Until the End (13 page)

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Authors: London Miller

Tags: #Crime

BOOK: Until the End
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Looking amused, Amber asked, “Should I come back later?”

Clearing her throat—trying to will the blush staining her cheeks away—Lauren said, “Nope, what’s up? Did you need something?”

“I was going shopping, thought you might want to come…unless of course you’re hoping to be alone.”

“Okay, shut up,” Lauren said over her laughter. “I was trying to get some tips.”




Huffing out a breath, Lauren quickly explained her predicament. “I wanted to surprise Mish with a weekend to ourselves and I’m pretty sure we’re going to…well you know.”

Biting her lip, Amber tried to restrain a smile. “No, I don’t think I do.”

Trying to fight down her embarrassment, she whispered, “Have sex.”

“Why are you so red? I’m surprised the two of you haven’t done that before now.”

Lauren shrugged, looking away. The opportunity had come up on plenty of occasions, but it seemed like Mishca had been waiting on something, and after all that had happened later, she doubted sex was a top priority on either of their minds.

“Yes, well since it’s my first time, I want it to be special, but I also want it to be good for him,” she hastily added. “Remember that time Tristan was complaining about that girl being a lazy bottom?”

Sometimes Tristan had a knack for telling them about his sexual exploits, not caring whether it made them uncomfortable or not…or even if they knew the girl—like that time he was telling them about a girl from Amber’s art class.

“Tristan was just being a dick. Don’t ever take sex advice from him.”

“Then teach me, oh great one.”

“Be ready in ten.”



Lauren wanted to check her account balance first before they headed into the shops, wanting to ensure that her paycheck had arrived. When she stuck in her debit card and punched in her pin, she definitely wasn’t expecting the amount shown.

She blinked once, then blinked again, wanting to make sure she was reading the screen correctly. She even exited out, reentering the information just to be sure, but her eyes weren’t deceiving her.

As she wondered where the money could have come from, she had a sneaking suspicion.

She dialed Susan. Listening to it ring, Lauren tried to decide how she would go about this, knowing that it wouldn’t be easy for either of them.

When Susan finally picked up, Lauren asked, “Mom, did you rob a bank?”

“I don’t think so,” Susan said confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I checked my bank account today and there’s more money in my account than…well ever.”

Susan was quiet for a long time and what Lauren had assumed, she knew for sure now.

“Your father set up a trust for you, your portion of his life insurance. Once you turned twenty-one, it went into effect.”

“But why is it so much…” Then she remembered the payment from Mikhail, Susan’s hush money.

Now she wished she had never bothered to ask.

What more could she say when there was nearly half a million dollars in her account.

“Sweetie, do you want to talk? I know this may be a little hard for you…”

“It’s not a big deal. I can handle this.”

But she kind of was having a mild panic attack. If her paycheck hadn’t been in her account, she would have cancelled this entire trip out. She didn’t feel right spending that money, knowing why it was there, but she had no idea what she would do with it.

“How’s school going?” Susan said in a bid to change the subject.

“Tiring. I absolutely hate economics.”

“I’m sure you’re doing just fine.”

“Of course you do, mom,” Lauren said laughing. “Anyway, I’m out shopping with Amber. I’ll call you later.”

“Be careful while you’re out, okay? I love you.”

“Love you too, bye.”

She briefly thought about calling Mishca, wanting to tell him about it, but thought better of it at the last minute.

When Lauren turned around, Amber was off talking to a pretty attractive guy that looked a bit artsy. He had dark hair—not as dark as Mishca’s—and blue eyes that had the same aquatic shade that Mishca’s were, but they were missing a distinct of silver—

She was doing it again. Now, she saw similarities between Mishca and random men, but they were always lacking in comparison.

Not wanting to interrupt, and glad that Amber was talking to someone, she looked through the display cases at the mannequins posed in colorful lingerie. They all struck dramatic poses, the underwear only adding to the absurdity of it all.

“See anything you like?” Amber asked walking up next to her, a big smile on her face.

“Friend of yours?”

“His name is Justin. He modeled in one of my art classes before, pretty nice guy.”

Lauren waited eagerly for her to go on, waving her hand wildly when Amber just smiled.

