Vados (Scifi Alien Romance) (The Ujal Book 1) (3 page)

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Authors: Erin Tate

Tags: #scifi romance

BOOK: Vados (Scifi Alien Romance) (The Ujal Book 1)
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She didn’t become nauseated or long for a bathroom. Just the opposite.

Maris was hungry for him. Her center grew damp with her arousal and a pleasurable ache enveloped her. She wanted to be beneath him once again, to feel him inside her, and revel in his possession.

He wanted her as well. His hardness was an insistent pressure against her hip and the knowledge spurred her desire. Why did she crave him so much? They hardly knew one another. They’d shared hours together and nothing more, and yet it was as if she was destined to be his.

As he was destined to be hers. The knowledge resonated within her, solidifying itself until her mind slowly began accepting what her soul already knew.

Because you are mine…

“Vados…” She couldn’t tear her gaze from his, watching as the red of his eyes deepened and the color spread. His scales pushed his skin aside to shine in the light of the moon. His arousal and high emotions caused those physiological changes. Their presence silently told her that he ached for her.

Her mouth watered, the need to taste him riding her hard. She wanted to love him with her lips, her tongue, and her body. She wanted to leave no part of him unexplored, no part of him a stranger to her. She opened her mouth again, a plea on her lips, but it quickly transformed to a yawn.

So. Not. Sexy.

“Hush, you are exhausted. You have been in fear since our time together and heartsick because of our separation. And then this night, the males who were to keep you safe violated your trust. We can talk more in the morning. For now, rest easy knowing I am here.”

“How do you know I was heartsick?” She grumbled, but didn’t dispute his claim.

“Because I could not breathe without thinking of you.”

Oh. Okay then.



Chapter Three


Two words spun through Vados’ mind as he watched his Maris sleep.



Yes, it was possible to mate a human and for her to adopt Ujal traits. She could live beneath the seas with Vados.

Yes, it was safe to mate with her without monitoring.

The words repeated with each breath.





The longer he remained at her side, the firmer his beliefs became. She
meant to be his and his alone. He heard of other Ujals finding mates outside their race, but never considered interacting with humans in search of a match. Now he had. She was glorious, her curved body calling to him and beckoning his hands. He wanted to run his fingers through her silken hair and stare into her beautiful eyes, as he possessed her for the first time.

No, not just the first.

He first needed her agreement.

To work toward that goal, he suffered numerous burns and damage… to brew her a cup of coffee. Several times. He had seen commercials, which showed a human awakening as the liquid brewed, but Maris had yet to wake. Not with the first pot, nor the second, nor… he was on his fifth. He was tempted to “accidentally” prod her but decided against it. He was not a youngling anxious for his parents—his
—to awaken so he could partake of birthing day gifts.

He would simply be a little noisier when he made the next pot.

Vados nodded and pushed to his feet. It was a solid and not
dishonorable plan, which made it perfect. He strode from the room, intent on the kitchen once again, and stuttered to an abrupt stop as he was faced with visitors. He glared at the males, narrowing his eyes without any worry over censure or punishment. As far as Vados was concerned, they’d breached his female’s home—his home—and deserved whatever he deemed appropriate.

Crown prince or not.

“Sire,” he pushed his ruler’s title past gritted teeth and gave a small bow before turning to the other male. “Niax. Do you have need of me?”

If they value their lives, they will say

Tave did not value his life as evidenced by his first word. “Yes. Your inquiries brought me here. I require explanation.”

Vados glared at Niax and the male immediately raised his hands. “I did not say a single word.”

“I did not ask him to,” Tave cut in. “Any explanation will come from your lips. Why did you inquire about mating a human and the nature of their transition, if any?”

“This is not a matter for you, Prince—”

Tave’s response was instant. “Everything on this planet is a matter worthy of my attention. You are my highest ranking guard.” The prince’s expression changed to one that hinted at caring. “You are my friend. I wish to know what led us here today. Tell me this, and I will speak more of the transition when you claim your mate. Dr. Maris Xayer is your mate, yes?”

Vados sighed as his shoulders slumped. He knew denial was no longer an option. Nor was remaining silent. Despite the interference, he would welcome the male’s thoughts and knowledge.

As long as he stayed clear of Maris.

“Yes, Maris is my mate.”

“I’m your what, now?” Her voice rang through the air the moment the last syllable left his lips.

Vados winced and took a fortifying breath before turning to face her. He was immediately struck by her beauty, the way her hair was rumpled as if she spent hours in bed with him, drunk on the pleasure of their—

He shot a glare at Tave and Niax. They were staring at her. Seeing what he saw. Unacceptable. He strode forward, snagging a blanket from the couch and he swung it around her shoulders before she could voice an objection.

When she finally did open her mouth—probably to voice her anger—he silenced her with a few whispered words. “It is safer this way.”

She frowned. “For who?”

“Them. I will not have another staring at you as you are.”

“Because you’re embarrassed of me?”

Others told him of this type of behavior in human females. They immediately thought poorly of themselves and other’s motives. He would rid her of those tendencies. “Because I do not wish to kill them. You look as if you’ve enjoyed many rounds of sex. I know you have not, but you look it. That appearance will have males thinking of sex, and then they shall think of sex and you and that is unacceptable. Covering you keeps me from killing them.”

