Vampirium (17 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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You rise at daybreak and ready yourself for a long march south across the vast Bhanarian Plain. Using your Kai tracking skills, you have no difficulty following the trail that has been left by the Imperial Guards. Their footprints can clearly be seen upon the surface of a dusty track that cuts across the rolling grasslands.

As you march along this derelict plains road, you are bathed by the warm rays of the rising sun. It is a beautiful day, yet you notice that your companions are in a sad and sombre mood. They are mourning the loss of their comrade, Durasso, and they do not feel much like talking.

Fifteen miles from the Dammerdon foothills, you come to a wooden bridge that crosses a stream of sparkling water. Here you lose your enemy's trail for the track has been freshly churned by dozens of hoof prints. You magnify your vision and scan the far horizon, but all that you see are a few roving black Bhanarian stallions. You check the trail once more, and then your heart sinks when suddenly you realize that your enemy must have captured some of these fine wild horses. If they are now travelling on horseback, your only hope of catching them will rest on your ability to capture four wild stallions for yourselves.

If you possess Animal Mastery,
turn to 27

If you do not,
turn to 349


As you gallop through the stables, you draw upon your Kai Mastery of Elementalism to stir up the straw that litters the floor around the exit. The troopers who are attempting to bar your escape are blinded by this sudden whirlwind of debris. They are forced to abandon their attempt to close the doors, and you are able to make good a speedy escape into the street beyond. As you gallop through the open doorway, you steer your horse to the right and then race away along a dark, cobblestoned street.

Turn to 14


The old man invites you and your companions to enter his tent. You dismount, and the children look after your horses while you examine the wares and trinkets that are stored inside. Gildas nudges you and points to a rickety table that is heaped with simple straw-coloured robes, much favoured by Bhanarian plainsmen. ‘Maybe a wise purchase, Sir Kai?’ he mutters. ‘I fear our tunics may arouse suspicion the further south we venture.’ You nod in agreement and ask the old man how much he wants for four robes.

‘One hundred and twenty Ren, kind sir,’ he replies, cheerfully.

The old man's price is the equivalent to 12 Gold Crowns. The rangers do not have any money, so if you wish to purchase these garments you must pay the full price.

If you can afford to pay the man's price,
turn to 286

If you do not have sufficient Gold Crowns to pay for the robes,
turn to 45


Quickly you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Mind Charm
and direct its power at the angry sergeant. Under the influence of your spell, he calms down and becomes susceptible to your mental commands. You tell him that you and your companions are agents from the Autarch's court in Otavai, sent here to check the barracks before his arrival tomorrow. Without questioning your claim, he steps aside and allows you to enter the barracks.

Turn to 110


You signal to the rangers to halt and dismount. Then you request them to help move one of the pillars into the middle of the track. They look at you quizzically, but they do not question your command. When you have completed this task, you call upon your improved Kai Mastery of Elementalism to surround the pillar with a powerful electrical charge. You sense that the Autarch's squad are now little more than 5 miles distant, and it is your hope that this trap may delay them when they pass through the valley.

Gildas questions your actions and you explain them to him as you remount your horses and ride along the valley trail towards a distant ridge.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 342

If it is 5–9,
turn to 21


You decide to wait until nightfall before making your attempt to cross the River Heng. During the day you scout the river bank and you determine that there are only two ways to cross. Both are hazardous.

You can swim across the river, but the current is fast and treacherous. Or you can attempt to cross at the bridge. The road is blocked by soldiers, making a crossing by that way impossible. But you can attempt a crossing below the bridge. Its supporting stone pillars are closely spaced and they slow the river's flow. However, the enemy guarding this bridge is especially vigilant. They are expecting and watching for your approach.

If you wish to attempt to swim across the river,
turn to 100

If you choose to attempt a crossing beneath the bridge,
turn to 261


The rock hits your
spell and explodes in pieces, showering you with razor-sharp shards of stone. One sliver of rock cuts your cheek and another tears open the shoulder of your tunic: lose 1

To continue,
turn to 339


The guards are unconvinced by your charade. They have been ordered to search out four intruders, and they are convinced that they have found whom they are looking for. As they advance upon you with their spears levelled menacingly at your chests, Gildas draws his sword and attacks the taller of the guards. Immediately, you and the others support his attack and a desperate struggle ensues.

