Unsocial (21 page)

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Authors: Nicole Dykes

BOOK: Unsocial
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take a deep breath and the scent of only one person that I know assaults my
No way.
  I crack my eyes open to a slit and notice Alex and
Trevor watching me.  Trevor looks a little stunned and curious.  Alex, however,
kind of looks a little pissed off.  She looks back at me, starts to speak, but
I know.  There’s no need for her to say it.  Dylan Monroe, out of every club in
Kansas, let alone Kansas City, is here, holding me close enough to feel
everything he’s pressing against me.  He’s overwhelming my good sense.  I
momentarily stiffen.

the dance, Brooke,” He whispers in my ear.

turn in his arms and raise my arms around his neck while his hands drop to the
top of my ass to keep our bodies touching.  Just this dance.  Our hips continue
to sway and meld together as the music plays on about taking the time to love
your body….and like hell if I have the willpower to pull away from him.  For
this song, I’m not going to think about unsocial-like conduct with my
hot-as-hell client who’s whispering the lyrics of the song in my ear.  My
bodies hot, but goose bumps cover my skin.  I relax and let him guide us
through the next several minutes of the most erotic moment ever to happen in my
life.  “Okay, Dylan,” I whisper just below his ear, tasting the skin of his

just going to feel the moment while it lasts.

Chapter 13


shit, am I dreaming?
 I raise my hand slowly from the top
curve of Brooke’s perfect ass, up her back until I encounter her soft skin.
I’ve never felt anything like this. I take a minute to explore with soft
strokes of my fingers, left to right then up and down.  But it’s her hair that
I’m aiming for.  It’s down, just like I’ve been dying to see.  I run my hand
through it, just once, to get a feel of the silkiness of it as it falls through
my fingers.  I move my hand again, so slow because I don’t want to spook her,
and cup the side of her head.  I take her earlobe between my teeth and give
just the smallest of tugs, then whisper, “Do you know all the sinful things I
want to do to your body, Brooke.”  She gives the smallest negative motion.  Of
course, she doesn’t know.  She has no idea the affect she has on me, my body or
my mind.  “They’re dirty.  They’re probably illegal in all 50 states and most
countries.  But I don’t give a shit because I won’t stop wanting you until I do

hell-on-heels shoes put her lips right at my throat where she says my name,
And damn, just damn.
She’s receptive, and that just encourages
me to carry on. I’m not going to fool myself into thinking this isn’t due to
the drinks I’ve watched her drink.  Not enough to get a person drunk, but
enough to let inhibitions take a backseat for a night. I slide my hand down her
back, over her ass, then grip the outside of her thigh and lift, just the
slightest movement, because any more and it would be way past public indecency.
She sighs and her hands tighten in the hairs at the base of my skull. She’s
still with me.

push my cock into the softness of her stomach. Her body gives a brief shutter
before going limp against mine.  If she wasn’t holding so tightly to my neck
and I wasn’t holding her up, she would be on the floor.  “I’ve watched you all
night while I got drunk, and I’ve only had one damn beer.  Do you get it now,
Brooke?  That’s how bad I fucking want you, all the goddamn time.” She whimpers
and shudders again. Right at this moment I have no doubt whatsoever that Brooke
Porter wants me just as bad as I want her. “Do you feel it too, whatever this
is between us?” My whisper harsh in her ear I say, “I can feel how much you
want me too, so you can’t lie to me.”

she whispers, and I think she’s going to deny what she feels. “I can’t lie.”

I whisper back. “This feels too good to be bad.” I pull her closer, or maybe I
just hold her tighter, because too close isn’t close enough to her.

raises her eyes to mine, and I get lost in the look she’s giving me.  She’s
asking me something, even though she’s not sure she wants to know the answer.
“Dylan, what are we doing?”

my lips to the corner of her mouth, I whisper, “Dancing, babe.  Just dancing.” 
I have a feeling that now is the time to pull back a little if I don’t want
this to end too soon.  I know just holding her is beginning to cloud my
judgment.  As bad as I want to take her to bed, I need to evaluate the
consequences of a one-night stand with Brooke.  I get why Jackson has been
discouraging this
I’ve got for Brooke. The problem is I don’t seem
to get it anymore when I see her. One look, and it's back to fantasizing about
getting her naked and dirty.  Whether the obsession is because I can’t have her
or she says no, really doesn’t matter anymore.

