Vampire's Fall

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Authors: Tracy Delong

Tags: #vampires, #supernateral

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Vampire’s Fall


Copyright 2016 Tracy Delong

Published by Tracy Delong at Smashwords




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This is just a job nothing more Emma thought as she
opened her car door. Emma walks to the pathway to the house. This
is going to her first reporting job. She moved to a small town
about two years, at the time she was working in New York as a

So when her boss gives her the opportunity to
interview the famous businessman Andre Winnsterham her jump at the
chance, the rumors that he was mysterious and very handsome. She
heard that he are gave reporters any interviews.

As Emma walks up the steps to the door and use one
old-knocker, within the door open. A tall slender man saying, “May
I help you, Miss?

“I am Emma Wilson from Blackwood Times. I am here for
my interview with Andre Winnsterham.”

“Yes, Miss Emma, come this way.”

Emma walks into the house, she couldn’t help being in
awe. In the lavish way house was decorated. The outside of the
house it looked dark and gloomy. Inside it was a different story.
It was bright and lighted by candles and lanterns. Emma almost felt
she was stepping back in time. The man stopped at the double doors
and opened it was the living room with a big fireplace. The room
was dividing into a library with every collection books on any

“Master Andre will join you shortly, Miss Emma”

“Thank you”

Emma sat down on the red cushion sofa. After awhile
she stood up and walked up to books to look at them.

All suddenly she heard a sexy man’s voice saying,

“I see you were looking at my collection of

“Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to be nosy.”

“It is alright. You can look at any of my books that
catches your fancy. ” Come I show in the living area and we can
start the interview.

Emma taking his head and looked up at him. He had
handsome European face. The color of his skin was slight paler than
she was. His eyes were bright blue with green his hair was pulled
back and flowed down past his back.

“I want to thank you for letting have this interview
with you.”

“It been awhile since I talked to a reporter and plus
I wanted to lay the rumors aside.”

I have read some of your work. I have a good feeling
that you will be fair and see how normal I am. ” He said smiling
widely showing white teeth.

“Yes I see that you are quite normal, a less you are
hiding something.” Smiling back at him.

“No I don’t have any reasons to had any secrets”

Andre looked up to the doorway and say,

“I see that my servant brought us some tea.” Would
you like to have some, Emma?”

“Yes, I would.

Andre fixed her cup of tea and gives it to her.

“Are you having any tea?”

“Not this time I will have some later this

“What made you come back to town?”

“I had finished my business abroad and decided that
it was time to go home.

“I see. Your family is from this town, then?”

No, they are from Europe. I am afraid that I am last
of my line.

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that.”

“It happened long ago.” Tell me something about

“I moved to this town two years ago.” I was a
reporter in New York for awhile. I felt I need a change.”

“What about your family?”

“I have one older brother who is in the military and
has a family in Ohio.”

“I see. That is good.”

“I was hoping that I could get a picture of you if
that is alright.”

“I have to get back to you on that.”

Emma started looking at her papers when suddenly she

“Ouch! I got a paper cut.”

She saw a spackle of light in Andre eyes.

“Come with me. We must take care of it.”

Andre led Emma to a spacious bathroom and took her
hand gently wiped away the blood and put some ointment on it. He
puts a band-aid around her finger.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome, let’s go back and I pour us something
to drink.”

Andre and Emma went back to the living room. He
disappeared for a minute Emma turn around he was back with a tray
handing her a drink.

“How did you do that? I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I am light on my feet.” He flashes a quick

Emma had finished her drink when she looked at her

“It’s late. I need to go home.”

“Oh, it is yes. I have my driver take you home. ” I
would very much like to see you again, Emma.”

“Yes, I would like that all so, Andre.”

Andre picked up his phone and called to his driver.
Within minutes, the driver appeared.

“Until we meet again, Emma”. Andre said as he took
Emma’s hand and kisses iT. The driver Tom opened the door and led
Emma into the night.

The dawn will be here soon and Andre had to get to
his sleeping chambers. In reality, it was a coffin one that was
very important to all vampires. On the head rest he had to place
some dirt from his homeland. He almost loses all his control when
he met Emma. When he first saw her he knows that she was

When she had cut herself his control nearly snaps. It
had been 150 years since He has tasted human blood. The need of it
was almost like when he was turned. After he got a hold of himself
he was able to wash the cut. He also could tell by Emma saw his
eyes change on that he couldn’t control.

He had to be in check with himself at all times when
Emma was near. He walked up to his coffin and opened it and climbed
in. He feels the effects of the dawn take over him. Even though he
will be sleeping in his rest is not going to be a good one. His
mind and thoughts will be on Emma.


Emma thanks Tom for the ride home and walk up to her
apartment. Her floor was on the fifth. She to the apartment
attendant and asked her if she had any mail. He had it to her and
went into the elector and pushed a button.

Emma couldn’t get Andre of her mind. How he talked
and his focus was on her only. The tender way he took care of the
cut on her finger.

