a. Description.
This item utilizes a rubber band, which has been soaked in gasoline or carbon disulfide until it has considerably expanded. After removal of the rubber band from the solvent, the rubber band is attached to a wall and to a bottle containing igniter fluid. As the rubber band contracts due to solvent evaporation, the bottle is tipped and initiator liquid comes in contact with an appropriate igniter material. This stretched rubber band delay may be used with a variety of igniters. However, it should not be used at temperatures near or below 32° F. when water is used as the initiator because the water freezes. The following water actuated igniters listed in chapter 3 can be used with this mechanism: SugarâSodium Peroxide (0203), Aluminum PowderâSodium Peroxide (0204), and Silver NitrateâMagnesium Powder (0208). The delay may be used with concentrated sulfuric acid to initiate the above igniters and the following acid activated igniters: Sugar-Chlorate (0201), Fire Fudge (0202), and Match Head (0205). This delay may be used with GlycerinâPotassium Permanganate Igniter (0206).
b. Material and Equipment.
Bottle or jar (1 to 2 fluid ounce capacity).
Rubber bands.
Gasoline or carbon disulfide.
Air tight container for carrying the gasoline or carbon disulfide.
c. Preparation.
- Fill a bottle (1 to 2 fluid ounce capacity) with water, acid, or glycerin, depending on which igniter is to be used.
- Soak the rubber bands in gasoline or carbon disulfide for about one hour. Do not soak too long or they will become excessively weakened.
d. Application.
- At the place where the delay is to be used, drive a large headed nail into the wall, leaving about 2 to 2½ inches exposed. Loop the rubber bands over the head of the nail. Place the bottle two bottle heights away from the nail. Quickly loop the free end of the rubber bands over the neck of the bottle. Move the bottle back and forth until there is just enough tension in the rubber bands to hold the bottle without it toppling when a pencil or twig is placed under the far end. The stick under the end of the bottle is used as a tilt device to make sure that the bottle topples over when the rubber band contracts.
- Place some incendiary material close to the bottle. Sprinkle a quantity of igniter mixture about the area in which the liquid will be spilled. As the solvent evaporates, the rubber bands will shrink, tip the bottle, spill the liquid, and initiate the igniter material.
. Always set up the bottle before spreading the igniter mixture.
a. Description.
- This device is used for igniting materials after a definite delay time. The device employs a manually-wound alarm clock, with the alarm bell removed, as the timing mechanism. A piece of string is fastened to the key used to wind the alarm. The other end of the string is fastened to a bottle of appropriate initiating liquid. When the modified alarm mechanism is tripped, the winding key will reel in the string and overturn the bottle of initiating liquid and start a fire.
- This alarm clock delay may be used with a variety of igniters. However, it should not be used at temperatures near or below 32° F. when water is used as the initiator because the water freezes. The following water actuated igniters listed in chapter 3 can be used with this mechanism: SugarâSodium Peroxide (0203), Aluminum PowderâSodium Peroxide (0204), and Silver NitrateâMagnesium Powder (0208). The delay may be used with concentrated sulfuric acid to initiate the above igniters and the following acid activated igniters: Sugar-Chlorate (0201), Fire Fudge (0202), and Match Head (0205). This delay may be used with GlycerinâPotassium Permanganate (0206).
- This device will produce fairly accurate delay times between one and eleven hours.
The ticking sound of the clock may reveal the presence of the device.
b. Material and Equipment.
Alarm clock, manually wound (without bell, if possible).
Initiator liquid.
Cloth or absorbent paper.
c. Preparation.
- Remove the bell or striker from the clock.
- Fully wind time and alarm springs.
- Set desired time on alarm.
- Tie the string to the alarm key so that it will be pulled when the alarm mechanism is tripped. If necessary, tie a twig or stick to the alarm key to obtain a longer level.
d. Application.
- Tie the string to the alarm key or stick. Set the clock in place and anchor it if necessary. Muffle the clock with rags, making sure that the rags do not interfere with the reeling action of the alarm mechanism. Tie the free end of the string to the bottle of activating liquid. The bottle should be tilted in the direction of the fall by a pencil or twig. When this device is placed on a smooth surface, the clock should be taped, tied, or weighted down to prevent it from sliding when the tension in the string is taken up by the revolving key.
- Adjust the spacing so that the string is taut. Place a cloth or an absorbent paper towel where the contents of the bottle will be spilled. Place a quantity of igniter mixture on the cloth or paper towel. Partially overlap the igniter mixture with a flammable material so as to assist combustion.