Valhalla Hott (11 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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married woman, and she could tell just by a certain man‟s posture

he was ready to take action if anyone so much as approached her. It

was a little overwhelming and a whole lot daunting.

When the women finished, they gathered their things and said

goodnight. Hott and Ulfr both met her at the top of the hill. Each

took an arm, and she was escorted to the hut. Valerie felt her heart

race. She had been thinking of this all day.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 7

When Valerie entered the hut, she noted another pallet had

been added to the floor with even more furs. She wondered if that

meant Ulfr was moving in. She placed the clean dishes on the table

and looked around thinking she would ask them tomorrow to

fashion shelves. She had no doubt they would accommodate her,

especially since she was about to accommodate them both.

Although feeling a small amount of trepidation, she was also

tingling with a certain anticipation. Still, she wanted to be

completely relaxed. Valerie reached for the flask that hung on a

wooden peg in the wall. She didn‟t want to get drunk, but it

helped her to loosen up, and she downed a few big mouthfuls in a

quick moment. Both men were watching her with some

amazement, Ulfr with more concern.

Valerie smiled a bit shyly at the man and his worried

expression. She realized how it must seem to them, especially Ulfr.

“You are handsome,” she explained as best as she could. “But

very large, I don‟t want to be nervous.”

She squeezed her hands together as though tensing up. Ulfr

looked confused. Valerie walked over to Ulfr and put her hand on

his cock. Then she looked pointedly at Hott and said, “Monster.”

Hott laughed and said a few words to Ulfr who smiled

broadly, obviously well pleased, and relieved. Ulfr then lifted the

flask to Valerie‟s lips and encouraged her to drink more of the

fermented beverage. She laughed, and downed more, enjoying the


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

feel of Ulfr‟s hand as he slid his fingertips up and down her arm.

Hott had stayed back watching their exchange, and Valerie sensed

he was giving them some time. The palm of Ulfr‟s hand rested for

a moment on the side of her face in a loving gesture, and his voice

was throaty when he spoke a few words. She knew by his tone they

were endearments, he didn‟t want her to fear him—she didn‟t.

It didn‟t take her long to feel in the mood. Her body grew

warm and relaxed and she was ready to have them both. She placed

the flask back on the wall peg and felt Ulfr lift her tunic over her

head, her arms rose to aid him. Hott stepped forward and began

massaging both breasts while her hands were still in the air. No

doubt he was eager. His fingers rolled her nipples. Ulfr stroked her

hair from her neck and kissed her nape. Valerie‟s hand reached

back to stroke Ulfr‟s long hard length over his clothing, while her

other hand moved to do the same to Hott. Ulfr‟s hands felt so good

as he rubbed her back and shoulders easing any last feelings of

reservation away. Hott‟s one hand slipped low to rub at her clit.

He slid a finger inside and pumped her tenderly. He was saying

sweet-sounding words.

Valerie was guided to the pallets on the floor. Hott settled her

to her knees before them both with his hands on her shoulders.

Valerie looked up at the both of them, wondering where to start.

This was all so new to her, and she had a misgiving of being

awkward. Thankfully both men seemed inclined to let her choose

the pace. Tentatively one hand lifted to slide up Ulfr‟s inner thigh,

she felt his tremor. Valerie swallowed hard at the look in his eyes

as she stroked Ulfr‟s hard cock. Intense dark eyes gazed down at

her causing her to look away. Her heart skipped a beat, and she

shivered sensing a predatory passion.

Hott moved closer and with his hand to her head he eagerly

guided her mouth over him. Valerie would have chuckled if she

could have. It was apparent though Hott was willing to share—she

was his first. Though eager and somewhat territorial, he relaxed


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

when Valerie gripped him in her other hand. She laved the tip of

Hott‟s erection. Drawing him deeply into her mouth she sucked

him hard, and he groaned. She ran her tongue up and down his

long length until droplets of cum spilled. He tasted so wonderful.

She wondered what Ulfr‟s flavor would be like. She turned her

face and began doing the same thing to Ulfr while she continued to

stroke Hott with her hand.

It was Ulfr‟s turn to clutch her hair within his hand as Valerie

gripped him and guided him into her mouth. She heard him groan

as her lips tightened around him. The feel of his hot velvety skin

against her tongue was as thrilling as Hott‟s. Ulfr moved against

her more forcefully and she accepted more of him, and then more

as her action encouraged him. She made little gasping sounds in the

back of her throat as he became more and more demanding.

Feeling a bit of panic her wild eyes lifted to Hott.

Hott lay down on the furs and his fingers settled into her hair,

tugging on her, taking control, he gave her no choice but to move

with him, and she released Ulfr. Hott pulled her body up over

him, and she straddled him. She felt his wet cock rub against her

opening making her equally wet on the outside as she was feeling

inside. She lifted her hips high and moaned as his hard length slid

inside her. His hand released her hair and he gripped her waist and

lifted her up then pulled her down. The sensation was as

fascinating as it felt fantastic. He was being very gentle; the hands

on her waist caressed her hip then ran up and down her spine.

She felt Ulfr behind her. His hand settled between her

shoulder blades, and he bent her forward. She braced her hands on

Hott‟s chest for balance. Hott held her still, and she jumped when

Ulfr‟s slicked finger slid into her ass. She groaned when she next

felt his head push its way into her behind. She felt hot and slick and

Hott was right, she was getting used to the feeling. But there was

so much more. Ulfr‟s grip was harder, not painful nor possessive,

just different from Hott‟s touch.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Ulfr pumped in and out, slowly at first. The powerful

movement rocked her back and forth onto Hott. When she looked

down, Hott‟s eyes were closed. Ulfr had one of her breasts in his

hand, Hott had the other. Both were squeezing and kneading her.

