Upon Waking (Youngling Series) (3 page)

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had tried, unsuccessfully, to revive her friend for several minutes. Finally admitting defeat, Tessa scooped her up easily and carried her to the couch and laid her down. With a sigh, she sank down to the floor, running a hair through her damp hair. Obviously the whole situation with Penelope was going to be harder than she had thought. But then again, she couldn’t blame her best friend. Tessa herself was having trouble coming to terms with what had happened to her. Of course, it was easier for her since this was now her life and there was nothing she could do about it. Or, at least, she didn’t think there was anything she could do.

Again her mind wandered back to the man from the street.


Something about him had seemed awfully familiar. Like her body recognized him but her mind didn’t. But that didn’t make any sense to Tessa.

She let out a growl of frustration. The whole amnesia thing was getting old fast. This whole situation would be a lot easier if she could just remember. She rested her head back on the edge of the couch and took a deep breath and she realized her thirst was starting to slowly resurface. Her throat felt parched and scratchy but it wasn’t totally unbearable.


Tessa sat up with a jerk as the strange voice filled her head once more. Something about it bit at her, trying to get her to remember. Every time it whispered through her mind, her memories would flutter, like she knew the voice. And there was something familiar about it but she couldn’t seem to place it no matter how hard she tried. All she knew was that it didn’t belong.


Tessa had managed to sleep through the rest of the night and straight through the morning. By the time she finally stepped out of the spare bedroom it was nearly three in the afternoon. Penny's thick auburn colored curtains kept the apartment in dark shadows, not a sliver of light peeking through.  When Tessa had ducked in to check on her, Penny's bed had been empty and made as usual. She grabbed a blue tank and dark skinny jeans out of the closet and dressed quickly. What it was she was planning to do Tessa wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to do something. She had to figure this out. On top of her need for information, her thirst needed taking care of and soon. She wasn’t sure what she would do about it but she was afraid of what would happen if she ignored it much longer.

Grabbing an oversized pair of dark sunglasses and strappy sandals, Tessa hurried out of the empty apartment. Penny's apartment building was an old industrial building so the hallway was dimly lit and windowless. It was strange though. Even without the clock in the apartment she would have known exactly what time it was. Her internal clock was in overdrive that was for sure. The moment she stepped out into the bright afternoon sun she knew she was in trouble. She suddenly felt like she hadn’t slept in weeks, her strength draining from her quickly. Tessa felt dizzy and sick to her stomach, leaning against the building quickly before she fell over.

You’re weak…the sun will do that to you while you’re young. It will get better once you have fed.

“Get out of my head,” she growled, shoving her hair out of her face.

“Tessa? Tessa, are you alright?” Her head snapped up but it was only Penny who had pulled up alongside her in a car.

“Penelope, thank god.” Without another word, Tessa pulled open the car door and climbed in with a deep sigh. “You were gone when I woke up.”

“Um, yeah. I went to get some breakfast and to think for a bit. You know…about things.”

“Right. I need you to drive.”


“DK Hollow.” Penny just stared at her like she was crazy. “Someone will be there. They must take deliveries or do inventory during the day, right? I just need to talk to someone. Figure out a way to find this Harper guy.”

“Oh, right.”

DK Hollow was right on the main strip, a low key sign hanging over the single door entry. Nothing about the outside was flashy or screamed nightclub. Just a plain, brick façade and the sign announcing the name of the club; no one was even sure what DK stood for and that was the whole intrigue behind the place. And Tessa was right; there was a refrigerated truck parked out at the side of the building and two guys and a woman about Tessa and Penny’s age were busy unloading metal coolers and taking them inside. Penny parked across the street and hurried after her friend who was already out and headed towards the truck. Penny nearly slammed into Tessa's back when she stopped dead in her tracks, staring at the back of one of the men.

“Hey, isn’t that-“

“Harper.” It was disorienting seeing him in the daylight as the previous times had always been in the dead of night. All three people unloading the truck were dressed similarly in dark clothes and dark glasses.

