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Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (28 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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Was it that her need to be filled was so great she ignored the pain and her physical limitations?

I was sure I'd always find something new with Miss Riley whether she was hyper sexual or a painslut. The things we could do together when she really released her dark side…

I broke the kiss and spread her thighs wider, shocked at how wet she was. Lina was moaning and running her long nails down my back, scratching me lightly.

“You always look perfectly gorgeous to me, with or without clothes and makeup. Next time I hear you complaining about your age...” My lips left mild hickeys on her neck and her groans of pleasure grew louder. I grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head with one hand. “...I'm going to tie you up and cane your ass until you bleed.” Those words were harsher than intended but I didn't think she realized it judging by her glazed eyes. “Seriously, stop it. Especially if you're fishing for compliments. You must know by now...” She raised her legs and cried out when my tongue circled around her nipple. “...I find you to be the most intelligent, desirable and sophisticated woman I've ever met, with or without morning breath.”

Her pupils dilated and Lina wrapped her leg around my waist. I knew what she was trying to do. Still, it would be bad practice to give her what she longed for so easily. My cock’s head was pressed to her clit, just brushing against it, withdrawing as Lina’s breathing grew heavier. I wrapped a hand around her neck and stared straight into her eyes. “I told you, don't make me repeat myself. Or my words will lose their real value.”

“Thomas,” she whispered with a tortured voice while her juices mingled with my precum.

“Yes, my pet?” I raked my nail against her breast and tugged the nipple forcefully, making it red again.

“Just fuck me already,” Lina responded and sank her perfect manicure into the bare skin of my back.

“My, we are demanding this morning, aren't we?” She narrowed her eyes when I laughed. Her heels were digging into the small of my back. “Are you sure it's what you want?”

“Yes, damn it.” The despair in her husky voice was such a sweet turn on. Her excessive lust had gotten to me as well. I needed to be buried in her slick pussy just as badly as she wanted me to fuck her. “Please...”

“You're learning, boss.” I pushed my hips forward and slid my cock deep inside her. Lina let go of my back and curled her legs around me when I started fucking her in a slow, sensual rhythm, much sweeter than last night. Her tight, wet walls closed around me and it took me all my inner discipline not to cum immediately.

She kept her wrists over her head. I thought of bringing them together while I fucked her. Instead, I tangled my fingers with hers and looked her straight in the eyes. This time, Lina didn't try to shy away from my gaze. A shiver ran through her as our bodies fused into one. It got to me as well, as powerful as electricity. Her wet, tight cleft milking my cock and the growing trust in her beautiful eyes felt like heaven. If only I could stay inside her forever.

Our lips brushed again and my soft whisper crept up her skin.

“So perfect to play with, pet.” Her fingers squeezed mine tighter at those words. Lina muttered, arched her body and squeezed me with her tight inner muscles.

“This should be illegal. You didn't even have to go down on me. I've never been so wet.”

“You've never been with a man who understood your needs.” My teeth sank into her neck before she could protest. “But how could they? You hardly understand yourself.”

“Please, just don't stop. I need you. I'm really close.” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. My last words were probably lost on her.

“Play with your clit, Lina. I want to watch you masturbate.”

She ran her fingers over her still red, aching clit and closed her legs around my waist, soaking my cock with her profuse juices. While I was watching her stroke the protruding nub, my hips moved faster, in an attempt to get her off as quickly as possible. I released one of her hands from my grasp and rolled her nipple between my fingers.

“I'm really close, pet. Let's cum together.”

“I never...” Lina was panting for breath, unable to hold back. Her shoulders were shaking with effort and she pressed her forehead to mine.

“Just don't cum until I tell you.” I kissed her lips again and kept thrusting all the way down to her cervix, careful not to hurt her. However, my own body's needs prevailed. In the next minute, I was ready to fill her with cum. “Now,” I cried out as my balls tightened painfully and the first shots of sperm emptied into her pussy. It wasn't the most powerful climax I'd ever had but the sheer intimacy of it shook me to my core. Lina was rubbing herself desperately until she got her own release. It happened minutes after the white ropes of sperm overfilled her tight slit. She screamed out and arched her body, and her thick orgasm juices erupted all over my cock.

I rested on top of her, still holding her left breast, panting and sweaty. This time, there was no tears, doubt or shame in Lina's behavior. Pure happiness and afterglow gave color to her skin and made her eyes shine. She deserved to feel and look like this all the time.

“Sorry, I... I think I was a little late.” Her words made me chuckle and I leaned forward to kiss her.

“It’s fine, Lina. Not everyone can cum on command. I didn't expect it to work immediately with your sexual history and climax problems. Still, you did pretty well. If you want to learn, I'll start training you.”

Lina smiled and ran the backs of her fingers against my cheek.

“Would you find time for it? Smoking therapy and orgasm control training in one? In less than two months?”

I shrugged and bit the inside of my lip nervously. Did she have to constantly remind me of our arrangement's term?

“I'm a great multi-tasker, as you know.”

It felt so natural to lie on top of her, with my softening cock buried inside her warmth. Yet I knew this peace was temporary. As soon as reality kicked in, she would fall back into her habits, inhibitions and her role of leader. Of course, over the week, I'd indulge myself in tormenting her and she'd be a lot more compliant, but I wasn't ready to let her go yet.

“Lina.” My confidence faltered for a moment and I felt choked. “Please, spend the day with me.”

She stared at me in confusion and burst out laughing. That was definitely not the reaction I’d expected to my candid request. It didn't do much to appease the insecurity growing inside me. Lina tilted her head and ran her palms down my back.