Again each touch was different. Hott rolled her nipple in his fingers

while Ulfr pulled on her other, again not painfully and the feeling

wasn‟t unpleasant. Valerie tossed her head back, and she felt Ulfr‟s

hand at her throat. He nipped at her neck painfully, and she cried

out, then relaxed as he whispered soothing words and laved the

hurt with his tongue. Hott had nipped at her, but not as painfully.

Valerie was beginning to get the idea Ulfr liked sex with a bit of

male dominance—but how much? She tensed.

Valerie tugged Ulfr‟s hand from her throat and to her relief he

let go. His hand was once again on her breast, only this time his

touch was gentler. She relaxed, yes he did like rough, but not if it

frightened her. Ulfr‟s moist lips kissed her back and shoulders. His

touch was tender—restrained. She could feel it in the way his body

moved behind her, as though pulling a taut leash on his demanding

needs. But because of his control, she was safe to lose her own.

Valerie could feel her desire build. Now that she knew she

was in as much control as the two men, she wanted to experience

their power—not dominance. Her hips moved forward and back,

thrusting against them both eagerly. Soon both men were bucking

against her.

Valerie gripped Hott‟s hand that held her breast. He turned

her hand and placed it over her so she was squeezing her own

breast harder and harder. Her fingers pulled at her nipples much in

the same way Ulfr had, while Ulfr moved his hand to her front.

Ulfr worked his fingers against her clit, and she cried out. Her

knees grazed back and forth over the soft furs beneath her. Her

other hand found Hott‟s nipple, and she rolled it between her

fingers as she rolled her own under Hott‟s demanding hand.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Hott shuddered when he came. He released her hand, and she

placed her hands on the pallet at either side of Hott for balance.

Ulfr wasn‟t finished with her yet. He laid her over Hott‟s body and

pumped into her. She could feel his pelvis slap against her behind.

He was more demanding than Hott had been. She cried out as he

thrust himself into her. She gasped for breath when she tensed and

went limp. Ulfr came right after she did with a howl. He slipped in

and out of her few more times slowly.

When Ulfr pulled away from her Valerie collapsed, sated,

between both men. Hott nuzzled her neck and kissed her long and

deep. Ulfr‟s lips were on the back of her neck. She could see Hott

grinning when their kiss ended. He said something to Ulfr who was

still breathing heavily. Ulfr nodded and rolled over, his back

pressed against hers. Hott kissed and caressed her, his thumbs

stroked her cheeks, and his hot breath bathed her face in soothing

words. Even she understood his meaning. She was Hott‟s. Ulfr

could have her to ease his needs—if she was willing, and she was.

But in the end it was Hott whom she belonged to. With Hott

warming her front and Ulfr curled up to her back, she fell asleep

feeling safe and protected.

When morning came Valerie was relieved to find no vermin

in the hut. Ulfr was gone, and Hott made sweet love to her again.

Once more he touched and caressed her. It felt like her body was

being worshipped by him. Powerful arms wrapped tightly around

her. His stunning blue eyes looked so happy as he stroked her hair,

kissed her eyelids. Though she didn‟t understand his words, she

knew his actions. He placed her hand over his heart and hers over

his—he loved her. She smiled just as brightly up at him, loving him


Valerie arched her back when he entered her. His were

gliding strokes, and her hips rose to match his gentle movements.

They kissed, and she held tight to him, her arms wrapped around

his broad back. Her release was sweet.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

She dressed when they finished and went with the other

women to the river. She laughed and splashed at Hott who was

close and the other women laughed. The young girl‟s father glared

and snapped at Hott who stepped the proper feet away from the

other washing women. Valerie could have told the man he had

nothing to fear, she was keeping at least two Vikings very happy.

Feeling invigorated, Valerie trailed Hott back to the hut. She

managed to relay to him she would make him some breakfast. He

smiled and, after he kissed her, he left. Valerie bent over to pick

up her iron pot, thinking to fill it with water. To her horror she

felt a large hand go over her mouth and another around her waist.

She dropped the pot, gripped the two hands, and flipped the man

behind her into the wall.

Ulfr lay looking up at her stunned. Valerie gasped in surprise.

Ulfr rose and rubbed his behind.

“I was playing,” he informed her.

She caught the word for play in their language and realized

what he meant.

“Not a good idea to scare a woman in a village full of lusty

men,” she snapped.

He got the idea and looked at her contrite. “I am sorry, little

Valkyrie. Some women like play.”

She caught the jist of his meaning, and she felt a bit sorry for

him standing there rubbing his butt. “Warn me next time.”

“I am warning now,” he replied and winked at her.

Valerie sighed. She guessed it would soon be her rubbing her

behind. She wished Hott would just let his brother screw her

pussy. Ulfr approached like a wolf. The thought made her smile.

Hott had told her his brother‟s name meant wolf. He certainly was

predatory enough with his handsome dark looks, and his hard as

rock muscles. His smoldering gaze made her shudder with

apprehension. She sensed a need within this man. A hunger that


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

craved satisfying, and her good judgment suggested he held back

with her when he was with his brother.

She had experienced a taste of what he craved last night. But

now Hott wasn‟t around. She was feeling a little apprehensive,

wondering if she should call Hott. Then she remembered Hott had

told her it was her choice. If she told Ulfr to leave he would have

no option but to go and leave her be. But did she want that? He

hadn‟t hurt her, not really, and the feeling, although a bit spooky,

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