Unwanted Fate (16 page)

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Authors: A. Gorman

Tags: #Romantic suspense

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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“Hungry or anything?”

“Yes. You want to get something to eat with me?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind people seeing me looking like this.”

“I’m sure no one will notice your soggy clothing.”

“Perhaps if we go to McDonald’s,” I say blank faced.

“Sounds good. You can drive,” she says as she bumps me with her hip and walks to the passenger side of my car.

“Teenagers.” I shake my head and get in the car, taking Addison to McDonalds. She looks carefree at the moment and I’m glad to see a smile on her face.


ick. Tick. Tick. I put my pillow over my head, trying to persuade my head that I need to sleep longer, but my heart and mind is racing with excitement. When I texted Patrick my address yesterday, he replied he would be here at five thirty, in exactly twelve hours and eight minutes. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart and I give up. I’m wide awake; I might as well get up and kick off my day.

I open the windows in the living room and let the outside filter into the room. The sky looks stunning at this time of morning. I go to the kitchen and brew a pot of coffee. While I wait for it to brew, I pour a bowl of Special K cereal with milk, and go into the living room and turn on the TV.

The news drones on about the same dull stuff over and over so I flip through the channels. There is nothing on at this time of the morning. I come across a cooking show and leave it on the channel. I can’t cook to save my life. I burn water. Yes, it’s possible. Whatever the woman is making looks amazing and it makes me wish I knew how to cook, and the lady’s techniques pull me into the show and I end up sitting there watching four episodes without moving. Oops.

I pour myself a cup of cold coffee and heat it up in the microwave, and I wonder what my mom is up to this morning. I only talked to her a few moments yesterday. Actually, I’ve only talked to her a few minutes the past few times I’ve called her, and I grab my phone out of my bedroom, taking it and my coffee into the living room. I dial her number and hit send.

After a few rings, she answers.

“Hello, Emily,” she says with a shaky voice.

“Hey, Mom. Are you okay?” I asked concerned.

“Yes, it’s just a rough morning,” she says more even toned.

“Do I need to come over?” I’m still worried.

“No, no. I’ll be okay.” She’s trying to shake off my concern.

“Are you sure?” I don’t believe her.

“Yes, darling. You have plans today. I’m not going to make you cancel them.” Her tone changes and she’s in mothering mode.

“Patrick would understand, Mom,” I plea to her.

“I’m fine, so no worrying,” she huffs.

“As long as you’re okay.” I sigh because I know she’s not telling me something.

“I am. So, tell me more about Patrick.” Wow. She’s not rushing me off the phone.

“Well, I think I told you he works for CUGC, and he’s very good looking and very kind.” I smile as remember the feeling his body close to mine. “And many other things that I haven’t discovered about him yet. There’s just something about him that every time I talk to him or see him that I want to be around him more. I’m kind of infatuated with him.”

“Just be careful. Sometimes those guys in power tend to try to use their power in relationships too.”

“I don’t think he’s like that. He’s told me a little bit of his past… I don’t think he’d ever raise his hand to a woman, or child. Just that feeling I have about him.”

“Okay, I trust your feelings.”

“He’s someone I think Nate would—” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. “I miss him, Mom. I can’t not think about him.”

“I know, I miss him too, and if Patrick treats you well and you like him, I’m sure Nate would have liked him.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Emily.”

“I’m going to get going so I can spend some time outside before it gets too hot. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, Mom. Enjoy your time outside.”

“Thank you, bye, darling.”

“Bye.” Her lack of telling me what’s happening with her nags at me, but she’ll tell me when she’s ready to.

I look at the time on my phone and it’s only eight. What can I do with my free time? I need to go to the grocery store and pay bills, and I guess now would be good as any time to go. In my bedroom, I throw on underclothes, a tank, and shorts. I dig around in my closet for a pair of flip flops and put them on as I head to the bathroom to brush my hair and put it in a messy bun, and I quickly brush my teeth and apply deodorant. I’m worthy of Walmart.