“What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to get some answers. Harper!” But the man who looked at her clearly was not who she was expecting. The skin of his face was smooth and flawless with a light flush to it like he was almost blushing. A slow grin spread across his face and the girls took a small step back.

“Can I help you?” The other two ignored them and continued unloading the truck. “Harper isn’t here right now but maybe I could be of some assistance to you two fine looking-“

“Knock it off, Carter. “ The woman had barely paused to look over and then went right back to work. Carter’s smile fell away and he sighed heavily.

“Like I said, Harper isn’t here. Like he’d help with deliveries. You can usually find him here during regular club hours though. Want to leave a message?” Even if Tessa had wanted to, Carter didn’t look like the secretary type.

“No, thank you. We’ll just…stop by later. Thanks though.”  He tipped his head slightly then turned away and the girls hurried back to the car.

“Were they-“

“Like me? I think so? The sunglasses must be a universal thing. Look, I know you’re still really confused about this whole thing. Why don’t we just go back to your place and we can talk some more.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”


finally told Penny everything that had happened in the morgue and Penny had managed to not faint this time. Miraculously, Tessa had managed to ignore her thirst all afternoon and well into the night but that task was steadily encroaching on impossible. Every beat of Penny's heart tore through Tessa with a vengeance but she just pushed the desire to snack on her friend as far back in her mind as possible. Penny took everything quite well, no matter how hard it was to believe. She kept making random Twilight references and it was quickly wearing on Tessa's patience.

When the clock hit midnight, the girls decided to get changed and head back down to the Hollow. Tessa was determined to find Harper and get some answers out of him. She wasn’t sure what role he’d played in her “death” but she was going to find out.

The Hollow was completely different at night. The neon light glowed bright red, which for some reason was hilarious to Penny, and there was a block long line at the guarded door. Every id got checked and sometimes the bouncer would stamp something on the person’s collarbone.

Tessa and Penny, who had refused to be left behind, headed for the back of the line but as Tessa passed the bouncer he stopped her with a hand on her wrist.

“You can go right in, miss.” Tessa raised an eyebrow but shrugged before walking past him and through the door. He merely glanced at Penny, who quietly followed Tessa inside, before turning back to the loudly protesting line.

“What was he stamping on people? I don’t remember that from the other night.”

“Yeah, well at least you remember something at all.”

Past the door was a long, dimly lit corridor but like before, Tessa saw everything in a pale shimmering silver light that lit up every nook and cranny in the brick walls. Music played loudly from somewhere ahead of them and they soon came to another door with bright lights flickering under it. Another bouncer stood before it and as Tessa and Penny approached, he pulled it open for them.

A feeling of déjà vu swept over Tessa as she stepped into the club. Music and lights pulsated around them and for a second it was overwhelming. The smell of sweaty bodies and pumping blood filled her nostrils and she had to grab onto the edge of a table to steady herself before she could look around and study the room she was in.

The ceilings went up at least three stories with thick brick columns spaced evenly throughout the room for support. At even intervals all the way around were deep alcoves with reclining chaise lounges and small antique looking tables. Some were empty while others held two or three people each, the tables covered in unmarked bottles. In the back right corner was a long bar manned by four bartenders and rows upon rows of liquor bottles lining the shelves behind it.  And smack dab in the middle of it all was a massive dance floor filled with people with more filing in through the door every minute or so.

Finding Harper was going to impossible.

Hell, she didn’t even know if she could find the door out and she had barely taken ten steps in. There were people everywhere, the dress code ranging from the very simple to the outrageously costumed. There were enough lights in here that the silver faded away, leaving everything looking washed out but sharply detailed. People were shouting at one another to be heard over the barrage of music but Tessa could make out every word. When she glanced around she noticed that Penny had already abandoned her for the dance floor and Tessa sighed.  She was going to have to find Harper on her own which was not her idea of a fun time.

“You look a little lost, lamb. Need some help?”  Tessa turned to the voice and sneered at the face attached. The guy was easily twice her age and had obviously stumbled in while looking for a biker bar of some sort.

