Until There Was You (11 page)

Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

BOOK: Until There Was You
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'I can assure you Pretty Girl, I
am not gay. I will prove it if you like.' He says winking at me.
What is it with people winking at me today?

'Watch yourself.' Liam warns,
all laughter gone.

'Why would you think I am gay?'
He asks, amused by it all at least.

'Well you are really friendly,
good looking, nicely groomed and always well dressed. Oh and you
always call me Pretty Girl.' I answer aware how stupid I sound.
They both start laughing hysterically again. Thanks guys.

'Nate is the biggest
player/ladies man you will ever meet.' Liam laughs.

'Damn straight, pun intended.'
Nate confirms proudly and I laugh with them.

We all sit and chat for a while,
laughing that loud the nurse came in and shushed us to which Nate
asks her.

'Do you know who he is?!'
Pointing to Liam as he does a really bad impression of him that had
me laughing so hard it hurt. The nurse just rolls her eyes at our
stupidity, but I can see she wants to laugh.

Nate leaves not long after and I
realize just how tired I am, wow laughing really takes it out of
you. Liam has been so much fun today, it was nice to see him
carefree and acting his age with Nate after the run in with my

'You should get some rest babe.'
He says kissing my forehead. He settles back into the armchair that
has moulded to fit his body next to my bed.

'What are you doing?'

'Getting comfy, why? Do you need

'Yes, you to go home and get
some proper rest.' I order.

'We can go home together
tomorrow, now hush and let me rest.' He sticks his tongue out like
a child a it's so unlike him I burst out laughing.

I wake in the morning happier
than I have ever been, because today I get to go home and the best
is I get to go home with Liam. Speaking of Liam, I am surprised to
find him gone.

I tumble out of bed to the
bathroom and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. This isn't
the first time I have saw the damage he did, but it still makes me
cry. I wonder if my hair will grow back to make it easier to hide
the hideous scar, my face is it's normal heart shape again just
bruised, but at the end of the day I am lucky to be alive.

I hear the door to my room close
and instantly perk up now I know Liam is back.

'And where did you sneak off
to?' I tease as I exit the bathroom and then freeze in my

'Oh sorry....I wasn't expect


Chapter Twenty


'I am sorry if this is not a
good time, I can leave?' Mrs Coltan asks nervously. Wow, nervous
does not look well on her.

'Liam isn't here, but you can

'It is you I came to see
actually.' She cuts me off.

'Oh...' What do I say to

'I want to apologize to you
Alexis, the way we....the way I treated you was disgraceful to say
the least and most of all undeserved. For that I am truly sorry, I
only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.' Okay I am
stunned and speechless. Am I dreaming? Is she for real?

'I wanted what was best for my
Son, I wanted to find the perfect and amazing woman to complete
him. You may not understand now but trust me you will when you have
children of your own....I never trusted that Liam could find that
woman himself but he did, he found you.'

We both have tears streaming
down our faces, it's unsettling to see this strong, outspoken woman

'I see how much my Son loves you
and I also see how much you love him too, all I ask is, please
don't break his heart. He is hard headed, stubborn, vain and many
other things. I would love to say he gets it from his Father but we
both know that would be a lie.' We both laugh through our tears.
'Also I would really like it if you and I could start again.....for
Liam.' She winks and I laugh.

'I would really like that Mrs
Coltan....for Liam.' I say honestly.

'Call me Rose Dear.' She

We sit and talk for a while then
she leaves and it feels really nice to not have her hate me. I
wonder if it will last? I am all packed and ready when Liam finally
returns with a massive bunch of pink and white roses.

'What have you done?' I ask
suspiciously eyeing the beautiful flowers.

'Nothing babe.' He looks puzzled
by my question, his face all cute with furrowed eyebrows.

'In my experience men only by
flowers when they have done something wrong.' I tell him

'I was under the impression that
you had no experience.' He smirks, shit he has me there.

'They are beautiful, thank you.'
I say sweetly.

'That's more like it, you are
very welcome.' He kisses me deeply, being so careful not to hurt

'So... You're eager.' He says
eyeing my packed bags with amusement. 'Are we just waiting on the

'Mmmmhmmm.' I mumble smelling my
beautiful roses, I have never had flowers before. I never really
understood the gesture until now.

'Your Mother came by.' I turn to
him and he frowns.

'I swear if she upset you in

'She apologized, asked to start
over, told me to call her Rose.' I bounce on the spot excited for
his reaction and yep, he is as shocked as me.

'Wait a minute.....Did she
actually say the word or just imply it? He asks skeptically.

'She said it.' I gloat.

'Woah.' He looks amazed and I am
guessing it is as rare as I imagined. 'So she should after the
stunt she pulled. What did you say?' He looks so hopeful.

'I told her to shove it.' I joke
and his face falls.

'I understand that and I respect
you decision.' He mutters disappointed.

'I am kidding you idiot.' I
laugh. 'I told her that I would love to start over.'

'That wasn't very funny.' He

'Neither was telling Nate I
thought he was gay!' I reply and he starts laughing at the

'That was bloody brilliant!'

'For you maybe.' I mutter
embarrassed again, my cheeks flushed.

'Aww your so cute when you
blush.' He wraps his arms around my waist bring me flush against
him careful not to hurt my ribs. He brings his lips down to mine in
a soft but loving kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck and twist my
fingers in his soft hair careful not to knock him out with my
casts. Someone clears their throat behind us and we jump apart like
naughty teenagers, well I suppose I am.

'Well you look better Miss
Cross.' Doctor Drew chuckles and I blush. Damn blush!

'Yes, thank you.' I mumble,
embarrassed at being caught.

'Good I am glad....we need to
discuss the do's and do not's so to speak, before I can discharge
you.' He states professionally yet friendly and I just nod.

The doctor talked to us about
resting and recovery. How to take my painkillers, When my hip scan
is. What are the signs I need to come back, a lot of other things
but I can't concentrate. I am caught up in the fact I am actually
leaving here and the mix emotions battling inside me.

On one hand I am excited to
start my new life with Liam, Mike free and on the other hand I
can't help but worry, what if it doesn't work out? What if Mike
gets me again? Can I survive any more bad in my life?

'Hey, you were pretty out of it
there for a while.' Liam chuckles.

'Sorry.' I smile.

'Are you ready?' He asks
excited, he already stood by the door, my bags in one hand the
other extended to me.

'As long as I am with you, I am
ready for anything.'



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