Updike (77 page)

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Authors: Adam Begley

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and smoking, 47

social life of, 147–48, 305–6;
see also
Ipswich, Massachusetts

stories by,
Updike, John Hoyer, short stories and articles by

stutter of, 26, 53, 57, 66, 103, 226, 277, 377, 423, 428, 453

and success, 103, 150, 158, 180, 209, 251, 259, 266, 270, 294, 296, 299–300, 304–5, 324, 377, 471

and technology, 471–75

as teenager, 30–52, 122

travels of, 257, 262–65, 297, 303–4, 307–18, 350–51, 360, 388, 416, 424, 479

wills written by, 263, 309, 415–16

writing career of, 98, 100, 102, 120, 124, 141–43, 146, 154, 173, 180, 209, 250, 281, 300–301, 304–5, 406–7, 410, 446, 449, 458, 471

writing style of, 254, 394, 411, 463n

Updike, John Hoyer, books by:

Always Looking,


Assorted Prose,
124n, 143, 270–71, 281, 361

Bech: A Book,
296–97, 332

Bech at Bay,
411, 439n, 446n, 472

Biscuits for Cerberus
(orig. title), 161, 168

309, 316, 452

The Carpentered Hen,
73, 139–40, 168, 170, 180, 186, 300

The Centaur,
1, 9, 21, 34n, 38, 41–42, 44–49, 117, 163, 173, 222, 223, 230, 250, 262, 265, 348–49, 400

Collected Poems, 1953–1993,
139n, 446–48

The Complete Henry Bech,

The Coup,
275, 309–11, 312, 342, 363, 381, 392, 411, 468

78, 158, 210, 246–50, 257, 270, 279, 282, 287–94, 296, 300, 306, 307, 333–34, 340, 354, 377, 379, 382, 409, 455, 465

Due Considerations,

The Early Stories,
53, 80n, 86n, 96, 99, 128n, 129, 242, 301, 469

11, 101, 485

Gertrude and Claudius,

Go Away
(unpublished), 173n

Higher Gossip,
440, 485

(unpublished), 126, 149, 161–63, 170, 179, 263

Hugging the Shore,
403, 440

In the Beauty of the Lilies,
452–54, 455, 468

Just Looking,

The Maples Stories,
212n, 469

Marry Me,
249–55, 259, 263, 377, 380

Memories of the Ford Administration,
442–44, 475


A Month of Sundays,
195–96, 362, 368–70, 379, 380, 443

More Matter,
440, 449

Museums and Women,

My Father’s Tears,
10, 439n, 485

Odd Jobs,

Of the Farm,
1, 9, 16, 21, 28, 34n, 41, 48, 117, 163, 173, 250, 259–62, 272, 350, 361, 368, 432

Olinger Stories,
14, 98, 173

Picked-Up Pieces,

Pigeon Feathers,
9, 165, 250

The Poorhouse Fair,
1, 163, 167, 169–71, 173, 174, 175–80, 186, 204, 209, 250, 266–67, 341, 469

348n, 366–67

Rabbit, Run,
1, 114, 118n, 173, 195, 197–206, 207, 212, 222, 227, 250, 252, 297, 299, 314, 331, 341, 379–80, 398, 400, 437

Rabbit Angstrom,
341n, 403

Rabbit at Rest,
206, 434–38, 460, 467, 469

Rabbit Is Rich,
1, 195, 206, 392–402, 407, 411, 434

Rabbit Redux,
195, 206, 275, 332–42, 344, 362, 369, 377, 394, 398, 436

Roger’s Version,
369n, 418–23, 471, 472

369n, 425–26

The Same Door,
9, 128n, 129, 165n, 186–87

Seek My Face,

(memoir), x, 5, 8, 12–14, 34, 44, 46, 76, 107, 158, 181, 223, 225, 258–59, 275, 276, 277, 286, 319, 344, 388, 423–24, 426–28, 433, 437, 476, 478

457, 466–68, 473, 477

Toward the End of Time,
224n, 454–56, 459, 461, 478

Trust Me,

78n, 457, 468, 471, 472

The Widows of Eastwick,
317–18, 457, 469, 479

78, 82, 457

The Witches of Eastwick,
410–14, 419, 426

Updike, John Hoyer, poems by:

