Until I Met You (26 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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I walked out into the huge expanse of the kitchen come living area and found Seth whisking some eggs with only a pair of chequered pyjama bottoms on.  I had to stop a little and admire this sight.  I still couldn’t get used to the fact he was mine now. 

All mine.

He turned around slightly and caught my stare.  “Morning beautiful.  Did you have a good sleep?”

I walked across to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek.  “Yes, thank you,” I said winking at him.  He looked at my hair, and with a smile he plucked a feather from a strand at the top.

“I’m doing scrambled eggs, how does that sound?”

“Sounds lovely, but can I have you as a side order?”  I gave him a cheeky grin as he placed the bowl back down on the counter.  I watched in awe as he walked slowly towards me.  Once he was inches away he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in.  I gasped unashamedly as he kissed my neck.

“Angel, you smell wonderful.  In fact, screw the eggs; I’m having you for breakfast.”

I squealed as he picked me up and placed me on top of the breakfast island.  With a dip of his head, he started eating in to my stomach.  I was giggling so hard, it made my sides hurt.  “Stop, stop!” I yelled.

He stopped as instructed, and looked down at me.  I didn’t even realise until then that he had me at his mercy.  I was lying completely flat and exposed, on top of his kitchen island.

Suddenly, Seth’s big eyes widened like he’d just had the best idea.  “Hold on a sec,” he said, running towards his cabinets.  He started pulling out jams, marmalades and honey’s—spreading them across the counter-top.

“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to get up. 

He soon caught my movement and came running over.  “Ah, ah, ah, Angel—you stay right where you are.”

After making sure I didn’t move, Seth ran back to the condiments and began unscrewing the lids.  He placed them all methodically by my naked, sprawling body, and proceeded to spoon some of the contents out of the jam jar.

“Now hold still, my beauty.  You’re about to become my breakfast.”

His cheeky grin had my stomach flying with butterflies.  It was still a strange, alien sensation to me, but one which I welcomed with open arms now.  No matter how many times I saw his face, his beauty never ceased to amaze me.

I watched as his excited blue eyes danced over me, as he placed jam on several parts of my body.  He looked like a kiddie in a candy store, and it was more than heart-warming to watch.

He placed some on my nipples and I shuddered a little at his touch.  “Too cold?” he asked, a little frown burrowing his beautiful features.

“No, it’s not that.  It’s you—it’s always you.”  My smile widened that little bit more as his face changed revealing that little dimple I love so much.  I couldn’t help but touch that little dimple—it was right there for the grouping.

“Hey,” he scolded as I grabbed his cheek.

“Do you know how much that little dimple of yours turns me on?”  He had to know.

“My dimple eh?” he replied, revealing it that little bit more with his smile.  “I know something else that turns you on.  Hold up a sec.”  Before I could register he was out of the door, leaving me with sticky jam all over me.  When he came back in, I gasped.  He was wearing that NY cap again, but this time he was wearing it backwards. 

My goodness, he was
so damn hot!

“I think I’ve changed my mind about this game.  I think I want to lick jam off you instead.”  I tried in vain to get up, but he raced toward me with a kiss.  It stopped me dead in my tracks.  His warm, enticing lips were so soft and inviting, it was hard to concentrate on anything else but him.  There could be a band playing behind us and I would be none the wiser.  It was just him and me, and right now nothing else mattered in the world.

Before I even realised, I was back to lying completely flat on the counter-top again.  He pulled away a little but only so he could smile down at me.

“I love having you submissive underneath me.  You don’t realise just how fucking sexy you are.”

I gasped as his words hit me right between my legs.  Dipping his head, he kissed my neck again and gently moved lower towards my nipples.  With a flick of his tongue he licked and sucked the jam off me, making little moaning sounds as he went.  I was very nearly gone already.  I couldn’t believe just how much one little touch could affect me.

