Vampire's Fall (2 page)

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Authors: Tracy Delong

Tags: #vampires, #supernateral

BOOK: Vampire's Fall
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“Good Evening. You are welcome here. ” Andre rings a
bell and the several appeared.

“Bring some drink and some food from our guest.”

“I am afraid that it is not food or drink we need,
Sir Andre Winnsterm.”

“How do you know my name, my Lady?”

I have a confession to make my Lord. I have traveled
away to find you. I feel your great sorrow inside you.” My name is
Countess Elizabeth.

“Yes, my whole family is gone now.”

“I can help you with that, My Lord.”

“How can you?”

Congress walked up to Andre and reached up to kiss
him when the kiss grew more passionate. She left her head and
opened her mouth showing two razor sharp fangs. She pressed them on
Andre’s throat and bites down.

“Ahh... What... are doing? ” The Countess Elizabeth
left her head and said

“ Shhh.. It’s going to be alright." She turned her
head and said to other young men.

“Come you may have a taste of him. He will be a
perfect addition for us. Remember just a taste.”

Together they said, “Yes, Mistress”. They hurried to
Andre both of them was on either side of Andre. Andre felt their
shaped teeth on his wrist and he makes a loud moan.


Then the young gentleman left the head and turned
back to the Countess. Both their face was covered in blood and
licking the blood for the lips.

“Join us in eternal life and my band with me, forever
Sir Andre Winnsterham”. Then Countess took her wrist and with her
long sharp and open her wrist open. Rich red blood came forward
from her waist Andre stared at and was fascinated by it. As she
brought her head to her waist He opened his mouth and started to

She put her hand through his hair smoothing him.

“Enough, my love”.

She broke away from him. His head came up and loud
moans and fell to the ground. His inside feels like their world on
fire. He his eyes started watering. He knew that he was dying and
the blood was changing him. All suddenly his whole body with stiff
and relaxed and his eyes closed.

Within minutes, he opened. The color of his eyes was
glowing gold and he heard the Countess voice saying.

Raise my love. Come with me and I show you how freed.

Andre rose he felt strongly than he ever felt before.
The pain of the loss of his family was gone. It was replaced by
something else in a thrust that he never knew before. It will never
be satisfied. Andre followed the Countess and the young gentleman
followed. Later Andre learns that the young gentlemen would just
play things for the Countess. She was looking for a campaign to
share her lonely life that of a vampire.

Andre shaking of the past he started making
arrangements for his date with Emma. Soon someone else is going to
come back to his life. That is Countess who has been tracking him
down. She had traced him to this small town where he had built a

She had hidden in the shadows and been watching Andre
for a few days now. The Countress had even got a glimpse of the
pretty raven hair woman that went to Andre’s place. So Andre has a
date with this human woman. She may have to inherit his little date
after all she was Andre’s maker.

Even though Andre broke free to move on the board
between them is always going to be there. She always likes the Arts
and looking forward to the opening. Feeling the hunger was getting
stronger, she left Andre’s house into the darkness of the


Emma was at her desk finishing her reported on
Andre’s interview. Now that she was done with that she just needs a
picture. She had to ask Andre again. She looked up from her desk
and saw Walter. Walter was a news assistant and he had a crush on
Emma. He was always trying to get Emma on a date where she just
wants to be friends.

“Hi, Emma. Do you have any big plans this

“Yes, I do have a date this Saturday.”

“Who is this lucky guy?”

“I am going to an Art opening with Andre

“That guy?” I heard he is strange and not ever see
him doing the day only at night.”

“Do I hear little jealously, Walter?”

“No I am not jealous.” Here is something I want you
to have you.” Walter hands it to her and in her hand, was a tube of

“You giving me maze? What for?”

“Please just take you, Emma. You have to be careful,
you might need to use.”

“Alright, thank you, Walter.” I talk to you later.”
Emma picks up her coat and left her desk. Emma went through the
office building and walked to her car. On her windshield it was a
note folding up with her name on it.

She took it off the windshield and got into the car.
Then she opened it up. She reads:

Miss Emma,

If you want to learn more about Andre Winnsterham
come to the

Club21. Meet me alone and don’t tell anyone.

A friend.

Emma thought how strange that she got this note and
no signature. Who would give this to her? She felt she already know
everything about Andre. She felt so draw him and had feelings for
him. She had no choice to find out. She started the car and starts
to drive back home. She hears about Club21 and wants to go by there
but something stops her. It opened three months ago. From the
people, she talks to the club had a strange effect on people.

She drove up to her driveway and got out. Then she
went into her house to change her clothes and fixed her make-up.
When she was done. Went back into her car. She drives down to the
main highway to where the nightlife was. It was a couple of bars
and about two nightclubs not much she thought. New York was plenty
of nightlife going on. She had to be careful when she went out.

Emma made a turn and entered the driveway of the
club. She was greeted with a big neon sign Club21. She walked up to
the door and a bouncer asked her for some I.D. She then showed it
to him and then he opened the door.

As she enters the club. Emma felt eyes were watching
her. She saw an empty table and sat down. In few minutes came by
and a handsome man walked up her. Asking Emma what she likes to
drink. She told him what she wants and he wrote it down and walked

Then a woman appeared at her table.

“Miss Newton?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I am Countess Elizabeth and I am an old friend of

“Please, sit down. Countess Elizabeth. Should I stand

“No it alright. My tile is only apart of my name now.
These days when I go back to my homeland, I still am royalty. I am
been in a America for years now.”

“How long have you known Andre?”

“Let me see I say it was twenty years now. It’s
feelings like forever.” Countess smiles.

“I see. That’s nice.”

The waiter came with Emma’s drink. Emma took a sip of
the drink.

