Until the Dawn (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt,Cerise DeLand

BOOK: Until the Dawn
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He inhaled sharply.

Naked, she glided toward him. Her breasts, full and pouting, reached toward him.

Her pussy, claimed once by him tonight, she knew by the feel, was also full and pouting to have him back. She fingered her nipples for him, then plunged fingers of both hands into her full nest of curls.
Who is this wanton woman, Maddie?
The one who wants this man,
the answer came.

She took the two steps toward his warm and reaching hands. He caught her to him, squeezing the breath from her as he took her lips, her throat, her areola in his hungry mouth and bit her, sucked her and sank to his knees. There, he held her with both hands to her thighs as he nuzzled his face to her mound.

“Spread your legs for me, baby,” he growled at her.

On shaking limbs, she shifted and he parted her labia, then dove into her with a succulent madness that had him tickling and nibbling her clit with a talented tongue.

She could barely stand, hardly breathe. She moaned and braced herself on his shoulders. At once, he cursed and stood, then forced her to the wall.

“Hold open your pussy for me,” he demanded and sank again to his knees.

She grasped her slick labia in two willing fingers and pulled herself wide to the cool air for him, and there he kissed her and titillated her. There he feasted like a man who had not eaten all his life.

oh, god
, he knew how to. He knew to circle her clitoris with deft, hard fingers.

He knew to hum against her swollen bud and use the tip of his tongue to make her moan and melt. He knew to insert one thick finger in her cunt and swirl and twirl it up 18

Until the Dawn

inside her giving walls. He knew to tug at her pussy hair, pull it from his path and lick her lips from clit to bottom. And then he’d start all over again.

“Lie down.” He pulled at her waist and laid her to the carpet. “You cream for me like you haven’t for any other man. Say it.”

“I do,” she whimpered, and of their own volition her fingers found their way to her clit. “You make me wetter than any man I’ve ever had.”

He gnashed his teeth in satisfaction as he leaned back on his haunches and splayed his fingers into her damp bush. “This hair,” he tugged at her lips, “is mine.”

She moaned.

“These lips,” he crooned and rubbed them fast and sure, “are mine.”

She cried in agreement.

“This,” he rolled her clit between two fingers, “is only mine.”

“All of me,” she shifted her hips up as if to make an offering to him, “is yours.”

Then, she reached for his zipper. “Let me have you, Dan.”

She began to work his zipper down, rough going over the huge bulge of his penis.

But when she got halfway, she realized that what sprang out to greet her had been the massive piece that had claimed her in the stairwell.

“Oh, my god,” she whispered, reverent at the sight of his shaft. “Did I take all of that?”

He discarded his trousers and came back to swing a leg over her. Faced as she was with his beautiful, long red cock, she salivated and reached out to touch his exquisite bulbous tip, now drooling for her with two big drops of pre-cum.

He grunted, his hand covering hers. “Careful, baby. Go easy with him or he comes inside you faster than you know.”

She giggled as she continued to caress his length. “Sorry, Dan, but I think I’ve already had a sample of how quickly this bad boy can breach my resistance.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Dan bent over her and took her chin between thumb and forefinger. “Listen to me, baby. There is no more resistance between me and you. Got that?” He palmed himself up and she marveled at his girth.

“I do,” she whispered. “No resistance. Anymore.” Wild to taste him, she beckoned him with two fingers so that she took him in her mouth and tongued his length, sucked the head, delighting in the heat, the steel, the glory of his cock. “Dan,” she crooned as she lay back and stroked him, “I’ve needed you for weeks. Now please fuck me.”

Swiftly, he reached for his trousers, pulled out a condom and rolled it down his impressive length. A wicked smile on his mouth, he slid down, splayed her legs wide, pulled her thighs up atop his and without a moment’s pause, rammed himself home.

The shock, the size, the sizzling heat of him had Maddie opening her mouth to speak soundless words of praise.

“Oh, Maddie, baby,” he whispered to her as his hips began to pump her hard and good, “this is what heaven feels like.”

