VEGAS follows you home (20 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: VEGAS follows you home
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Rolling my eyes, I quickly let my stalker know we are about to get off the plane and he needs to provide directions to give the cab driver. The plane door opens as soon as I hit send.

We collect our bags and exit the plane, the flight attendant thanking us for flying with them on the way out. I grab the stroller just outside the plane door, but Alex refuses to ride in it. Holding his hand, we follow the crowd into the main terminal. Once there, I look for signage leading us to baggage claim.

My phone buzzes, but my hands are too full, so I ignore it until Alex and I get on the transport to baggage.

Pulling out my cell phone and trying to keep Alex close is not an easy task, so when I get a short text simply stating,

Don't be foolish’,
from Damon, I become a bit irritated.

Knowing him, he sent a car to pick us up, which I asked him not to do. Sighing, I slide my phone back into my pocket just as we arrive at our location.

Always a ball of energy, thanks to the powernap, Alex wants to skip and run. After securing the backpack and other bag to me, I grab his hand and we begin to skip and act crazy.

"Mon!" Alex screams, excitedly, pulling his hand out of mine and running.

My head snaps up in the direction Alex takes off in. There Damon stands, in a dark suit with sunglasses on top of his head. He kneels down and lifts Alex into his arms. I freeze for a moment, unsure of how I feel about seeing Damon again and how much he already means to Alex.

Alex's little mouth is moving a mile a minute and Damon is smiling large as I approach.

"Look, Momma. It Mon!" Alex smiles widely.

I smile and nod.

Damon watches Alex in what looks like amazement.

"We see you," Alex states to Damon.

"I've missed you, little buddy." Damon plants a large kiss on Alex's forehead.

"Olivia." He turns from Alex and smiles at me.

"Damon." I nod and head toward our baggage claim area.

"You don't need to worry about that."

I turn at Damon's announcement.

"Douglas is getting the luggage."

"Who is Douglas and how does he know which bags are ours?"

"Douglas works for me and I have my ways." Damon winks.

I scowl.

He chuckles.

"I've missed that scowl.” He grins wide.

I fight not to scowl again.

"This way."

He carries Alex in the direction opposite of where we'd been heading. I follow his lead to a sleek black car with tinted windows.

"This is us." He opens the back door and places Alex inside.

"We need his seat," I object.

"I've got it."

I look back at the voice and see an extremely large man with dark brown hair and eyes. He carries our luggage — every single bag — and Alex's seat.

"Perfect timing, Douglas. Thank you." Damon takes the seat, climbs into the car, and secures Alex in place.

Douglas loads the luggage.

Damon slips out of the car, catching my attention, and motions for me to get in.

I slide into the car and Damon slips in close behind me. Alex is across from us in a seat facing the back of the car. Swallowing the lump forming in my throat, I inch away from Damon — just slightly. His arm comes around my shoulders and pulls me next to him.

"As a family," he reminds.

Huffing, I cross my arms over my chest and his body shakes in silent laughter.

The remainder of the ride is quiet, especially since Alex has nodded off. As we ride, Damon rubs his thumb on my shoulder. It feels comforting, relaxing…just plain good. I want to hate it since he’s already proved he would push this 'living as a family' arrangement to the max, but I can’t.


When we pull up to a towering building, the car briefly stops before pulling into an underground garage. A speed bump just inside the garage wakes Alex. His eyes widen, looking at the darkened garage. He reaches for me, but the straps of his seat hold him back, frustrating him.

"It's okay, buddy. We're home." Damon leans forward, cupping Alex's face.

I scoot out from under Damon's arm and unbuckle Alex, who leaps out of the seat and into my arms.

Douglas opens the door for Damon and he climbs from the car, extending his hand out to me. Taking his hand, I stand from the car with Alex holding tightly around my neck. We both take in the cavernous garage.

"This way," Damon states, taking my hand. The thud of the trunk echoes around us and Douglas stands with our luggage.

