Unwanted Fate (14 page)

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Authors: A. Gorman

Tags: #Romantic suspense

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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“Maybe it’s time to let the pain go?” she says quietly.

“I don’t know how.” I wish I did.

“I think talking about it will help you a lot, and I’m honored that you trust me with this private part of your life.”

“You’re easy to talk to—I enjoy talking to you. You’re not interested in my bank account,” I say with a chuckle and she stills, looking at me wide-eyed. “Oh yeah. There’s been a few of those.”

“Wow. Some women have no class. What happened to being interested in someone’s mind instead of their looks and money?”

“So you’re here just for my mind?” I deadpan.

“Umm. Yes? I mean, I like talking to you too and it’s refreshing to have someone who’s horrible at being sarcastic too.”

“I’m not that bad am I?” I mock the look of being hurt.

“It’s a close tie for who’s the worst.” She giggles, and I want her close to me.

She feels amazing in my arms as I pull her into my chest for a hug. I thought she might tense up, but instead, she melts into me as I feel her taking in a deep breath, inhaling my cologne, and relaxing into me even more. The closeness of our bodies sends a jolt through mine, warming every surface of my skin where she’s touching. My chest feels like it is on fire from the touch of her hands and face.

I’m getting too hot from our body heat and I slowly push her up. A flicker of disappointment shows in her face, but it quickly disappears as I pull her onto my lap and kiss her. As soon as our lips touch, I’m lost. I consume her, not wanting to ever let go, I’ve wanted a taste of her since the first day I met her. Kissing her is better than I ever imagined, but I slowly end the kiss, leaving us both breathless and wanting more.

“Sorry, I didn’t know how else to thank you for listening to me.”

“I enjoyed the hug too.” She smiles.

She’s gorgeous when she smiles, and she makes me feel like I’m normal and not some tortured boy. I look outside to keep myself from taking her on the couch and notice the stars have begun to come out.

“And now for the feature presentation, the stars over the mountains,” I say as pull her into my chest. She’s exactly what I need to help let the pain go.

“Wow, I didn’t even notice until you said something…” She inhales. “You’re right. You feel like you can touch them.” She looks at the stars in amazement, and I’m not in a hurry to do anything but sit here, so I can enjoy looking at her while she looks at the stars.

A little time goes by and she squirms. “Um, where’s the restroom again?” she asks embarrassed.

“You can use the one in the guest bathroom, through that door and to the left. I’ll turn the light on for you so you can see.” I help her up, and I get up, grabbing her hand, and lead her into the bathroom. I return to the couch, giving her privacy.

“Thank you,” she says when she comes out, shutting the door behind her. “I hate to rush, but it’s getting late and it’s almost my bed time.”

“Thank you for coming over and listening to me. Please come over whenever you want.” She blushes a little and smiles.

“I’ll just have to do that,” she says as I walk her to the front door. “Have a good rest of your evening. And if you ever need anything I’m just a phone call away.”

“I’ll remember that.” I pull her in for another hug, and this time I don’t want to let go.

“Night,” she says, slowly pulling out of my hug.

“Good night, Emily.”

I stand outside without shoes on as she pulls out of the drive and honks as she drives down the road, and I watch her taillights until I can’t see them anymore. A bug crawling over my foot gets my attention and I realize I’m still standing outside watching non-existent taillights in the dark.

Turning around, I walk in the front door, and I can faintly smell Emily’s lotion or perfume. The smell is citrus with a hint of something soothing, just like she is. I go into the kitchen and clean the dishes from dinner. There’s not much else to do downstairs, so I head upstairs to my office to check my email and to work on reports that need completed by the end of the month.

I glance at the clock every few minutes, wondering if Emily has made it home yet. Instead of sitting here worrying, I pick up my cell phone and send her a text.

Please let me when you make it home.

I get an instant reply:

I’m driving. I’ll message you when I can.

Good girl

I dive into my reports and get most of them finished when I hear my phone chime with a text message.

Made it home. Thank you again for dinner. I had a good evening. Goodnight.
Good. Me too. Good night to you.

I set my phone down on my desk and work on finishing the last report that I need to complete. Once it’s finished, I hit save, and close my laptop. I put my files in my briefcase and close it, and I grab my cell phone and walk to my bedroom.

I hope the next time Emily comes over, I can give her the full tour of my room, and I take off my clothes and get into bed. Thoughts of Emily take over my mind when my head hits the pillow, and I can feel myself falling to sleep.


fter Patrick’s text Wednesday night, I haven’t heard from him since. Thirty-six hours without anything from him has me second guessing his feelings for me. Is it possible I misread his body language and he only wants to be friends? I’m not sure though. The hug before I left was nice and I didn’t want to go, but I was getting sleepy. Since I like to be at work early in the morning, it doesn’t allow for any kind of night life.