And then in countless plunging claims, he primed her, pumped her and possessed her as his own. Driving her hard, he’d pause and take her sweetly, his hips barely moving, her cunt inching closer and closer to feel every iota of his thrusts. Circling her tiny bundle of nerves with his thumb, he rolled one of her engorged nipples with his other talented fingers. Pushing her to a new height of madness, he’d grip her ass, haul her closer to him and promise her mindless things. And when he pressed one finger up into her ass, she screamed and came with a pulsing delight she’d never known with any other man. In a moment, he followed her over the precipice, grinding out her name and calling her, “Mine.”

Minutes later, he rose and led her to her bed. There, he lay down and took her in his arms.

“You won’t go,” she half ordered, half pleaded.

“No, honey. I’m here for as long as you want me.”


Until the Dawn

She rubbed her nose into his massive chest and kissed him there. “That may be a long time.”

“I’ve got all the time in the world for you, Maddie.” He lifted her chin. “You’re stuck with me, babe.”

She grinned and rolled her eyes. “We’ve got vacation next week.”

He ogled her breasts. “That means we could stay in bed 24/7.”

She relaxed back into the pillows, a woman well-loved, well-primed for more. “You have a big appetite.”

“For you, Maddie.” He kissed her lips in a swift movement of ownership. “Only for you, honey.” And he took her again in the shower and once more in her bed before the dawn, when he wrapped himself around her and told her this was new for him, real for him. His kisses, lush and impetuous, were benedictions to his claim. His body, hot and solicitous to her needs, was a blessed assurance that in the morning, he would be there.

Always be there.

And for a woman who had never believed a thing a man said about sticking around, caring forever, she knew with this man, this time, she was gullible. But she loved his words. Craved his devotion.

And at six, when she rolled over to reach for him, she expected him to be there.

But, of course, like her father who had repeatedly and abruptly left home to risk his life in foreign war zones, like all her mother’s wily lovers who had left that woman with dead hopes and a ruined reputation, Daniel Foreman was gone.

And no part of Maddie could believe that he had lied to her when he promised never to leave her.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Chapter Three

Madison rolled onto her back, closed her eyes, ran her fingers through her disheveled hair and opened her eyes one more time. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she’d woken up in someone else’s dream and mistaken the emptiness on the other side of her bed. After all, her body felt more than pleasantly used, her pussy well plundered, her nipples still tingling. And her lips still had that bruised feeling left by the pressure of a man’s full, rigid cock.

She hadn’t imagined the hedonistic satisfaction, the unbelievable variety of erotic acts she and gorgeous Dan had indulged in. So where the fuck had he gone to, this man who had turned her night upside down? Who she’d finally taken into her bed against all her protective instincts? Who said he wasn’t planning on leaving her.

Washington was such a cutthroat town, anything was possible, but she refused to believe Daniel was playing her. Something didn’t sit right here.

Swallowing a sigh, she forced herself upright, swung her legs over the side of the bed and pushed herself to her feet. A shower. That’s what she needed. To clear her head and rinse the lingering odor of sex from her body so she could think. That was what Maddie did best. Think. But not when her hormones were still trying to achieve equilibrium.

As she stood under the hot spray, letting it pound down on her, she couldn’t help but recall the lines of Daniel’s well-sculpted body, the size of his very effective cock, the hard points of his nipples and the feel of his fingers in her ass. As her soap-slicked hands glided over her body, fingers rubbing the still swollen lips of her cunt, she felt a new trickle of desire seeping from her.



Until the Dawn

Daydreaming not allowed. She had business to attend to and she couldn’t afford to be distracted.

Once out of the shower she dried herself, applied minimal makeup and yanked on a tailored pair of slacks and blouse, something that with a blazer would take her anywhere. Her still-damp hair she pulled back and fastened with a clip, then she dug her BlackBerry out of her purse and began scrolling through every number she had for Dan. And lordy, there seemed to be a lot of them. Well, of course there would be for someone who held a golden spot on the staff of Speaker of the House, Paul Trask.

