Until the Dawn (6 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt,Cerise DeLand

BOOK: Until the Dawn
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Tingling at his sentiment, she searched his face. “I’m thrilled you’re here, but do I detect that sentence is followed by something like, ‘and now I have to leave’?”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

He gathered her close and damn if she didn’t let him hug her, put his hands to her cheeks and outline her lower lip with his thumbs. “I have to go soon. But I had to see you before I left. Then I got here and I could tell the place had been burgled.”

She trembled in his arms. “What were they looking for?”


She held her breath. Stared up at him. “Why?”

“Because this was the last place where anyone could track me. In your bed.”

She pressed nearer to him. A silly smile escaped her lips. “Wow. Did they think you were still here?”

His fingers splayed up into the wealth of her hair. “One look at you and they’d assume a man would never leave your bed.” And then he kissed her, his mouth taking hers, pressing hers, caressing hers as if he’d never kissed her, never held her, never made love to her. “I hate to leave you now.”

“Don’t then,” she ordered him. “Kiss me again.”

He did, backing her to the wall and plundering her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers, his teeth nipping her lower lip, his leg forcing hers apart. “I need you again.”

“Dan,” she tried for some logic, “if someone’s after you, do we have time for this?”

“We’ll make time.”

She reached down to find his cock standing tall inside his trousers. Fumbling for his zipper, she slid the thing down and pressed open the fly in his boxers. She found his long, hot length. “I want you inside me again. Before you go. Wherever.” His cock was smooth skin over steel and she massaged him, stroked him. “Tell me you have protection in one of your pockets. I have been wet for you all day. Frantic to find you.”

“Coming here,” he brushed his lips across hers, “I knew I’d need quite a few condoms.” His hand reached inside his jacket pocket and she heard the crinkled of foil.

Quivering in anticipation, she laughed. “Can I help you?”


Until the Dawn

He dived in for a hard quick kiss. “No, baby.” He pressed her against the wall and in two seconds, he had one package open and a condom rolled down his cock. In the pale light drifting through her sheer curtains, she could see his narrow-eyed concentration. And then, she was crushed in his arms once more.

He nudged aside her other leg and yanked at the button of her slacks, slipped down her zipper and flicked the pants down to her ankles. “Step out of these.” And when she did, he took hold of her panties and yanked. He put one hand to her cunt and found her clit, pinched the raw bundle of nerves and made her yelp with delight.

“I don’t ever want you to cover your sweet pussy again. I want you bare. Ready for my fingers and my mouth. And my cock. Anytime I need you. Agreed?”

“Yes,” she moaned as he invaded her wet cunt with two fingers. “Oh, yes.”

“Good girl.” He caught her up under her ass so that her legs were around his hips and pushed into her hungry channel in one swift, commanding stroke.

Her head fell back against the wall. Her body was so deliciously full of his cock and her mind was flooded with the need to fuck him. With strong muscles of her sopping wet channel, she clenched his shaft in wild demand, and it was his turn to yelp.

“Oh, honey, you’ll mark me yet with this juicy pussy. Let me make us both happy.”

And then he pumped her ’til she groaned and pounded her until he bit her shoulder.

She gritted her teeth and keened in delight.

“Now baby, now!” He rocked her against the wall in a rhythmic pulse she savored to the last orgasmic ripple left her spent and his own shot from him in a rush.

He let her feet fall to the floor. His smiling mouth was warm and lush on hers as he rasped, “Like last night in the stairwell, our specialty seems to be standing up.”

She lifted her hands to cup his cheeks, her voice sultry from his loving. “I like you any way I can get you.”

He rubbed her nose with his. “So what if I have you on the stairs?”

Grinning, she rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “What will I do with you?”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“Tell me.” His tongue trailed down her throat. “What will you do with me?”

She undid his tie, the buttons of his shirt and slid his suit coat from his shoulders.

“I’ll have you naked.” She eyed his trousers and shoes. “Step out of those, baby.”

He did as he was told, then deftly removed the condom, marched into the kitchen and returned in a flash. Digging in his pants’ pocket, he produced another foil and held it up in the air. His fervid eyes teased her and his brows arched in question.

