Urban Prey (14 page)

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Authors: S. J. Lewis

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Urban Prey
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He sighed. Carla had been a lot more straightforward about it. He wondered if there were more women at the office who had their fantasies about finding out what he was like. Maybe so, but he didn’t care. Carla had been sweetly submissive, but it was clear that her curiosity had been satisfied, and any further dalliances were out of the question. After all, she had a position to maintain at the office.

On the other hand, Lisa reminded him a little of Elf-Girl in some ways. Maybe after this was over he could take another vacation and bring her along – although, he discarded the idea almost immediately. She wasn’t all
much like Elf-Girl, after all, except for being blonde and slender. Besides, she seemed to like the city, not the woods. It would be foolish to try to catch the kind of lightning he had with Elf-Girl twice. Whatever curiosity Lisa possessed had probably been satisfied that morning anyway. He picked up the brown paper bag she’d brought the handcuffs and gag in; everything was back in the bag – along with one more item: Lisa’s panties. He hadn’t expected her to favor a thong. But maybe she wore them to avoid visible panty lines when she wore those tight-fitting jeans.

He sighed again. Maybe after this he should retire from the business. He could try something different, maybe as a guide for hunters or fishermen. He was good at tracking prey, and that line of work would keep him out in the wilderness that he loved.

At the moment, he was feeling tired and empty, that is until his thoughts turned to The Female, and that old, familiar anticipation jumped up and grabbed him once again. He closed his eyes and pictured her bound naked and spread-eagled on her bed again. The gag and blindfold obscured most of her face, but every inch of her gorgeous body was on display, and available. He remembered how she had reacted when he ran the ice cube along her legs, across her belly, around and around those big, full breasts and those swollen, sensitive, mocha-colored nipples. He started to get an erection. Oh, it was going to be a long six and a half hours! He poured himself another cup of coffee and started planning out the evening.


It was dark outside when he heard the knock at his door. He checked his watch. It had to be Lisa. He turned off the television.

“Come in,” he called out.

The door swung open. Lisa came in, wearing her chauffeur uniform again. She wasn’t her usual breezy self. She looked chastened and oddly shy. There was no sign of her usual ponytail. She must have tucked her hair up under her cap.

“Mr. Smith?” she said as she came in. “I brought the limo.”

“Come in,” Ron said. “Have a seat.” He indicated the couch. Lisa shut the door behind her before she came over and sat down. Now she looked nervous. She sat with her knees primly together, her hands clasped in her lap. She was obviously waiting for him to speak.

“Have you learned your lesson?” Ron asked. Lisa went pale, then blushed.

“Yes, sir,” she replied as she looked down at her hands. “I’m sorry for…pushing your buttons, sir. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. It’s very important that nothing go wrong tonight. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Lisa nodded. She hesitated. “May I speak freely?”

“All right,” Ron nodded. “But keep it short.”

“I just wanted to say…” she gulped and went on. “I just wanted to say that I really do want to help you with this…ah…project, sir. I’m willing to do anything at all to help you.”

“Still hoping you’ll end up in the same cage as her?” Ron raised an eyebrow.

Lisa blushed again. “If I do, I do,” she shrugged. “I don’t think I’m entitled to ask for anything now. But I’d also like to say…” she hesitated again.


“I’d like to say…if, after this job is finished, sir, you think you might…want to train me personally…” she ran out of words.

“We’ll see what happens,” Ron said. He picked up his cell phone and hit the speed dial. “Now just sit quietly for a moment.”

Lisa nodded.

Ron heard the phone ring…and ring, then on the third ring, The Female picked it up.
“Yes?” It sounded as if she was breathing hard.

“I’m coming for you now,” Ron said. “Is everything ready?”

“Yes. Yes, I’m all ready,” she answered. “Should I wait for you in the lobby?”

“First, I want to make something clear,” Ron cautioned. “Once I pick you up, there’s no going back. There’s no getting out until it’s done. Do you understand?”

There was a pause at the other end.

“I understand.” Her voice sounded shaky. “I’m ready.”

“Good. Wait for me in the lobby. I will be there soon.” He broke the connection and looked at Lisa.

“Let’s go.” He rose and straightened his suit. Lisa brought him his coat, and held it while he put it on.


