Vampire Trinity (50 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Vampire Trinity
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His insight was uncanny, as usual. When she’d been human, she’d done such a transformation every night she stepped onto the floor of Atlantis. Leaving behind the Anwyn that read books, drank tea and played with alley cats, she became Mistress Anwyn, every thought and movement aligned with the sexual energy of the club she’d built. Rubbing her cheek against his thigh, she closed her eyes to immerse herself in the images, the provocative scent of heat and arousal, lights and music. Voices raised in sultry laughter or pleasurable cries of aroused pain, just like her dreams. She let it all unfurl in her lower abdomen to compete with the nerves. If she could fool her mind into thinking it was going to a new fetish club for her own pleasure and challenge, not to rescue the male she needed more than she needed blood . . .
“I liked the two men manacled together at dinner.”
“Yeah, I pretty much got that.”
She looked up, also liking the way the moonlight highlighted the hard planes of his face, the determined eyes. He would be hell on wheels tonight. She might be crazy, but seeing it, she wasn’t afraid. Whatever happened, they would be fighting, fighting together. She could accept that.
He met her expression then. He was concerned about protecting her, but he also believed in her strengths. That meant something to her. Still, if she might be dead in a few hours . . .
You’re still resisting your attraction to Daegan.
Gideon grunted. “Vampires are enough of a pain in the ass as it is. Don’t need to make it a reality.” Then he shook his head.
You’re better at explaining things. I’m too busy avoiding thinking about it to analyze it.
She smiled then.
Gideon, I love you.
A wealth of meanings was attached to the words, the new and untried, as well as the deep and always. It was that thing that had drawn them together from the first and might continue to hold them together, no matter how things evolved. When the words hit his consciousness, she felt his mind surround them like a protective detail, not certain how to handle the impact of such a missile. He caught her wrist when she reached to touch his face, his eyes deepening in color.
I had a different idea of a table centerpiece tonight. Want to hear what it was?
He cleared his throat. “I’m sure I don’t, as much as I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway.”
“Mmm.” Turning on her side, she ran her other hand up his thigh, all the way to his inseam, raking her nails across the denim-covered curve of his testicles. “I’d have the other man bound behind you like that, only he wouldn’t be inside you. I’d just manacle you flush so you’d feel how hard he is, his cock compressed against your ass. He’d be getting fucked from behind, by Daegan.” Satisfaction speared through her at the jump in his cock, the contraction of testicles beneath her thumb.
The movements, the grunts, would stir your possessiveness for Daegan. Your ass would clench with a need you don’t want to acknowledge as you hear Daegan’s rasping breath.
“By the time Daegan came, you’d want that other male gone from between you, want only Daegan behind you.” Her fingers teased him. “When Daegan finally released you, he’d hook two fingers under your collar, the collar I put on you. He’d yank you onto your knees, bend down to kiss you. Something would break loose inside you so that Daegan would have to take you rough, pin you to the ground. You’d fight him, of course. In order to give yourself freedom to touch and taste, to feel, you need to fight, to strike out first. To tell him he’s yours and you don’t share what’s yours. It’s your way.”
Gideon tugged her hair at her knowing chuckle. “Don’t be smug. It’s unattractive.”
“Not according to what I’m feeling beneath my cheek.” She rubbed him there as he scowled.
“Jesus, do vampires
stop thinking of sex?”
“No,” Debra supplied helpfully from the driver’s seat. “And they make it damn hard for us to stop thinking about it as well.”
Gideon found it immensely difficult to place anyone in the path of danger, male or female. Hell, it was why he’d worked solo for so long now. But being in the company of a woman, and in this case, two women, made him wish he had some of Brian’s ability to knock a vampire senseless. Even if he’d had that ability, though, he knew Anwyn was right. It was going to take the both of them. Once they’d pulled off into a quiet copse of woods to change, they discussed their plans. Debra was going to drop them at the club and wait in the car until a predetermined point of time. At dawn, when the club closed, she’d leave, return to Brian for help or further instruction. Otherwise, hopefully she might be their getaway car, as she already knew several safe places they could go to ground for daylight.
Despite his trepidation, Gideon felt renewed admiration for his vampire Mistress when Anwyn calmly instructed Debra to pull right up to the curb next to valet parking. Appropriately, he got out first to hand her out of the vehicle. It also gave him time to assess the area.
The two working the entrance were vampires. The moment her scent was detectible from the car door, they went on alert, their eyes trained on that opening in a way that went beyond their casual perusal of the other oblivious human attendees filtering in.
Daegan would have known in the first few seconds that this club didn’t house a reckless group of bloodsuckers, but if he thought they were killing people in the local towns or choosing marks from this club—and that part might be true, the numbers disguised by Stephen for Council reports—Daegan would have proceeded with his assignment.
While the vampire had a strong, and mostly justified, opinion of his superiority, Gideon knew he wasn’t rash. But they’d known he was coming, had time to plan. Just as Gideon feared, they’d set a trap for him, something Daegan hadn’t expected, and it had worked. Plus, the vampire had an additional distraction this time. He’d done this to smooth the way to save Anwyn’s life, preserve her status with the Council, and that would have overridden some normal caution in his approach. Gideon knew it, because he would have done the same if he were in Daegan’s overpriced shoes.
Damn it.
The two vampires on the door were, as advertised, from military stock. He saw it in their bearing, level of attention and how they handled the weapons they carried. It was also in their quick recognition that Gideon had some of the same skills. Gideon forced himself to be deferential, not meeting their eyes to acknowledge what they were as he helped his Mistress out of the vehicle.
