Read Unorthodox Therapy Online

Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (52 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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“Thomas, can't you see it?” She breathed out heavily when I finally tamed her efforts to hurt herself. “I'm damaged goods. I'll never be the woman I was before.” Her head fell onto her chest and she sobbed once more. “Maybe the right thing is to let you go. You're an amazing person and deserve better than to be stuck with a crazy old bitch.”

Responding to her at that moment would have been a waste of time. My reassurance at how brilliant she was, how much she’d achieved in spite of all the obstacles she’d faced, wouldn't reach her. Instead, I grabbed her by the chin and made her face me. Lina trembled and lowered her hands. At least she was past the self-harm phase.

“Listen to me now, pet.” Getting back in the role of her Dom, I felt awkward and out of practice. She didn't show that she realized it. “Being in a relationship with someone isn't only fun and games, so don't even dream you can drive me away with tears, mood swings and all around crazy behavior. I know the real Lina and intend to bring her back.”

I stroked her jaw for a moment and went on with the same firm voice while she shivered under my touch.

“Tomorrow, we'll get up, have coffee and I'll take you to the hospital so you can have your check up. No objections.”

Lina stared at me with pleading eyes.

“I'll ask for a recommendation of a good psychiatrist and I'll set up an appointment for you as soon as possible. I'll always accompany you to your sessions. You'll share if anything bothers you. No secrets, pet.” I softened my tone and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. “This will never work if you shut me out and be dishonest.”

“I'm not sure I can–”

“It's not up to you to decide. Just do as I tell you and trust that I know you well enough. You're too weak and I can't punish you, but you must know I'll be very disappointed if you don't obey. Do you understand, pet?”

She looked down and bit the inside of her lips before speaking again.

“Yes, Sir. I'll try my best.”

“That's my good girl.” Relief pooled in my chest and for the first time in a long time, I felt hope that we could really make it through this horrible stage in our lives. “Remember you're not alone in this.”

It was also the first night when both of us slept soundly in each other's arms. Our tortured minds took a break from nightmares.


Lina started her therapy two days later. Save for a short panic attack at the threshold of her loft, she did a fantastic job of handling herself in public. I had marks on my hand from how hard her fingers gripped it, but she didn't go through any emotional meltdowns. It was obvious how nervous she was about her exposure to the outside world. It would be a long time before she felt comfortable going out by herself.

I couldn't say the effect was immediate, but these two hours per week succeeded in calming her down a bit. Lina ate and slept better. She even attempted to laugh and smile every now and then.

As for my situation at work, things had got out of control. Someone had seen me accompanying Lina to her therapist. Rumors of our relationship restarted, and I had to put up with a lot of snarky comments at the office, even from people who called themselves my friends. It was getting difficult to handle those who would often say without any qualms, “We know you're only in this position because you're the boss's boy toy.”

Most of them were immature and easy to put in their places once they saw I had no tolerance for their bullshit. Still, it was hard to meet with such animosity in a place that had brought me so many happy memories and accomplishments.

Even Dianne who used to be one of my most loyal friends and supporters had started throwing snarky comments at me. Last summer, she’d attempted to kiss me and I pushed her away gently. I explained to her I was seeing someone else but preferred to keep quiet about my relationship while it was new. She was hurt but she seemed to get over it. Clearly that wasn’t the case because as soon as Dianne learnt about Lina, her earlier pain of rejection resurfaced.

One afternoon, I’d had enough of her shitty attitude so I called her into my office and asked her point blank what the hell her problem was.

“Why would I have a problem, boss?” she asked in a saccharine voice, but her eyes were killing me.

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about so don’t play dumb. We’re not here to love each other but to get the job done. I’d appreciate more cooperation and less sass.”

“Or what? You’ll tell the boss to fire me?” She laughed. “We all know you’ve got her wrapped around your little finger.”