“Please, have mercy. You’ll have more than enough of me next week.” She kissed me softly. What was with her and those damned mixed signals? “We agreed I'd go through the therapy Friday night to Saturday morning, remember?”

“Oh...” I shifted my eyes away from her inquisitive stare. “I didn't mean for you to stay as my pet or continue your training. Just...” The courage and self-esteem I'd been building up all my life evaporated. “I want to spend some more time with you outside of work. As friends.”
Friends? Very smooth, Jett.
“You know... just hanging out, talking, maybe seeing a movie together.”

It was Lina's turn to look insecure, as if my less than eloquent invitation had scared her. I pulled out of her with regret, instantly missing the warmth and comfort of being inside her. The silence didn't last more than a minute. Still, waiting for her to make her mind up and speak was painful.

Somehow, asking her to spend time with me was a bigger taboo than anything else we had done so far.

“Thomas.” The icy notes in her voice when she finally spoke killed any hope I harbored. “I think I was clear. I told you I didn't want our arrangement to grow into a relationship. We may have become closer over the last week. I admit no one has made me feel the way you do, but we work together and I'm your boss. I just promoted you, damn it! You do realize what would happen if anyone learned of what we're doing? It would make us both look bad.” Her voice trembled but she quickly steeled herself. “Also, our age difference bothers me. Let's just keep it simple, okay?”

I wished her words didn't hurt as much as they did but each one was like a dagger sinking straight into my chest. I was nothing but a tool to help her deal with her issues. Would she ever stop seeing me as the boy from our first interview, after all that had happened?

“I haven't asked you to marry me, Lina.” The well worked out nonchalant voice and a pleasant smile were a perfect decoy for my insecurities. If only they could ease the poisonous anger bubbling inside me. I knew I was being childish and that she made good points. Still, the bitterness was suffocating me. “I like you a lot and thought we may have a great time together. We may not be the same age but it's not like you're old enough to be my mother. Anyway, you can't blame a guy for trying. If you want, you can use the bathroom first.”

I gave an exaggerated grin and turned my back on her in the hope that she hadn't sensed my toxic mood shift. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her. Perhaps, in time, she'd decide we could move past our cold arrangement.

The mantra echoed through my head as I let my feet down on the ground.
Baby steps.

But some other, more malicious voice, the voice of my own torturous self-doubt added water to the oil of wrath. I'd never be good enough for someone like her. No matter how far I went with my career, life and welfare, Lina Riley would always be one step ahead. Of course! Why should she settle with me when she could have any man she wanted? A woman like her should be dating executives of her level and social status, powerful, important figures.

She was just slumming. It didn't matter that I could give her freedom through submission. In time, I would make her happy and comfortable with herself, her strengths and weaknesses. None of that mattered, though.

They were childish thoughts and quite unfair to Lina. She had never made me feel inferior or acted as if I owed her for my success. Her submission was a thing of beauty and I was sure no one else had seen as much of her as I had over the past week.

So why couldn't I suppress those voices? Fuck. I was being shitty for no reason. Lina would be better off leaving before she caught any hint of my anger. It was high time to meet and talk to Allie anyway. Her perspective was always spot on.

The poison reached its boiling point when I sensed Lina's fragrance right behind me. What was she up to now? It was the right moment for her to get up and leave, walk away from me like a scared doe. Instead, her long, tender arms wrapped around me and rested on my torso. Her warm lips on my neck and the pressure of her luscious breasts were too much. I should have pushed her away, given her a piece of my mind and shown her she couldn't toy with me.

“Actually, I don't have any plans for today. It wouldn't be so bad if we spent some time together. We just have to stop by my place so I can change into something more comfortable.”

The shyness and hesitation creeping into Lina's voice washed the poison out of me. I turned around to face her. The obvious fear etched onto her features made me regret being such a jerk in my mind. I kissed the tip of her nose and tackled her onto the bed.

“You mean I finally get to see you in civilian clothes?”


It was a bit cold when we left my house and headed for Lina's loft late that morning. The sky was crystal clear and the sun was shining with a deceptive brightness. However, as soon as we walked out the door, the breezy ocean wind left us shivering. Typical August weather in San Francisco.

Lina trembled slightly since her light summer blazer did a poor job of protecting her from the wind.When I offered her my jacket, I half expected her to grill me just like in the good old days when we’d bickered over my gallant gestures.

Today, she must have decided to get revenge for what I’d done to her during the week and keep me on my toes. She took my jacket without a protest and even thanked me with a genuine smile. I must have had a really precious expression because she laughed with mischief in her voice.

“What?” She winked as we approached my car. “I'm just cold, that's all.”

Of course, before we left we had a nice, spicy argument over which vehicle we'd use for our day out. At one point the discussion got so heated that I was tempted to give her a nice, rough spanking, but that would have just made me fuck her again.

To my relief, Lina caved and even agreed that I could drive. Call me an old-fashioned, chauvinistic pig or just plain insecure but control in these situations made me feel better. The power balance between us wasn't equal and probably never would be. So I needed to stand my ground as much as possible, otherwise, I’d end up truly feeling like a rich woman’s boy toy. She was setting the tone of the relationship way too often.

Besides, a good Master should always make sure their pet was comfortable. Lina needed some rest after the previous night.

The first ten minutes of the ride passed in awkward silence. Both of us struggled with our transition from Dom/sub to two friends who were spending the day together. She looked around all the time, with a tense expression, as if afraid someone might see or recognize us. Communication between us was usually much easier and more fluent, maybe because neither of us was sure where we stood.

“It's strange for me as well.” I smirked at Lina when we stopped at a red light. “But there's no reason we can't have a good time. Relax. If anyone from work sees us, we'll say we've run into each other and decided to have lunch.”

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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