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Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (21 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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Like I said, self-control was crucial for a self-respecting Dom. What better exercise than containing my need to masturbate, going through the day without touching myself? If I succeeded it would be much easier to handle myself around Lina, but she’d pay for my discomfort.

I slid my gaze to the passageway leading to the bathrooms with longing. After a moment of hesitation, I steeled my nerves and ignored the painful pounding of my enlarged cock. Hopefully, none of the girls in the office would catch my delicate situation. To make things worse, the designer I’d been working with on the latest projects was smoking hot and her body reminded me strongly of Lina's. I didn’t plan more than some friendly flirting with this girl. It was my principle to be fully monogamous in a relationship or if I was training a new sub. Lina insisted on calling it a ‘business arrangement’ but in my mind, she had girlfriend status. There was no way I'd fuck things up with her because of my hormones. I wasn’t a horny teenager anymore… most of the time

The animal in me, however, still reacted to the presence of a beautiful woman. I had to impose perfect control or my co-worker would have to be blind not to notice my aroused state. If there was a lesson I’d learned from women it was that they were unpredictable. Their reactions to such situations could vary from “Get away from me, perv!” and a sharp slap on the cheek, to, “Someone is happy to see me”, a lascivious smile and lip licking. Neither of those options was desirable.

There was no clause in our arrangement that forbid us from messing around with other people. Many wonderful girls worked for the company and I'd have been a liar if I’d said I hadn’t had the occasional fling with some of them. Whenever it happened, we’d agree to keep it simple and it rarely repeated. I wasn’t a womanizer by any standards but I enjoyed flirting and most of the time the girls responded well to it. For a moment, the temptation to push Lina even further by provoking her jealousy lingered at the back of my mind. I quickly decided against it.

We were new lovers and such an approach could backfire.

I sprawled back in the chair once I got to my work station and closed my eyes. For a few minutes, I thought of the most disgusting images to calm down, but my mind was dominated by the memory of Lina on top of her desk, writhing, desperate, with juices streaking down her thigh.

My physical response was last on my list of problems. I was slowly getting addicted to my new pet.


It took me half an hour of mental adjustment to beat the lust crawling through my body like a virus. Everyone was so busy they didn't notice the funny way I walked. There was a major bug on the project I was working on but I got it sorted out before my lunch break. I even fixed it without having to consult the rest of the developers working on the project, much to my satisfaction. The co-ordination with Dianne, the designer/bombshell, was brief and professional as usual, even if laced with some subtle flirting and suggestive looks on her behalf. It didn’t take such great efforts to ignore her hints as I feared. If she noticed anything unusual about my physical state, Dianne didn't say a word. When she returned to her desk I took a brief moment to study her retreating, curvy form. I couldn't help but admire her beauty but I felt no sexual desire for her. At least not the way I did with Lina. My lust was aimed at one woman and it filled me with a rush of confidence. I could be stronger than my carnal needs.

How would Lina handle herself at the afternoon staff meeting? I smiled sadistically at the thought.

Some ill-intentioned people might have thought she was a classic corporate bitch, but Lina went out of her way to make sure her employees were happy. There was no tolerance for slackers, time wasters and assholes, but the rest of us were pretty pleased with her management. Our big salaries were part of the happiness equation but the IT specialists at ChaosTech Solutions could also feel the appreciation for their work and the genuine care for all the problems they encountered. Lina was smart enough to know how to motivate the staff at every level of her organization. That was not to say she was the motherly type who allowed everyone to do as they pleased. The informal staff meetings she held twice a month, on a Monday, were part of her personal approach.

We’d gather in one of the bigger break rooms on the bottom floor. Previously, the meetings took place in one of the conference rooms, but the stuffy, uncomfortable environment made everyone feel self-conscious. Lina quickly realized that was killing the mood she was trying to create. When she changed the location, everyone started looking forward to those Monday afternoons. Some minor interior design tweaks suggested by Katie helped a lot, as well as the coffee and pastries.

The meeting’s official purpose was for the different departments to give an update on their projects. Lina involved everyone in the discussions, including the junior level programmers. She had to see what could be improved to make the work process flow more smoothly. The new guys were usually tongue tied during their first meetings, especially if they were classic socially awkward nerds and it was their first job as developers. Whenever I watched them stutter and try to explain themselves, I wondered if she saw me that way on the day of our interview. It was a relief I no longer had anything in common with those boys, even if I felt sympathy for their struggles.

Our gatherings were good occasions for people of different departments to mingle and exchange opinions and professional experience. It helped us create social relationships outside of work. Many would walk into the meetings as strangers and leave as friends, or at least, people on the way to becoming so. Lina used the occasions to praise those who had excelled during the past two weeks and give them five minutes of fame. Not everyone was comfortable with standing ovations, so if some of the more introverted guys and girls were in the spotlight, she'd spare them the embarrassment and simply include their names with special thanks in the company newsletter. By the end of the hour and a half, our moods were improved, new ideas were proposed and the working week could continue on a more positive vibe.

These decisions had made me feel even more infatuated with Lina when I moved past her intimidating personality in the beginning. All those details made me want to earn this woman's submission. Taming a tigress was more fulfilling than catching easy prey, but would I get bored with her as soon as she was really mine?

We'd cross that bridge once we got to it but I doubted I could ever be bored with Lina Riley.

Thoughts of her had completely consumed me and I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking. Next thing I knew, I ran straight into a massive body. When I raised my eyes, I met the angry gaze of James Douglas. He was always cranky when he had to visit Lina’s office, especially these days. That was the only reason our arrogant vice president would ever set foot on our floor.

