Untitled (18 page)

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Authors: Unknown Author

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   She shook her head in denial. "Then why—"
   "Why would he let us play with you? Because he thought you'd enjoy it. And you did, didn't you?" His voice lowered to a purr.
   Another wave of heat surged over her cheeks, and she wondered how long it would be before she learnt to control the annoying blush. He laughed, and the blush disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.
   "He did it for you, hon," he emphasized quietly. "Not for him, not for us. For
   "Oh." The last person she'd expected to be having any kind of conversation with was Rob, and she especially hadn't been expecting to discuss last night with him.
   She let her thoughts settle. Was he trying to tell her that Nate actually liked her? Wanted her for more than just a quick fuck?
   "Hell, yes! Are you even listening to me, woman?"
   He was reading her thoughts again and, apparently, she wasn't listening closely enough, for he leaned across the table, grabbing her hand in exasperation and shaking it to get her attention.
   "Nate loves you. You are his Soulmate. That's very important to a werewolf. It's like the human equivalent of marriage, but even more." He hesitated, sudden worry wrinkling his forehead. "He did ask you, didn't he?"
   Gina shook her head.
   "Aw, hell! He's an idiot!" He dropped his head into a hand, staring down at the table. "Okay, well pretend I didn't just tell you this, all right?"
   "Just say 'yes' when he finally gets the guts to ask you, okay?"
   He shook her wrist impatiently. "Say 'yes'."
   "Good girl. Welcome to the family." He slapped a brusque kiss on her hair then stomped out of the room.
   What the heck was all that about? He was rather… mercurial. One minute perfectly nice and offering toast, the next telling her she was going to marry Nate. Mad. That was what he was. And he was supposed to be a doctor. She could only be glad she wasn't one of his patients. There was something infinitely calming about an elderly doctor with a cheery personality—and Rob was the exact opposite.
   She filled her mug, added cream and stirred idly. Still, it was a nice dream. She could even understand what he meant about Soulmates. There was

something about Nate that had just reached out and grabbed her the very first time she'd laid eyes on him.