She’d brought a red dress with long sleeves and a high neck that clung to her from throat to midthigh like a wet skin. There was a diamond of sheer black cloth at the navel and between the breasts, showing her generous cleavage. Another in the back was so low that it was possible to discern the dimple between her buttocks if a man strained his eyes. He didn’t doubt there’d be plenty of eye straining. A jeweled belt rode low on her hips, crafted with chains and glittering red gems. Her heels were red stilettos, a staggering five inches. He had no idea how any woman could walk practically on her toes, but she not only did it, but also managed it with the right amount of swing in the hips, her ass sitting up so high and tight no man could help but look at it. Her sable hair was loose, brushing against that pendulum sway, tempting a man’s hands.
At her own club, when she dressed the part of Dominatrix, she was more severely put together. In this outfit, the sexuality still pulsed around her, but it was like the allure of the Holy Grail. A man might hesitate to touch, but he’d do it with just a little encouragement from those lush lips. This look said she was a Mistress, but one still young in her skills, a bit wild and reckless with the sexual vibes. One who might need a strong hand to help her rein them in and guide her. He thought Daegan would admire it as much as he did . . . and still have trouble rolling his tongue back in his mouth if he could see her.
Actually, if this had been the three of them going to a club for their own enjoyment, a disturbingly intriguing thought, Gideon expected the vampire would simply unsheathe his fangs and make it clear anyone who tried to touch her would lose more than fingers. He had a similar feeling himself, but one he had to curb, because that wasn’t the role he was supposed to play here. Fuck and double damn it.
As he closed the door, he gave Debra an even look and a nod, which she returned before she drove off, headed to the parking area. It was late enough that the crowd was thinning a little, but music still pumped out of the club like a fountain.
Gideon produced the envelope that Brian had given him and handed it over to the vampire at the door, managing an obsequious nod of his head that let him scan what the man was carrying. Probably a Bowie knife, some smaller knives and of course a wire to decapitate silently and with less muss, laced behind his dark belt. Both men were dressed in black fatigues.
“Welcome, Mistress Anwyn,” one of them said with a slight nod of his head, his dark eyes roving over her in speculation. Gideon had to suppress an urge to step in front of her as he saw that despicable game begin, the way vampires tested one another, seeing what the pecking order might be. What they could get away with toward her. “You may prefer to skip the upper floor and go directly to the second level. The public and private viewing rooms there offer our kind more intense entertainments.”
“How kind,” she said, her voice that throaty purr she did so well. “Actually, I’m interested in all levels of the club, since I run my own fetish club in the States. Club Atlantis? Would the proprietor have the time and kindness to give me a more in-depth tour?”
It was a calculated risk. If Lord Stephen had shared any background on Daegan that might include his involvement with Anwyn, the game was up before she’d gotten out of the car. Gideon watched their reactions closely as the two guards glanced at each other.
“He’s on the grounds tonight, but is currently entertaining another guest.” There was an unpleasant glint of fang as the two guards shared the private joke. Unfortunately, Gideon was all too aware of the meaning. A flash of heat shot through Anwyn’s eyes, a warning of stirred blood, but then it was gone before he could tense in preparation. She was keeping it leashed down damn well. He knew her desire to find Daegan was pumping behind a wall like a dike about to blow.
“However,” the guard continued, his gaze undressing her again, “while ‘kind’ is not a word normally applied to Master Xavier, he might be willing, if you have an incentive to offer him.”
Her spine straightened, just enough, and she met his gaze. “I understand the pleasure of incentives . . . for our kind. I might be willing to entertain them, for Master Xavier specifically.” She gave a cool smile. “I’ll hope he is available, so we can make the tour mutually pleasurable. Until then, I need no guide. I’ll enjoy wandering through the club, making my own impressions.”
Giving a quick flash of smile, she shifted her hips, tossed her hair back. “If that’s permissible, I promise not to bite anyone.”
The right combination of promise and denial. Of course, this was just getting in the door. Obviously not forewarned, unless they were better actors than Gideon suspected, the guards had no reason to be suspicious. Why would anyone be rescuing a vampire assassin from the bowels of their club, after all? Since Daegan’s capture had been an ambush set up by a Council member, there was no reason for Xavier to be concerned about an obvious fledgling.
Gideon was sure Xavier was blood-connected to his two bouncers, so they’d likely already given him a mental heads-up, a mind “videocam” of their new arrival. While Anwyn had considerable weapons at her disposal, and she was vampire, she couldn’t stand against even one of these older and more experienced vamps. Definitely not in those heels. Of course, toe-to-toe, he likely couldn’t either. She was the one with the wits; he was the brawn. He’d let her lead until the time came for otherwise.
me lead? Perhaps I’ll
you to take over when I know it’s wise.
Typical woman. But he was glad to hear her voice in his head with the admonishment. She’d assumed the role, pushing the rest aside for now. That was what they both needed for this to work.
“The hostess will come find you when the owner is free,” the one said, handing back the note. Anwyn passed it to Gideon without looking at him, and he took it, sliding it into his jacket. She’d let him keep his dark jeans, but his chest was bare beneath the coat, the scarlet trinity visible on his left pectoral above his heart. He also wore the collar she’d bought for him, distinctive and bold on his neck. Even now, despite the circumstances, it was still capable of giving him that weird feeling.

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