Read Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1 Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Tags: #feisty heroine;tattooed heroine;tattoos;single father;opposites;L.A.;Los Angeles;California;office romance;redheads

Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1 (15 page)

BOOK: Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1
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Ryan ran the flat of his hand up her arm and then cupped her face. “That’s it, baby. Getting hot for me?”

She gazed into his eyes. He slid his palm down to her throat, circling his fingers around her neck and rubbed the front of her throat with his thumb. Her eyes widened, chills racing through her body. Forward and back, forward and back, she rode his leg. It was delicious.

A muscle twitched in his clenched jaw and he squeezed her throat, ever so slightly. Then he kissed her. Wet, hot and wild. His tongue moved into her mouth and she chased it, sucking and tangling hers with it. And her heart cracked open. It was too much… He was larger than life; everything she needed and never knew she wanted. Maiya couldn’t stop her feelings now if she tried.

This was going to hurt like hell.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Ryan drowned in her. Her body, her taste, her smell. He wanted to sink into the depths of Maiya and stay there for as many hours as he could sta—

Abruptly, she pulled away from his kiss and then stepped from his embrace, her gaze darting away.

“You okay, baby?”

“Yeah, I just need some air.” She fanned herself. “There’s a patio upstairs.”

“Done.” He grabbed her hand, leading her off the dance floor toward the stairs. He had her go in front of him, in part so she could lead the way to the patio, but mostly to keep an eye on her. She looked a little pale.

When they reached the second floor, she turned in the opposite direction from where he’d been with Jimmy and led him to an exit he hadn’t noticed before. She pushed through a set of glass-and-wrought-iron doors and stepped onto a huge covered veranda running along the side of the building. The cool air hit him like a blast but he shook it off and followed her to a small plastic table and chairs in the farthest corner.

The patio had about twenty or so patrons milling about and a small bar in the middle to keep the spirits flowing. Similar to balconies in New Orleans, decorative wrought-iron railings spanned the edge of the patio and rose from each support post to join the roofline, forming arches between each one. “I’ll get us a couple of waters.” His phone buzzed in his pocket as he paid the attendant. Ignoring it for the moment, he returned to the table and handed Maiya a water bottle.

“Thanks.” She cracked the lid and took a long drink.

“Any time, baby.”

He palmed his phone and checked the message. It was Jimmy, wondering where he was. He’d been gone longer than he thought; it only seemed like one or two songs, but must’ve been more. Sending off a reply, he let his brother know they were on the patio upstairs.

Ryan got a single word back from him:

Maiya was about to meet his brother. No way to avoid it now. He ran his hand through his hair. She was going to dig his brother. A lot. “My brother’s on his way up.”

Maiya lit a cigarette. “Oh yeah? Cool. Wonder where Heather is.”


“Yeah, my friend that dragged me out tonight. She’s most likely shaking her ass on the dance floor.” She blew out a breath. “Sorry, I think the heat got to me.”

He reached for her hand. “It’s all good. Feeling better?”

“Yes.” She leaned in for a kiss and he met her lips across the table.

“Hey, Ry.”

Ryan straightened in his seat. “Hey, bro. Sorry, I ran into a friend.”

Jimmy smiled at Maiya. “I see that.”

Damn his brother and his panty-dropping grin. Ryan cleared his throat. “Maiya Rossini, this is my brother, Jimmy.”

“James,” Jimmy corrected.

“Nice to meet you.” Maiya accepted Jimmy’s hand.

Jimmy kissed her knuckles. “Pleasure’s all mine.”

Maiya giggled. Ryan rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. His brother was always a killer with the ladies.

“You okay, Ry?” Jimmy asked.

Ryan took a swig off his water bottle. “I’m good.”

“There you are,” a woman said from behind Jimmy.

Jimmy turned and stepped to the side.

“Thank God you found me. I had no idea where I was.” Maiya made a face of mock relief and then smiled.

“Bitch. One minute you were there, the next you were gone-baby-gone.” The girl laughed. “Hey, what’s up? I’m Heather,” she said to both him and Jimmy.

“Oh, sorry. Ryan and James Donnelly, this is Heather Walsh.”

They did the all-around handshake exchange and head nod.

“I’m starving.” Heather stretched her arms over her head. “You want to get something to eat?” She was looking at Maiya.

“I guess.” Maiya motioned to Ryan. “You two want to come with?”

Ryan shrugged and looked at his brother. “You ready to get out of here?”

Jimmy hesitated a second. “Yeah, I’m game. There’s an all-night diner a couple miles from here.”

“We’d love to. Let’s go.” Ryan stood and grabbed Maiya’s hand.

