Vampirium (15 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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As you make the jump, the corporal sidesteps and thrusts at you with his spear. Its sharpened steel tip penetrates your rib cage and you are knocked out of the saddle by the force of the blow. As you fall, you strike the back of your head on the road and lose consciousness.

Sadly, you never awaken. Before the rangers can come to your aid, the corporal stabs again with his spear and its tip punctures your heart. Your death is painless, and instantaneous.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here.


With a mounting feeling of dread, you follow the trail into the Vanchou Forest. Upon entering this chill timberland it becomes strangely silent, as if the beasts and birds that dwell here can sense the presence of intruders.

You have penetrated little more than a mile into this unwholesome forest when you come upon the wreckage of a wagon abandoned by the side of the trail. A large black crow is perched on its rot-infested tailgate, and it caws angrily as you approach.

If you possess Animal Mastery,
turn to 329

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline,
turn to 170


You leap over the bodies of your slain enemies and rush across the mess hall towards the archway. As you draw closer, you shout out to the rangers that you are coming through. They lower their bows and give a rousing cheer when they see you rushing through the archway and along the corridor towards them.

Upon rejoining them, you have good and ill news to impart. ‘I have retrieved the Claw of Naar, yet I fear our troubles have only just begun. We must make a speedy escape. I sense the enemy are closing upon us from every side.’

Your instincts are correct. News of the fight in the mess hall is spreading like wildfire, and groups of armed Bhanarians are rushing towards this corridor from every quarter of the barracks. Your situation is beginning to look increasingly desperate until you suddenly see a way to escape from the corridor, a way that promises more than just a glimmer of hope.

Turn to 57


A dart thuds into your thigh and you scream with pain: lose 3
points. Gritting your teeth, you take hold of the rusty missile, wrench it from your leg, and cast it aside with revulsion.

To continue,
turn to 304


You quickly lose yourselves in a maze of passageways that take you deep into the heart of the city's Merchant Quarter. An hour slips away before you stop to catch your breath outside a tavern located near the city's South Gate. You are now a long way from the main square, and you fear the risk of capture if you should return to the inn to collect your horses. Mindful that you will need mounts for the long journey to Pensei, you resolve to find some new horses before leaving the city.

Gildas draws your attention to the lowly tavern before which you stand. There is a narrow alley that leads to stables located at the rear. Stealthily you approach the stable doors, and when you test them with the sole of your boot, you discover they are firmly locked.

If you possess Grand Nexus,
turn to 237

If you do not,
turn to 313


As you hit the ground, the crackling arc of black flame roars over your head and gouges a deep furrow along the wall of the trench. You cover your head with your arm to protect yourself from falling debris, and you hear the squad leader utter a curse as he prepares to finish you with a second burst of dark fire.

To continue,
turn to 43


You muster your psychic powers and launch a Mindblast at the Autarch. The terrific force of your spell makes him shudder. He releases his grip, and the rangers fall limply to the floor. Then he turns to face you. ‘Give me the Claw!’ he demands, his voice booming around the chamber. ‘Give me the Claw and I shall spare all your worthless lives!’

If you choose to obey his command,
turn to 35

If you choose to refuse his command,
turn to 338


You leave your horses in the stable and walk through an arched corridor that opens into the taproom of the Golden Trough Inn. A warm fire and the welcoming smell of roasting meat greet your entry. The patrons of this establishment cast you no more than a cursory glance as you make your way to the counter and attempt to attract the innkeeper's attention.

The owner of the tavern is a rotund man with freckled cheeks and an easy smile. You ask him the cost of stabling and quickly add that you and your friends will not be requiring rooms for the night. ‘Five Ren each,’ he says, ‘including their feed. You can pay in the morning when you come back to fetch 'em.’

As you are leaving the inn, you are approached by a dark-skinned man wearing a turban. He introduces himself as Fanshalla and says that he is a fortune-teller of some renown. He produces a pack of cards from his robe and offers to use them to predict your future.

Illustration IX
—You are approached by Fanshalla, the fortune-teller.

If you wish to accept the man's offer,
turn to 197

If you wish to decline his offer,
turn to 62


As the sun rises over the eastern horizon, you catch your first glimpse of the formidable Chai Wall. You cast your eye along its entire length and observe the three great forts of Xian, Kinani, and Jhung. The tall crenellated walls of Fort Jhung lie directly ahead and, as you speed near to them, you observe something else, something unexpected and greatly welcome, which makes your spirits soar.