Maddie watched him as she sat on the third step of her staircase, her shirt tails dangling between her thighs, her pussy weeping with want of another good loving.

Dan came to stand before her, his blue-veined cock now at mouth-level, engorged with need of her.

She admired his yummy offering. She fisted his rod, bent and flicked her tongue over the slit. “You are delicious, honey. And to think all this cum is just for me.”

He made a low rumbling sound in his throat. “You’d better get on with that, baby,

’cause I am dying here.”

She raised her gaze to his, the seductress in her appearing for a second astonishing time with this man who was her lover.“Let me see what I can do to help you out.”

She licked him once more, her lips lingering over his heavy tip. She put her whole mouth around him, sucking him gently as she withdrew. He jammed his fingers in her hair as she sank again, this time farther, gentler, retreating with more pressure to her pull. He blew air out of his mouth as she loved him with her lips again, and yet again, each time sinking lower, laving him with her tongue and pulling back with slow, determined ardor. Then she forgot herself, loving the tempo, adoring the texture of his smooth cock, hot steel beneath her tender lips. She increased her need, her pace, her delight and heard that his came as a seething, searing yell of hoarse triumph.

“Jesus, Maddie!” He came in her mouth with hot spurts of exclamation and she swallowed all of it, proud she could love him so well, so long, so forcefully.


Until the Dawn

He sank to his knees before her, threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her like a madman. “God, baby, no one’s ever been so good.”

“Really?” she asked on a chord of whimsy. “How can that be?”

He caressed her lips with his own and crushed hers to him as he sent his tongue inside her mouth. “You think I’ve had so many women.”

She licked her lips, tasting his mouth and his cum and cock in a scrumptious mix.

“Dan, a man like you?”

“A man like me, baby? Yeah. I can have so many women.” He sounded raw and self-deprecating. “And god knows I’ve had my share. But like I said last night,” his voice deepened to gravel, “no one has meant to me what you do.”

Tears welled in her eyes. If this was true, if a man, this man, could love her so easily, so readily, so fully, was she a fool to believe it? She had to know, but not right now. “Right now,” she whispered, “show me what I mean to you.”

“I’ll start here.”

He rose up on his knees, looming and raising her chin. Running his hands down her jaw, her throat, he worked at the buttons of her blouse and slid the thing down her shoulders. At once, he flicked open the clasp of her bra and her breasts spilled free. No sooner was she bare than he was there, lifting her up to his seeking mouth. Rolling one nipple with one set of forefinger and thumb, he sucked on the other nipple with a sweet and all-too-brief pull of his lips. He let his cheek brush against that breast and with one hand to her hip, and another to her opposite thigh, he pushed her legs open.

“And then go here.”

He put both palms to the insides of her upper thighs and spread her wide. Shocked at how the aroma of her own juices flowed up into the air, she moaned. He brought her hips forward on the stair and lowered his dark head. The first flick of his tongue had her bucking.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“No, baby, don’t move. I have to get a huge hot taste of you and a crazy buzz going on this swollen clit of yours. Curl up, honey. Show me more of this bud and I’ll eat it up for you.”

She could have sworn she growled. She flung her head back, her thighs as wide as they could go, her cunt crying and dripping for this tender man who feasted on her pussy with a gourmand’s care. The torture went on and deliciously on for unbearably wonderful moments. Moments when she yearned to move. Moments when she craved to throw him off, demand he come inside her and fill her to the core. But she was a good girl, a craven girl, a wild woman who adored every slick lave of his tongue.

“Ahhh, god, Dan! No more!”

“Yes,” he demanded and sent two fingers inside her pussy while he circled and circled her pulsing clit. “This.” He dipped another finger into her and swirled her walls.

“And this.” He cupped her ass and tilted her up for him so that he could trail his burning tongue over every inch of her throbbing labia. “And this.” He pulled her to the floor, gripped her inner thighs and hauled her ass up his legs. Then he fumbled for his trousers and another condom, and snapped it on his rigid cock. In the next breath, he drilled into her, impaled her, thrilled her, filled her with such a driving possession that she came once, howling, and again and more. God knew, how much more.

