Valhalla Hott (12 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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was definitely intriguing.

Ulfr lifted her clothing over her head. He then reached over

and put the latch across the door he and Hott had made. When he

dropped his pants, his huge hardened cock sprang free. Valerie

groaned with another realization. There would be no time for any

flask. His long legs were covered in black hair as was a small

spattering on his chest. He grinned down at her. Valerie swallowed

hard. She wondered if she should run or wrap her arms around


The choice was made for her. Ulfr pounced. Valerie‟s heart

hammered in her chest and she grew wet between her legs. Ulfr

gripped her arms and turned her around, pressing her down over

the table. It was smooth and she was grateful. The last thing she

wanted was to be removing any splinters from delicate areas.

Ulfr‟s greased fingers slid in her ass first. He lifted her hips until

she rose on the balls of her feet and toes to his waist height. He

rubbed his hand over her back when she shivered, and spoke to her

in a soothing deep voice. She had a wary feeling she was about to

find out more about this man and what he really enjoyed.

Ulfr placed a hand over her mouth. She whimpered her

surprise and fear, and again he spoke soothing words into her ear.

She tugged at the hand for a moment. He kissed her back and

shoulders gently then nuzzled her neck. He loosened his grip on

her mouth, holding his hand an inch away and then very gently

exerted the pressure back. She was right. He wasn‟t trying to


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

frighten her. It was his form of play, and she could stop him if she

chose. She settled and allowed his hand to stay where it was. Her

heart pounded in curious anticipation. What was he going to do?

Ulfr pulled one of her arms down to her side, then the other.

His powerful arm slipped around her waist, pinning her beneath

him. Then his hand locked over her arm and wrist stopping any

protest. His breath was hot when he again said a word she knew

was an endearment. His penis nudged her opening. He said

something else that sounded like a question. She wasn‟t certain

what he asked, but she wanted him to take her, and she nodded.

He grunted in satisfaction, and she wondered suddenly what

she had agreed to. She heard his intake of breath, right before he

rammed his entire length up her ass so hard his pelvis slapped

against her behind like a small clap of thunder. It was a good thing

he covered her mouth! Valerie screamed louder than she had ever

screamed in her life.

He removed himself completely, very slowly, and rammed in

again. Her eyes opened wide at his roughness. Though his hands

held her immobile, he wasn‟t gripping her painfully. She could pull

away from him if she chose. She thought she might when he

continued to buck furiously against her, but she remained still. Her

screams turned to moaning pants. Her wild desire took over, and

this time when he plunged, she met his thrust eagerly. She wiggled

her behind at him, and he removed his arm from around her waist

and plunged his fingers up into her wetness. That was what she


Valerie moved her hips against him as he ground himself

against her using his cock and fingers to screw her. With his hand

over her mouth she screamed and cried out knowing that no one

would hear her and try to stop him. He removed his fingers from

inside her and he gripped her mouth tighter. She squealed when

she felt his firm hand first squeeze her ass cheek, then connect with

her behind, giving her a few healthy open-handed swats. She


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

shivered. She‟d never had a man spank her before. Each time his

hand struck, he plunged harder. He was deliciously and naughtily

brutal and animalistic, and it was as satisfying as the sweet

lovemaking she and Hott had shared earlier.

Ulfr came fast. Valerie was panting heavily. She took in great

gasps of air when Ulfr removed his hand from her mouth. His body

slumped over her for a brief moment while he controlled his

breathing. He slid his penis from inside her. His lips trailed a path

of tender kisses across her back and shoulders. Ulfr lifted her and

turned her in his arms and cuddled her to his chest; his hand

stroked first her hair, then her behind where he had hit her. He

kissed her mouth lovingly, his hands reaching to cup her face. He

searched her eyes and what he found must have surprised him

because, he looked so happy it amazed Valerie.

Excitedly he kissed her eyes, her cheeks and her forehead until

she laughingly pushed him away. He helped her dress, cupped her

chin and cheek for a moment, swatted her behind playfully, then

left. Valerie stood starring at the closed door. She wondered if she

would be angry when Ulfr got his own woman. She knew she

loved Hott, but she was growing very fond of Ulfr and his wicked,

wanton passion.

* * * *

Valerie took her pot to the river. She washed again, away

from the prying eyes of the men. She found a secluded spot near

covered brush, removed her tunic, and went waist high into the

cool river trailing her fingers through the water behind her. She

saw a flash of a shadow under the water, and when she looked

harder she could see fish mulling curiously around her ankles and

calves. Spying a large one near a group of clustered rocks, she

lunged and, surprised, she lifted the large splashing salmon up by

its gill.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Well, you‟ll make a tasty treat for breakfast,” she said aloud.

She was pleased with herself that most of her words were spoken

in Hott‟s language.

“Yes you will,” said a deep voice.

Valerie spun and dropped the fish. Five young powerfully

built men she recognized from the village were watching her from

the riverbank. She was very aware she was nude. Valerie backed

up, but noticed the other bank was too high to climb. The men

waded into the water, flanking her.

“We are not going to hurt you,” one of the men said. “You

know what we want.”

She wasn‟t certain of every word he spoke, but his eyes

already had her pinned beneath him, and she could see his groin

harden under his pants. So she knew alright! Since her ass was

already sore, there was no way she was going to start over.

