Read Unorthodox Therapy Online

Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (26 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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“It doesn't have to, pet,” Thomas whispered. “But if you need a stronger level of pain, we can wait until the wax is scalding hot. Would you like some on your pussy?”

“W-what? No. That would be–”

“Trust me. You'll love it. Turn around and raise your hips.. Spread your pussy for me.”

My weakening common sense rebelled against his orders, but Thomas had never led me wrong so far. Later, I could torment myself over how easily I surrendered my trust, but right then, it was the most natural thing to lie down on my back and part my pussy lips as wide as possible. I opened my eyes to meet his and he seemed surprised, even shocked. That didn't stop his hand from tilting the candlestick further and letting the hot tears drop down onto my ruby red, aching clit. The air was pierced by my short scream combining both pleasure and pain, and I could feel that I was getting dangerously close to the edge. For a moment, I saw a white light and felt like I was about to faint. The film of sweat coating my body mingled with hot wax leaving its scalding tears on my most intimate parts.

The pain was mild, no stronger than static electricity or a stronger spanking, but it was getting harder to follow when even the smallest movement could make me explode.

“Sir, if you keep doing that I'll cum right on the spot. I'm not so strong.”

“You lasted the entire week, pet. You've been through so much. You think you can't handle the last steps on the road?” He smirked and left the candlestick on the side.

“I just need you inside me. Please. I've never felt like this. Please, just help me cum.” The desperate begging in my voice belonged to someone else. Was I really this woman capable of breaking her own pride?

“Your senses are underused, Lina.” His fingers smacked against my drenched pussy lips. I whimpered in despair. What was he waiting for? I was ready for him to claim me, fuck me, mark me. Damn it, he would always have his sign on me, long after the wax had dried and the caning welts had healed. “There's so much more you can experience if you allow yourself.”

His words made no sense to me. All I knew was that I was being destroyed by my own needs and his cock was rubbing against my wax-covered thigh. I longed for him and only he could release me.


“Get back in the previous position.” I obliged and Thomas reached for another obscured object on the table. I only realized he was holding a flogger when the leather tendrils ran over my protruding pussy lips. It was strange how tender the scary device could be, brushing my red skin like a feather. Of course, no matter how foggy my brain was, I knew it could raise stripes with the right force applied.

“Stay still, Lina. Don't make me punish you, little brat.” There was a note of humor in his voice but he was dead serious.

The flogger's movement over my exposed thighs and ass crack distracted me. A loud gasp of surprise escaped my chest. Thomas moved the candlestick and placed it on the back of my hand that was lying on top of the table, palm down. What was his devious mind up to? I watched with horror how he repeated the same movement with the other candlestick to the other hand. The heavy silver pinned them both down. It would take one surplus tremble, shiver or movement for the candles to fall down. The bead of sweat running down my forehead was heavy and poignant when my will, body and emotions were fully captured. I was unable to shift even slightly.

“I'm very fond of this table, pet.” Thomas kissed down my spine, one of my weakest spots. “My reflexes are quick enough to prevent any fire hazard, but I'd be sorely disappointed if you dropped the candles and burned the surface. Do you understand?”

“B-but, I can't...” How did he expect me to handle myself when the wax from the candles was dripping down and could touch my fingers any minute?

“It's my job to decide how much my sub can handle, pet. You're awfully close to what you crave so focus on the candles. I know what you're capable of, Lina. Keep your ass up. Higher. Yes, just like that.”

My ass and pussy were perfectly exposed in the position he placed me in. I should have expected the first blow from the moment Thomas placed the candles on top of my hands. When the flogger fronds bit my pussy, I nearly knocked them over. It was nothing short of a miracle that they kept their upright position. Thomas landed the second strike straight on my clit. I hollowed with the despair of a lonely she-wolf when the pain shot through me, mingling with the earlier pleasure of the wax. It was not as harsh as the cruel caning but a lot stronger than spanking.

