Until There Was You (6 page)

Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

BOOK: Until There Was You
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'Firstly, its not cheating if
your single. Secondly, nothing happened with Alexis before she came
barging into MY house. Thirdly, did you or did you not tell 'poor'
Mellissa I wanted to marry her?' I yell back 'Somebody is a liar
here, and it isn't me!'

'I thought you would come to
your senses by now and realize what a beautiful, well mannered,
bright young woman she is. You could do a lot worse and it is about
time you act your age and settle down Liam.' She states not even
fazed as I stare back in horror.

'For your information I am
settling down Mother.' I say before I can stop myself, she looks at
me in shock then her eyes narrow in suspicion.

'Please don't tell me its that
tramp Mellissa caught you with yesterday.' She scoffs then when I
don't answer she glares at me.

'Liam so help me god I will not
accept you marrying some money grabbing whore and ruining this
families good name for crying out loud. How can you be so stupid?
Think about my image here. How would it look on me.....and your
family?' She pleads.

I just stand there my mouth
opening and closing as words fail me. She can't be serious but one
look at her face tells me she most certainly is. I can't decide if
I am more angry or insulted. How dare she call Lexi them dreadful
things, she has never even met her I fume silently not wanting to
get into it with her, I need to get back to Lexi.

'Leave.' I order coldly,
pointing to the door to emphasize my point.

'Excuse me?' She looks so hurt
but I can't seem to care about my Mother's dramatics at this moment
in time.

'You heard me, leave now. I will
not have you stand there and slate the most amazing girl I have
ever met, when you haven't had the opportunity to yourself yet you
still judge her.'

'You will regret this Son, you
just wait. I don't need to meet her I have met all your other
'girlfriends' and I can guess she won't be any different. Good in
the sack, bad on the bank balance.' With them words she storms out
before I can respond.

I know Lexi heard all of that
now she is defiantly going to leave me but the truth is she nothing
like my other girlfriends. Polar opposites in fact.

'You can come out now, she's
gone.' I call out, hoping she wants to, hell i know i wouldn't.

The bathroom door opens and she
stands there tear stained face, wringing her fingers.

'I'm sorry.' She mumbles.

'Please don't apologize Lex, I
should be it was my fault I was an arse. I didn't let you
finish...' I huff. 'I am sorry can you forgive me?'

She hugs me and I hold her in my
arms grateful she is there and not running scared from me, or my
crazy Mother.

'Do you want to talk about it? I
want to explain.' She nods and I lead her to the sofa. Deep breaths
Liam, deep breaths.

'What my Mother said, don't pay
no mind. She is just angry at me over Melissa.' I explain.

'I don't want your money Liam, I
mean I know you must have a lot because of this place and the
£500.' She swallows 'But I didn't realize you were really rich or
anything. You are though arn't you?' She looks down like it's a bad

'I know you don't Lexi, that's
what makes me like you more....having said that yes I am really,
really rich but that doesn't change anything between us.'

'I don't know Liam, I just don't
know. Everybody is going to think of me like your Mother does, poor
little whore girl that's got her claws into the nice, handsome rich

'You were never a whore.' I
growl, angered she can even consider herself that way.

'Thats not the point, the fact
is you paid for me......I can never repay you, even if I gave you
everything I own it wouldn't even make a dent in that. Don't you
see I will just embarrass you and cost you more money.' She says

'I don't care about the damn
money Lexi, it was the best £500 I ever spent to have you in my
life, I would pay every penny I have to keep you. I don't want a
penny from you, I wouldn't take it from you if you offered. I just
want you. I know its stupid, we haven't known each other long and I
don't even understand this myself but I feel something for you I
have never felt for anyone. Please all I am asking for is a chance,
I can make you happy Lexi. I promise.' I pour my heart out praying
its worth it, I don't want her to shut me down.

'I don't understand what you
mean, why me? Why not Mellissa? She is beautiful and smart plus
your Mother already loves her....'