He lay atop her, his heavy weight a welcome heat. He nuzzled her ear, dropped a kiss to her throat and wrapped his arms around her to roll them to their sides. “You are delicious.” He pushed tendrils of her hair back from her face. “Loving you takes extra energy. I’m going to be eating a lot more.”

She pinched his ribs and giggled. “You already are.”

“Mmm, and don’t you just love it.”

“No complaints from me, Mr. Foreman.”

His green eyes narrowed in the deepening shadows. His words were thick with the exertion of great sex. “I’ve become addicted to the taste of your pussy.”

She smiled, almost shy now, and pressed her forehead to his chest.


Until the Dawn

He dropped a kiss to her hair. “I meant what I said before. Don’t wear any panties.

Never again. I need to know I can look at you at any time and see you.” He rolled her to her back and ran one open palm over her swollen labia. His fingers traced her slit and she undulated. “And pretend that I’m eating you. That my fingers are inside you.” He sank three fingers in her sopping wet channel. He bent to anoint each areola with a small suck. “That your nipples are begging for me, like they are now.”

“O-Okay.” She could barely think as she arched.

“And that you can want me,” he crooned, as she felt the first pulses of another orgasm, “like this. And then you can come for me. Without me putting a hand to you.

That you’ll need me. Hard and fast. Like this.”

She bowed up as a wave of electric pulses careened through her groin and shook her whole body. At last she sank to the carpet, her body lolling in completion.

“No panties, hell!” She widened her eyes at him. “No clothes at all! Ever!”

He chuckled.

“But Dan,” she whispered, running a fingertip over the seam of his lips, “darling, what good will going naked do me or you, if you aren’t here with me?”

His mirth died and his gaze drifted to her mouth. He glanced away.

When he looked at her again, she knew his next words would be all business.

He stood and handed her blouse to her, then donned his own clothes. Maddie crossed her arms, clutching her blouse, standing there naked waiting for the truth. She hated to think what came next.

“I’ve got to leave town. For a while.” He faced her. “I’m not just a transportation expert, Maddie. I’m a tracker. One of the best field operatives Langley ever trained.”

“The CIA,” she mouthed, her worst nightmare of Dan’s true profession becoming fact. She sat back down on the third step, shuddering as she asked, “If I ask what you are trained in, can you even tell me?”

He bit his lower lip and looked pained. “Weapons. Illegal traffic.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

She inhaled.
“Why are you with us?”

“There’s a problem. Shipments of illegal arms from Guatemala are coming across the southwestern border. A big concentration passed through the Laredo and El Paso areas. Border Patrol confiscated those.”

“Then the problem’s taken care of.” But she had a feeling it wasn’t.

Dan shook his head. “From the drivers we arrested, we learned there were two more truckloads we didn’t catch. Like the others, they were filled with rocket launchers and about two hundred assault rifles.”

“But you tracked the two missing trucks? Or Border Patrol did, yes?”

“Yes. They found them in the desert near Del Rio. Empty of cargo. One driver was dead of heat exhaustion. They had no water with them.”

“Foolish to travel there in the worst drought Texans have had in a century. But you said one driver died of the heat. What about the other one?”

“He tried to set the truck on fire, then shot himself.”

“My god. Horrible.”

“Yes, but he didn’t do such a great job of it. The fire didn’t totally destroy the truck.

He—or someone, maybe his
, hid some paperwork in the rocker panels. Purchase agreements for the weapons and delivery instructions.”

“Terrible. But what has all this to do with us? With the staff? And why you’re here?” Was she screeching? She never panicked. Never lost her cool. But she was responsible for every staff member’s hire, every piece of legislation every aide researched, examined, approved. Her head spun. She covered her eyes.

He squatted down in front of her. “I’m here to see if anyone in Trask’s office had anything to do with the transport of that shipment.”

Maddie wet her lips and took a deep breath. “Dan, when you disappeared I went to the office and spoke to Trask. He told me to mind my own business, that you’d show up any time.” She mentally steeled herself to make the next statement. “I checked your 48

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