Turn to 350


You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
and direct its power at the sinister young woman. You see her shudder and recoil as the power of your spell washes over her and, for a short while, the rangers are spared the effect of her hypnotic voice. But the use of this spell leaves you vulnerable to a sudden psychic attack. Sensing this, the woman quickly seizes her chance to retaliate.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Kai-screen, add 3 to the number you have picked. If your current
score is 15 or lower, deduct 2.

If your total score is now 4 or less,
turn to 337

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 101


You enter the stables and find that it shelters seven horses and a mule. Gildas uses his expertise to choose the best mounts, and you help the rangers to equip them with saddles and bridles. When the horses are ready to ride, you mount up and lead your companions in single file along the alley.

Unfortunately, the noise that you made upon entering the stables has alerted the tavern-keeper. When you pass his bedchamber window, he opens fire at you with his Bor musket.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 52

If it is 5–9,
turn to 131


You draw upon your lyrical skills to dampen the man's anger with the soothing, hypnotic sound of your voice. Under the influence of your Bardsmanship, he suddenly becomes calm and susceptible to your commands. You prompt him to tell his cohorts that he has made a grave error, that you are not the plainsman who swindled him after all, and meekly he complies with your suggestion.

His accomplices are embarrassed by their friend's mistake, and they offer to buy you and your companions some ale. Politely you decline their offer and make your way quickly towards the door.

Turn to 295


You are struggling to free your trapped foot when suddenly one of the winged creatures comes swooping down from out of the clouds. It is clasping a large rock in its foreclaws, and as it glides overhead, it releases its grip and lets the rock hurtle towards your helpless form.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 266

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 135

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it,
turn to 51

If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them,
turn to 230


You sleep well and wake feeling refreshed and revitalized: restore 3
points. Shortly after dawn, you break camp and set off across the marshlands, heading east. At first the spongy ground is a welcome relief from the jagged rocks and twisted roots that litter the Angfeng Forest. Then the marshy soil degenerates into a treacherous swamp, and you are forced to head south in search of firmer terrain.

For two days and nights you trek across wetlands, living as best you can off the flora and fauna of this inhospitable region. By noon of the third day you catch sight of a stone bridge across the River Heng, on the outskirts of a town called Zuda. The rangers are excited at the prospect of escaping at last from the mosquito-infested wetlands, but their enthusiasm is dampened when you magnify your vision and take a closer look at this Chai border town.

Turn to 206


Upon entering the tented encampment, you are greeted by dozens of laughing children. They run alongside your horses and feed them with small handfuls of hay. As you approach the largest tent, an old man in a sweat-stained robe emerges and bids you good-day. He holds up a wizened hand to shield his pale eyes from the glare of the midday sun, and he asks if you and your companions wish to trade with him.

If you trade with the old plains herder,
turn to 181

If you choose to decline his offer,
turn to 58


The cannon's pressure cylinder erupts like a geyser, spraying the Bhanarians with deadly pieces of jagged shrapnel. Those who are not felled instantly by the force of the explosion are blinded and blistered by jets of scalding steam.

To continue,
turn to 47


You whisper the words of the Brotherhood Spell
and cast it upon the area around the campfire to help you reach the sleeping squad leader undetected. Then, with great care, you stalk forward and stretch out your hand to take hold of the blanket roll containing the Claw. The leader is oblivious to your presence, but as your fingers close around his pillow, your stomach heaves and your pulse begins to race. You feel a tremendous concentration of evil radiating from the artefact, and its sudden assault upon your senses makes you gasp with shock. Suddenly the
spell is broken and the squad leader awakes with a start. Before he can react, you snatch the blanket roll from beneath his head and leap forwards.

Your heart is pounding wildly in your chest as you race towards the rangers on the far side of the copse. They have dispersed the Bhanarians' horses and they are waiting anxiously for you to appear. As you rush through the trees, you hear the squad leader screaming at his men to wake up and give chase.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 3 or lower,
turn to 195

If it is 4–6,
turn to 39

If it is 7 or higher,
turn to 275

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