She attacked them methodically, one by one. The Capitol main office where they both worked. His secretary. His private number. His cell number. His pager. And one she couldn’t even identify. When had she collected all these numbers from him?

No matter. Each one disappointed her, defaulting to voice mail. Even the office number. Pressing the button on her brand new Keurig coffee machine, she waited fifteen seconds for her hazelnut roast to steam into the cup, took a swallow of the too-hot liquid, and began again. One number at a time. This time with the last mystery number first.

But instead of going to voice mail, that one now had a message declaring it was a non-working number. The others still just reverted to voice mail.

Including Dan’s number at Paul Trask’s office.

Damn! What the hell was going on?

Maddie hung up and hit her speed dial for the Speaker’s Capitol office and got Laura, the receptionist.

“No, Maddie. I’m sorry, I haven’t seen Dan at all yet. Can I help you with something?”

“No, thanks anyway.” Maddie tapped a fingernail against her teeth. “Do me a favor and call up his calendar on your computer and see if he has any meetings scheduled.”

“Hold on, I’ll check.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Maddie waited impatiently, acknowledging that with the early summer recess, Dan most likely had no appointments. She sipped the steaming brew in her cup until she heard Laura’s voice again.

“Nothing, Maddie. Wherever he is, he didn’t mark it down.” She paused. “Is something wrong?”

I hope not.

“No. That’s okay.”

“Shall I tell him you called for him?”

“No.” Best not to look like the desperate one-night stand. “I’ll keep trying his cell.”

Which still went directly to voice mail.

Well, shit.
This wasn’t good. Daniel Foreman had a very responsible position as the planning consultant on the Speaker’s staff. People like him didn’t just drop off the radar. Even the first day of recess.

Okay, Maddie girl. Don’t lose it. You’ve been through stranger things than this before.

There has to be a reasonable answer here someplace.

Realizing the phone was not going to be her friend today, she called for a cab and swallowed the last of her coffee while she waited. When a horn honked outside, she checked to make sure it was the taxi she’d called, grabbed her purse and briefcase, remembered to set her security alarm before locking the front door and flew down the walk.

“Where to?” the driver asked in his bored, accented English.

Maddie looked up and down the street, feeling spooked, unsettled. In a panoramic scan, she checked to see if any unfamiliar cars were parked on the cozy street. If any unfamiliar faces walked the sidewalks, watching her.

Oh, this is stupid. Who the hell is watching, Madison Sommers? I’m being too paranoid.

But in Washington paranoia was very easy to come by.


Until the Dawn

With a jerk, she forced herself to dismiss her feelings and climbed in the backseat.

But when the driver repeated “Where to?” she gave him Dan’s address. Surprised at herself, she sat back, trying to ease her nerves as the cab headed through Washington’s morning traffic to the condo in the high rise where Dan lived. The guard in the lobby looked at her expectantly.

“May I help you with something?”

Security had been a bitch everywhere since 9/11. She’d bet this guy knew every resident
their visitors by sight. She’d been to Dan’s place a few times, but always at night when someone else was on duty.

She smiled back at him. “I’m just going up to Mr. Foreman’s apartment,” she told him and headed toward the elevators.

The guard came out from behind his desk and tentatively put a hand on her arm.

“I’m afraid he’s not in. Could I have your name, please?”

She looked at his hand, then up at his face, then back at his hand. He snatched it back as if she’d lit a match to it, but didn’t back away. Pushing the Up button impatiently, she asked, “Is there a problem?”

“I told you. Mr. Foreman’s not here.”

“I’ll just see for myself, okay? Sometimes he likes to hide from people.” She deliberately took two steps to the side, putting space between them. “I’m used to him.

We work together. If he’s really out, I’ll just leave him a note.”

“I’ll need your name,” he insisted, his own smile looking forced.

“Madison Sommers.” Thankfully the elevator doors swooshed open at that moment and she stepped in.

“Wait, you can’t go up there.” The guard tried to reach in and stop the doors from closing.

Maddie smiled at him as she pushed the Close button, then the number for Dan’s floor. A knot the size of a fist formed in her stomach. Every sense she had told her this 25

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