Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) (3 page)

Read Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Online

Authors: Maria K. Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #holiday, #reunion

BOOK: Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)
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Kate nodded and reached for the coffees. “Thanks.” Boy, did she hate it when he was nice to her. She didn’t know how to deal with nice.

A voice cleared behind her.

“It seems my daughter’s forgotten her manners, so I’ll introduce myself,” her father said, walking forward. “Joe DiFrancesco.”

Kate stepped aside. “Sorry. Daddy, this is Edward. Edward, my father, Joe.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. DiFrancesco,” Edward said, extending his hand.

Joe clasped Edward’s in a firm handshake. “The pleasure’s mine, and call me Joe.”

“Come put your stuff down and we’ll show you around,” Kate said, walking over to the bar to set down the coffees.

“You have a great location. It’s off a main highway and in a busy shopping center,” Edward said.

“It’s one of the things that drew us all the way here. The neighborhood pizzeria isn’t working any more. It was good while it lasted, but we want to go beyond the local pizza joint,” Joe said.

Kate handed Edward and her father a coffee. “And there’s a hotel just past here, too. That should help bring in out-of-town customers.”

Edward removed his coat and hung it over a barstool. “Right. Give me the grand tour.”

Before Edward could follow her father into the main restaurant area, Kate put a hand on his forearm.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

“With helping you?”

“Yes. I don’t want you to read more into it than it is. I haven’t changed my mind about getting involved with you.”

He studied her face before lingering on her lips. Her nipples contracted. He took a step closer to her and leaned down. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her, and dammit if she didn’t want him to.

“I believe you’ve made your position crystal clear. I can’t force you to feel an attraction you obviously don’t.” His gaze moved down to her breasts, which, despite her sweater, surely displayed her aroused state. With a crooked grin and a wink, he stepped aside and left her alone in the entranceway.

Kate blew out the breath she’d been holding. Damn, if this wasn’t going to be a challenge.


Edward took notes on a legal pad while following Kate and her father around the restaurant. Although the main room was open and spacious, he didn’t approve of the dark decor. There didn’t appear to be any major structural problems, mostly cosmetic improvements.

“What type of image do you want to project?” Edward asked.

“Sophisticated dining in a casual, family-style restaurant. Nothing too fancy that folks will need to wear a suit and tie, but something more upscale than a pizzeria,” Joe replied.

“We want to do the bare minimum to give it a more suitable atmosphere than it has now. We were thinking of a Tuscan ambiance with pale walls, dark brown furniture, and red tablecloths,” Kate added. Excitement sparked in her eyes. She knew exactly what she wanted.

Edward reached into his bag, pulled out a sketchpad, and sat at a table. “Tell me what else you see.”

Kate moved through the main dining room, examining every inch with her critical eyes. Skintight jeans hugged the sweetest ass he’d ever seen—and touched. The emerald green sweater fit snug to her narrow waist and revealed enough cleavage to remind him of the perfect breasts beneath. Then there were the red suede boots. The heels added a good four inches to her height and did all kinds of things to arouse his libido. She’d left her hair natural and it framed her face in a tumble of auburn curls, which he knew often drove her crazy, but made her appear wild and delectable. At least to him. He scowled and dragged his gaze away from her to the pad.
Get a bloody grip.

She stood staring at the booths that lined the side wall. “I thought we could remove the booths and put one long, padded bench along the side here. Then stagger smaller tables with chairs along it. This would give us the flexibility of combining tables together for larger parties.”

“What about the walls?” Joe asked.

Kate studied the dark walls and frowned. “There’s too much dark. We can’t have dark walls and dark furniture. It’s like a cave. We want a soft and welcoming atmosphere.” She squinted. “I’d like a golden yellow, accented with wall sconces and paintings from Italy.”

She tilted her head at Edward, who was sketching something on his pad. “What do you think so far?”

“You’re doing brilliantly. Continue,” he replied, focused with intensity on his drawing.

“Dark red tablecloths and curtains will add color and warmth.” She gazed at the floor. “The floor isn’t too bad, but we may want to spruce it up.”