'How else can I make you see it
Alexis, I. WANT. YOU. I even told my Mother its you I want, if that
doesn't say it clearly I don't know what will. You make me laugh,
except now of course.' I smile at her. 'You are beautiful yet you
can't see it and you are honest, you have the biggest heart I have
ever known. You are far better for me than Melissa will ever be.' I
am pulling at my hair in stress, god why won't she except me!

She kisses me hard on the mouth
and I melt into her, god she is so perfect but I need to hear her
say it. I stop and look down at her expectant, praying she doesn't
rip my heart out.

'I want you too Liam, I have
never felt as safe and happy as I do when I am with you. What you
make me feel scares me, it's wrong so soon. I want to be with you
for as long as you want me.' She smiles and my heart jumps. She
wants to be with me. I kiss her again intent on taking her to my
bedroom and showing her how much I want her, need only her.

My phone vibrates in my pocket
and she squeals in surprise, breaking our kiss. Whoever it is
better have a good reason for interrupting me and my girl. Dad,
three guesses as to what this is about.

'It's my Dad.' I kiss her
forehead. 'If I don't answer he will just keep ringing.' I kiss her
lips and can't stop myself from deepening the kiss as the phone
stops ringing, maybe this time he will give up I think as we get
more heated and a rest my hands on her arse. Then it starts again
and we both laugh.

'Answer it already.' She
chuckles and moves away from me.

'You don't have to leave the
room.' I tell her as I answer and we sit on the sofa my arm around
her and her legs on my lap.

'Dad, to what do I owe the
pleasure?' I can't help but be happy with Lexi cuddled up to

'Boy what the hell have you done
to your Mother?! He sounds livid so I release Lexi and sit

'What exactly has she said I
have done? Has she told you about Melissa or what about her
surprise visit?' I run my free hand though my messy hair in

'I am aware so watch your tone.'
He barks down the phone. 'What of this girl you're marrying?' He
fires back and I laugh.

'Ah yes we are going to Vegas
now to elope.' I laugh and Lexi raised eyebrows.

'Liam this is no joke Son, your
Mother is spitting fire here about some harlot your marrying that's
going to rob us all blind.' He says voice full of disdain, my
Mothers on his case to then.

'Well you and Mother can rest
assured I have no intention of getting married, well not this month
anyway.' I chuckle and Lexi's jaw drops and she folds her arms in
mock outrage. I can't help but laugh at her.

'This is not a laughing matter
boy, so can I tell your Mother you're single again?' He sounds

'No I am not, but you can tell
her we don't plan on getting married anytime soon and she will be
the first to know when we do.' I demand all humour gone.

'We want to meet this girl,
tomorrow. Dinner at our place, yes?' He asks, though it's more of a

'I will call you back.' I cut
the call and eye Lex with uncertainty, I wouldn't blame her if she

'Soooo.....They want to have
dinner with us tomorrow?' I say casually, hoping she agrees.

'Do you thinks that's a good
idea Liam?' She looks me with uncertainty and I know she is
doubting us again.

'I don't know to be honest.' I
don't want to lie to her, they can be tough.

'I understand if you don't want
me to meet them, if you're embarrassed by me. I mean look at me,
let's face it I am no Melissa. I don't even have my own clothes.'
She looks so upset I want to hold her and never let go.

'Babe you could never ever
embarrass me, its them that I am worried about. I don't want them
to drive you away. And I was hoping my girlfriend will let me take
her shopping.' I cup her face. 'It would make me very happy if we
don't have to fight about this.' I add before she can even start to

She doesn't look pleased but
doesn't say anything about it.

'So do you want to go today or
tomorrow?' I ask her cheerfully.

'I was kinda hoping we could
finish what we started before we were interrupted.' She whispers in
my ear.

I pick her up and she squeals in
surprise as I carry her to my room where we do just that for the
rest of the day. It's just me and her and its perfect. We are


Chapter Eleven


I am sat in a sleek black sports
car, next to a beautiful man taking me to buy new clothes. I have
to pinch myself to check if this is real. However, the fact I am
dressed in a large grey t-shirt and large grey sweats, that are
rolled up at the waist and the ankles revealing Liam's white socks
and no shoes, I am sure that yep this is real.