“Get lost, moron.”

“No, I am not named Moron, I am Volundr,” the man said.

“Oh for heaven sake, you people need to learn some decent

English!” she snapped.

When Voundr reached for her grinning, she flipped him onto

his ass into the water. He came up spluttering with surprise. His

arms splashed the water as he tried to right himself. The other men

laughed. Volundr looked at her angrily.

“I said we would not hurt you,” he growled and rose, dripping

wet, to his feet.

“I don‟t remember agreeing to the same thing,” she retorted.

“Give us what we want, and we will leave,” demanded

another man.

When he came close, Valerie flipped him, too. She stood

before them smugly with her hands raised boxer style.

“Damn you,” snapped a man. “Behave like a woman.”

Valerie‟s eyes rose. “And just how does a woman behave?”


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“You beg sweetly, „please do not hurt me‟ and we tell you

that you will be fine. You spread your legs and give us what we

want and no harm is done,” said a man as though it made perfect

sense to him.

From his mannerism and the many words she caught, she

understood a great deal of what he said.

“You‟re serious? Really?” she asked incredulous.

She had slipped back into speaking English she was so

surprised. A man came forward looking relieved, obviously

thinking she didn‟t know how to plead for mercy in their language

so she was just using her own. Her raised fist shot out rapidly then

retreated. She smashed his nose drawing blood with her quick

precise blow, as he stumbled back another man lunged and grabbed

her around the waist.

“Twenty-first century women don‟t beg, because of Sandra

Bullock in
Miss Congeniality
we know how to
!” she bellowed,

again in English.

Her elbow smashed into his solar plexus. Her heel jammed

down onto his instep and she spun out of his arms, punched his

nose then hoofed her foot into his groin
He went down howling.

The others came at her at the same time. But before any of them

got their hands on her, a war cry rent the air, and Valerie would

have screamed in terror if she hadn‟t recognized Hott and Ulfr

splashing through the water barreling towards her. They looked

murderous, and she thought for a second she was a wee bit wrong.

She most definitely would have begged for her life if they had

looked at her like that, as it was she spun and fled for the bank and

her clothing.

Valerie pulled her tunic over her head and moved to her left

as a man was tossed onto the bank where he bounced, skidded, and

then remained still. He groaned, and she sidestepped him. Ulfr had

two men suspended by his large fists in the air and cracked their

heads together. Hott had another up off his feet. He lifted him into


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

the air high over his head and tossed him onto the bank as well.

Other men were shouting and running. Valerie wrapped her arms

around her chest, and was grateful when Bera came forward and

led her away.

Valerie and Bera waited together a long time in the hut with

the door latched. Valerie wondered what was going on and wished

Hott would come and get her.

* * * *

The men were all gathered in a large hut. Everyone was

speaking at the same time. Hott was yelling that the men should

have known better. The others were yelling that the woman should

be shared. This sparked rage from the men who had women and

were already sharing with brothers or cousins.

“Hott said it himself. His little Valkyrie was a gift from Odin

and Valhalla. She should belong to us all!” a man shouted.

“Why do you not marry off your daughter? She is old

enough,” came another argument.

“Your wife waves her ass at everyone knowing we can‟t touch

her,” complained yet another.

“Enough!” boomed Alfarin. Everyone quieted, though a few

remained grumbling. “I understand your frustration.”

“How can you, old man? Do you even rise anymore?” a man


Alfarin glared at him. “I could still, at my age, take more

woman than you, Geirr. It is obvious we need to make plans to

find us new women.”

A cheer went up. “But who will protect the women here

when you are gone?” Hott asked.

“The men who have access to them,” Alfarin replied.

“But that means we cannot find our own woman,” Geirr

complained. “I tire of using my brother‟s wife for my needs. I want

my own woman.”

“We will bring back enough,” Alfarin declared.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Whose village do we hit?” asked a man.

“The same village that murdered our women and children,

Haki,” Alfarin said.

“I will not wage war on women and children,” Ulfr snapped.

“We will wage war on the men and keep their women and

offspring. They will replace the ones they stole,” Alfarin declared.

The men cheered again.

“They are too far. You said you followed their trail, and they

are heading farther north fast,” Hott began reasonably. “If they hit

the pass first through the mountains you could be trailing them all

summer or longer. They took most of our horses, while we would

be on foot. We need all the hands we have for the harvest. We

need to wait for the first thaw or we may be trapped in their village

for the winter.”

“Then we are back to the same problem!” Haki yelled.

“I will share my wife,” a man offered, looking at the others

with remorse. “She is barren and has told me she wouldn‟t mind

having a few of you.”

Alfarin placed his hand on the man‟s shoulder. “She is a good

woman, Varr. Perhaps her selflessness will please Odin enough to

gift her with a child.”

“And if my wife wiggles her ass at you, and is agreeable, you

may have her behind. But we are trying for a child to replace the

one we lost,” another man said.

“What of the Valkyrie, Hott?” asked another.

“She is too small and still too skittish for the likes of you,”

Hott replied. “And the next man who tries to touch her will be


“By you or by her?” Geirr guffawed and everyone roared with

laughter—except the men whom she injured.

“And no one may touch my daughter!”

There was agreement by most of the older men, resentment

by the younger.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Agreed,” Alfarin decreed. “You are to leave Hott‟s Valkyrie

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