Edward glanced over at where she stood and noticed the scuffs and scratches in the wood. “It won’t take much to refinish it and tone the color down a bit. The dark color is nice, but it’s too harsh. Lightening it will also give it warmth.”

He rose and approached the bar, stroking the wood as he moved down the length and behind it. “This is in good condition. However, I’d suggest putting mirrors along this wall. It will give the illusion of space.”

He walked toward the back of the room and made some other recommendations to soften the lines. They worked their way through each room, making plans to finish the smaller room that had been used for storage into one that could be used for private parties.

It was after five when they finished. Joe left to return the key to the real estate agent, while Kate rode with Edward to her parents’ house.

Energized with thoughts about the restaurant, Edward sped along the road, following Kate’s directions while taking in the surrounding area. The area was highly populated with shops, which he expected would bring a good amount of clientele.

“I think the restaurant has a lot of potential.” He stole a quick glance when she didn’t respond to his statement. Tension rolled off her, which he didn’t think had anything to do with their conversation.

He covered one of her tightly clenched fists with his hand. “Everything all right?”

With an irritated look, she jerked her hand out from beneath his and grabbed onto the door handle. “Can you slow down and stop changing lanes? This isn’t the Daytona 500,” she all but shouted. “You’re making me seasick. Are you sure you’re used to driving on the opposite side of the road and all?”

“I’ve been driving in the States for many years, but thanks for your concern.” He grinned and eased up on the gas. “Are you still worried about your family?”

She sighed and rubbed at her temples. “I want this whole restaurant business to work out. I hate to see them at such loose ends. I’d feel better knowing they can afford to lease the restaurant before I return to New York. Vinnie and Vicky aren’t any help when it comes to making decisions. It’s always been up to Nick and me.”

“Aren’t they all involved with the pizzeria?”

“Nick’s a cop and doesn’t get involved with the business except when he’s off and they need help in the kitchen. Vinnie just finished culinary school but knows squat about running a business, and is too cocky for his own good. Vicky is…” She trailed off. “I don’t know what goes on in the mind of my little sister. She’s divorced at twenty-six, after catching her husband cheating on her with his best friend. His very male best friend.”

Edward nodded. “Ah, I see. That must have been difficult for her.”

“It was. She walked in on them during sex. What a horrible way to learn one’s husband is gay. The sad part is he didn’t know he was until after they were married, or so he says.”

“A pity.”

“Now, she has a miserable attitude toward everyone and flirts with any available male with the hope of proving she’s still a woman. She has a year left to get her undergraduate degree. She’s on the eight-year plan.”

Edward smiled. “I see what you mean about them not being much help in the decision department. If you’re up to it, we can work after dinner to refine the sketches I made on the computer. I’ll give Mark a call and ask if he can come out tomorrow to provide the estimate for the materials and labor.”

“How bad do you think it’s going to be?”

“I think we can keep it reasonable. Don’t forget you get the C&E employee discount.”

“I don’t want any favors. Put down the real cost and we’ll figure out how to manage it.”

They rode in silence a few minutes.

“I was thinking, I’ve been looking for an invest—”

“No.” She cut him off. “We’re not taking your money.”

“I wouldn’t be giving it to you. We would work out some sort of share in the profits. As I said, it would be an investment.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but our business is a

“And I’m not family.”


Damned stubborn woman. He didn’t see what the big deal was. It’s not like he was asking for sex from her in return—not that he wouldn’t accept it.

“Fine. Consider it an open-ended offer if you should change your mind.”

“I won’t.” She pointed out her window. “It’s up here on the right, number two-eleven.”

Edward parallel parked in a spot down the street from her parents’ house and turned off the car. Small, detached houses sat on either side of the tree-lined street. It was difficult to tell in the darkness, but the houses appeared well-tended with a few already sporting Christmas lights.

“Are you sure you don’t mind working late tonight?”

Turning, he clasped a curl that had fallen over her eye. He twirled it around his finger, watching her brown eyes narrow. “I can’t think of a place I’d rather be.”
Other than being buried deep inside you.