'What are you thinking so hard
about?' Liam teases, grabbing my hand and kiss it.

'How I must be dreaming and any
minute now I am going to wake up alone, in my own bed, upset that I
only dreamt you up.' I reveal to him even though my voice

'You will never wake up in that
bed ever again, I promise you. If you dreamt me up then you're a
very dirty girl Miss Cross.' He chuckles trying to lighten the mood
as I blush thinking about last night.

As well pull up outside a very
fancy and expensive looking boutique, I feel uneasiness settle like
a rock in the pit of my stomach. I don't belong here, I know it and
so will they.

We get out and Liam's phone
rings, he signals for me to go ahead. He will be one minute he
gestures with a confident smile. Great, I take a deep cleansing
breath and open the heavy glass door to step inside. I immediately
spot a stunning cream, off the shoulder chunky knitted sweater on
the manikin.

'Can I help you miss?' A snotty
voice comes from behind me as I stand there in awe of all the
beautiful clothes. I turn towards the voice, I am met with a middle
aged man. He is tall and skinny with a pointy nose, eyes narrowed
at me in disgust, as he looks me up and down.

'Ermm.........That would be
wonderful thank you, though I just need to wait for
my.......Boyfriend?' I try not to let my nerves get the better of
me but he is so intimidating with his icy glare.

'To be quite honest Miss,
forgive me but our clothes seem a little out of your.....well
taste.' He states not looking sorry at all as the other two ladies
shopping giggle. I put my head down ashamed, how could I argue, he
was right. I probably couldn't afford a carrier bag from this
place. I was just about to nod and leave when I heard the
unmistakable, sexy deep tone of My Liam. Wait when did he become My
Liam? I hope he doesn't mind I called him my boyfriend.

'Does that apply to myself
also?' He asks in his no nonsense clipped tone. The salesman and
the two women stare at him in shock but the salesman recovers
quickly, brushing past me to get to Liam. He still hasn't figured
it out yet. What an idiot! Why would he think you were with that
god of a man my mind taunts.

'Mr Coltan, what a pleasure. My
name is Harold, how can i assist you today?' Wow someone can smell
money, I wonder how he knows Liam?

'Alexis sweetheart.' He holds
out his hand to me and I oblige without hesitation, grateful for
the comfort his touch will give me.

'Now Henry, if you are quite
sure you have nothing that would suit her, I must say I am deeply
disappointed.' I know he knows his name is Harold and I also know
that his is well aware that was not what Harold was implying.
However I am surprised to realize he heard all of that, although I
hide it well, unlike the man before us who looks like he is going
to be physically sick any minute.

'Alexis shall we?' He gestures
towards the door, smugly.

'Mr Coltan I think maybe I could
find something for Miss Alexis, come to think about it.....'

'I thought you had nothing to
her taste or was that not in fact what you were implying?' He cut
him off, hmm he is sexy when rattled and not at me. I press my body
closer to his.

'Sir you must please understand,
you see.' He clears his throat again, I am going to guess its a
nervous thing as he keeps doing it. 'I well.....you must understand
I...' God the man is physically sweating under Liams stare. 'Miss
Alexis, please accept my deepest apologizes.' He whispers to me
nearly crying. Jeez who the hell is Liam.

'It's okay, I guess.' I mutter
embarrassed for him, the two ladies still in shock.

'Please follow me and I will
personally assist you, if you would like?' He looks so desperate to
redeem himself, how can refuse.

'That would be nice Henry. We
need everything and anything Miss Alexis desires, am I understood?'
Harold nods before he even finishes.

Two whole hours later and more
money than I could ever imagine we finally leave the store, hand in
hand as Harold loads the car. I couldn't believe how nice I look in
my cream, chunky knit sweater, black skinny jeans with matching
knee high black boots that came with matching handbag. Like I need
a handbag, I have nothing to put in it yet apparently I needed a
lot of them. I am so pleased though I can't stop smiling.

'Hair and makeup or Lunch next?'
He questions smiling down at me.

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