Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) (24 page)

Read Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Kristen Luciani

Tags: #Unlikely Venture

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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The balls of Jessica’s feet burned in her five-inch Christian Louboutins. She slouched against the bar, shifting her weight.
Jesus, no barstools? I already need a reprieve and I just got here!
She was such a sucker for bad girl shoes. But height equaled confidence, so she would suffer for a few hours.

“You made it, I’m glad.”

Jessica looked up to see Paul standing in front of her. “Hey! Thanks again for inviting me. This place is pretty outrageous. You’re a member?”

“Yes. Can I get you another?”

“Oh, um, sure. Vodka soda, please.” She turned to survey the crowds that gathered for the event, feeling a bit intimidated.
Okay, one more drink won’t hurt.

Paul handed her a glass, a pleasant smile on his face. “So, most of the people here are venture capitalists, although there are some CEOs floating around. You might hit the jackpot tonight.”

She giggled. “Hopefully! Anyone I should be wary of?”

“Nah, they’re all harmless. I’m sure any of them would be thrilled to make your acquaintance.” He winked.

Her tolerance wasn’t what it once was and the two drinks made her feel warm and a little woozy. She gulped a glass of water, trying to clear her head.
I don’t need a replay of the Dezzie concert, especially when I’m alone.

“Do you know everyone here?” Jessica shifted again, gritting her teeth.
Please let someone get the hell up so I can grab a stool!

“Yeah, I’ve worked with all of them in some capacity or other. I’ll get you face time with the right ones, though.” He looked past her and an annoyed expression crossed his face.

Jessica creased her forehead and glanced over her shoulder. Rochelle.
What the hell is she doing here?

Turning back to Paul, her lips turned up in an amused smile. “Yeah, that’s the same reaction I have when I see her. So, you guys work together?”

Again, the guard went up and his eyes shut her out.

“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be nosy or anything. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s cool.” Jessica shrugged.

“No, it’s fine. She’s just a colleague.” Paul finished the rest of his drink. Jessica sensed he wasn’t divulging any more information than that. “How about we—”

“Paul! Jessica!” Rochelle looked less than thrilled to see them together. “So nice to see you again!”

Jessica grunted.
There’s nothing nice about it, bitch.

“Rochelle, I was just about to introduce Jessica to a few investors. Enjoy the party.”

“Oh.” She shot a toothy grin at Paul. “Well, maybe I could steal her for a few seconds? Just want to catch up. It’s been a little while. Is that okay?” Rochelle dug her nails into Jessica’s arm and pulled her away.

Not wanting to make a scene, Jessica wrenched her arm away from Rochelle when they were out of Paul’s earshot. “Rochelle, what is
with you? Where do you get off—”

“Jessica.” Rochelle plastered a triumphant smile on her face and crossed her arms. “Where do
get off? Are you serious, honey?”

Jessica’s mouth dropped open. “What are you talking about?”
Is she insane or something?

“Jessie, really? Cozying up to Paul Emerson while your dreamy CEO boyfriend sits around at home mooning over you? Is that really a nice thing to do?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Paul and I are colleagues, that’s

“Really.” Rochelle sounded unconvinced. “So, the fact that he’s looking at you like he’d like to lap you up like a dog at a water bowl on a hot day, that’s just me misinterpreting the situation, right?”

“I don’t even know why I’m listening to this bullsh—”

“Because you
how it looks, don’t you?” Rochelle lowered her voice and sneered at Jessica. “I know all about your little fling with Emerson. And from the looks of it, he hasn’t forgotten about you. Maybe you should think about your precious, what’s his name again? Oh yes,
. How would he read into this? Does he know about you and Emerson? Isn’t he trying to get funding from Blue Coat? Messy, messy, Jessie.”

“There is nothing going on here! You are such a
.” Jessica clenched her teeth as she spoke the words. Her heart was pounding and her fist itched at her side.
Oh how I want to knock the living daylights out of her!

“Am I?” A malicious laugh escaped Rochelle’s lips. “Come on, don’t play innocent. You wouldn’t have that stricken look on your face if you didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty.

“Screw you, Rochelle. Don’t ever speak to me like that again. Just because you’re a low-class two-timing whore, don’t try to typecast
that way so your sorry ass isn’t all alone in Slutsville.” Jessica narrowed her eyes. “I don’t owe you any explanations. James would believe that Paul and I are just friends because it’s the truth and he
me.” She winced as she spoke the word.
Would he?
After she’d been evasive about knowing Paul?
No, you moron, he’d be furious that you lied. Because not telling him the truth is just as bad.

“Trust. Hmm. It’s a nice concept, in theory. But when you go running around behind your boyfriend’s back?” She shook her head. “Tsk tsk. You just never know what the reaction will be, do you?” Rochelle glared at Jessica once again and walked back to a group of young men on the other side of the bar.

Jessica stared at Rochelle’s retreating back and sighed.
What am I doing here?
Is all the deceit really what I want to build a career on? Is it worth jeopardizing what I have with James? Is Rochelle…right?

At least Paul knew things between them weren’t going anywhere. But James would never understand. It was too icky. The connections she could make here weren’t worth the risk to her relationship. She’d just have to figure out another way to find new clients. But now she needed to leave and cut ties altogether with Paul.

Rochelle would never get over the fact that she lost Drew to Jessica. She’d forever carry a grudge.
Too bad she never landed him, it would have served her right to be tortured by that asshole. And vice versa…

Paul walked over, seeing her alone. “Is everything okay?” He looked around. “Did something happen with Rochelle?”