“Let me put your mind at ease. Andre and I did have a
past, but us

discover that we are too different to stay

“How did you know that I have felt for Andre?”

“The way you say Andre’s name.”

“I wasn’t a wear of it.”

“It is alright. I am looking for my third

I am having trouble finding the right man. ”

“It was nice to meet you.”

“Yes, it has.”

“I have to get going but I hope I see sometime.”

“Yes, soon. Good night. ” Emma got up from the table
and went to the door into the night air.

In the club, the waiter walks to the countess.

“Do you want me to follow her, my Countess?”

“No, I already know where she lives. I feel hungry go
and find me a

handsome guy. ”

“I thought I could help you with your hunger, my

“I haven't forgotten you, my pet. I come to you later
tonight. Go now and find what I need.”


Emma has chosen a flowing red dress that she got a
Christmas party. She put her hair up and a pair of her favorite
earrings. Then she adds a necklace and bracelet then she had put
some black heels.

At 8:00 her phone rang it was the front desk saying
that a driver as came for her. Emma said that she will be right
down. She grabs her evening purse and walked out of her apartment.
Downstairs Andre’s driver Tom was waiting for her.

“Good evening, Tom.”

“Good evening, Miss Newton.”

Tom walked to the door and opened it. Emma walked
into the night and Tom opened the car. Emma got into the car and it
took off.

Soon the car was at the driveway up to Andre’s house.
Tom stopped the car and got and opened the door for Emma.

Emma stepped out and walked up to the house. She
ranged the door of the old butler opened the door and let her

“Master Andre will be done in a few minutes.”

“Is there anything you want to drink. Miss

“Please call me Emma. I think I just have some

“Very well, Emma.”

The butler turned and left the room. She looked
around the room when she heard her name.


She turned around there was a handsome man that long
bound hair put back.

“Do I know you?”

“I am afraid not. I am an old friend of Andre. He has
failed to tell

how beautiful you are. ”

“Yes I did.” Andres’s tall handsome frame entered the

“Emma is under my protection while she here and

“What doing means, Andre?” Emma asked as she walked
up to Andre.

“It is a dangerous world out there many things could
happen,. My love.

“I am going to take my leave now. I am sure that we
will meet again to Emma. Andre is a pleasure as always. ” He bows
and leaves.

“Andre who was that?”

“He is an old friend of my country.” Try not to be
alone with two long, my love.”

“Why not?”

“I am jealous and I am keeping you myself.” Andre

“You haven’t nothing to fear, Andre.” Emma

“Come, let’s start our evening. Andre and Emma left
his home

Got into the car and drove away into the night.



Walter had to pull some strings, but he got an
invitation to the Arts Fund Raiser. I had a bad feeling and his
wanting to keep an eye on Emma. Also want to see this mysterious
Andre Winnerham and see if he gets any more information on him.

There was the basic information on Andre on the
internet. Walter did like the man and thought he was in trouble,
especially with Emma. He knows that Emma just thought of him as a
friend and co-worker.

He wants it to be much more than that. As he walked
around the Art Museum people were talking and socializing. He was
offered a glass champagne and took it from the waiter. He took a
drink of it was stopped in his tracks.

There right in front of him was an oil painting from
the 1800’s. It the lady that shocked him. It was Emma her same
beautiful face and body. The only thing that was different was her
clothes. The background was different shades of yellow and orange.
The artiest was painting at sunset and to capture the beauty of the

Suddenly the was a buzzing in the next room and a
crowd form. Andre and Emma arrived. In seeing flashes of camera
flashing. Walter tried to get close to Emma but couldn’t get to

“Let’s get away from this crowd.” Andre whispered
into ear.

They both enter the more quiet section in the art
museum. When they both saw the oil painting.

“Oh my, look at this Andre. This woman could have
been me.”

Andre stopped in shock and looked at the painting and
back to Emma. Touch of sadness in the eyes then he said,

Yes, I love it must mean you had a twin in your
family. ”

“I guess so. I really don’t know much about them.
Both of my parents died when I was young.” My older brother raises
me.” I wonder who painted this.”


“I believe that was my grandfather” A woman voice
said behind them. They both turned around and there she was
Countess Emma Andre knew who it was. She may change who looks
throughout the centuries the evil and darkness will be always

“Countess Emma” Andre said in a very cold voice.

“Andre and the lovely Emma.”

“I thought you went back to your homeland. I was not
ever to see you.”

“That is true my dear Andre the times as changed and
I want a fresh new start.”

“You have broken our agreement never to see me or
tries to contact me.”

“Andre, please stops acting this way so cold and
means. It is beginning to scare me,”

“Yes I love this is not the right time and place to
talk about such things.”

Yes you don’t want to fight our lovely Emma away. ” I
have an idea tomorrow night we will meet at Club21. There we can
continue our talk and nobody will bother uS.” The Countess with a
big smile.

“Agree, one way or other it will end tomorrow

“Enjoy the night. ” The countess said, she turned
around and left.

“Andre, what was that all about? Are you in trouble?
Emma asked.

“No, my love. Later I have something important to
say. Let’s enjoy the rest of our date.”


Walter got deeper in the shadows of the gallery.
Club21 tomorrow tonight this is it. He had to protect Emma and this
could be the big break he needs to start his reporting career. He
was lucky that he kept in touch with his army friends. All he is to
do is to make a couple of phone calls and get supplies he




Later that night at Andre’s home in the Emma was
sitting down with some wine and said,

“What is this important thing that you have to tell
me, Andre?”

“Well, my love. I am a vampire. I was that ever since
I came back home in 1560.”

“A vampire? Is that all? I thought you were going to
tell me that dying.”

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