My purse and keys are by the door, so I grab them along with my sunglasses and head out to my SUV, locking the door behind me. I press the remote starter as I walk to the SUV so the AC has a head start cooling down the interior, and as I open the door, the enclosed hot air blasts me in the face.

I roll down the window and get in, shutting it behind me. My bare legs instantly stick to the leather of the seat and I silently curse myself for not getting cloth interior. The air quickly becomes cooler and I roll the window up, allowing the cool air to lower the temperature.

The first stop will be at the leasing office to pay next month’s rent, then off to the grocery store where I’ll spend too much money on nothing. Isn’t that always how it goes? You think you need this and this and this, and when you get home, you didn’t even buy what you originally went to the store for.

For nine in the morning, the store was crazy busy. Kids were running around yelling and crying. I felt like acting the same way, but since it’s so busy, I don’t do much looking. The frozen section is where I need to go, and I get my supply of pizza, Chinese, and Weight Watchers frozen dinners, and hurry to a checkout lane to get out of the zoo.

Arriving back at my apartment a short time later, I get the food put away and look around at what needs to be done. Nothing. I haven’t been home enough to really mess up the apartment. Perhaps since it’s not too hot out yet, I should go for a walk? I change my shoes, grab my earbuds, phone, and keys, and head out for a walk.

I make it halfway down the drive in my complex and I remember sunscreen. I know better than staying out too long without it. When I get back to my apartment, I decide to say in. I’ll pamper myself before I go out tonight. My nails could use a new coat of polish.

After a two hour bath, a shower, painted toe and finger nails, straighten hair, and make up, I’m sitting nude on my bed in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear. I have an hour to decide. Why am I worrying about how I look? He’s seen me in a T-shirt and shorts and business suits. I get off the bed and look at every piece of clothing hanging up, and think that I might need to update my wardrobe.

Grabbing a teal midi dress that’s hanging in the closet, I hold it up to my body and throw it down to the floor, only to pick it up again. I throw it on a bed as a possible and look at what else I have—I have a royal blue short maxi dress and I hold it up. This one I like, a lot, and decide this is what I’m wearing. I finish my hair and makeup and put the dress on after I brush my teeth, and I add black wedge sandals to the outfit and change my purse to a small clutch to polish the look.

I look at myself in my floor length mirror and I think I look good, I hope I don’t look like I’m trying too hard or I’m desperate. I double check my hair and makeup and reapply a thin coat of lip gloss.

Time seems to be flying by, and I check the time, seeing as I still have twenty minutes before he’s supposed to get here. I go through my apartment and make sure that everything is neatly organized and clean, and I shut the blinds and curtains and turn on the table lamp since I probably won’t return until after dark. Impatiently, I sit down on the couch and wait for Patrick to arrive.

put Emily’s address in my GPS and when I see where she lives, I realize I know the area well. When I was at UNR, I lived in a rundown apartment with five guys down the road from her complex.

My excitement has me arriving at her place thirty minute early and I know I need to kill some time. If I remember correctly, there is florist a right off campus. Emily seems like she would enjoy getting a bouquet of flowers. I ask Siri for directions to a florist and several pull up, and I choose the one closest to Emily’s apartment.

When I get inside the shop, all different types and colors of flowers welcome me inside. I know most women love roses or at least love getting them, but I don’t want to be cliquish. An older gentleman welcomes me as I get farther into the shop.

“How can I help you?”

“Well, I’m looking for flowers for a girl…friend.”

“I have any color of roses you could want.”

“Would they work for a first date?”

“Oh, first date, eh? Skip the flowers. Come and see me when she’s having a bad day or a few dates down the road.”

“Hmm. Okay.”

“I know from experience. Women think you’re up to something when you present flowers in the beginning. It’s like you’re saying
I’m sorry
before anything has happened.”

“I guess I didn’t think about that.” He winks.

“I’ve been down this road a few times; buy her something reminiscent of the date, not flowers.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word. I hope to see you in a few dates.”

“I’m sure I will, son. Have a good time.”

“Thank you.” I chuckle as I walk out to my car and hope something catches her eye tonight.

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