“Dianne, I’m going to say this only once.” The girl trembled at my harsh tone. I’d never raised my voice to her before. “My private life is none of your business, but let me finally confirm it. I do have a relationship with Lina. That has nothing to do with why she promoted me. You and I have built up a good professional connection and you are a valuable member of my team, but if these rumors have completely changed your opinion of me, it’s a pity. Still, we are here because we have a job to do. Let’s put our personal feelings aside and focus on that.”

“I was never good enough for you, was I?” Dianne muttered bitterly. “It’s okay, Thomas. I understand. An ambitious guy like you should always shoot for the moon. Don’t worry, I’ll be a good girl.” She rolled her eyes and left the room.


I slammed my fist against the desk as soon as Dianne was out of reach.

I was confident I could deal with anything and show them what I was made of, but was it worth staying if my daily life was going to be poisoned by petty intrigues and small-minded individuals?

At least Lina was on the mend. Seeing her progress filled me with hope for the future. She wouldn't talk to me about what happened with Seth yet, but I was confident we were moving forward together. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that our affair had been discovered. The secret, taboo relationship was fun but I felt more than ready to quit hiding as if we were doing something shameful. If the fuckers at work couldn't be mature enough to accept it I would just quit.

My slowly growing hope ended in shambles one fateful evening at the beginning of March.

Lina had made considerable progress and could be left alone for a large part of the day, so I used the time to take care of some loose ends at the office. It was tempting to just resign but I planned to give one hundred percent until the very last minute. Much to my surprise, that evening I even received some halfhearted apologies from people who had been acting like assholes. That improved my mood a bit and I decided it was time to celebrate. I wondered if Lina was recovered enough for a proper night out.

The lights at her apartment were off when I arrived home. It was funny how I had started calling her place home. It had been a long time since my last visit to my own house. It was difficult to get used to, even if commuting to work was less cumbersome. I missed my home, the view, the yachts, my own bed. Perhaps Lina could use a weekend there. It would do her good to go out more now that she was moving on from the trauma.

I found her asleep on the double bed in a short black nightie and stockings. There were several candles burning on the bedside table. Some of them had burnt out and filled the room with an unpleasant smoky smell.

Her sexy attire surprised me. Ever since the attack, she'd worn nothing but baggy old t-shirts, and sweatpants, as well as long towel robes. When we went out, her wardrobe choice was limited to turtleneck sweatshirts and pants, hiding the beautiful curve of her ass. Seeing her in something so provocative and erotic was a breath of fresh air.

I stroked her shoulder and Lina fluttered her eyes open. She smiled, still half asleep, and reached out to caress my face. It didn't escape my attention that her nails had been cut short and well polished. My pet rose to her knees and said in a kitten-like, sweet voice.

“I missed you, Sir.”

That knocked me again. We hadn't restored our D/s relationship even if I dominated her into finally taking a step towards recovery. It was a bad idea, especially since she was still struggling to accept that the attack wasn't her fault.

I ran my fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes. Her expression was blissful and I could nearly hear her purring. So why did it seem like something was off?

“I missed you as well, pet.”

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her soft, tempting body. It would be difficult to resist her, as much as my mind was struggling with the idea of taking her. It was hard to take care of your needs solely through masturbation when you lived with the woman of your dreams.

Lina started kissing me feverishly and pushed me down onto the bed. She hovered over me and ran her hands down my chest while swaying her hips.

“I wanted to talk to you, Master.”

I blinked at the sudden change in her behavior andhesitantly placed my hands on her ass .

“What is it, Lina? You're very perky today.”

“I made up my mind, Sir.” She straddled my crotch and squeezed her legs around me while she unbuttoned my shirt. “Maybe it's really time to give it all up and quit before I get hurt.”

“Pet, what are you talking about?” I gasped at the realization she had no panties under her barely there nightie. Lina pressed her bare pussy to my pants and leaned forward to lick my chest.