“Hey, let’s not forget our earlier conversation. Just because I’m asking for your help doesn’t mean you’ll be getting any.”

“Right.” He moved the curl to the side. “It’s too bad, though. We might be spending a lot of time together. Why not spend it doing something we both enjoy?”

“Been there, done that. I’m not interested in rehashing the past.”

She unhooked her seatbelt and opened the car door, tossing him a saucy smile over her shoulder. “Besides, maybe I’m doing it with someone else.”

Edward frowned. Did he have to worry about competition where Kate was concerned? He’d never considered that possibility. With a sigh, he followed her, wondering what the mother of this little spitfire was like.

He held open the screen as she unlocked the front door.

“Mama, we’re back,” Kate shouted from the foyer. She took their coats and hung them in the hall closet.

“Something smells fantastic.” Edward’s stomach emitted a loud growl.

“Been a while since lunch, huh? Mama will be more than happy to fatten you up. Oh, and she’s touchy-feely, so don’t be surprised if you get a hug and kiss.”

Edward raised an eyebrow. “Do I get one from you, too?”

“I have more restraint than my mother.” With a flip of her hair, she turned and sauntered off toward the back of the house, oblivious to what her retreating form and swinging ass did to his libido.

The scent of garlic was stronger as they approached the kitchen. Inside, a woman he presumed was Carmen DiFrancesco was taking a tray out of the refrigerator.

“Hi, Mama.” Kate leaned down to hug and kiss her mother.

They embraced as though they hadn’t seen each other earlier that day.

“Your father called when you left so I could get everything ready.”

“Mama, come meet Edward.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. DiFrancesco,” Edward said, taking the hand she held out and kissing the back.

Carmen blushed and pressed her other hand to her abundant chest. “Please call me Carmen, you sweet boy.” She pulled him down for a kiss on his cheek and a hug as Kate forewarned him.

She stood a couple inches beneath Kate and was pleasantly round with short, dark brown hair. Stronger than he’d expected, she clasped him in a tight grip. Never having received any display of affection from his unbearably proper mother made him a bit awkward with the embrace, but he shot a wink at Kate and hugged her mother back.

“Dinner smells good,” Kate said and walked over to a wine rack on the counter.

“I hope you’re hungry, Edward,” Carmen said and removed the plastic from a platter of antipasto.

“Famished. Thank you for inviting me,” he said.

“We’re having lasagna. Is red okay?” Kate asked Edward, holding up a bottle of Merlot.

He nodded.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Kate asked.

“You can put the salad on the table, and Edward can grab the wine glasses out of this cabinet over here.” Carmen opened a door to her right. “Everything in this damn house is built for giants.”


Dinner was loud, full of laughter and snide remarks. Vinnie and Vicky stepped away from the pizzeria to join them. Kate practically had to bite her tongue to endure the pathetic way her sister gazed up at Edward as though he were a movie star, giggling and hanging on his every word. And the rat-bastard certainly didn’t seem to mind the attention, that’s for sure.

After they ate, plates were cleaned up, and Vinnie dragged a pouting Vicky back to the pizzeria. Kate and Edward set up a work area at the dining room table, which was now covered with notepads and both their laptops.

Kate twirled her hair around her index finger, waiting for the laptop to boot up. She hadn’t expected it given his stuffy British background, but Edward fit in nicely with her family. He talked easily with her parents, flirted a little with her sister, and talked sports with Vinnie. She pressed her lips together in a slight frown. Edward was definitely a surprise, one she found disconcerting.

He glanced up and caught her studying him. “Your mother is a wonderful cook. Is every dinner this extravagant?”

“Mama always cooks like twenty people are coming. Nothing ever went to waste with two brothers in the house. Growing up, they’d come down a couple hours after everyone was finished and snack on leftovers. They still do when they’re here.”

“What about you?”

“I wasn’t blessed with the metabolism of my brothers, so I watch my portion sizes. Otherwise I’ll be the size of my mother.”

“It must have been nice growing up with a large family.”

Kate shrugged. “At times. We’ve had our moments over the years. But despite the laughter and tears, we’ve always had a solid love to get us through anything.”

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