“I don’t think so.”  She walked away, skirting the edge of the mass of dancers, trying to hold her breath as she made her way to the bar. “Excuse me.” The female bartender looked up and Tessa recognized her as the woman unloading the truck from earlier.

“Glad to see you escaped Carter’s clutches. He can be a little handsy.” She made no attempt to speak over the noise, confirming Tessa's earlier assumption that she was like her. “Drink? We’ve got all flavors.” When Tessa just stared at her dumbly she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “So, you’re obviously new to the game. What happened? Did Harper get a little overeager?” She placed a wine glass on the bar and filled it with a ruby red liquid from an unmarked decanter. “Here, you look a little thirsty.” Tessa nodded her thanks and picked up the glass. As soon as she smelled it she knew exactly what it was. She could almost
her pupils dilate and her mouth felt strangely full. The bartender chuckled softly, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.  “You’ll need to learn to control that.”

Tessa grumbled her thanks and downed the glass of blood. It was light and airy almost with a spicy overtone. “What-“

“Year fifteen, Asian in origin. The girl loved curry, gives the blood a little kick to it, right?”

“Fifteen? You mean the girl was fifteen?” Tessa grimaced and slid the glass back across the bar.

“Yes, but don’t worry. The Hollow only serves freely given donations. Nothing illegal is going on around here. My name is Alyssa, by the way.”

“Tessa. Look, I was wondering if Harper was here and if he was could you point me in his direction?” Alyssa smiled, sliding a shot of something clear down the bar to a waiting customer.

“Sure, he’s around here somewhere. My guess would be that he was in the back somewhere.” She pointed to an arched doorway to the right of the bar. “But, there are a lot of rooms back there and I wouldn’t just open them at random if I were you; virgin eyes, and all that.”

“What goes on back there?”

“You ever notice people’s necks around here?” Tessa just stared at her. “Right, of course you do, now at least. Ever see the stamp? Certain…
here know what this place is. If they so choose, they can become willing donors.”

“So the stamps-“

“The stamp is a
, for donor. It’s how we work the crowd. But we tend to like privacy. So the donor and their…host, for lack of a better word, pick an empty room in the back. This is why I would be careful about randomly opening doors.”

“I see, well thank you very much, Alyssa. I appreciate the help and the drink.”

“Anytime, but make sure to get something real in your belly and soon. Your need is like a pheromone around here. The rest of us can smell it on you and the others aren’t all as nice as I am.” She flashed a quick glimpse of fang before going back to her job and Tessa shuddered.  While the thought of a bite to eat, no pun intended, was tantalizing, Tessa couldn’t imagine grabbing some random person and
. Besides, she was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her from getting the answers she needed. If that meant she had to crash a few parties then so be it.

Tessa walked down the long hall past the bar, silver light taking over as the glare from the club dimmed. She passed door after door, some shut and a few left open to show an empty room. None of them felt right though. She felt like she would know which room was his, like she would be able to sense him or something.

Keep going. You’ll find the right room.

Tessa rolled her eyes but obeyed, moving silently despite the heels she wore. At the end there was a winding staircase leading down into the lower levels of club that she was sure no one went into; no one
at least. It appeared as though it would normally be barred by a locked door but it was wide open at the time and she slowly started down the stone steps.

Stone not concrete; it was like stepping into the twilight zone. The air became stale and still, dulling her senses. There were no actual florescent lights just brackets every twenty steps or so with a torch burning brightly in each one. She felt like she was moving back in time; like she was descending into a dungeon and she was a princess being held captive in a nightmare.

She’d been moving downward for a very long time when she finally stepped off the last stone step and into a shallow pool of dark water. Her eyes had already adjusted and Tessa had no problem seeing that she was in a circular room bare of any decorations besides the burning torches. Directly across from her was a high wooden door engraved with a fancy
. The door was slightly ajar and she hurried forward, peering inside. Another circular room like the one she was already in but this one was nicely decorated with a large desk and plush chair, a huge roaring fireplaces and couple of overstuffed couches with a low table between them.  Back in a dark alcove was a
large four-poster bed with white sheets and pillows. In the bed were two people laying prone and Tessa could hear their soft breaths from where she stood.