Tave and Niax nodded, supporting his words and actions.

It was only Maris who frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“I shall explain it in detail later. For now, we must speak with Tave.”

“Tave?” She raised her eyebrows.

Vados realized his female did not know who stood before her. Stepping to the side, he drew her even with him. “Dr. Maris Xayer, I present Crown Prince Tave fa V’yl, High Warrior of the Ruling Caste. Tave, I present Maris, my mate.”

It felt good to say those two words aloud.

My mate.

“Nice to meet you.” Heat slid from Maris and warmed his palm. A glance at her face revealed she was glowing red. That did not look good.

“Maris?” Worry filled his voice. “Are you unwell? Tave, she is unwell, we shall continue this later.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her toward the door. “Maris, come, we will get you treatment. Tave, beckon Faim. Have him brought to UST immediately.” He was so intent on getting her to the door, he didn’t realize no one was listening. Not even Maris, as she fought against him.

“I’m fine.
. Embarrassed, but fine,” she grumbled.

Vados met her gaze. “Truth?”

Maris rolled her eyes. “Yes. I’m
. Let’s get back to what you three were discussing, though.”

He winced. He did not wish to discuss anything beyond where they could find a comfortable surface for mating.
Such as your bed, my mate.

Vados sought help from the other two males, who looked everywhere but at him. Bastard sons of the depths. “You are my mate. Tave will explain.”

There. He was able to say the words and was gratified by the warmth in his chest. His ruler would provide additional explanation.

“Your mate?” She said the words slowly and then looked at the prince.

He did not like her looking to others, but it was necessary.

“His mate? What does that mean?”

Tave tilted his head in that
way that appealed to females. Vados stepped closer to Maris, making sure she was aware of his presence. Vados was her mate,

“Ujals have a single mate. We are only able to reproduce with a mate. We are drawn to them as if they were the very waters of the sea, craving them with every beat of our hearts. Vados believes you are his.”

Maris’ attention bounced between them. “How does he know? How do you know?”

Vados reached for her hand, gently cradling it as he encouraged her to uncurl her fist. He pressed her palm to his chest, resting it above his heart. “My heart only beats when you are near. I can only hear your voice. I can only breathe the air we share. I have pined for you, my Maris.”

“It’s pitiful,” Niax drawled.

Vados glared at him, torn between pleading his case to Maris and pummeling the male into the sea.

No, he had priorities. Convince Maris she belonged to him, mate Maris, and
pummel Niax.

His to-do list was complete.

Tave elbowed Niax, shutting the male up.

Vados’ attention was once again only on her. “You feel it in your soul as well. Our bodies call to one another. From our first look, my Maris. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you feel nothing.”

Maris’ breath caught, her eyes widened, as he watched each emotion flit across her face. Surprise. Hope. Caring. Need. “I… I do feel something. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. All the time. When I was working, eating… I dreamed about you and then…” She shook her head. “I can’t even stand the touch of another man. It makes me

That pulled a smile to his lips. “That is further proof. Once mates meet, their bodies crave only each other. Until you are claimed, you will feel that way.”

She nibbled her lower lip and he recalled the sweetness which could be found in her mouth.

“What do you mean
?” The words emerged slowly, followed by another rapid set. “I’m not saying yes, I’m saying what does it mean?”

“Are you saying maybe?”

She glared at him, her green eyes flashing with anger. “Answer the question.”

Vados cupped her face, running his thumb across her cheek. He marveled at the differences between them. His scales were very near to the surface, his body telling him to return to the sea for comfort, while her skin was pale and creamy as milk. “It means we will come together—fully—and when we have both spent ourselves, my genetic material will alter yours. You will take on the traits of an Ujal, and when those changes are complete, you will be able to live within the sea as I do.” He kept his gaze on her, attempting to discern her wishes. “You would continue working with the marine animals if you wish. You could continue your studies.”

He would do whatever it took to make her happy.

“I…” Her attention flicked to Tave and Niax before returning to him.

“Tave, Niax, thank you for visiting, but we would like to be alone at this time.”

rather than saw Tave’s frown, but it was Maris’ words that got the large, powerful male moving.

“Yes, thank you for stopping by, but…” She licked her lips and swallowed hard. “But Vados and I have things to discuss.”

It wasn’t a no, so Vados smiled widely. He would alleviate her worries… and then he would claim her.

As soon as the males—moving slower than Earth manatees—left the condo.

In an effort to speed the process, he gave an unmistakable order. One he may—or may not—regret later. He knew if he wasn’t alone with Maris soon he
regret the lack of privacy. Those feelings drove his speech.

“Get out.”

* * *

They were alone. The two Ujals quickly left after Vados’ growled request—order—and now they were alone. It should have made Maris happy, thrilled,
over the moon
. Instead, nerves assaulted her. He’d said the right words, made the right demands, and said she belonged to him in no uncertain terms. So why was she still nervous around him? Unsure of her appeal?

Because she was a woman who’d had more than her share of asshole men in her life.

But he’s not really a man…

Which thrilled her if she were honest. Not because she loved the ocean, its animals, and saw him as one. No, it was because the Ujal values and beliefs—honor—were important to them above all else.

Vados wasn’t lying to her. It would kill him to do so.

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