“No, everything’s fine. But I think I’m going to head out now. I just got a text from my boss and he needs me to take care of something at the office.” She rolled her eyes, trying to make the fib seem legitimate. “It’s always something with him.”

Paul looked concerned. “Are you sure you can’t take care of it later? Does he know where you are right now and how positive this can be for your work?”

“It doesn’t matter to him. His agenda always takes priority. Anyway, thank you so much for inviting me. Sorry I need to take off so soon.” She started toward the entrance but he stopped her.

“Wait, at least let me walk you out. It’s dark and you’ll need a car.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I can find one by myself. I’m a big girl.”

Paul smiled. “I’m well-aware. But it’s no problem at all.”

He held the door for her and they continued into the darkened and vacant foyer. Before Jessica could make sense of what was happening, Paul pulled her behind a marble column and kissed her. She yelped and pushed him away, grabbing the column for support. “What the hell are you

“Come on, Jess. Tell me that you really wanted to keep things
between us. All the interest in my relationship status, coming out to meet me here tonight when we could have easily had a meeting at my office. Did you really only come here for your job? Or was there some other reason?”

“It was for
,” she sputtered, her head feeling like it might explode. “I thought I made that clear to you when I saw you in the city!”

“Listen, the only thing clear to me is the fact that you had the chance to make a clean break the other day but you
obviously indicating that there was something more on your side.”

“You told me this would be a great opportunity to meet industry people. That’s why I came. Period!”

How could I have been so naïve?
After everything she knew about his reputation, did she really believe Paul’s intentions were that innocent? Lord knows she
to believe it. She took advantage of an opportunity, convincing herself that they could be friends.
I can’t believe I let this happen.

“Jess.” He leaned in so close that their lips were almost touching, his eyes so dark they looked black in the twilight. She felt nauseous as the scent of his aftershave hit her nostrils. “Tell me you haven’t thought about that night at my apartment. You knew exactly what you were doing when you walked in here tonight.” He slid his hand under her jacket and tried to pull her closer.

Jessica recoiled as he tried to kiss her again. “No! Look, what happened between us was
ago. I had no agenda tonight, Paul. I actually hoped we could be friends. I’m not
in you! How many more times do I need to say it? Or are you just not used to hearing the word

Paul sneered at her. “F
? Really? Do I look like the type of guy to keep a whole lot of hot little girl
?” He stood there shaking his head. “Grow up. You missed out on a tremendous opportunity tonight. Good luck trying to jump start your little project now.” He turned and stalked back to the dining room.

Jessica stood there in shock.
Did that really just happen?
What an idiot I am! How could I think Paul was actually being sincere?
She was a complete fool for coming to this party. All the stepping stones in the world couldn’t make her as happy as the one person she longed to be with at that very moment.

Her face burned with anger as she walked into the cool night air. Paul was a complete bastard. Did he really think she was stupid enough to fall prey to his sleazy ruse, saying the right things to make her feel comfortable seeing him again, and then taking advantage of the situation? He probably thought he’d done her a favor and that she’d be grateful to fall into his bed again.

Her phone beeped with an incoming text from James.
Hey, beautiful, how’s it going? You making a lot of connections?

Jessica’s eyes filled with angry tears
. If he only knew.
But he wouldn’t…he couldn’t. She didn’t want to even think about explaining
whole situation to James. This was way worse than keeping her illness from him. It started out as a bad judgment call on her part, but she made it so much worse by not telling him the truth from the beginning. Now it was too late. But, at least it was over now anyway, really and truly



JESSICA TIPTOED TO James and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hey.”

He turned around, his blue eyes twinkling. “I hope I didn’t drag you away from a very important client meeting.”

“Nah, nothing that can’t wait until after lunch.
. What are you in the mood for? I have to say, I do love a romantic, impromptu picnic at the park.” She fluttered her eyelashes and flashed a seductive smile.

“Your schedule can’t accommodate what I really want right now.” He smirked. “So we’ll just have to settle for something simple like a sandwich, until I can get you home tonight.”

Jessica giggled and pointed to the bag he was carrying. “Okay. I see you already stopped at the deli. I guess you didn’t want to be tempted to steal me away, huh?”

“Well, I need you to get these clients so you can stay out here. That means keeping you both nourished and focused. We’ll save the juicy stuff for after work hours, what do you say?”

“Great plan. Although I do hate waiting…”

“Don’t do this.” James groaned. “Come on, I’m being so good!”

“I’m just playing. I do have four meetings this afternoon, booked solid.” She took his hand. “But you’ve got me now. What are you going to do with me?”

He slung an arm around her shoulders and led her towards a grassy knoll. “Awesome. I’ve got a whole set-up for us.”

Jessica clapped her hands together. “James! This is so perfect!” She ran to the red-and white-checkered tablecloth spread out on the lawn, kicked off her shoes, and sat on her knees. “Don’t keep me in suspense any longer…what’s in the bag? I’m famished!”

He grinned and pulled out two subs. “I went out on a limb here and got you an Italian because I know how much you love pepp—”

! That’s my favorite!”

He laughed. “I was nervous, so I got a few others just in case, like turkey and cheese, roast beef and cheese, ham and—”

“Cheese?” Jessica laughed. “I
a cheese fiend. Cheese and pepperoni.”

He handed her a bottle of Fiji water. “Thirsty?”

She nodded, taking in the scenery. “It’s so beautiful here. This was a great idea.”

“Like I said, it’s not
ideal but it’s a nice break from a hectic day. Hey, are you okay with meeting Chris for a late dinner tonight? He’s all over my case to bring you around, so I figured a public place would be safe.” James snickered and twisted off the bottle cap.

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