For once, the night was clear. The rain had washed away most of the snow and the streets had dried. The sky overhead was dark. If it hadn’t been for the city lights, Ron was sure he could have seen the stars. As it was, he could only pick out a few brighter lights. They might be stars, or they might be planets. The one that was moving had to be a plane.

Lisa had procured exactly what he’d wanted: a stretch limo, though it was very
. The back seat had lots of room, with jump seats on the back of the front seat for any extra passengers. The back windows were tinted dark, the upholstery looked like good leather, and the car was meticulously clean. It even smelled faintly of pine. While Lisa held the door open, Ron climbed inside and settled in the back. Then Lisa shut the door and climbed into the driver’s seat.
There wasn’t much traffic in that part of the city at that hour. It grew heavier as they approached the hotel, but Lisa drove the big car expertly. The hotel always kept a spot open on the street right in front of the entrance for vehicles picking up or dropping off guests. Lisa waited until the taxi ahead of them pulled away and then moved the limo into the spot. She left the engine running and got out. Ron saw the doorman hastening over and slid to the far side of the back seat. It was easier to see out through the tinted windows than it was to see in. Lisa said something to the doorman, then he hurried back to the entrance while Lisa stood by the limo.

A moment later, he saw The Female come out of the hotel. A porter walked alongside of her carrying a suitcase, but Ron barely noticed him. She looked as stunning as ever, striding along in high heels, wearing a full-length dark fur coat. Her thick mane of hair flowed down around her shoulders, meanwhile her smile looked strained…even nervous.

Lisa opened the back door for her and The Female stooped to look inside before she got in. Her position blocked the doorman’s view inside the car. Seconds later after the dark-haired woman climbed inside, Lisa shut the door. All the doorman could be sure of later was that the other passenger in the back seat had been a large, well-dressed man. The Female sat at the opposite end of the seat, looking at Ron intently while Lisa helped the porter stow the suitcase in the trunk. The big car barely moved as the trunk lid was slammed shut.

“What now?” The Female asked nervously.

“Wait.” Ron held up a finger. Lisa got back into the driver’s seat, then carefully pulled into traffic, as a privacy screen rose up on tracks between the front seat and back seats. The Female kept her eyes fixed on Ron.

“Lose the shoes,” he told her.

She complied. She had to reach down to unfasten the straps, and when she kicked the last shoe off, she looked up at him again.

“Come here,” he said. She slid across the seat and into his arms. He held her tightly and kissed her hard. Once again, it was intoxicating to have her so near, and he had to make an effort to break the kiss.

“Have you done as I said?” he asked.

“Yes,” she gasped. The kiss seemed to have affected her as strongly as it had him.

“Take off your coat,” he ordered.

She fumbled with the buttons, either from eagerness or nervousness, then opened the coat and slid it off of her shoulders. As she’d been ordered, The Female was naked underneath. Once again he was awed at the abundance and perfection of her body. His eager hand reached out and cupped a breast. Just beyond the window glass was a city full of people, but none of the passersby could have any idea what was going on in the back seat of the big black car.

The Female shivered. “You’re sure no one can see in?” her voice quavered.

“Yes. Be quiet.” His other hand went for her other breast. His thumbs circled her nipples slowly and she shivered again, moaning as she arched her back. She pulled her arms free of the coat sleeves and tried to put her arms around him.

“No,” he said, pushing them away. She looked puzzled. He took out the wide plastic wrist restraint and held it up for her to see.

“Turn around,” he said, “your hands behind you.”

She hesitated, looking from him to the restraint and back again. Then she turned and put her hands behind her, crossing her wrists for him. He didn’t make the restraint as tight as he could have, but he made sure that she couldn’t free herself. He slid his hands under her arms, reaching around to fondle her breasts again. Her nipples were hard, but it wasn’t from the cold, since the limo was almost uncomfortably warm. She leaned back against him, moaning faintly, while he rested his chin on her smooth, bare shoulder, inhaling her scent. He could see that her face was relaxed and her eyes were closed. He squeezed her breasts gently, finding the flesh warm and wonderfully soft. He squeezed a little harder and she moaned again, more loudly. Her head lolled back and her mouth sagged open.