“About ChaosTech Solutions, business, the IT industry. I proved myself there. So maybe it's time to get out before they crush me.” The sensual, seductive woman withdrew for a second and looked at me with fear in her eyes. “It's a man's world.”

“Lina, you can't be serious.” As much as I hated to interrupt this heavenly moment, her words meant she was far from recovery. “You love the company and your job. Would you really quit because of Seth?”

She pulled the nightie over her head and tossed it aside, leaving her in just her stockings, grinding her wet pussy against me. It was weak to give in to her seduction, but I missed being intimate with her so much it hurt.

“Maybe I'm sick of fighting everyone all the time to prove my worth.” Lina pulled the zipper of my jeans down and ran a finger over her wet clit. “I'd rather be your slave and plaything.”

“What?” My eyes widened in shock. It was impossible to protest too much when she was pulling my cock out. It got even harder in her soft hand. I moaned at the sensual embrace of her fingers around my shaft. “Lina, this isn't like you at all. You'd never–”

“Shh...” Lina smiled and knelt between my legs. She took my cock head between her beautiful lips. “Let your slave girl pleasure you, Master.” Her tongue ran over the entire length of my throbbing flesh. My protest died on my lips. Fuck, I was too weak to fight her. The pent up lust from months of no sex was too much to handle. My hand tangled in her hair and I urged her to keep sucking me.

Lina knew if she continued with her wet, warm blowjob I'd cum in her mouth. She hurried to straddle me and pressed my bulbous head against her hot, silky entrance.

“I love you, Thomas.” Her husky, sexy voice never failed to bring me near the edge of climax. “I want to give you everything.”

I couldn't have cared less whether her words were a symptom at that moment. I grabbed her by the hips and thrust deep inside her, groaning with relief when she squeezed my cock with her tight walls. Lina kept rubbing her clit and squeezing one of her luscious tits.

“I mean it, Master. Everything.” She was moaning at the top of her voice when I started pounding her hard, digging my fingers into her ass cheeks. It'd been so long since I'd had my pet. I wanted to enjoy her to the fullest. Lina gasped when I pressed my hand to her fingers, guiding her while she masturbated on top of me. “I'll give you my total submission, 24/7 slavery.”

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and I continued to pleasure her growing clit. Her juices were soaking my balls and it made me fuck her even harder.

“I'll give you my company as well. You proved your leadership qualities. You'd make an amazing successor. Just, please, be kind to me and protect me. Don't hurt me like he did.” Those words cracked something in me no matter how horny I was and in spite of our sensual embrace. The decision was clear but letting go of our pleasure right then would have been too painful. I pushed away the inevitable and pulled her on top of me, crushing her delicious tits against my chest. I found her earlobe and whispered in a rough, authoritative voice.

“Wrists behind your back, pet.” Her pussy walls closed tighter around me when she tossed her hair back, obeying my orders like a good girl. I grabbed her slender wrists and kept fucking her, trying to savor as much of that moment, as much of her and our connection as I could. It would never be enough. My need for her would never be sated, but right then I'd leave my mark on her and stamp the moment in my memory forever. She squirmed in my arms, grinding her tits against me and rubbing her clit to my skin. I pounded her with no mercy while I whispered in her ear.

“You'll always be mine, Lina.” It was difficult to say who was I trying to persuade. She didn’t need a lot to believe it. Her face writhed in pleasure. When the words escaped her parted lips they were desperate.

“Master, please, allow me to cum.”

“Cum for me, pet. Cum as hard as you can. Don't stop until I say so.” I growled in her ear and buried my thumbs hard against her pale ass cheeks. There would be bruises the next day. It only made her cry harder when she came on my cock and kept creaming on it as the succession of orgasms shattered her body. The sight of her reddened, sweaty skin, loud cries of utter release and the bright gleam in her eyes were the last straws that pushed me into my own climax. I grunted out loud and wrapped my legs around her ass while filling her tight pussy with hot cum.

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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