Parade Ground Guards:

You may add +2 to your
for the duration of this fight due to the support you receive from your ranger companions.

If you win the combat,
turn to 41


When the Xanon are only 20 yards from the wall, you command the rangers to open fire. All three arrows find their mark and the leading beasts stagger and fall. Shocked by the sudden death of their brothers, the following creatures turn to retreat from the rangers' deadly bows. But as they pull back to the outskirts of the ruins, you suddenly become aware of a new threat.

Illustration XI
—The attacking Xanon are surprised by your volley of arrows.

Some of the Xanon have left the main group and ridden in a wide arc around the ancient site in order to come up behind your position. You hear their leader snorting gruffly as he leaps into the ruined hall and quickly you spin around to face him. You raise your Kai Weapon and courageously you leap forward to block him before he can launch a surprise attack upon the backs of your three companions.

Turn to 270


A searing pain shoots from the front of your eyes to the rear of your head: lose 4
points. You reel back in agony and quickly muster your Magnakai Curing skills to numb the terrible pain, and restore your damaged sight. But as your vision is returning, you hear a loud crash of breaking glass, and your companions cry out with shock and alarm. You fear a steam-gun projectile has smashed through the tower's great glass window, but when your vision returns, you see that it is something far larger … and far worse!

Turn to 200


An arrow hits you in the left arm barely moments before you reach the safety of the darkened alleyway: lose 3

To continue,
turn to 174


You dodge to the right, and all at once there is a flash and a deafening
. You feel the lead ball from the squad leader's pistol rip through your loose robe. It passes beneath your armpit and strikes the far wall without causing you any injury.

To continue,
turn to 204


Your sweeping blow misses and, in the next instant, a blinding flash of white light engulfs your vision as the rock slams into your jaw. A numbness engulfs your senses and you feel yourself tumbling head-first into a deep, dark abyss.

The rock has shattered your jaw and knocked you unconscious. Upon seeing your limp and helpless form, the flying creature swoops in for the kill. Mercifully, you are spared the agony of death as this ruthless denizen of the Doomlands rends your body in two.

Sadly, your life and your mission end here.


One of the steam-gun projectiles grazes your left leg: lose 2

If you survive this wounding,
turn to 68


The tip of a dart grazes your thigh, making you grit your teeth against the stinging pain: lose 1

To continue,
turn to 304


Shortly before midnight, you approach a toll bridge that traverses a deep gorge. The entrance to this bridge is blocked by a single-pole barrier, and on either side of the obstruction are painted wooden shacks, adorned with flickering lanterns. The soldiers who guard this bridge are asleep inside the shacks and they fail to hear you approaching. You decide to jump your horse over the barrier and you call to Gildas and the others to follow your lead.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Animal Control, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0–1,
turn to 42

If it is 2 or higher,
turn to 90


The Bhanarian guardsmen react quickly and soon they are following closely on your heels as you race through the copse. When you break from the cover of the trees, the nearest enemy warrior hurls his spear at your fleeing back. Your Kai Sixth Sense alerts you to the flying missile and you dodge aside, but the tip of the spear gouges your shoulder and sends you tumbling head-first into the long grass: lose 3

To continue,
turn to 85


Above the clanging of the alarm bell, you hear a gruff command to halt. You glance over your shoulder and see a Bhanarian guard framed in the jagged window through which you have made your escape from the mess hall corridor. He is armed with a Bor musket, and when you and your companions ignore his order to stop, he raises his cumbersome weapon to his shoulder and discharges a shot at your fleeing backs.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0,
turn to 336

If it is 1–4,
turn to 102

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 82


The man invites you to sit at his table and then he proceeds to shuffle and deal out twelve cards from his deck and place them face up before you. They each feature intricate designs and symbols that you have never seen before. Predictably, he assures you in a syrupy tone that you shall enjoy health, wealth, and great happiness. As he is pointing to the cards, you notice he is wearing a distinctive black signet ring engraved with a tiger's head. You suspect this man is secretly one of Sejanoz's agents. When he asks why you have come to Yua Tzhan, Gildas places his hand on your shoulder and suggests that it is time you should be leaving.

If you possess Kai-alchemy,
turn to 120

If you do not possess this skill, or if you choose not to use it,
turn to 15

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