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Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (24 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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I kissed her forehead again and said slowly,

“You can do it, Lina. You handled today just fine. It may appear like torture right now but you'll see the benefits in the end.”

“You just love humiliating me.” She pressed her forehead to mine and squeezed my shoulders, trying to ease her breathing.

“Lina, I'll only say it once. I'll never put you through something I don't think you're capable of enduring. No one has ever pushed you beyond your limits before, and it must be scary. I never said it would be easy. Trust me, you will be grateful in the end.”

I kissed her lips once again and got up, leaving her on the floor, a panting mess, rendered speechless.

“I'd invite you to come and join us, but your smell of a bitch in heat is too much of a giveaway.” I gave her a playful wink and turned my back to leave the office. This would be a very fun week.










I hated him.

It was debatable what pissed me off more – that he withheld me from what I craved or his arrogant belief it was for my own good. If Thomas Jett had my best interests in mind, he would have put me out of my misery and relieved me of the poisonous lust rushing through my veins. I didn’t have the option to smoke my troubles away and that made my suffering even greater. It was true that the need to make it all go away by disappearing in a cloud of nicotine was not as bad as before. Still, the price I had to pay was a constant haze of painful passion no amount of cold showers could calm. Wouldn't smoking have been a better alternative?

Thomas was having the time of his life while I was suffering and trying to run a company. His sadism reached new heights every day. He didn't lack imagination when it came to creating different ways to keep me on my toes. I was constantly looking around the hallway on my way to the office, wondering if anyone could catch a whiff of my sodden sex. It was necessary to keep my blazer on the whole time so my hard nipples wouldn't be on display.

How long would I last before I went insane and stopped caring about my dignity? Those five days could have been five years.

“Lina?” Katie cleared her throat and took another sip of tea. We were in my office kitchen, enjoying a short break for an afternoon drink. I wished I could have something much stronger than plain black coffee. It was Friday and I was supposed to go to Thomas's house tonight. If I were lucky, I'd finally be free of the painful throbbing of my clit. I'd get to feel his strong hands on my ass as he put me on my knees so his cock could slowly slip into my hyper-sensitive body. He'd yank my hair back and fuck me into oblivion...

I hated him.

But I longed for him like no one else before. I’d begun to crave his dominance and look forward to his morning inspections. His maddening erotic play always left me desperate for more. Why else would I put up with this ridiculous prohibition? At this point, I wouldn't be satisfied even if he allowed me to cum from my own hand or his talented tongue.

Nothing short of Thomas fucking me would be enough and my pride was powerless to change it.

“Lina? Are you okay?” Katie's words shook me out of my stupor. Her sweet eyes were filled with curiosity and concern. Oh, great, was I cracking right at the end of my challenge?

“Erm, yes, I was just thinking about the weekend. What were you saying?”

She chuckled, left her cup of tea on the kitchen counter and regarded me with infuriating curiosity.

“I was asking you if you’re using a new blusher. Your cheeks have been untypically rosy.” Katie smiled suggestively as she checked me out. If I didn't know she was engaged and madly in love with her fiancé, I'd have said she was hitting on me. What was the deal with my personal assistants, former and current?

“Oh…” I shrugged and took another long sip of coffee in the hope its bitter taste would appease my raging hormones. It wasn't easy after I’d earned myself a spanking earlier today because of my use of explicit language. The sneaky bastard fingered me again and changed the old butt plug with a bigger, wider one. “I haven't had much time to look at myself in the mirror.”

“Or is it that someone is finally putting color in your cheeks?” She winked.

Damn it. I guess I wasn't authoritative enough. Katie allowed herself to speak to me as if we were two giggling schoolgirls. Part of me longed to have an honest talk with another woman and get a different perspective. It would be quite the confession.

Oh, by the way, Katie, I allowed Thomas to turn me into his private sex slave. I regularly get spanked over my desk and I spent the week without panties. Pass me the sugar?

There was no way I could tell anyone, even my best friends, about my strange affair with Thomas. They’d simply call me mental and refer me to the first available shrink. Perhaps I really was crazy.

“No, Katie, I hate to spoil your speculations over my private life, but if my cheeks are red it’s because I'm overwhelmed.” I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “I need a holiday.”

Katie smiled and picked up her cup again.

“Come on, you know you can tell me. I noticed you were glowing.” I gave her a warning glance and she hurried to add. “I think even a strong woman like you needs someone to keep her happy at night. You deserve it.”

“I'll let you know as soon as it happens, Katie.” I rolled my eyes even though I was touched by her genuine concern. “Why do all women like you, in successful, functional relationships, insist on playing the love guru?”

“Oh, trust me, I'm not the matchmaking type.” Katie finished her tea and put the cup in the sink. “But I'm very observant and can tell when another woman is satisfied and happy.” With those words, my assistant hurried out of the room before she could get into further trouble.

Oh, Katie, if only you were right.

As soon as I got back to my office, I looked at the time on my phone and nearly cried in frustration. It was barely 4pm, and with all the extra work I had to do, it would be ages before I was free to head to Thomas's place. He insisted on punctuality and I knew well enough he was serious about punishments.

One would think a week without climax wouldn't be such a difficult task. Sometimes, during the busier months of the year, I didn't have the energy to masturbate. My interest in sex would wane very quickly. Back then, though, I didn't have a sadistic and dominant younger man who would find all sort of excuses to show up at my office and tease me until I was soaked and panting.