He twirled the flogger in the air, leaving a series of bruises over my thighs. He concentrated entirely on my clit, making it pulse harder with every blow. My focus on the candles and the intense vibes on my skin sent me out of this world to an alternative universe where every sound, touch and feeling hit me as hard as if I were an exposed nerve. I was crying out loud and my pussy left its own slick tears across the flogger.

“Thomas, how long... I'm on the edge. Allow me...” The candles were shaking so hard I was sure I'd drop them any minute. “I'm begging you.”

Thomas stood silent and pulled the flogger back. For a moment, I swore I heard it drop to the floor but he may have left it on the table. I was so beyond aroused I was hallucinating.

“Please, say something.” From my position, it was impossible to meet his eyes or see what he was up to. The unknown added to my fever, and the next thing I knew, one of the candles started tilting dangerously. I shut my eyes in horror and cried out in an attempt to warn him.

Thomas impaled me in one swift movement and grabbed the candlesticks on both sides. He steadied and moved them from my shaking hands before he sank his teeth into my neck. I let out a scream of relief and pain when his throbbing cock finally sank into my sopping wet pussy without any effort.

“Remember this moment, Lina. Remember it well.” Thomas pushed the candles as far away as possible and thrust my upper body against the table.

“Yes, Sir, I will. Fuck me now!” My smooth, wet pussy was milking him with its profuse, week’s worth of juices, closing around his shaft like a velvet glove. His strong palm landed on my streaked ass and he started slamming deep into me, making the nectar of my cunt overflow down my thighs. Absolute ecstasy filled my body. Freedom was flowing inside me like a powerful drug together with his hard pounding inside me. Every now and then he pulled back to rub my clit with the tip of his cock. He was losing control as well but kept his wits together to pin my hands to the table and bite my neck as hard as if we were two wild beasts mating.

“Fuck, pet, you're too much.” His rough whisper in my ear while fucking me was absolute bliss. I raised my hips so Thomas could penetrate me deeper. One of his hands dropped to the throbbing nub of my clit and brushed it very lightly, tapping it. Our sweaty bodies were slowly matching their rhythms, pinned together in a passionate hold while his heavy balls slammed against my pussy lips, leaving a stinging sensation. Thomas picked up the rubbing movements over my pubic bone as his teeth left marks on my shoulders. “You're mine.”

His words rang true to my mind, heart and body. In this final, aching union, I'd fused with him without any regard for our ages, social statuses or histories. I let him mold me, break my inhibitions, get me to feel more than I’d ever allowed myself before. His quivering dick was spreading my wet pussy, bruising its walls with a raw force and uncensored passion, ruining it for anyone else.

“Yes,” I whispered and screamed out when he nearly pulled out and dug his thick, pulsing head against my G-spot. His fingers kept their mad, circular movement on my painful clit. I knew I couldn't hold back any longer.

“Please, please, let me cum. I can't...” I was begging like a desperate lunatic and he responded with a growling voice.

“You will cum now, pet, and you will not stop until I say so. Cum now!” Thomas bit my earlobe and his palm smacked my clit again, which was the final straw for my will power.

I thought my climax from last week had been mind blowing but it was nothing compared to what he did to my body in those minutes. No more quite moans and porn orgasm sounds. My lungs hurt from my howls of ecstasy when the series of powerful orgasms shattered my body. Thomas ground his tip harder against my most sensitive spot. He kept up his rhythm of spanking my clit with an open palm. My orgasm juices erupted from my tight womb while I writhed under him, hurting with all the pleasure, finding elation in the pain.

“Don't you dare stop. Keep cumming for me, Lina,” he hissed in my ear and tugged my clit at the same time. As if I had any choice. He manipulated my body so well and found all the spots of pleasure on my abused clit. Thomas was fucking me deep again while the sequence of orgasms made the world before my eyes hazy and surreal. My walls squeezed around his cock and kept him inside me. I took his furious pounding and gyrated my hips so he would fit even deeper. He was penetrating me hard and fast for his pleasure, growling and digging his fingers into my flesh until I couldn't take it anymore. Even then, I didn't want him to stop, even if my pussy was bruised and close to bleeding with his hard stimulation of my clit.

