Read Unorthodox Therapy Online

Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (20 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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The last suggestion made me choke even harder than when his dick was shoved down my throat.

“I'll call you Daddy when hell fucking freezes over!” The acid from my stomach started rising once again, just like yesterday. I tried to remove it from my mind but the unpleasant state remained.

“That doesn't leave you with many options, pet.” He grabbed me by the wrists and put my hands on my butt cheeks, over the skirt. “Show me your beautiful ass before you get in even deeper trouble.”

We didn't have a long time for the battle of wills, as sweet as rebellion was. My craving for Monday morning discipline proved to be stronger than my pride. I slid my palms down the back of my knees and moved them up, touching my signature stockings. I hesitated over whether or not to go for deliberately seductive movements.

“You're the sexiest pet I've ever had, but don't try the femme fatale act, Lina. You don't have the power now.” Was my game so easy to read or he was just really good at studying people?

Finally, I slithered my skirt up and bared my ass cheeks for him. There was no reason to be shy about it. He had seen every inch of my body. He had been inside me deeper than any other man. Still, the ritual of undressing for Thomas elevated the heat gathering inside me. My pussy was soaking wet and the expectation of the first blow on my exposed flesh stopped me breathing for a minute.

He tore my panties off and yanked them down my thighs to my ankles, using the fabric as a knot.

“You're not going anywhere now, tigress.” The office was filled with the scent of a horny... scratch that,
woman. The air conditioning chill caressed my naked, swollen clit. I gasped when I felt Thomas latch his lips to it and couldn't suppress my moan of lust.

“Shhh...” He kissed my clit once more and teased it with the tip of his tongue. It was the first time he had laid his mouth on my pussy. The intimacy shocked me, as if I had been struck by the lightning of utter sexiness. Of course, this temporary bliss was interrupted as Thomas got up and moved a step back again. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't beg him to lick my soaked slit. He'd have to work a little harder for that. Lina Riley didn't surrender so easily just because she was horny.

Yeah, right.

He pressed down on my shoulders for leverage and ran his hand across my revealed butt cheeks. I winced a little as his fingertips moved across my still healing caning welts. The lotion worked miracles on my bruised skin but the flesh there was still sensitive.

“I really did a number on your poor ass, didn't I?” He laughed sardonically and moved his fingers across my drenched sex. “Don't worry, pet. I'll take it easy on you with the spanking. You might even decide I’m doing it for your pleasure, but you should know something.”

Thomas snagged a piece of my hair and landed the first smack on my left ass cheek.

“Don't ever anticipate.”

The skin on my rear blushed all over when he started spanking my cheeks, alternating between the right and left. He held my hair tightly with his free hand, clutching it as if it was a set of reins, but even if he had let me go I wouldn't have moved an inch. The flaming sensation was radiating through my body, warming it up and touching all my nerve endings. Thomas was gradually picking up the strength of his blows. He took breaks to push two fingers up my gaping pussy and feed me my own juices. His laughter echoed through the office.

“Ah, poor Lina, you really didn't want this, did you? So dry... There's no way any of this could be arousing for you, right?” I narrowed my eyes into slits while sucking his fingers. Any other time, he'd have felt the strong bite of my healthy teeth. Right then, I just needed him to keep spanking me. The day ahead would be an absolute nightmare for my bottom, but the sweet pain and humiliation of being treated like a naughty girl were such a thrill. Every now and then, he would stop to drag his nails across my thighs and pause to get my lust even higher.

“You were born for this, pet. Your ass was meant to be disciplined by someone strong enough to handle you. If only I could walk you on a leash across the entire floor. How beautiful would it be?”

“N-no...” My whimpers didn't sound convincing, all the more so because I was wiggling my ass, urging him to spank me harder. My butt cheeks were pretty roughened up already. He cracked his palm across my clit and I shut my eyes. The pre-orgasmic shivers left my entire skin tingling and desperate.

“Greedy girl. Don't try to force my rhythm. I may choose other ways to discipline you. You enjoy your spanking way too much so it can't be proper punishment.” He kissed my forehead and whispered. “You'd make fantastic company property. Everyone should know what a filthy whore our boss is.”

The words and images Thomas put in my head were turning me on like crazy. Even if in reality, such a situation would be less than sexy. What kind of freak gets off on thoughts of her own social and career destruction?

“We will do that.” Thomas laughed and shoved his fingers deep into my pussy, wiggling them to touch the sweetest spots. “I'll take you out on a leash, make you walk on your hands and knees, with your tits out and your spanked ass bared.”

“You wouldn't dare,” I uttered in fake horror even though my heart was beating with the same rhythm as my pulsing clit. He kept fingering me as if he hadn't heard my words. “How dare you? I'm a lady. You can't just–”

“Oh, I can and I will, Lady Slut.” Thomas removed his fingers from my dripping snatch and slowly worked his way into my other hole. Oh, no. “You will have a label on your big, luscious tits saying 'Company Whore'. I'll spank you across the boardroom table and everyone will be watching. Would you enjoy that, pet? Having everyone see what you are? A raging nympho who wants it in every hole?” He used my profuse juices, as well as some saliva, to open up my ass again, pushing his fingertips deeper. “We will tie you to a chair and everyone who has ever worked here will be allowed to fuck you as they please. Men, women, everyone. You'll be our own slutty fuck toy and you will stay there until you're showered in cum. How would you like that?”

He chose exactly that instant, as I was squirming with the horror and arousal of my shameful fantasy, to press a piece of cold metal against my gaping butt hole. When I tried to turn around and see what was happening, Thomas placed his palm on my cheek and pinned me down. My velvet folds clenched as he slowly pushed the oval shaped object into my ass. My insides were well lubed so the contact wasn't painful. I only felt the pressure on the elastic muscle when Thomas thrust the plug past my anal ring. I couldn’t hold back my desperate moans of need. My hands pressed against the top of the desk, digging into the surface while I got used to the fullness in my anal tunnel. My shame resurfaced but the predominant emotion was the same blind lust I’d experienced in his dungeon.