“He wanted to meet for drinks next week. I said yes.”

“Awesome! You’re back in the game.”

“Yea, and I at least know he’ll appreciate my art…no, I promised myself I wouldn’t talk or even think about Rob. Back to my question, do you see anything that speaks to you?”

“That one,” she responded pointing to one of the mannequins on the far end, wearing the most modest attire of all of them.

“You can’t wear that. It’s your first time, it’s supposed to be memorable. Come on, let me show you how it’s done.”

Amber dragged her in, immediately pointing out frilly and tiny things that she thought were to die for.

“What about this?”

Amber held up a crotch less bodysuit made of lace that had Lauren shaking her head before she had it all the way off the table.

“Why not something simple? Something white? Cotton?”

Amber looked so alarmed by that, Lauren laughed. “You’re not in jail, L. How about these?” She dragged her over to another table filled with lacy undergarments in different colors.

These weren’t so bad.

“If I pick these, is this all I need?”

“Sweetie, we’re just beginning.”

Two hours and four stores later, they were finally getting home. Lauren tossed her bags on the couch, collapsing beside them as she rested her aching feet. She had forgotten what it was like shopping in New York.

“You have everything? You remember everything I said?”

“Yep. No biting unless he’s into that kind of thing, no candle wax because it never ends well, and finally no slapping, unless, of course—”

“He’s into that kind of thing,” Amber finished. “I don’t think Mish would be though. He’s seems too…domineering to be the sub.”

Lauren laughed though she agreed.

Everything was ready for her special weekend with him and she could hardly contain her excitement. Now, all she had to do was get him to agree.












When Lauren had everything ready, and her clothes packed, she called a cab, heading over to Mishca’s to surprise him. She had paid close attention to his schedule, noticing a pattern. During the week, he was constantly business, time spent between the Bratva and his club, and on the weekends, just the club.

Since Jonathan was the head of operations, he handled everything that Mishca did. It only took a single phone call to get him to handle everything for the weekend.

Mishca pulled the door open, his solemn expression morphing into a grin as he reached for Lauren.

Moya globushka

“Forty-eight hours,” Lauren said without preamble, holding up a sealed envelope with his name on it, her suitcase resting by her feet.

As she waved it in front of his face, he plucked it from her hands, preparing to open it when she put her hands over his, stilling his movements.

“Not yet, you have to agree first.”

“What exactly am I agreeing to?” He asked as he led her into his apartment.

“Alone time with me for forty-eight hours with no
,” she stressed when his phone buzzed. “Jonathan already agreed to oversee everything and I’m sure your, uh, partners can handle a couple days without you.”

At least that’s what she hoped.

His brows drew together as he looked from the envelope to her, making her fear that he was going to decline.

“We’ll still be in the city,” she rushed to say. “And if you need to, you can always phone Vlad or whoever.”

Silence…then he smiled, nodding once. “What do I need?”



With only two bags between the two of them, they checked in, Lauren handing over her credit card to keep on file. She chose to ignore the frown he shot her.

The en-suite was everything she hoped it would be. The room actually resembling more of an upscale apartment than a hotel room with its impeccable design and fantastic view of the city.

“You paid for this?” Mishca asked looking around, his eyes troubled.

Oh, no. She recognized that look. “I did, and I don’t want you going down there and paying for it behind my back either.”

Smiling unabashed, he carried their bags into the bedroom while she took a look around. There were two bedrooms, both with queen-sized beds and luxurious bathrooms attached.

In one of them, there was a sauna off to the side, a note resting on the table on how to properly use the tools inside. There were also a set of French doors, opening out onto the balcony, several tall, potted plants providing privacy while also dense enough to allow light to pass through them.

“So,” Lauren began as she joined him in the bedroom where his back was to her, “I have reservations at the restaurant downstairs for dinner and…”

She trailed off when she realized he was on the phone. She didn’t interrupt, letting him finish his conversation. When he was done, and he turned to face her as he pressed the end button, he quickly explained himself.

“Last minute details, promise.”

He even handed her the phone. She might not have realized it at the time, but that phone held more information about the
than any other piece of technology he owned. If it ever fell into the wrong hands, they would be able to take him down with relative ease.

“You were speaking of dinner, no?”


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