I pull into the parking lot at work and hesitate getting out because I notice Victor hanging out by the entrance. He needs to go on in and not wait for me. I decide to call my mom so it looks like I’m going to be a while.

“Good morning, Emily.” She sounds perky this morning.

“Hey, Mom. How are you today?” I ask as I play with the zipper on my briefcase.

“I’m doing okay. I’m sitting outside drinking a cup of tea and watching the birds before it gets too hot. How’s your morning.”

“Good so far. I just got to work so it’s hard to say how the rest of the day will go.” I hear my mom put her hand over the receiver to mute her side of the call. “Mom… Mom?”

“I’m here. Sorry.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yes, I dropped the phone. Well, I better let you go so you can get to work. I love you.”

“I love you too, Mom.” I hit end on the phone, and I look up at the entrance to see if Victor is still there and lucky for me he’s not.

I get out of my SUV and head inside, and I make it to my office without seeing Victor. Thank goodness. I do my normal routine and get everything turned on and my personal belongings locked away.

As I sit down, I wish I would have stopped and got a coffee. I’ll wait until someone in the office is here to make coffee. If I don’t I’ll end up drinking a whole pot because I don’t want to waste it since no one will be in for another hour or so.

While I look through my emails, I wonder when I’m going to hear about the grant from CUGC and Patrick? Mmm Patrick. I think I have more than just a little infatuation with the man. Oh, how I wish I could see him tonight. Maybe I should ask him…out.

That is a brilliant idea. He’d never expect it, but what if he has plans for tonight? Who says it has to be tonight. Me, I want it to be tonight. Calm down, girl. I’ll call him and ask him out and he can pick out the when, and the where we can decide later.

I wonder when should I call him? I look up at the clock on the wall and see it’s only seven thirty. I wonder if now would be good? I better not. I’ll wait until later so I know he’s awake and hopefully not busy.

Checking my email, I click on the monthly newsletter, and read about the center’s celebration. At the top of the letter is our picture and while looking at the picture of Patrick and me at the top of the letter, my email dings with a new message. I click over and see it’s from KCaton from CUGC. Um, who? I open the email and it’s from Patrick’s assistant.

Ms. Janes,
I’m contacting you for a good time to speak with you. I’m working on your grant file for the board and I need some additional information.
You may reply to the message or call me between 8am and 6pm today at the number listed below.
Kristin Caton
Assistant to Patrick H. Matheson

Oh no. I wonder what else she could need. I look up and still it’s twenty to eight. Screw waiting for coffee. I need to do something to kill time instead of just staring at the clock. I walk to our breakroom and get the coffee out, fill the filter full of grounds, and put it in the pot. I press the button on and the machine comes to life. I look around for my coffee cup and realize that I left it on my desk.

I walk into my office and grab my cup and turn to walk out and run right into Victor. Where in the hell did he come from?

“Um, sorry. I didn’t hear you come in,” I say as I push myself away from him.

“It’s okay. How are you this morning?” His hands are still on my arms and I take another step backwards, my desk stopping my movement. I feel trapped.

“I’m well. Getting some coffee, it’s brewing now if you want some.” I push myself off the desk and out of his grasp.

“Umm, okay.” He looks disappointed that he’s not touching me anymore, but I’m not sure and I don’t care. I don’t want to be a bitch, but I might have to be.

“After you,” I say as I wave my hand toward the door, hinting to him that I want him out of my office.

He sighs and walks out my office and in the direction of the breakroom. As I walk out of my office, Kelly comes in and I’ve never been so glad to see her because I know she will be making a straight dash to the coffee pot.

“Good morning, Kelly. Coffee should be finished brewing.”

“Oh, bless you. I need a cup. I’ll be right in there,” she says as she rushes past me with her arms full of files and boxes.

I walk slowly into the room and walk to the sink to wash out my mug, and she arrives moments after me.

“Good morning, Victor,” she cheerfully says as she pours coffee into the biggest coffee cup I’ve ever seen. The cup has to be two or three cups.

“Hey, Kelly. Well, I guess I should get to the gym. Have a good one, ladies,” he says as he brushes pass me.

“Bye, Victor,” Kelly yells after him. “Such a nice fellow,” she says while she stirs cream and sugar in her coffee.

“Yeah,” is all I say and nod in agreement.

“Any word on your additional grant?”

“No, I have to call CUGC after eight actually. They needed more information for the documentation.”

“Oh, well let me know how that goes.”

“Will do.”

“Have a good rest of your morning. I know I will,” she says as she puts the massive mug up to her lips and takes a drink.

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