Chapter Nineteen

Welcome to the family?
   Reality landed with a whopping great thud. Pleasant daydreams aside, what the bloody hell had Rob meant by 'welcome to the family'? Nate hadn't asked her to marry him, she hadn't said 'yes'… She shook her head violently at the very idea. There were way too many unanswered questions before she could even
about it.
Such as?
The evil little voice was back, and it was
What's not to like?
The voice was a hiss, a promise of sinful pleasure.
Handsome, rich, good in bed…
   Overbearingly arrogant, a salesman, and too good to be true. A werewolf.
   Way too good to be true.
   Besides, he hadn't asked her yet.
   What would she do if he did? It was an interesting question. In one day she'd be financially independent, free from a threatening stepfather, and life could go back to normal. Was that what she wanted? Now she'd had a taste of what she'd been missing, it was going to be damn hard.
   And damn boring.
   She liked having Nate in her life. She even kinda
liked the idea of getting an instant family. A weird instant family to be sure, but a family just the same. She could probably even learn how
to blush every time she saw them. Mind you, that was going to be a lot harder now than it would have been, oh, twentyfour hours ago…
   Gina paced the kitchen, thinking furiously. If Nate's behaviour to date was anything to go by, the chances of him giving her space to make up her own mind were about a million to one. In other words, she had to work it out now, on the off chance Rob was actually right.
   She paused. Just imagine—a catch like Nate Moore actually wanting her. Plain, boring old Gina. Well, maybe not quite so boring now, she conceded with a wry grin as she resumed her pacing. Nate hadn't let her hide from reality for very long at all.
   Okay, so the question was, did she—or did she not—want Nate Moore? She sank into a chair by the table, chewing her lip in agitation. This so was not the sort of thing she should be deciding this early in the morning. Even if she had slept in until something after ten…
   She replayed the last few days in her mind, attempting to fast-forward when she got to the evening before. Her imagination, however, had other ideas, slowing down and reminding her of every fleeting touch from those hot male mouths and searching fingers, replaying in vivid detail her writhing in front of them, moaning and screaming. How could she have been so brazen as to be lying there with her ass in the air, every orifice filled, and have enjoyed herself so thoroughly?
   Unsurprisingly, she blushed bright red, dropping her head onto the table and shaking it in dismay. The problem was, she couldn't imagine being so uninhibited with any other man. Nate had been there with her the whole way, and she'd trusted him enough to accept his word that she'd enjoy what they did. Everything they did. And she had. She'd known plenty of men in her life, but Nate was the first one she'd trusted so easily. If he believed they were fated to be together, then maybe she should trust his judgment on that, too.
   A rustling behind her alerted her that she was no longer alone. She sat up slowly, smoothing her hair and stretching cramped muscles as she did so. There was no point trying to hide the fact she'd been slumped on the table mere seconds ago—let whoever it was make of it what they would.
   Her tummy curled, little bolts of lightning suddenly flying directly to every nerve ending. It was Nate. Her mind may have been uncertain, but her body was sure. More than sure. A slow, sexy smile tugged at her lips.
   So, decision made.
   "Hey, babe."
   She sat up straighter, tossed her hair carelessly over her shoulder, paying very close attention to his reaction. His groin twitched. Well, she'd been in absolutely no doubt about the fact he was in lust; it was the question of whether or not he was really in love that plagued her now. She was, but was he?
   "You're not working today?"
   He attempted to sound nonchalant, but she could tell he was feeling the strain. The skin across his forehead looked tight, and she itched to reach up and soothe away the tension. "Nah, thought I'd better stay home and look after you."
   Gina smiled, a siren's call. "Thank you."
   His eyes were burning into her, the flame within them hot enough to incinerate her clothes and leave her naked to his gaze. Purposely she fanned the flame, all the time knowing she was tempting the wolf. She stretched, as supple as the cat he'd accused her of being, and leant backwards, angling herself so her nipples thrust enticingly towards him.
   Her eyelids lowered, and she glanced up at him seductively. "So, what shall we do to fill in our time?"
   Two quick paces and he was behind her, his arms wrapped around her shoulders to link under her chin. She was surrounded by the fresh pine scent of his aftershave. She inhaled deeply, watching her own breasts rise and fall, then shifted slightly on the seat. Moisture was dripping from her pussy, and she could feel it gathering inside her jeans. Her body definitely remembered him and was already getting ready to accept him all over again.
   Nate's breath was warm in her ear, his voice strangled. "Babe, I can't stand this any longer."
   "Stand what?" She pretended innocence.
   "I have to be with you. I
you in my life. You are my Soulmate, and I, I…" He stumbled over the words, obviously seeking the correct phrase. "I would be honored if you would consent to be my wife." He nuzzled her hair. "Be the mother of my cubs, babe. Say 'yes'."
   The last few words were practically a groan, but she caught them clearly. "Cubs?"
"Babies. You know."
   Gina fought to contain the giggle that was welling up. "I know what babies are. I also know what cubs are. It's the bit about 'cubs' that I'm specifically wondering about."
   "We'll have baby werewolves," he explained absently, his fingers catching in her hair as he drew her face upwards. "Sometimes they're babies, sometimes they're cubs."
   "I'm not a werewolf."
   "Ah." He jerked upright, and she instantly missed his warmth.
   "There's a special part of the mating ritual for when a ware's Soulmate is human. You become…" He hesitated, his tense hands on her shoulders now the only contact between them.
   "A werewolf?" she ventured.
   "Forgot to mention that, didn't you?" Her voice was soft.
   She stretched upright, catching his hands and bringing them back to her breasts. "It doesn't matter anyway," she murmured, using his hands to caress her nipples. "Because you don't really love me, you're just in lust."
   It was a gamble, but the only thing she could think of on the spur of the minute. She wanted him forever, but she'd offer him unlimited sex—no commitments. Then she'd just have to wait and see how he reacted.
   "Babe, you have no idea how much I want you." His fingers started to follow the pattern she'd set, tweaking and fondling until her nipples were rock hard and she was arching her back into his hands. "And I want you forever," he added huskily.
   "You don't even know what commitment means." She dismissed his words, grasping his hands and dragging them downwards, at the same time leaning back to run her fingernails up and down his cock, teasing him through the fly of his jeans.
   This was killing her. A few well-placed strokes of his fingers and she was ready to agree to anything he wanted. But she wouldn't give in. She had to know he really meant it. And he hadn't said those three little words yet, either. They were non-negotiable.
   "Now," Gina turned to face him, unbuttoning his fly and freeing his cock. "Now it's my turn to play," she purred and took him into her mouth.
   Nate's hips rocked against her, thrusting him deeper. His skin was silken, and she ran her tongue lovingly over his length, pausing to lick up the drop of cum that was waiting on the tip. She sucked gently, reaching her fingers up to stimulate his balls, and release more sperm. She desperately wanted to taste him.
   "God…please…I can't…" He pulled his cock free with a growl, the sudden movement catching her by surprise. She licked her lips, catching the fluid that dripped from her mouth. He was still hard and he hadn't climaxed, yet he tucked himself away, buttoning his jeans almost savagely as he caught her chin and forced her to look up at him.
   "Obviously, you don't believe me," he growled, the flame in his eyes brighter than ever. "I love you, I want you, and I'll be damned if I'll let you sidetrack me so easily!"
I love you
. Gina sighed softly, content. The very words she'd been waiting for. He'd spat them out in frustration, true, but she was sure he'd learn to be more gracious about it in time.
   She opened her mouth to speak, only to find herself falling into his gaze, trapped. She was no different to any other small furry prey through the eons. There was no escape.