Silent as a wraith, Tessa slipped through the door and hurried to the side of the bed, peering down at the sleeping woman. Hair as fine as golden silk fell across her face and Tessa pushed it back, her fingertips barely grazing the woman’s cheek but it was enough. She stirred and moaned softly, propping herself up on an elbow.

“Harper? What you doing awake already?” Tessa slipped back into the shadows, holding her breath but it was too late. Harper was rolling over and sitting up, shaking black hair out of his eyes. His gaze slid languidly around the room and finally settled on Tessa in her corner.

“It’s time to get up, Kelly. I need you to leave.”


“Now.” There was a sharp edge to his voice and she shivered, slowly leaving the bed and grabbing her discarded clothing off the floor. “Thank you.” Harper’s eyes never left Tessa's.

“Wait.” Kelly screamed and dropped her clothes, spinning to face Tessa.

“Who the fuck are
and what the hell are you doing in here!” Tessa took a small step forward, leaving the shadows behind. Kelly gasped softly and Harper seemed to deeply scent the air, his eyes fluttering shut for only a moment. “You…you’re…”

Tessa nervously ran a long fingered hand down her shimmering silver dress, skimming her fingers over her curves. She knew she was a sight, which was why she had picked the silver halter dress and black heels. Something about the way her blonde hair and silver mixed seemed to…stop people. She had used it to her advantage more than once.

“Hungry.” Tessa jerked her gaze back to Harper's and he gave a small nod. “Go ahead, she has a stamp.” Kelly glanced quickly between the two of them then, with a sigh, lifted her hair away from her neck. There wasn’t a single moment of hesitation in Tessa's lunge, her fangs extending then sliding effortlessly into the smooth skin of Kelly’s neck, directly above the blue D that marked her as a willing participant. It was as if a pure shining light was sliding through Tessa, infusing her veins with life. Delicate tendrils of strength snaked through her system down to the very tips of fingers and toes, not a spot missed. She was a sight to behold, every strand of hair glowing with a subtle light, a delicate glow coming from her skin as her dry blue veins turned a vibrant shade of red under her skin.

Snarling softly, Tessa pulled away from her food and stepped back, licking her lips. A small smile played with the corners of Harper's lips and Kelly hurriedly dressed and left, shutting the door behind her.

“Amazing.” Tessa jerked out of her blood induced fantasy, turning to Harper with a faint blush coloring her cheeks. “Don’t be embarrassed, I doubt you know how lovely you looked just then.” Sometime between his waking up and her feeding, Harper had pulled on a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and Tessa silently thanked whatever god was listening. She didn’t think she could handle that sight quite yet.

“We have to talk.”

“Indeed. I’m glad you found me so quickly. I was worried that I had lost you when you ran off the other night. After impaling me with a shoe, of course.” He turned to a closed wardrobe and opened it, pulling out a dressing robe that matched his bottoms, pulling it on but leaving it open.

“You frightened me and I didn’t appreciate it. Can you really blame me? I woke up in a
, Harper. I'm pretty sure I killed two men, one of which was trying to fondle me in my-my
What the hell happened to me and who the hell are you?

“You don’t remember me then? Good.”

“Good?” she raised an eyebrow at his choice of words but he didn’t even blink.

“Changing can be…difficult. I wouldn’t wish you to remember that. Or my part in it.” He lowered his gaze and she felt her heart go out to him despite her anger and confusion. Taking a step forward, Tessa laid a hand on his arm, his flesh hard and lukewarm under her touch.
It was strange but she felt…drawn to him. She could almost imagine a thin silver chain connecting her heart to his. When she touched him, it seemed to pull tighter and tighter, trying to drag her to him.

She resisted.

“I need you to tell me what happened, Harper. Please.”


With a deep breath and a nod, Harper began.

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