He pulled his hands back and put an arm around her neck, while his other hand slid across her belly and down between her legs, combing through the curly little hairs. She gasped with a violent shudder, as he ran a finger slowly up and down the crease between her nether lips. Then she moaned when he slid a finger inside of her. She was wet already.

He withdrew the finger and held it up to his nose, inhaling. He’d done this many times before, but the scent of The Female brought on that familiar drunken feeling again. He held the finger to her nose briefly. She shook her head slowly. He didn’t think that it meant ‘no’, because she kept moaning weakly.

His hand slid back between her legs. His fingers began caressing, massaging, probing. She spread her long legs wider for him. Her head was tilted back even further, her eyes shut, her mouth open. Between her moans, she was panting for breath. The back seat of the limo was full of her musk now. With his finger found the fleshy nubbin of her clitoris, she clenched her teeth and groaned, her lips drawing back.

“Where we are going,” he whispered in her ear, “other men will see you. Other men will want you. But they cannot have you because you’re mine.”

“Yesssss…” she hissed through her teeth. He couldn’t tell if she was agreeing or just reacting to what he was doing. It didn’t matter.

His fingers kept working, getting her wetter and more aroused. Her nipples were swollen, and as he softly pinched one, she bucked back against him. She was making many kinds of noises now: Moans, groans, hisses, grunts and whimpers. She shuddered and shivered in his grip, thrusting her hips up to meet his invading hand and grinding herself against it.

“AH!” Her whole body shook violently. “Ahhhhh….yesssssssssssss!” He kept rubbing and teasing until he could feel the muscles of her thighs tightening and she planted her feet firmly against the far door.

“Ah…ah…ah…” she gasped, panting as her climax began to build. Her skin felt warm, becoming hot against his hands. His fingers kept working, bringing her closer and closer – he’s had years of experience bringing women to orgasm.

Then she came. Her back arched, her head bent back at an almost impossible angle. Her body spasmed, lifting her up off of the seat and shoving him hard up against the door. Her strength surprised him. He could feel her quivering and shaking as he kept to his work and made her come again and again. She was shrieking with pleasure and it was all he could do to hold her in place. When her moans began to sound like sobs, he knew she was near her limit. He withdrew his hand and moved her so that she sitting up again, facing him. Her eyes were sleepy and vacant, but she responded quickly to his kiss. He made it a brief one. She was breathing heavily, and smiling weakly.

It was time for the next step. He took a length of black cloth from his coat pocket and used it to blindfold her. She didn’t resist. She didn’t seem to have the strength to, even if she wanted to.
They should be arriving at the office soon. In the meantime, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He made her bend forward first and checked to see if her hands were still secured. They were, and she didn’t seem to have any problems with her circulation. Then he pushed her back upright and began running his hands over every part of her that he could reach: thighs, hips, belly, shoulders, neck…but returning, over and over again, to those spectacular breasts. He was just thinking about laying her across his lap and exploring her ass when he was interrupted.
“We have arrived, sir,” Lisa’s voice came from an intercom speaker somewhere behind him.
“Good,” he answered. “Drive on in.”

“Very well, sir.”

The limo came to a stop. He had his arm around The Female’s shoulders, and he felt her stiffen up a little. After a moment, they began to roll forward again, slowly. The limo stopped again. After another moment, Lisa was back on the intercom.

“We are inside. Doors closed, all secure.”

Ron opened his door and stepped out. He hadn’t seen this room before. It was wide enough for two cars, and just barely long enough for the limo to fit inside. The rear bumper was mere inches from the rollup metal door. On the opposite wall was another rollup metal door, not quite wide enough for a car. He heard a low rumble and saw that door beginning to rise.
He reached back into the limo and took The Female by her arm. She didn’t resist, but she made a small cry of dismay when her bare feet touched the cement floor.

“It’s cold!” she exclaimed. She shivered. Well, it
cold in the garage.

“Quiet.” Ron slapped her ass, not too hard. She flinched and whimpered. “This way,” he told her. “It gets warmer.” He kept his grip on her arm and guided her towards the door where a gust of warm air met them. The Female, still blindfolded, kept close to him, stepping along carefully.
Two men were in the next room. Ron saw their eyes bulge and their jaws drop as he entered, shepherding his prize along. Still blindfolded, she had no idea that anyone else was there until one of the men recovered himself enough to speak.

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