bed and took a quick shower before heading to the office. It was great being his own boss.

Chris pounced on James before he’d even had a chance to remove his jacket. He wandered into the office with a knowing smile on his face, arms folded across his chest. “
. How was the weekend?”

“It was good.” James tried to be evasive, but it was a futile attempt at best.

Chris closed the door. “Oh yeah? It was just
? What did you end up doing?”

James grinned. “I was with Jessica.”

“Uh-huh. And?”

“And…it was really nice.” James pulled out his laptop and fumbled with the power cable, hoping to distract Chris.

?” Chris recoiled, looking offended at the word choice. “Were you crocheting and drinking tea together? What the hell does

James laughed. “Why do you always do this? You know it drives me crazy when you badger me.”

“Listen, I know I’m not the only one who’s made you crazy in the past couple of days and all I want are a
little details. I don’t ask too much, do I?” Chris raised an eyebrow at James. “I’m just trying to find out a little about the girl who has
stolen the heart of my best friend. Jesus, Jay, you can’t even stop smiling, what the hell
to you this weekend?”

James looked at his friend and shook his head. “I don’t know, Chris. It was pretty intense. We didn’t leave the apartment at all.”

Chris’s eyes widened. “
. I knew you had it in you. How was it?”

James sat back in the chair, tapping his fingertips together. “We had a great time together. She’s smart, fun, and sexy as hell, so different from any other girl I’ve met.”

Chris hooted and flashed a devilish smile at James. “All weekend! You

James rolled his eyes. “Shut the hell up, Chris. You’re so damn loud! I don’t want the whole office to get a play-by-play.”

“All right, all right, I’m not going to pump you for any more info. Jeez, you’re like Fort Knox. I guess the rest has to be left up to my imagination.”

James chortled. “Whatever, man. So, have we gotten a call back yet?”

Chris shrugged his shoulders. “Nah, not yet.”

“I’m being too overanxious.”

“Yes, you are, Jay. I told you not worry about it. Just keep nailing your pretty girlfriend, and be
. It’ll happen. I

James sighed. “Okay, okay, fine. Now that you have what you came for, get the hell out so I can meet with my team.”

Chris backed out the door, giving James a little salute. James snickered as he headed to the conference room.
Jesus, the guy is relentless. But I shouldn’t really complain. He may be insufferable at times but he’s also a hell of a salesman.

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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