Yours for Eternity: A Love Story on Death Row

BOOK: Yours for Eternity: A Love Story on Death Row
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Life After Death

Almost Home

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Copyright © 2014 by Damien Echols Publishing

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Echols, Damien.

Yours for eternity : a love story on death row / Damien Echols, Lorri Davis.

pages cm

ISBN 978-1-101-63483-7

1. Love. 2. Death row 3. Capital punishment. 4. Man-woman relationships. 5. Echols, Damien. 6. Davis, Lorri. I. Davis, Lorri. II. Title.

BF575.L8E365 2014 2014009058



Penguin is committed to publishing works of quality and integrity. In that spirit, we are proud to offer this book to our readers; however, the story, the experiences, and the words are the authors’ alone.


For Cally, Nicole, Jacob, Fran, and Capi

Our unsung heroes


also by damien echols

title page




July 11, 1996


authors’ note


April 1996

April 1996

postscript, 2014

postscript, 2014

April 10, 1996

April 13, 1996

April 1996

April 23, 1996

April 26, 1996

May 1, 1996

May 2, 1996

May 6, 1996

May 5, 1996

May 3, 1996

May 1996

May 14, 1996

May 1996

May 21, 1996

June 14, 1996

June 17, 1996

June 17, 1996

June 18, 1996

June 25, 1996

June 1996

June 27, 1996

June 1996

July 1, 1996

July 1, 1996

July 1996

July 8, 1996

July 9, 1996

July 11, 1996

July 15, 1996

July 15, 1996

July 18, 1996

July 22, 1996

July 23, 1996

July 24, 1996

July 24, 1996

July 29, 1996

July 29, 1996

July 31, 1996

August 1, 1996

August 3, 1996

August 5, 1996

August 7, 1996

August 8, 1996

August 12, 1996

August 13, 1996

August 14, 1996

August 14, 1996

August 15, 1996

August 16, 1996

August 19, 1996

August 20, 1996

August 24, 1996

August 29, 1996

September 3, 1996

September 4, 1996

September 4, 1996

September 6, 1996

September 6, 1996

September 10, 1996

September 12, 1996

September 12, 1996

September 17, 1996

October 1, 1996

October 2, 1996

October 3, 1996

October 3, 1996

October 4, 1996

October 7, 1996

October 11, 1996

October 18, 1996

October 21, 1996

October 30, 1996

November 1, 1996

November 5, 1996

November 6, 1996

November 7, 1996

November 7, 1996

November 14, 1996

November 21, 1996

November 29, 1996

December 6, 1996

December 23, 1996

December 26, 1996

January 9, 1997

January 9, 1997

January 13, 1997

January 22, 1997

January 29, 1997

February 3, 1997

February 10, 1997

February 12, 1997

February 28, 1997

February 28, 1997

March 3, 1997

March 27, 1997

April 1, 1997

April 1, 1997

April 7, 1997

May 2, 1997

May 13, 1997

June 30, 1997

July 10, 1997

July 24, 1997

August 5, 1997

August 14, 1997

August 19, 1997

September 11, 1997

September 19, 1997

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October 7, 1997

October 16, 1997

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November 24, 1997

December 23, 1997

December 29, 1997

February 5, 1998

February 6, 1998

February 1998

February 1998

March 9, 1998

March 11, 1998

April 11, 1998

April 17, 1998

April 29, 1998

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May 9, 1998

June 2, 1998

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August 3, 1998

August 4, 1998

August 6, 1998

September 1, 1998

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October 13, 1998

October 26, 1998

October 27, 1998

November 2, 1998

November 12, 1998

November 24, 1998

November 30, 1998

March 22, 1999

March 29, 1999

April 1999

April 27, 1999

April 28, 1999

May 19, 1999

May 25, 1999

May 26, 1999

June 2, 1999

June 18, 1999

June 1999

July 27, 1999

August 6, 1999

August 19, 1999

October 18, 1999

November 12, 1999

December 6, 1999

December 7, 1999

December 9, 1999

December 22, 1999

December 23, 1999

December 29, 1999

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January 18, 2000

January 27, 2000

March 2000

March 15, 2000

March 22, 2000

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May 10, 2000

August 2, 2000

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September 19, 2000

September 19, 2000

October 17, 2000

November 2000

November 17, 2000

December 1, 2000

December 18, 2000

January 2, 2001

January 25, 2001

February 6, 2001

February 21, 2001

February 2001

April 4, 2001

April 10, 2001

April 26, 2001

May 7, 2001

May 14, 2001

May 30, 2001

June 8, 2001

June 14, 2001

September 25, 2001

October 9, 2001

October 31, 2001

November 13, 2001

December 14, 2001

December 18, 2001

December 21, 2001

January 3, 2002

January 15, 2002

January 23, 2002

January 24, 2002

June 6, 2002

June 28, 2002

July 5, 2002

July 9, 2002

September 12, 2002

September 18, 2002

October 1, 2002

October 2, 2002

October 3, 2002

October 5, 2002

December 5, 2002

January 13, 2003

January 15, 2003

February 4, 2003

March 5, 2003

March 19, 2003

March 25, 2003

April 1, 2003

May 7, 2003

May 15, 2003

May 22, 2003

October 14, 2003

November 18, 2003

December 4, 2003

December 10, 2003

January 21, 2004

February 3, 2004

February 17, 2004

March 6, 2004

March 16, 2004

March 24, 2004

April 6, 2004

April 13, 2004

April 21, 2004

April 29, 2004

June 17, 2004

June 28, 2004

August 2, 2004

August 5, 2004

September 14, 2004

September 16, 2004

October 19, 2004

December 2, 2004

January 19, 2005

January 20, 2005

February 26, 2005

May 11, 2005

June 21, 2005

August 4, 2005

November 2, 2005

December 29, 2005


january 2014



about the authors

July 11, 1996

Dearest Lorri,

I was thinking about what you said about hating to have to go to work, and not being able to concentrate on it while you’re there, and I’ve come to a conclusion. As soon as I am out, you have to quit your job, so we can leave and go to who knows where. Trust me, it’ll be fun, and we’ll have tons of strange, wonderful adventures. It’ll be great, and you won’t have to worry about going to a job you don’t like. I will hear no argument on it.
I’m dead serious, so I want you to agree to it. We’ll meet all kinds of people, go anywhere we want, and not do anything that we don’t want to (I’m not eating any vegetables). So what do you think? You have to say yes, because I’ll just keep bugging you until you do. The first place we have to see is that town where you grew up, you have to show me everything. Then I’ll show you West Memphis. After that, we can decide where to go by flipping a coin, or throwing darts at a map, or any other way we can think of. It’ll be strange, and beautiful, and magick. What do you think?

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