The metal butt plug was fully inserted except for a small piece of jewelry dangling over my wet pussy, tickling it.

I was so shocked I only realized what he was doing when Thomas raised my ankles to remove my panties.

“Oh, look at the time.” He laughed and waved the ball of lace and silk before my eyes. “Katie will arrive anytime soon. We can't have her seeing you spread on your desk like a common whore, can we?”

What? He put me through this and he won't make me cum? Well, I did say no earlier.

“You will keep my little gift in your ass the whole day.”

“What?” This time my horror had nothing to do with my earlier fake indignation. “But... But I can't work like this! I’ve got meetings, interviews and so much more to do. How can I do it when I’m so horny?”

Thomas smacked my pussy again, ignoring my pleas.

“One more thing, Lina. You're forbidden to make yourself cum. I'll be the one to give you orgasms for the next two months, unless, of course, I make you masturbate for my pleasure.”

I was beginning to wonder whether his speech about my public degradation might be more than just dirty talk.

“But I can't...”

“Yes, you can.” He let go of my face and kissed me with tender comfort. His fingers went through my hair and smoothed it with a caress. “I told you that you are much stronger than you think. It will all make sense in the end. Now, boss, I'm afraid I must leave you to work. This new app project is a real pain in the ass.”

How very fucking clever! My pussy was on fire with lust and I had no idea how I'd make it through the day without relieving myself. Not to mention how painfully hard my nipples were, or how uncomfortable the butt plug was, even if it fitted snugly inside me. Any pride I had was gone. I was ready to beg him on my hands and knees, kiss his shoes, anything so Thomas would fuck me and relieve me of that horrible ache.

But, he simply kissed me again and whispered, “You're doing really well, pet.”

After these words, my tormentor walked to the door in a chipper mood, whistling to himself. I was left lying on the desk with a leaking pussy, throbbing nipples, trembling and needy.

“Oh, by the way...” He turned around with a snicker before he walked out and dangled my undies in the air again. “I hope you don't mind me keeping your panties for the day. Don't put any on. You won't need them.”

Thomas Jett, I fucking hate your guts!










My gleeful mood evaporated the moment I walked out of Lina's office. The sight of her soaked body spread open like a delicious feast for my eyes only was mouth watering. However, it didn't ease the pain in my jeans.

She had agreed to submit and didn’t use her safeword. I would have been entitled to ignore her protests and have my way with her. It would have felt too much like rape, though. She'd cum on my cock, maybe more than once, and it would distract her from the fact she was forced. Given her fantasies, it might even thrill her. That wasn't my ultimate goal, though. Lina was still clutching at the reins of control, in denial of her needs. She had to be taught a lesson of what denial truly was.

I smiled at the thought and moved past Katie's desk on the way to my department.

My beautiful boss would need all her strength to get through the week without making a mess of herself. My inner sadist urged me to use a vibrating egg with a wireless remote control but it was still too early for her. I wanted to build the heat gradually.

Lina wouldn’t be the only one who would suffer. I'd been hard since the moment I set my eyes on her slightly inclined figure less than an hour earlier. I hadn’t realized how much it frustrated me that she’d left on Saturday before I saw her again. I needed to stay in one place for five minutes to calm down, just watching her.

The dominant should always be in control not only of their sub but also of themselves. You can't afford to be overruled by your own lust or weakness, especially when taking a new pet.

Allie had been repeating those words to me until I felt like stuffing her mouth with a ball gag.

My best friend and mentor was not a frigid bitch, let alone insensitive. I'd never met anyone who could control their own sensuality as well as her. I wished I could say the same about myself but I guess I was too much of a horndog. My red-blooded nature and sexual needs were very intense and it took a lot of energy to deal with them.

To say that Lina was my weakness was an understatement. It was getting harder to rein myself in when she was slowly giving in to the authority I was building. Her beauty and spirit were clouding my judgment, and her amazing curves sent my mind into the gutter whenever she was naked. It took the strength of a monk to resist my primal urge to take what I wanted whether she liked it or not. The dark thrill of ripping her skirt off, fucking her raw until her initial cries of protest turned into groans of lust, forcing her to cum...

The instant gratification of my loins wouldn’t help me in my final goal, though. Lina deserved better than to be used as an object of my juvenile fantasies. She also had too many inhibitions to break. Once I gained her trust and had her accept her natural inclinations, we would talk of more extreme fantasies and rape play. At this stage, I had other plans for my pet. They were much more cruel. By the end of the week, she'd regret ever saying no to me.

I was aware I held the upper hand. There would be plenty of chances to take pictures of her in many compromising positions while she was staying at my house, or to record her begging voice. Force and blackmail would just earn me a broken animal in a cage, though – a captured predator who would only look for ways out so she’d rip my throat. I'd never forgive myself if I resorted to such an easy solution.

It would go a long way if I seduced her mind and threw her morsels of what she was desperate for.

Meanwhile, I had to keep my basic instincts under control. I hesitated over whether to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. The sight of Lina wiggling her reddened ass cheeks, begging for more, with the metal butt plug buried in her well-lubed hole had left me throbbing painfully. It would be best if I could concentrate and do some work during the day. My raging erection would be a problem.

Some self-indulgence so I could clear my mind? I stood in the middle of the hallway and decided against it after a moment of hesitation. There was a short period during which Allie had persuaded me to experience the lifestyle from the submissive's point of view. It was not a time I had fond memories of but male chastity was something I absolutely loathed. So, why do this to myself?

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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