When they got downstairs, Jimmy stopped and stared at the dance floor, then turned in the direction of the front bar. “Gimme a sec,” Jimmy said and stepped away from them.

“What’re we doing?” Maiya asked.

“Don’t know.” He turned to her. “Jimmy said he needed a second. Maybe he’s tabbing us out.”

“Shit. I almost forgot that myself.” She tugged his hand and walked in the direction of the back bar.

Ryan glanced over and saw Jimmy talking to a woman. “Hey wait, I think mine’s at the front bar. You go do yours and meet me back here.” He kissed Maiya’s cheek and sent her off with a pat on her ass. She smiled back at him as she walked away, tugging her friend with her. Heather glanced over her shoulder at him.

She was a petite and pretty brunette with a shapely body, a pierced nose and tattoo work on both arms. Maybe she’d be a good distraction for Jimmy. At least he hoped so. Ryan turned and scanned the area in front of the bar, looking for his brother again.

He was still talking to that woman. Ryan walked over in their direction. As he neared them he was awestruck by her stunning features: tiny, pert nose, bright blue eyes and pouty, full lips. Her blonde hair was up in one of those twists women somehow managed to get to stay in place on the back of their heads. He tapped Jimmy’s shoulder. “Hey.”

His brother turned. “Hey, Ryan, what’s up?”

“Did you tab us out?”

“Ah shit, no. You mind grabbing it?”

“No problem.” He eyed the woman behind his brother.

Jimmy cleared his throat and stepped to the side. “Ryan, this is Sonja Martin. She’s in town for business.”

“Nice to meet you.” She smiled and shook his hand.

No wonder his brother was talking to her. There was definitely something intriguing about the woman. It took Ryan a second, but he managed to get his mouth moving. “Nice to meet you too.” Letting go of her hand, he excused himself to take care of the bill.

She was gorgeous, and not Jimmy’s type. At all. Not that his brother didn’t date beautiful women, he did, but this woman was a straight up high-class businesswoman. Jimmy dated women like, well, like Heather and his Maiya— Wait, when the hell did he start referring to Maiya as his? Ryan shook his head and let the question hang in his peripherals while he took care of their bar tab.

A set of arms wrapped around his waist from behind.
His pulse quickened and he covered her arms with his, glancing over his shoulder at her. “All set?”

“Mmhmm.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me too.” He turned, circled his arms around her waist and then kissed her soft lips.

Heather made an inelegant scoffing noise. “Okay, lovebirds. Let’s go, I’m starving. Where’s your brother?”

Ryan looked over to where Jimmy had been. “He’s talking to some gorgeous woman who’s completely not his type.”

“Gorgeous, huh?” Maiya stepped from his embrace.

He motioned with his head. “Check her out. The blonde at the table.”

“Ah. Yeah, she’s very pretty. Now that you mention it, she seems more your type.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He shrugged and turned to look at Maiya, but she was gone. She’d started walking away toward the door.

“Way to go, asshole.” Heather walked passed him, shooting him a nasty glare, and followed Maiya.

Way to go is right.

Maiya walked to the car as fast as her legs could carry her. Time. To. Go. Heather called her name, but she didn’t stop to wait for her. Nope. It was time to go.

She was well aware she wasn’t Ryan’s type. There was no need for him to rub it in. Asshole. Out of all the clubs in Vegas and he shows up in the same one she’s at? He should be on The Strip, like the rest of the yuppies.

By the time she reached the car, her face was wet.
Dammit, don’t cry.
She swiped her hands over her cheeks and then bent to fish the key fob from her boot.

A hand rested on her back. “I’m fine, Heather.” She straightened.

“I didn’t mean it how it sounded.”

Maiya froze at the sound of Ryan’s voice, and then turned to face him. “It doesn’t matter.”
It matters.
A lot.

“It sure looks to me like it matters.”

Maiya dropped her head and bit her lip. “No. It’s fine. It’s true though. I’m not your type.” She glanced up and noticed Heather off in the distance. He must have asked her to give them some privacy and Heather looked pissed about it.

Ryan grabbed her by the loops of her jeans and pulled her close. She went, reluctantly, but did go.

“I’m not yours, either.”

The overhead lights in the lot cast shadows over his face and made his eyes appear much darker than the clear blue-gray she was used to. “I know.” She lowered her voice. “Doesn’t mean I want to be reminded of it. No one likes to hear they don’t measure up, you know?” Her voice hitched and she dropped her head again.

“Is that what you think, Maiya?” He placed his finger under her chin, raising her head, and she closed her eyes. “Tell me.”

