Urban Prey (18 page)

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Authors: S. J. Lewis

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Urban Prey
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He put her collar and leash back on, but tucked the cuffs away in his pockets. He had to support her as he took her back to her cage. There was a mattress on the floor. She sank onto it with a sigh and seemed to go right to sleep. There was no blanket or sheet, but the room was kept warm enough so that she shouldn’t need them.

When he stepped out into the hallway, Lisa was there. She looked almost as tired as The Female had, and very appealing as she stood there, barefooted, wrapped up in a bathrobe.
“Well?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Master?” she added.

“I was just about to come looking for you,” Ron said. “She’s in there, sound asleep. I think there’s just enough room on the mattress for the two of you. A deal’s a deal.”

Lisa smiled wryly. “Well, I did my part,” she said. She shed the robe in one fluid motion. Under it, she wore nothing but a leather collar. She turned around so he could see her cute little ass. It was marked with angry red stripes and bruises. “Those guys got a little carried away,” she said. “I’ve been kept on my knees for a

“Go on in,” Ron said. “I left the cell door open. Just make sure you pull it shut behind you. What are you going to do if she wakes up and freaks out when she finds you there?”

“She won’t,” Lisa grinned. “I’m just another poor little sub like she is.”

Chapter Thirteen

The days passed. Ron wasn’t sure how many. He hadn’t been out of the building they called the Office since he’d brought The Female into it. Her time in their custody was growing short, but he wasn’t sure how much time was left. They always kept women for a specified number of days, anywhere from five days to two weeks, depending on what they’d signed up for. It was standard procedure to break up their normal sleep cycles to keep them disoriented and unsure of the passage of time. Usually, there were several men on the job. He’d been doing it all by himself, which meant that his own normal patterns had been broken up as well.

He had some help from the Office staff, true. They made sure that The Female was fed and watered when he just couldn’t. They kept an eye on her at all times, just as they did with all of the other women. All the same, he felt tired and drained by the demands he placed on himself. When he slept, it was a heavy, dreamless sleep, and whenever he woke he felt a little less rested than he had before. But every time he woke he thought of The Female waiting for him, collared and submissive. She was naked; her gorgeous body available, waiting for his touch, whether it was a spank or a caress. The problem was that she was entirely too submissive. He’d been trying to find her limits and push her past them. Although she’d balked at a few things, it was never for long. She hadn’t seemed to like the successively larger training plugs he’d inserted, but she hadn’t really fought them very hard either. He had the impression that her struggles then were intended to find out what
limits were, to prod him into treating her more forcefully, more cruelly.
Maybe he had been going too easily on her. He wasn’t sure. He was so tired that it was difficult to think clearly now. But he was pretty sure that he had done everything he could think of.
He had strung her up, spread-eagled, and used a vibrator to make her come again and again until she was sobbing and moaning through the bit gag and couldn’t stay on her toes any more – no matter that it left her hanging painfully by her wrists. She had protested when he’d brought other men in to watch him do that to her. They always did. In the end, she paid her audience no attention as he made her scream and howl from the power of the orgasms he drew from her.
He had let Lisa share a cell with her. She hadn’t seemed to recognize the slender blonde as the chauffeur from the night she’d been brought to the Office. She hadn’t objected to the closeness of another naked woman as they huddled together on the mattress to keep warm. She hadn’t objected when he’d put both of them into a larger cage with even more naked women, in a chillier room that guaranteed a lot of physical closeness. Lisa’s report afterwards hadn’t been very helpful. The Female hadn’t joined in any of the surreptitious and furtive lesbian play that went on once the lights were out, at the same time, she hadn’t actively fought off any of the blindly groping hands and mouths. At most, she turned around or moved away.
,” Lisa had shaken her head. “You could’ve kept me in with her forever and I don’t think she’d’ve told me anything. But I wouldn’t’ve minded. She has the softest, juiciest tits I’ve ever gotten my hands on. Nice hard nipples, too. The rest of her is just as much fun to play with. But I don’t think she’s into other girls, and she hardly talked at all the whole time. Usually there’s a lot of whispering in the dark. Girls love to compare notes. She didn’t tell anybody anything, so far as I know. Even when I worked up the nerve to kiss her, all she said was ‘no, thank you’ and then she turned away.” Lisa had sounded terribly disappointed.