Elector doors open and got out and walked to her door
and opened it. Her apartment is not anything like she sees at
Andre’s home. She decorated it homey and with bright colors. There
was a guest room that she had one piece of fine art. She got soon
after she just moved into town.

The painting shows a beautiful young woman in a long
flowing gown from the 1800. The dress was red with a blue sash and
her long hair down her back. Her face looked sad like she was
waiting for someone to come perhaps her lover. She was sitting in
on a bench in a garden. On the side you see a gentleman looking at
her. The artist who painted had his face blurry and you could see
the gentleman.

Emma was very drawn to this painting and even though
it cost her more money than she had. She got it anyway.

She realized that she was staring at it ago time.
Breaking away, she went to her room and changed her clothes. Then
she pulled back the sheets on her bed and climbed in. As she
started to go sleep, she had a smile and saw Andre’s facee

The alarm awoke up Emma and slowly she climbs out the
bed. Today is a Friday and she needs to get the office. She had all
she needs to start writing her story of Andre.

She was glad that the weekend was going to be here
soon. She would be able to sleep later and rewind down a bit. She
went into the kitchen and made some coffee. While that was being
made she went back to get dressed in her bedroom to put makeup

She went back to the kitchen and pours some coffee
and grabs her purse. With the keys in her hands, she went out the
door. She stopped and said good morning to the doorman. Then she
walked to her car and drive to the Blackwood Times office

She walks into the building and then from a distance
on a desk was a vase with a dozen of white roses. Boy someone is
sure lucky this morning. She thought. Emma got closer to the desk
she recognized it as her own. She happily sat down and opened the
card came with the roses.

Dear Emma,

Thank you for the most present interview here is some
additional information you can use for your story. I would like to
invite you to an art opening this Saturday. On the back of this
card is my personal email that you can write to me. I will have my
driver pick you up at 8:00.

Andre Winnsterham

Emma sat there a few minutes stunned and then she
looked at the back of the card. She saw his bold handwriting that
he wrote his email address. She turned on her computer and answered
his email.


At dusk Andre opened the coffin and climbs out. It
was almost good to get out and stretched out his legs. Feeling the
need for blood opened a small register and took out a pint of blood
he got from the blood bank. He had a special arrangement with the
corner. He made a donation to the hospital every year. The blood
always taste better fresh from the donor. Those days were gone and
a vampire must be careful and on guard at all times. There are many
things that could happen. If a vampire was careless and causes too
much attention they could be called to see the elders.

The vampire will be put on trial for all the other
vampires to see. The cushions will be given what the vampire did.
Most the time it is death.

Andre exits his sleeping chambers and went in his
study. One of the perks for me vampire is able to be fast. Within
an hour, he was done with all his business work. He wondered if he
got an email from Emma so he typed his personal email. He saw that
he had a reply and click it.

Dear Andre Winnterham,

I want to thank you for the beautiful white rose. I
would like it very much to go with you to the Art Museum. I will be
ready at 8:00. I am looking forward to seeing you also.

Emma Newton


Andre leaned back in his chair and smile. His charm
and good looks haven’t faded in the 250 years. Even when he was
human. Woman would be around him.

He couldn’t help looking back where it all begins.
His family came from long of noblemen. Andre’s father name was
William. He would spend is time by the King. Andre had three
brothers and two sisters that he would play with doing his early
childhood. As he grew older and started she had the world works.
The was hardship. Wars breaking out, people going hungry.

When he was sixteen a war had started and he went to
tell his father that he was going to war. Also his older brother
wants to go too. Andre remembers his mother embracing him and said
to come back home. His younger brother stays.

Andre and his brother Philip climb on their horses
and waving back at them one last time rode off.

War was not like anything that Andre describes. It
was pure hell. Belong the war lasts a year and then another year
went by. That is when his world change Philip died in battle that
has lasted over three days. Andre had no choice to bury his brother
and had to tell his mother the horrible news.

Two months had passed and the miracle had happened
the war had ended. Andre can back home he was twenty years old. It
was not the welcome He thought it was going to be. A strange
illness had taken over Andre’s sisters. Both of them would pale and


Andre tells his mother about what happened to Philip.
On hearing that his mother just shut down and didn’t speak. She
went to her bed chambers and didn’t eat or drink. On the third day
she died.

Four days went by and both of his sisters died. The
next morning his father had hanged himself from a tree in front of
the castle. Within least a week of coming home from war He almost
lost his whole family. It was just him and his youngest

To kept his brother safe had him King William IV
school for gentlemen. Later that night when Andre was in his family
home. When a servant enters saying that was someone to see Andre.
Sitting there in the living room Andre raises him and saw three
dark shadows as appeared on the doorway.

The group walks up Andre was stunned standing before
him was the most beautiful woman that he ever seen. She had dark
raven hair flowing her shoulders. The dress she had been blue with
a black cape. Her eyes were bright blue. She had beautiful pale
skin. Her two campaigns were just handsome one had dark long hair
with gold eyes and the other one had blonde hair with light grey

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