“Do you want my cum, pet? Would you like me to fill you up and mark you as mine?”

“Yes, please, please...” I'd have time to feel guilty later. Right then, all I cared about was having him, even if my body was oversexed and tender from so many climaxes. The thought of him creaming my womb, leaving the white ropes to drip out of me and mix with my squirting juices was sinfully delicious.

Thomas let go of my clit and grabbed me by the wrists. When he brought them together over my head, he shoved his dick so deep inside me he nearly split me in half. Had he done it in different circumstances, I'd have screamed in discomfort, but my pussy was so drenched and stretched to accomodate his length it felt as if we were one. I could take it.

“I often wondered how you'd feel around me.” He licked my neck and whispered with the same rough, urgent voice. His grasp around my wrists tightened and Thomas shouted out, “But the reality is so much fucking better! Take it all, pet. Take your master's load.”

With these words, he pumped deep inside me. The hot, heavy liquid of his cum I'd gotten so used to feeling in my mouth spurted into my pussy. For a short, demented moment, I regretted being on the pill, a sentiment that would add another layer of guilt later. It would have spilled all over the floor had he decided to pull out immediately. Instead, Thomas stayed buried deep in my cunt while he gently kissed the places his teeth had marked me.

Humiliating sobs tore from my lungs. Was it the shame? The pleasure beyond limits? The pain? I had no idea. As soon as the first tears dropped down my cheeks, I was unable to stop crying. Panic suffocated me, and no matter how hard I tried, my body kept shuddering with the powerful feelings.

Thomas pulled his softened dick out and hurried to embrace me, drawing my trembling frame to his chest.

“It's okay, Lina. I've got you. You're safe.”

I clutched his shoulders and buried my head in his chest, seeking the warmth and comfort he gave me so generously. Tears, phlegm and snot were wetting his bare chest as he caressed my head and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. He had seen me crying before but I had never lost control so badly. The state of disgrace made my tears flow even more profusely. I cried and he rocked me gently in his embrace, giving me the care I longed for. Thomas was the only steady rock in a sea of despair and confusion.

Finally, my sobs quieted and I let my head rest on his shoulder while he applied smooth, circular movements to the small of my back. He pressed his lips to my forehead and turned my head so I’d face him.

“Nothing bad will happen to you. Do you feel better?”

I nodded weakly. A breathtaking smile lit up his thin features at my response. His kindness and comfort in every small gesture, in contrast with his earlier steely dominance, completely melted me. Once again, it made me wonder how I hadn't truly seen him before.

I vaguely recalled him taking the clamps and collar off. Then Thomas picked me up in his arms and carried me to the other end of the hallway. I was beginning to doze on his chest, and murmured something in my fatigued state – something along the lines of I could walk by myself. He chuckled in response.

“Sure you can.”

When Thomas opened a door with his shoulder, I realized he was taking me to the bathroom. Pretty thoughtful. I probably stunk. All his actions and the world around me were blurred as if I were living in a dream sequence. He placed me on the edge of the tub so he could fill it. The ripping of a package and the sweet aromatic fragrance of bath salts attracted my overwhelmed senses but weren't enough to wake me up from my nearly catatonic state. Another time, I’d have protested at him taking my shoes off and peeling the stockings off my soaked legs. Now, I merely enjoyed his attention.

I began to come around when Thomas sank into the large tub and pulled me on top of him. The stripes from my flogging, the healing cane welts and my bruised, raw pussy stung as they made contact with the hot water. However, it was heaven for my sore muscles. His arms and legs wrapped around me in a protective frame while we cleansed our bodies. It gave our minds time to come down from the out of this world state we were in.

“I'm so happy you're here.” He kissed the top of my wet hair and pulled me deeper into his embrace.







BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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