He was disappointed also. He’d just about worn himself out trying to break The Female. She wouldn’t break. She would
all over the place, meekly accepting whatever plans he had for her, submitting to him completely. On the one hand, it was gratifying. She was getting better and better at sucking cock, even when he was slapping her rump with a riding crop. The last time around, he had grabbed a fistful of her hair and used that grip to make her go faster and deeper. She had whined and struggled and protested, but she hadn’t bitten him. When he’d come in her hot, wet, beautiful mouth, she’d squirmed and squealed through her nose…but she’d also swallowed, and licked his cock clean afterwards when he’d ordered her to.

He finished off the last of his coffee. He’d been drinking too much of it lately, but he needed the lift that the caffeine afforded. He had just about run out of things to do to her. It might be just as well. He was almost out of time, and very nearly out of energy.

“Hey, Master,” Lisa stuck her head into the cafeteria. She walked over to him, wearing only a bathrobe again. She was barefoot, and her hair was damp.

“What?” Ron asked. Lisa had started poking at him again, trying to get him riled up, ever since she’d realized that The Female was wearing him out. He had no idea what she was after. Maybe it was just in her nature to tease the big, dangerous animals. Maybe he could string her up in one of the rooms and have The Female watch while he worked that slim body over with a whip. Lisa certainly deserved a spanking, at least. Maybe that was what she was after. She probably got off on it.

“Your special project is freaking out,” Lisa smiled slyly. “They sent me to get you.”

“What?” Ron stood up. “What happened?”

“I dunno,” Lisa shrugged. “That’s all they told me. Maybe you’d best hurry on over.”

“Maybe I’ll just walk on over,” Ron yawned and stretched.

“Awww,” Lisa cocked her head to one side and looked up at him. “Are you getting tired? Is she too much…” she yelped and jumped as he gave her ass a hard, hard swat.

“Watch your mouth,” Ron warned her.

“Of course…Master,” she smiled as she watched him leave. Her expression was so smug that he very much wanted to wipe it off of her face. He’d much rather see her gasping and sobbing and begging for mercy. Maybe later. Maybe not. He was going to have to take a long, long vacation when this was all over.

He was in the second floor cafeteria. The Female was in yet another cell up on the third floor. It was a large cell, maybe eight feet by ten. Directly opposite it was another cell of the same size. Between them was a passageway no more than four feet wide. As he recalled, that other cell’s current occupant was an attractive blonde in her mid-twenties. She was tall, long-legged, and naturally blonde. Under any other circumstances he might have described her as stunning. Next to The Female, though, she seemed pale and insubstantial. The two women did not seem to like each other at all.

He took the stairs up to the third floor. He wanted to take his time. If The Female was freaking out, it might mean that he’d at last found some boundary that she wouldn’t cross without him pushing her over it.

When he got to the door that opened onto the cells he found a small crowd of three men and two women standing around it in the hallway. He could hear yells coming from inside the room, punctuated by occasional metallic clangs. It sounded like The Female was using her aluminum feeding bowl to bang on the bars of her cell. There was another, louder bang followed by an angry shriek.

“What’s going on?” he asked. The small crowd started to break up.

“We don’t know,” one of the men told him. “It started a couple of minutes ago. She sounds really mad about something.”

There was another loud bang, followed by what sounded like a stream of insults. The words were all in rapid-fire Spanish.

“Yeah, she does,” Ron nodded. “Guess I’d better go in.”

“You…ah…need any help?” The man seemed at once hopeful and apprehensive.

“No,” Ron shook his head. “Thanks. But I would like you to bring me something.”



He entered the room just as The Female seemed to have run out of breath. She turned her glare from the woman in the other cell to him. All she was wearing was her collar and the harness that held the anal training plug in place. There was a fire in her eyes and she was breathing heavily. She stood with her legs apart, brandishing her feeding bowl, her hair in wild disarray. She looked spectacular.

“Put the bowl down,” he snapped. She let it drop from her fingers and it clanged onto the floor and rolled away. She gripped the bars of her cell.