“What is this?” She glanced around at the sea of parked cars and then back to him. “What are we doing, Ryan?”

He paused, opened his mouth and then shut it again. She had no idea what they were doing, and it was obvious he didn’t either.
Fucking fabulous.

Ryan frowned, a look of confusion on his face. “What do you want it to be?”

She stepped back and put her hands on her hips. “Oh no. Nope. You’re not going to set me up. I’m not going to go all vulnerable and lay myself bare for you. Whatever this is—” she motioned her hand between them, “—if
even anything at all, will be defined by both of us.”

He flashed his “I’m going to eat you up” smile. The one he used to let her know she was about to be dinner.
Fat chance, buddy!
She crossed her arms. “What are you smiling at?”


“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?” She pulled her hat off, ran her fingers through her hair and then rushed to put it back on. She was feeling exposed enough; she didn’t need her hat head on display too.

He pulled her close again, but this time wrapped his arms around her. “I love the way you fight with me.” He dipped his head to kiss her.

She dodged it. “You think you can just kiss me now? You better earn these lips, buddy.” Okay maybe his fat chance had graduated to a slim one.

“Earn them? Now wait a minu—”

“Hey, can we go eat? I’m still starving, you know!” Heather yelled.

Maiya craned her neck to the side and looked at her friend. “How could I forget? Are you meeting us there or riding with me?”

“I’ll meet you there. Don’t want to get towed. Again.” Heather laughed and walked toward her car.

“No shit!”

“I want to ride with you.” Ryan nuzzled her neck. “Can I ride with you?”

She cursed and slapped his shoulder.

He nibbled her ear. “You forgive me?”

“The jury’s still out. I’ll tell you after breakfast.” Those little caresses of his had her blood pumping.

“Sweet, you’re letting me spend the night?” He pulled away, his eyes wide and a freaking adorable smile on his face. He looked like a kid who just got his favorite toy on his birthday.

“No. I meant after we get done eating breakfast
the diner.”

“Too late.” He backed away from her. “Get the car and meet me out front. I’ll go drag my brother away from some blonde.”

“Fine. You’re still a pain in my ass though.”

Pulling onto the street, Maiya waited in front by the curb for Ryan and James to come out. It took a few minutes, plus one explicit text message where she threatened to torture specific body parts before they exited the club.

James climbed in her tiny back seat and Ryan took the front. He shut the door. “Nice car, baby.”

“I know.” She took off into traffic. Pedal to the floor. “And no, you can’t drive it.”

“Guess she told you, bro.” His brother leaned forward and stuck his head between the two front seats. “Did you see that woman? Man, she’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, who was she?” Ryan fiddled with the buttons on the navigation system.

“Sonja-the-lawyer. I just met her.” James sat back in his seat and let out a sigh. “She’s a criminal defense attorney. Fucking hot, huh?”

“Which part?” Maiya eyed him in the rearview. “The way she looks or the lawyer part?”

“Both.” James leaned forward again. “I think she’s the girl of my dreams.”

“That’s a woman, Jimmy. Not a girl.” Ryan looked over his shoulder at his brother. “She’s also out of your league.”

“Fuck you, bro. I’m gonna marry her, you watch.”

“I bet he does.” Maiya swatted Ryan’s hand away from the dash. “Good luck, James.” She caught his gaze in the rearview.

“You can call me Jimmy.”

“That’s very sweet of you, Jimmy. I will, thanks.”

“Are you flirting with my brother?” Ryan poked her thigh.

“What?” She glanced at him and then focused back on the road. “Why would I flirt with your brother?”

He leaned close to her. “Because he is your type, you know?” The low tone of his voice washed through her.

“Maybe I’m in the mood for something different.”

Ryan ran his hand up her thigh and slid it between her legs, cupping her sex. Her insides went tight and she released a slow measured breath.
Easy, girl, focus on the road.

He kissed her cheek. “Me too.”

Maiya pulled into the diner parking lot. Heather was probably beyond pissed at them, but knowing her, she’d already ordered food. She owed Maiya anyway; she’d just knock this one off Heather’s long list. Once inside, they piled into the booth with her friend.

Heather grunted at them and sipped her coffee. Not ten minutes later, Jimmy had her laughing. Maiya was surprised it’d taken that long. After they’d stuffed themselves full of pancakes and eggs, Maiya yawned and Ryan glided his hand between her crossed legs.

Gripping her thigh, he pressed the edge of his pinky finger against her denim-covered clit. Sweet baby J, this man enjoyed tormenting her. She watched as he traced his tongue along the seam of his lips, and she coughed, stifling the whimper erupting from her mouth.

BOOK: Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1
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