“Geez, are you blind? Aren’t we paying you enough to get the right kind of glasses so you can see where you’re going?”

His face was scarlet with rage and he was squeezing his fists with annoyance. I could hardly restrain myself from chuckling. The guy wasn’t very smart for a businessman. James was very bad at disguising his contempt for those he considered inferior. I wasn’t very savvy regarding the intrigues and games of the business world but I knew better than to lose control of my nerves like he often did. The other execs at the company at least tried not to appear so prissy.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Douglas.” I gave him my best goofy, naïve smile. “I’ll pay more attention.”

“Yes, yes, whatever...” He waved his hand with annoyance and both of us walked into the elevator. While we were going down, James looked at me again, trying to conceal his feelings, without much success.

“Another staff meeting? Really?” I was surprised to hear him talk to me but continued with the naïve act.

“Yes, Mr. Douglas. They have been really good for all of us. Lina is great at handling them.”

Miss Riley
.” James put an emphasis on her name with annoyance, “would be better off concerning herself with management than those useless gatherings she throws.”

“She is a great boss.”

“I have no doubt you’d think so.” James walked out of the elevator without turning back. “She’d just best be more careful. It’s easy to fall from the top.”

His cryptic remark left me slightly worried. The guy was an idiot and Lina had hinted a few times that he might not be around for too long, but what if he really was up to something? I planned to let her know about James. However, the events from the meeting made me completely forget about the awkward encounter.

I stepped into the break room with a leisurely stroll and approached Dianne who was pouring herself a cup of coffee. My morning erection had subsided and I could enjoy our conversation without fighting the sexual thoughts in my mind. The premises were slowly filling up with co-workers lining up to get some coffee before the meeting started. The conversation was pleasant enough and I nearly missed Lina's entrance. When I turned around, I saw her standing at the threshold. She was staring intently at Dianne and me. Could it be that Miss Business Arrangement was jealous? My ego was pleasantly stroked by the thought, so I gave Lina a sweet, reassuring smile and a knowing wink.

Lina was far from her usual cool and collected self. The natural grace of her long legs was disrupted when she walked into the room. The thought of her bare pussy under the skirt and the butt plug keeping her open for me was enough to make me hard again. Once again, I questioned whether I possessed the strength to handle her. Just one look at those gorgeous eyes was enough to make me throb with titillation.

She appeared rather sexed up. Her usually pale cheeks were tinted with the red blush of arousal. I was too far away from her to be sure, but she was holding her breath a little too often while she ran her long fingers along the smooth surface of her
. At times, she scratched its back with her finely manicured nails. That said something, given how obsessed my boss was with maintaining her technology. I couldn't help a much more lustful smile as I saw her keeping her legs together. The next stage would definitely be the vibrating egg, set at a low enough level to conceal the buzz.

Lina would usually take her blazer off during the meeting, but today she kept it on and often had her arms crossed in front of her chest. Pity. She'd look so fucking sexy with her nipples poking through her shirt... and nothing on but a collar and boots, and...

I had to interrupt my train of thought. The staff meeting was no time to get hard, especially with the delectable Dianne standing next to me. My boss would start talking in a few minutes, and there were far more pressing issues than my dirty hormones.

The staff meetings were also popular because Lina would announce the promotions then. Recently, the head of our department had resigned and the stakes of who her replacement would be were high. The bonuses and opportunities of the position made it appealing even to those who had no ambitions for management. I’d applied and I went through an interview with Marielle, but I had no illusions I'd be considered, let alone promoted. Much to my surprise, I found I really wanted the job. The stage at which my dreams and aspirations were all about landing a job as a programmer had passed. It wasn't because of the money. At this point, I was one of the best-paid developers at ChaosTech Solutions. Recently, I’d realized being a leader wasn't as repulsive as I'd thought several years ago. Along with smoothing out my communication skills, I found out I wanted more control on the projects I was involved with, as well as more freedom to apply my ideas. It thrilled me to bring the best out of people and help them get the best from their skills. Well, who knew? Maybe in a few years...

In any case, there was enough anxiety at the thought of who would be my next superior. Marielle Johnson was one of the people who had trained me when I was starting out. She’d been a pretty good manager and it would be difficult to find a suitable replacement. I hoped Lina would be wise in her choice. I had a bad feeling and I was still trying to shake it off long after the meeting had begun.

Lina leaned against the table, holding the
, and went through our priority points. Every now and then, she winced in discomfort and shifted to find a better spot. One of my teammates caught the movement and asked with genuine concern,

“Are you okay, Ms. Riley?”

She raised her head from the
with a startled expression and gave him a fake smile.

“Erm, yes, sure, Connor. I pulled a muscle while I was working out.”

This justification was followed by a heated discussion on whether we needed a company gym when we moved to the new building. It was hard to hold my laughter back while I listened to Connor and Co. beg for video games rooms, as well as a snooker and ping pong table. They were great buddies and awesome at their jobs, but at times, they had the emotional maturity of toddlers.

“There will be new amenities, guys. The company can afford it but don’t expect miracles. We're not
yet.” Lina rolled her eyes and smiled. She had the same expression of a well-intentioned yet firm headmistress I remembered from our first meeting. While she was answering another question, her eyes found mine and I saw her shiver. Fuck control. The thought of Lina Riley under my spell with just a look was too intoxicating. It took me an effort to keep my expression as neutral as possible. My smile for her didn't promise anything good... or at least, I hoped it looked that way. I had to practice my subtle body messages more to keep my pet on edge. Lina crossed her legs and swallowed before she continued.

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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