“Get this thing off of me!” she demanded. “Get this thing
of me! NOW!”
He didn’t say anything. He unlocked the door to her cell and swung it open. She took a step back when she saw his eyes flare and crossed her arms over her breasts.

“You want it out of you?” he asked in a very calm and mild voice. “You want it out of you
?” He stopped inside her cell and crossed his own arms. “Maybe you’re ready for the real thing? Maybe you
the real thing instead?”

She suddenly shrank back against the far wall of her cell. She looked worried now.
“N…no,” she shook her head.

He nudged the feeding bowl with his foot. It was dented so badly that it wasn’t usable any more.
“Come here,” he ordered. She hesitated.

“Come HERE!” he bellowed. She jumped and stepped towards him. Her arms were still crossed protectively. Her eyes were wide and fearful.

“Put your hands down,” he ordered. She obeyed. He took a key out of his pocket and inserted it in the small padlock that held her harness in place.

“Please…no…” she whimpered.

“Quiet.” He stopped what he was doing just long enough to slap her face. She let out a little cry of surprise and shock. She started to raise a hand to her cheek and stopped. He opened the padlock and removed it, putting it in his pocket along with the key. He removed the leather harness and tossed it aside.

He looked into her eyes. They were still wide, still fearful, but there was something else there as well, shifting and moving, way down deep. He couldn’t tell what it was, but he liked what she saw.

“Get over here.” He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her into the middle of her cell. “On your knees.”

“Please,” she whimpered. “Please, Master…”

“I said ‘quiet’,” he snapped. He slapped her ass hard, making her yelp. She sank to her knees with him still gripping her hair. He stopped her facing towards the opposite cell. The woman in it was crouching against the back wall, staring at the scene in what could be wide-eyed horror or just a very good act.

“Bend over,” he ordered. He pushed her head forward and down until her nose was touching the cold cement floor. He could have done it on her mattress, but he wasn’t inclined to even that small mercy. She put her hands out to support herself and he pulled them behind her roughly. It took only a moment to lock her wrists in the handcuffs he’d asked for. The position forced her shoulders to the floor, he ass high and wide.

“No…” she moaned. “Please, Master!”

“QUIET!” he roared. He spanked her hard. She yelped, but didn’t jump. He pushed her fettered hands up almost between her shoulder blades. “Keep them there,” he told her.
The plug didn’t come out easily, in spite of all the lubricant he’d used when he’d put it in. She groaned once as the widest part came out. It was still fairly clean. Captive women in anal training were fed a special diet. It was nourishing and filling, but “low-residue”, as he’d been told. He laid the plug aside. When she heard the sound of his zipper, he saw her body quake again in fear.

“Spread your legs,” he said. She moaned.

“Please…” she began.

“DO IT!” He slapped her ass hard. She whimpered and sniffled and obeyed. He kept his eye on her as he put the condom on. The package said that it was specially lubricated. He hoped it was lubricated enough. He edged forward on his knees, holding his cock with one hand to guide it in. He felt hard as a rock, and as merciless as one.

She yowled when she felt the head of his erection against her anus. She yowled again as he began slowly thrusting into her. Lubricated or not, it wasn’t easy. She was still awfully tight. He pushed harder, and she shrieked. Tension. Dread. Panic. He could feel all her apprehensions pouring from her terrified body.

He didn’t try to fit all of his cock in her lovely rounded ass – too much too soon. She was trembling violently now, but thankfully she wasn’t struggling or trying to pull away. He stopped after he got about two or three inches in, feeling her tight muscles around his cock. He stroked her back gently.

“Who am I?” he asked her.

All she did was moan. It started out high pitched and climbed higher. He pulled out a little and gave her a quick, short thrust. She squealed.

“Who am I?” he repeated.

“M…m…ma…” she began. He pulled out and thrust in a little again. This time she grunted.


“Master!” she wailed.

“Tell me!” He repeated the short thrust.

“Master!” she repeated.

He thrust into her ass several more times. Each time, she said ‘Master’ in a breathy grunt. Her being was still scared, still apprehensive, but much less tense. She’d had enough for a first time.

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