Brooke walking past the bar that I was standing at waiting on drinks was a
complete surprise.  I would never have imagined my little social worker with
her long (thank God for that) hair down to there, tempting me.  My eyes slowly
lowered the rest of the way down her body taking in the shortest, tightest dress
that I think I’ve ever seen on a woman.

I’ve probably seen shorter, but none of them held the promise of heaven, and
hell like Brooke’s soft curves did.  My hands itched to trace all around the
hem, slipping up and in just a little to see how close to the promise land I
could get.  And whatever she had done to her eyes begged me to find out all the
seductive secrets hidden inside.  She aroused and tempted everything in me to
grab her and take her anywhere we could be alone for the next 12 hours until
our bodies could be satisfied and we could move away from this attraction that
was driving us both crazy.

watched her at that big table with Alex and two guys. While Jackson asked my
opinion of one female body after another, I continued to observe the little
brunette who I think I have an obsession for, one that I truly didn’t
understand.   Women either got on board with my plans or they didn’t.  I’ve
never cared one way or the other.  There was always another in line that would
gladly see things my way for a night.  I want sex hard, fast, and dirty.  I
don’t want phone numbers or promises or questions.  No get to know you
conversations to see if we’ll be compatible. Either my cock gets hard for them,
or it doesn’t.  Once the fun and games are over, I’ll settle for a hand wave as
I’m leaving.  If I leave them with a smile, well, good for me. For what I have
in mind when we get naked doesn’t even require exchanging names, and often

this thing with Brooke is beginning to fuck with my head.  It’s messing up how
I normally react to women.  Not that I treat them badly, I would never
physically hurt a woman.  Any emotional scars I may leave is all on them; I
never promise anything to anyone.  I wouldn’t know what to promise them anyway,
other than the time it takes for us to get off.

notice how Brooke and the taller guy are so familiar with each other, and I
don’t like it.  I force myself to stay seated because I don’t know what I would
say or do if I went over there.  I pretend to pay attention to Jax and the guys
from the shop as they size up every woman in the bar as potential conquests. 
It sounds so strange pretending to scope out hot and willing women when my
attention is fully on the big table in front of the stage.  I wonder briefly
how she and Alex got those seats.

fuuuck, Dylan.  Is that your social worker sitting up front?” I look over at
Jax and nod.


I answer.  “And her roommate is with her too.”  I return my gaze to Brooke.

motherfucker, now we know why you weren’t getting anywhere with her, check out
the boy toy.”

I saw.  I don’t know, though.  She told us a long time ago that she doesn’t
have a boyfriend and doesn’t want one.  Maybe he’s just a friend.”

Now.  We’ve been through this.  You can’t fuck with her.  There are plenty of
others all over this bar to have a little fun with.  You know that anything
with her would be a disaster in so many ways.”

and David, a couple of guys from the shop are watching our back and forth
conversation, and then they follow our gaze toward Brooke.  “Holy, shit.  Is
that brunette the one you’re talking about?  I noticed her earlier, and she’s
got an ass made for dirty, dirty things.”

shoot him an angry look, and I’m sure this next statement isn’t going to be
considered bonding between employer and employee.  “Do not fucking look at her,
and never say shit about her again.  I don’t give a goddamn if you work for me
or not; I’ll have to fuck you up.”

holds his hands up in surrender.  “Sorry, man.  I was just pointing out the

lean toward him in my chair with my most intimidating stare; he leans back. 
Jackson sticks his arm across my chest.  “Take it down a notch, man. You don’t
want to get into a fight over her.”

pick up my empty bottle and decide I need another.  “I’m heading to the bar for
beer, everyone ready for a round?”

yeah!” Jax slaps my back and points me toward the crowded bar.  Every nook and
cranny are filled with people here to see this band who happens to be hometown
boys who are making it big.  “And this time… girls.  You’re my wingman, and
it’s your responsibility to get me fucking laid tonight.”