“All the While,” 306–7

“Apologies to Harvard,” 55–56, 89

“Azores,” 230

“Capacity,” 128n

“Child’s Question,” 37

“The Clan,” 112

“Duet, with Muffled Brake Drums,” 73, 97, 120, 446

“Elderly Sex,” 437

“Elegy for a Real Golfer,” 195

“Enemies of a House,” 324, 326n, 448

“Ex-Basketball Player,” 98, 100, 113, 162

“The Fall,” 431

“Fine Point,” 482

“Golfers,” 193

“The House Growing,” 350

“The Hypocrite,” 72

“Icarus,” 467

“Lament for Cocoa,” 162

“Leaving Church Early,” 280

“Living with a Wife,” 306

“March: A Birthday Poem,” 106–7

“Midpoint,” 24, 50, 295, 296

“Minority Report,” 302

“Mobile of Birds,” 129

“Mountain Impasse,” 71

“My Children at the Dump,” 231–32, 390

“My Mother at Her Desk,” 19

“An Oddly Lovely Day Alone,” 376

“An Ode,” 140

“Perfection Wasted,” 447–48

“Planting a Mailbox,” 161

“Poetess,” 71n

“The Population of Argentina,” 71n

“A Rescue,” 450–51

“Shillington,” 31–32, 448

“Shipbored,” 162, 214

“Spanish Sonnets,” 312, 382

“The Sunflower,” 112

“Tao in the Yankee Stadium Bleachers,” 139n

“Thoughts While Driving Home,” 185

“Why the Telephone Wires Dip,” 71, 71n, 485

“Youth’s Progress,” 162

Updike, John Hoyer, short stories and articles by:

“A&P,” 213

“The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe,” 317

“Ace in the Hole,” 96–97, 98, 110, 113

“The Alligators,” 113, 145, 172, 173, 188

“And Whose Little Generation Are You? Or, Astrology Refined,” 167–68

“Aperto, Chiuso,” 316

“The Apparition,” 317

“The Astronomer,” 53

“Augustine’s Concubine,” 343

“Australia and Canada,” 308

“Avec la Bébé-Sitter,” 233, 235–36

“The Baluchitherium,” 343

“Bech and the Bounty of Sweden,” 461

“Bech Enters Heaven,” 387

“Bech in Czech,” 314

“Bech in Rumania,” 296

“Bech Noir,” 460–61

“Bech Pleads Guilty,” 401

“Bech Presides,” 387, 461

“Bech Swings?,” 298–99, 304–6, 449n

“Bech Takes Pot Luck,” 283–84, 296, 297–98

“Bech Third-Worlds It,” 308

“Being a Self Forever,” 423

“The Black Room,” 31n

“The Blessed Man of Boston, My Grandmother’s Thimble, and Fanning Island,” 213–15, 217–18, 219, 221