“Hmm, Cookie with jam on top.  What a combination.  My mornings can’t get any better than this,” he whispered.

I didn’t think I could quite feel my legs at this point.  He moved methodically towards my other nipple and started the same sweet torture on that one.  Then he does something completely unexpected.  He trailed his tongue all the way from my belly button right up towards my left nipple.  “Oh my fucking God,” I shouted as I arched my back in surrender.  He could do just about anything to me right now and I wouldn’t care.

“You like that, do you baby?”

“Oh God, yes.”  My breathing was hitched and erratic, but I didn’t care.  I was too lost in the moment.

“I want to learn everything inch of your gorgeous body, Angel.  What turns you on and what makes you go crazy.  You’re just too much for words.”

This time he grabbed the honey and requested that I turn over.  I’m all too wanton with lust by now that I think I might just burst. 

I did as I was told as my body just seemed to obey his orders without my brain engaging.  It’s funny how things have changed.

I watched with interest as he turned the honey upside-down and started squeezing a line from my ankles all the way up to my thighs.  Immediately he licked all the way up, stopping momentarily at the back of my knee.  He licked and kissed there so tenderly that it immediately hit me straight between my legs again.  “Oh God!” I shouted again.  How on earth could the back of my knee be a G-Spot?!

“Ah, another crazy spot.  I’ll have to remember that.”

With a contented sigh, he trailed his tongue up my other leg and did the same torturous licking and kissing on the back of my other knee.  I started moaning louder than ever—it was just so good.

“You don’t realise how beautiful you look.”  He poured more honey onto my buttocks and back, starting the same torture as he worked his way up.

The moans that were escaping me were loud and unforgiving.  Every lick and every feel of his rosebud lips on my skin had me burning with fire.

“Turn around,” he instructed—and instantly again—my body obeyed.  He grabbed my legs and spun me round to meet him.  The fire in both our eyes were dancing with desire.  He positioned himself between my legs and kissed me.  The pressure of his body on mine had an instant reaction.  I felt I was about to lose control.

“Seth, please,” I begged.  I needed him inside me so badly I thought I might scream.  He sensed my desperation and quickly pulled his bottoms down.  He was inside me even quicker, but he stayed for a moment, our breathing harsh as are eyes were locked on one another.  His come-to-bed eyes were making love to mine as we took a moment to savour each other.

Pretty soon, he started a steady rhythm and I just couldn’t believe how good he felt.  With him kissing me, he placed a hand behind my neck and started massaging the base, where the spine meets my head.  As he applied the pressure I felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through my body. 

I moaned into his mouth, causing him to pull away slightly.  “You like that, do you?”

“Seth, what is that?” I asked breathlessly.

“It’s a pressure point.  Relax and enjoy,” he whispered.

He carried on this gentle, erotic message for a while, but then he moved his hand away from my neck, and down towards my belly.  Once there, he seemed to measure roughly five inches away from my belly button and pressed down slightly.  I very nearly climaxed then and there.  I didn’t know what the hell he was doing—all I knew was that it felt so fucking good.

I cried out again, causing Seth to smile a little.  He was exploring my body as we were making love and it made me feel worshipped—it made me feel adored.

As if I couldn’t take any more, his hands were wandering again back up towards my shoulders.  With a brush of his hands, he started rubbing the spot where my neck meets my shoulder.  I arched my back and closed my eyes in surrender.  I didn’t think my body could take much more stimulation.  I was getting it from every point.  I felt relaxed and super-charged on sexual energy all at the same time. 

I thought the build up would be gradual, but then Seth quickened his pace that little bit more.  With that, I was a goner. 

I felt the build-up come in intense waves.  It was nothing like I had ever felt before.  The orgasms yesterday were like nothing I had ever experienced—but this.  This had me on the edge of a beautiful precipice.  I was about to fall and I didn’t care how far.