let me see how many I can con into letting you fuckwits take them home.” I
laugh and walk away, hoping that’ll fix the last few awkward moments.  I have
no idea why I went at Mark so strong.  I just know I didn’t like the idea of
him checking her ass out, or pointing out what he would like to do to her.  I
reacted before I could think about what left my mouth.  I stand at the bar
waiting on the busy drink specialists.  I turn around and start looking for
pretty and easy because I doubt it’s going to matter if the guys think they’re
beautiful after a few more drinks.

eyes look toward the dance floor and land on Brooke, Alex, and the two guys
from their table.  They’re dancing, and everything in me goes tight.  She’s
whirling and jumping around the tall guy, as music blasts from the speakers. 
He holds her way too close while they roll and sway to the beat.  And I can’t
stand it.  I look away, and just as another song starts my eyes move back to
the floor, back to Brooke, like I’m trying to punish myself because I keep
having these inappropriate thoughts of my social worker.  But the way she looks
tonight, I don’t see her as anything but my fantasy girl come to life.  As the
song winds down, her dance partner turns to speak to Alex and her partner.  When
I Like
fills the air with its seductive beat, I move to her because I
simply have no choice. I’m going to hold her, dance with her, and I’m going to
kiss Brooke Porter again tonight.  After seeing her like this, there is no
doubt I’m going to have her, hopefully, sooner rather than later.  Either one
will do, just as long as I have my night with Brooke.

song ends, but our bodies continue to sway together.  We don’t seem to notice
the beat is faster than what our hips are moving. We’ve found our rhythm for
the moment, and it feels better than any hard and fast has ever felt.  This is
a moment neither one of us is willing to end. I move us further from the crowd
to keep from getting bumped.  She brings her hands down to my chest and looks
at me with her sweet smile.  “So, what brings you here this Friday night?”

laugh because I’m stunned. I was expecting her to run now that the moment is
slipping away.  I’m not releasing my arms, though, not until I positively have
to.  “Jax and I are here with some guys from the shop.  They told us about the
band playing here tonight and how good they are.”  I squeeze her hips; she
still doesn’t move away.  “What about you,” I ask looking back at her table.  I
notice the tall guy, as well as Alex, have their eyes focused on us.  I don’t
point it out to Brooke.  I don’t want those two in this conversation.

giggles.  “I’m here for the band too.  And yes, they are something to see.”

you’ve seen them before, huh?”

and I have seen them many, many times.  We were their first official groupies. 
That’s why we’re here tonight; they gave us VIP seats.” She gestures toward the

the guy you’re with tonight?”  I have no right to ask, but I have to know.

him,” she states.  She wrinkles her forehead.  “Have you been
watching me?”

all damn night, Brooke,” I state truthfully.  I figure at this point that honesty
can’t do a lot of harm.

smiles shyly up at me and bites her lip.
And just like that, the girl has
made me stupid.
  Then she surprises me with the craziest question. “Why?”

I can answer, her roommate approaches us.  She glares at me like she’s the sole
owner of the biggest pair of balls. “Brooke, what the hell?  Everyone’s waiting
for you back at the table.  We’ve got shots to do with the guys before they go

talking to Dylan.”

can see that, but you need to come with me, now.”

with her attitude?

looks up at me suspiciously.  “What are you doing here, Dylan?”

have to wonder if Brooke told her about our kiss on Wednesday.  But I just
don’t see her sharing that information, even with her best friend.

stop being rude.  He’s here with guys from the shop to watch the band.”

you guys enjoy the show.  Come on, Brooke.”

have no idea what the fuck her problem is, but now she’s just pissing me off. 
I want to get Brooke alone again so we can talk more.  “Actually, I was going
to ask Brooke to have a quick drink with me.”  When I look at Brooke, she’s
smiling at the idea.  Then the smile disappears as she looks over my shoulder. 
Goddamn, what now? 
I turn, and here comes Jackson.  Fan-fucking-tastic. 
From the look on his face, this is going to go downhill fast unless I can find
a way to salvage what was happening between Brooke and me before our friends
showed up.

ladies.”  He only addresses Alex by moving his eyes all over her body.  She’s
dressed for sex, and that’s just the way he likes them.  “So, what brings you
two out?”  I notice he’s still snubbing Brooke, and that’s just not sitting
well with me, but I’m taking advantage of the distraction he’s supplying.

put my arm back around Brooke’s waist and pull her closer.  “How about that

smiles again, and I can’t get over how it affects me.  “It actually sounds

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