* * * *

Gina opened her eyes carefully. She seemed to be standing up, and she wasn't exactly all that comfortable. Her hands were caught somewhere behind her, and she was brought up short when she tried to tug them free. The damp smell of rich dirt and fresh pine needles assaulted her senses. She shook her head in disbelief. It couldn't be…
   Adrenaline pumped through her bloodstream. Once more she was tied to a tree, her hands bound behind her back, and thick ropes holding her upright and immobile. She looked around quickly, immediately aware that it was a different tree in a different clearing. Actually, this tree was an awful lot smoother than the one her stepfather had chosen. And it was daytime. Afternoon. It was an awful lot warmer, too.
   She tugged at her wrists again and felt silk sliding against them. Definitely more comfortable than the coarse ropes that had cut into her skin. Not, however, that she had a snowflake's chance in hell of getting free. Whoever had tied her here had done a darned good job of it.
   And they'd had quite a good imagination, too. A gust of wind lifted the soft fabric that had been resting limply against her legs. She glanced down. She was wearing a white night gown, extremely low cut, and silk—keeping with the theme, she assumed. As she rested her head back against the tree trunk, one of the straps slithered down her arm, revealing even more cleavage. There were no panties either, she could just tell. She'd obviously been brought here for a purpose… Her body came alive as she started to consider the possibilities and a telltale trickle of moisture trailed down her leg. For whatever daft reason, she wasn't feeling the least bit threatened.
   Her head fell back in resignation. It was Nate. She was sure of it. A movement in the shadows opposite confirmed her guess. He was leaning negligently against a tree, his eyes shaded, but she knew he was watching her. He stood upright, unfolding himself to his full height before ambling across to her. She shivered. There was something very precise about his movements, as if he knew exactly what he wanted and was about to go after it. He was totally naked, and she didn't have to think too hard to guess exactly what it was he wanted. Her stomach lurched.
   "Well." He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek, his eyes searing her skin as they followed the movement of his hand. "My little disbeliever." He shook his head sorrowfully. "You realize I'm not going to let you go until you agree to marry me?"

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