He was back on my lips again as his hand found my nipple and squeezed it gently.  That was it for me—I fell—and I kept on falling.  I was screaming his name over and over and over again, his body all sweaty and sticky from the jam.  Instead of feeling icky, it somehow added to the pleasure.  It just kept coming and coming and wouldn’t stop.  I grabbed the nearest thing I could find and squeezed the bejesus out of it.  Whatever it was went squishy in my hand, but I didn’t care.

I could feel Seth’s build-up.  It seemed just as violent as mine.  “Fuck, Angelina—you feel so good.”  He screamed as he too, came violently with me.

If I thought it couldn’t get much better than last night, I was wrong.  That just topped it—and that was saying something.

He remained on top of me, his breathing harsh.  He looked down towards me and smiled.  “You’re so beautiful when you come.  I didn’t think life could get any better than this, my angel.  You’re just too much for words.”  He glanced across at my hand and chuckled.  I looked too as I was wondering what it was I was squeezing to death.

“You really are quite violent when you come.  I don’t know what the banana ever did to you.”

“I’m sorry,” I offered—even though I wasn’t.

“I told you, you don’t ever need to apologise for being who you are.  It’s one of the many things I love about you.”

I smiled sweetly into his beautiful eyes.  “I love you, too.”  I was happier than I had been in a long time.  Just staring at him again had the fires burning.  It never seemed to end.

Looking down at my icky self had me wondering suddenly.  “What on earth was all that massaging you were doing?  It was like nothing I had ever felt before.  I have erogenous zones I never knew I had.” 

He laughed a little and kissed me lightly on the lips.  “I’ve read manuals.  I like to know what pleases a woman.”  He looked away slightly like he was a little embarrassed by what he said.

“Wow, no wonder you have lots of bunnies,” I chuckled.

“I thought I told you, Little Miss Naughty—bunnies don’t exist in my world.  Not until you entered it.”

I smiled brightly at him.  “I have a t-shirt with that on.”

“What, Little Miss Naughty?” he asked.

I nodded my head and he smiled.  “I’d like to see you in that one day,” he said with an impish grin.  “And only that.”

Spying the cap on his head, I shook my own.  “I can’t believe you made love to me with your baseball cap on.”

His eyes danced over my face, taking every bit of my willpower not to moan.  “But did it have the desired effect?”

My God I wanted him again.  “Believe me when I say, everything you do has the desired effect.”

“Then my work here is done.”

He moved himself off me and kissed the inside of my thigh—and just as he did that—the telephone rang. 

With an offer of his hand, he made sure he took the time helping me down before he answered.  I took that as my cue to give him some privacy whilst I jumped into the shower.

Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I came back out and caught Seth in the exact same position, whisking his eggs in only his chequered pyjamas.  But this time he had that baseball cap on still.  It never failed to amaze me how sexy he looked.

Looking up, he spied me coming towards him as his blue eyes sparkled with delight.  “Wow, at this rate I’m not going to get anything done today.  You look good enough to eat again.” 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and came in for a kiss, biting the bottom of his lip.  I lightly trailed my fingers down his pecks, counting each one as I went. “One,” I whispered, kissing him seductively on the lips.  “Two,” I breathed, feeling the heat from his breathless mouth.  “Three,” I whispered again as my finger travelled further.  “Four,” I sighed as the burn resurfaced between my legs.  I’m not sure when enough is enough with this man.

“Angel, you need to stop this.  I already feel guilty about not making you breakfast sooner.  It’s taking me so long to do these eggs that it’s nearly lunchtime.  Now stop that and go take a seat like a good ‘Little Miss Naughty’ that you are.”

I started chuckling.  “If I was a Little Miss Naughty, I wouldn’t do as I was told now, would I?”

He wrapped his arm around me a patted my bottom.  “Stop that, Angelina.  Now go sit.”  He kissed me lightly, but I lingered for a moment causing him to moan.  “Please go sit,” he begged.  I laughed, but did as I was told as he finished off making the breakfast.

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