There was no pattern to his behavior. Now and again, Thomas would pull my breasts out, play with them and twist my nipples until they were rock hard. At other times, he'd have me bend over the desk to tease my clit lightly until I begged him to touch me more. Most of the time, he'd command me to suck him off. He'd cum in my mouth, all over my face and tits, then he'd finger me, get my hopes up and leave with a nonchalant smile.

There was only so much a woman could handle before excessive teasing, pressure and need broke her. It was difficult to be horny all the time and still go about my duties, especially when he was so close, so seductive. Everything he said in the presence of others sounded like sexual innuendo. One look of his eyes, so mischievous one moment and so firm the next, would make my body temperature rise and my thighs get stained with profuse wetness, so palpable I had no idea how no one could sense it. It was impossible not to look at his fingers, envisioning him pushing them between my lips as his heavy cock ran against the folds of my greedy pussy.

How humiliating would it be if I knelt before him in front of everyone and begged him to fuck me?

Never had I been so sensitive to everything around me – the soft breeze blowing between my legs when I traveled to work, the pressure of my pussy against the leather chair, even the casual handshakes with interviewees. Sometimes during my lunch break, I thought of all the points he could use to make me cum on the spot just with a slight rub of his fingers.

I fucking hated him, his confidence and arrogance, his sense of self-entitlement when he played with my body. So why not just quit?

Because if I ended it, I would deny myself just as much as I was denying him. I was hopelessly in lust and he had fucked me just once. Was he avoiding entering my pussy on purpose, as if to reject intimacy?

Intimacy? I'm the one calling it a business arrangement. And that is what it is!

I feared the moment we would become regular lovers. He'd only been teasing and playing with me so far, punishing me with pain, making my body long for him. What would happen once it became a sexual relationship? Would I have the strength to leave in the end?

I shouldn't have fooled myself. It was all lust – raging, destructive lust that would bury and ruin me if I allowed him to take things further. Would I end up as a mindless sex slave who only longed for her Master and his approval?

I hated him.

And I hated that it would be hours before I could get to his door so I could beg him like the desperate addict I was.

Just a week earlier, cigarettes had been my only problem. Maybe I should have stuck with them and my life wouldn't have been the complicated mess it was.

Seth Anderson worried me as well. I should have gotten rid of him ages ago, but as bad as he was, the man had been with me from the very rise of the company. Nobody knew, but he was also one of those who encouraged me to try my luck as an entrepreneur. What we had could not be called friendship but I felt I owed him, and his words were still haunting my brain.

Seth had the determination of a pit bull once he set his mind to something. What if Thomas's promotion provoked his resolve and he started observing him closely?

I collapsed on the desk and cupped my face wondering how to get out of this mess.

There was so much to fear, so many ways in which my life's work could be destroyed,... and all I could think about was having an orgasm.

I'm such a whore.


This time I didn't bother going back to my apartment to change clothes or take a shower. Thomas had seen all of me, in the most humiliating positions, covered in juices, sperm, naked and in bondage. What was a little more sweat after a long, rough day? I couldn't remember when was the last time I hadn't made sure I looked flawless before a date.

Date? Not really. I was his pet and I was going there to be trained, used and hopefully allowed to cum. The world was blurred as I made my way to the car. How embarrassing would it be if I got into an accident due to a hormonal overdrive? What would my obituary say? “Lina Riley, businesswoman, entrepreneur and programmer, but above all, a slut who died with a dripping cunt.”

I laughed out loud at my morbid thoughts even if they weren't funny at all. The parking lot security guy gave me a weird look, to which I simply shrugged and uttered, “Just one of those days.”

Luckily, the Friday traffic jam from Palo Alto to Marina was tightly packed. The chances of crashing, killing myself and possibly other victims were minimal. However, it would take me even longer to get to Thomas's house and I had too much time to think.

A smartly dressed guy in a sports car was on my right as we waited for the long column of vehicles to retreat into the distance. He gave me a seductive smile. Any other time it might have been welcome, but now, all I felt was mild irritation. I wondered how he would react if I slid my skirt up and started fingering myself right there and then? Did he have a sordid side beneath his façade? Would he love it if I went down on all fours on my leather seat and spanked my already red and bruised ass in front of him?

I needed to get to Thomas before I completely degraded myself. My mind was taking a detour to Porn Land and I'd soon not be responsible for my actions. I merely nodded politely at the stranger, then fate decided to take mercy on me, and the column of cars finally moved forward. My laughter echoed through the car, desperate and a little insane.

“Too late, buddy.” I nearly cried. “I'm already owned.”

After an eternity, I returned to the quiet, idyllic house with a sex dungeon in its underbelly. It took me nearly an hour and a half of crawling in the traffic but I got there on time. It was a mystery how I summoned the strength and presence of spirit to make it out of the car to his threshold. Those last few steps were the hardest when my will power was slowly fading and my knees refused to work.

I never thought a body might hurt from something other than direct impact play, the contact of the whip to the bottom, but by the time I pressed my entire palm against the door bell, the ache had spread through my skin, from the quivering of my inner thighs to the hard pang of my nipples. When Thomas opened the door, I practically barged in without so much as a hello and landed straight in his arms. They didn't bring me the usual comfort, though, just increased my agony.

“Where is the fire, Lina? Someone is in a big hurry.” He chuckled and ran his palms against the small of my back.

“Thomas, please...” My voice sounded weak and sick to my own ears. The slowly burning fever had risen to my cheeks as if I was ill and he was the only medicine that could help me. “I can't last anymore. It's too much.”

“I think there are better places than my threshold, pet.” He laughed again and pulled me into the house before closing the door behind me. “There's rarely anyone walking down the street at this hour, but I suspect the granny next door is an amateur adult film director. We wouldn't want to end up on”

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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