“The Bulgarian Poetess,” 264–65

“Cemeteries,” 301

“The Christian Roommates,” 60–63, 84n, 100

“Commercial,” 343–44

“A Constellation of Events,” 365–66

“The Corner,” 301

“Couples,” 246–49

“Cruise,” 316

“Daughter, Last Glimpses Of,” 346–47

“The Day of the Dying Rabbit,” 302

“The Deacon,” 303

“Dentistry and Doubt,” 109, 114–15

“A Desert Encounter,” 474

“The Dogwood Tree: A Boyhood,” 7n, 25, 50, 158

“Domestic Life in America,” 359–60

“Drinking from a Cup Made Cinchy,” 195

“During the Jurassic,” 343

“Eros Rampant,” 325n, 329, 345

“Far Out,” 343, 344n

“Farrell’s Caddie,” 313n

“The First Lunar Invitational,” 196

“Flick,” 94–96

“Flight,” 11–14, 20, 45, 46n, 117, 163, 173

“Four Sides of One Story,” 233, 239–40, 241

“Friends from Philadelphia,” 97–100, 101, 110, 113, 120, 186, 188, 267

“From the Journal of a Leper,” 358, 360

“The Full Glass,” 484

“Gesturing,” 358

“Getting into the Set,” 389, 390

“A Gift from the City,” 126, 136, 163, 166

“Giving Blood,” 237–38, 243, 328

“God Speaks,” 70

“Grandparenting,” 390n, 414–15

“Guilt Gems,” 367

“The Gun Shop,” 347–48, 349–50

“The Happiest I’ve Been,” 87, 113, 173, 186–90, 199, 452

“Have a Good Life,” 113

“Here Come the Maples,” 373, 390n

“The Hillies,” 321–23, 325, 332

“His Finest Hour,” 126, 136

“His Mother Inside Him,” 44

“The Holy Land,” 388

“Homage to Paul Klee,” 80–82, 86n

“Home,” 109n, 117

“How to Love America and Leave It at the Same Time,” 350–51

“Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu,” 143, 208

“Humor in Fiction,” 308

“I Am Dying, Egypt, Dying,” 303

“The Importance of Fiction,” 464

“Incest,” 126, 136–37, 163, 165

“The Indian,” 246n

“Intercession,” 192, 195, 196, 197

“The Invention of the Horse Collar,” 343

“I Will Not Let Thee Go, Except Thou Bless Me,” 304

“Jesus on Honshu,” 343

“The Journey to the Dead,” 410n

“The Kid’s Whistling,” 109

“Learn a Trade,” 390–91

“The Leaves,” 233, 234

“A Letter to My Grandsons,” 414, 428, 429

“Lifeguard,” 213

“The Lovely Troubled Daughters of Our Old Crowd,” 389

“The Lucid Eye in Silver Town,” 41

“Macbech,” 388

“Marching Through Boston,” 274–75, 336

“The Morning,” 233

“Museums and Women,” 81, 233, 234

“The Music School,” 245–46

“My Father’s Tears,” 36n, 51, 485

“My Lover Has Dirty Fingernails,” 244–45

“Notes,” 139

“One More Interview,” 4–6, 7n, 10, 11

“One of My Generation,” 86–87

“On Not Being a Dove,” 276

“On the Sidewalk,” 139

“Packed Dirt, Churchgoing, a Dying Cat, a Traded Car,” 212, 218–21, 222, 262

“The Peruvian in the Heart of Lake Winnipesaukee,” 71, 72, 90

“Pigeon Feathers,” 2, 35n, 39–40, 45, 61, 117, 163, 173, 212, 348

“Plumbing,” 325–29, 353

“Rabbit Remembered,” 397n

“The Red Herring Theory,” 285–86

“Rich in Russia,” 303–4

“A Sandstone Farmhouse,” 28, 432, 434

“Separating,” 351–55, 357, 358, 374

“Snowing in Greenwich Village,” 126, 131–33, 134, 137, 165, 237, 330

“A Soft Spring Night in Shillington,” 7, 14

“Solitaire,” 230–31, 233

“Son,” 347

“Spring Comes to Cambridge” (unpublished), 90

“The Stare,” 233, 234

“Still Life,” 106

“Still of Some Use,” 390

“Sublimating,” 325n, 344, 345

“Sunday Teasing,” 126, 133–34, 138n

“The Taste of Metal,” 285

“Three Illuminations in the Life of an American Author,” 380

“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and So Forth,” 109, 110

“Toward Evening,” 126, 127–30, 131, 132, 134, 137

“A Trillion Feet of Gas,” 126, 134–36

“Twin Beds in Rome,” 237, 238–39, 243

“Under the Microscope,” 343

“Updike and I,” 449–50, 451

“Varieties of Religious Experience,” 467, 468

“Venezuela for Visitors,” 314

“Walter Briggs,” 163–65, 168

“Warm Wine,” 251

“When Everyone Was Pregnant,” 388

“Who Made Yellow Roses Yellow?,” 74–75, 77, 126, 133

“Why Write?,” 8, 154n, 308

“Wife-Wooing,” 212–13

“Your Lover Just Called,” 285, 345

Updike, Linda Hoyer (mother), 16–24

birth and childhood of, 17, 21

correspondence with John, 54–55, 108–9, 149

Dear Juan,
18–19, 215

death of, 28, 32, 54, 262, 431–34, 444, 447

education of, 21, 56

17, 21, 22, 35, 163

escape from, 80

and grandchildren, 231, 391, 409

and Harvard, 54, 64, 75–76

health problems of, 402, 429–30

and her father, 176–77

influence of, 17, 18, 20–21, 38, 61, 379

interviews with, 2–3, 16, 17, 408

jobs of, 23, 33

John’s relationship with, 16–21, 44–45, 49, 51, 54, 55, 60, 80, 112, 118, 146, 185, 260–62, 329, 375

in John’s writing, 12, 16, 25, 28, 39–40, 41, 44–45, 73, 117, 260, 443, 447

and John’s writing career, 14, 48, 99, 112, 118, 216, 343, 383

“The Mantle and Other Blessed Goods,” 118

marriage to Wesley, 21–22

and Martha, 259, 372, 383–84

and Mary, 79, 373

and move to Plowville, 33–36, 41, 101, 320, 432–33

New Yorker,
90, 97, 118

pen names of, 17–18, 21

personal traits of, 20, 27, 34, 51, 433

The Predator,

“The Predator,” 90

“Translation,” 215–16

travels, 306, 312

and Wesley’s illness and death, 349, 350

work published by, 17, 163, 215–16, 383–84, 385, 430, 433–34

Updike, Martha Bernhard (wife):

children of, 405, 407, 439

diminished value of, 367–68

in earlier years,
Bernhard, Martha Ruggles

as gatekeeper, 383, 407, 409–10, 440–41, 476, 477–78, 483–84

and Haven Hill, 402, 406–7, 422

and John’s estate, 415–16

and John’s work, 383, 385, 387–88, 402, 407, 461

in John’s writing, 360, 365–67, 388, 410, 414, 455–56

in later years, 474–75, 482

marriage to John, 208, 311, 375, 381–82, 383, 400

and Nabokov, 355, 365

and the old gang, 385–86

personal traits of, 382

as social worker, 439–40

travels, 311–12, 313, 316–18, 372, 416, 424

Updike, Mary Ella (aunt), 18, 30, 54, 93, 144

Updike, Mary Pennington (wife):

and adultery, 159, 208–9, 224, 228–29, 248, 285, 356

and Cheever, 267–68

and civil rights movement, 273–74, 275

divorce from John, 208, 211, 229, 233, 249, 255, 260–61, 311, 352–55, 356–57, 364, 367, 370, 371–73, 382

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