Inside the silver elevator, Damon presses
. As the doors seal shut, a lump forms in my throat and knots twist my stomach. When the elevator begins its climb, Damon wraps an arm around Alex and me. I look up at him and he smiles down at both of us. For a moment, his eyes flicker to my lips and my stomach flutters. He leans his head toward mine. His breath washes over me and I lick my suddenly dry lips. The ding of our arrival to his floor pulls us away from each other. I adjust Alex to the hip between Damon and me as he motions for us to exit first.

Upon entrance, I scan his home. There's a dining room to my left with a dark table able to seat eight. Straight ahead is the open kitchen. My lips part in awe of all the stainless steel appliances and dark granite counter tops. Before I realize it, I stand before the L shaped island, running my fingers over the smooth, dark surface. A click sounds from behind me, lighting the open floor plan and drawing my attention to the large living area. An oversized dark leather couch lines a wall made up of windows, revealing the city skyline. A shiver runs across my spine as my overactive imagination pictures Alex pressing up to the glass and looking out. I pull him closer to my body. "What's the matter?" Damon moves next to me.

"Nothing." I shake my head and look over to the kitchen.

"Olivia, please. I want you to be comfortable here." Stepping in front of me, he uses his finger to lift my chin. Our eyes meet and for a moment, I'm lost in the color and resemblance to my son.

"It's nothing." I try to pull my head away, but he uses his hands to hold me in place.

"I'll fix whatever it is," he pleads.

"There's nothing to fix," I sigh. "The windows just make me nervous."

Confusion flashes in his eyes.

"No one can see inside. They are tinted."

"It’s not that." I groan at my own overactive thoughts. "I just…it's just that…my imagination goes a little crazy and I can picture Alex falling out of one."

His eyes widen and he releases my face.

"They don't open," Damon assures. He walks over to a window and presses on it. "They’re a solid sheet."

"I would hope they didn't open being this far up," I respond, sarcastically.

"Then why would you think he would fall out?"

He walks back to me.

"I told you. It's just my overactive imagination," I huff, annoyed with myself. I step around him and closer to the kitchen.

This large island is a dream.
I run a finger over the smooth surface.
I wonder how often it gets used.

A throat clears and I turn at the sound.

"Where would you like the luggage, Mr. Knyght?" Douglas stands a few steps inside the apartment, awaiting instruction.

Damon turns to me.

"Which bags are Alex's?"

"The green and blue bags are his."

"Take the green and blue to the nursery at the top of the stairs, first door on the left. The red bags can be placed in the master bedroom."

My breath catches.

"Yes, sir." Douglas nods, moving quickly with his orders.

"Damon, I'm not staying in your room," I argue.

"We are living as a family, remember? That is the deal we made."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean—"

"Some wives may sleep in separate bedrooms, but I assure you, my wife does not," he states, cutting off my further argument with a raised brow and half-smile. Simultaneously, I want to both lick and punch that eyebrow.

"Don't push your luck too far, Damon," I warn with narrowed eyes.

"I'll take everything I can get out of these conditions." He walks closer and leans his face mere inches from mine. "And I believe you like the way I push you."

I open my mouth to argue, but he pulls away and motions for me to follow.

"I'll show you the upstairs of the apartment. Come." He pauses at the bottom of the staircase, watching me and waiting.

As we ascend the staircase, Douglas descends, excusing himself.

"This is Alex's room." His hand presses to the small of my back, guiding me into a fully decorated nursery.

"How?" I walk to the center of the room and take in the light blue, green, and cream colors.

Alex wiggles in my arms and I place him on the floor. He wobble-runs to a corner full of colorful oversized blocks and begins to stack them.

Warmth covers my back just before Damon’s arms wrap around my waist.

"All it takes is a decorator and a very helpful sister-to-be," he whispers into my ear, warming much lower body parts.

"You shouldn't have done all this. It's only for a week."

He turns me to face him, his expression hard. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

"Damon," I warn, "you promised to sign the annulment papers after this week."

A grin spreads across his face, melting away the hardness.

"I did."

I exhale in relief.

"But I will still be Alex's father and it's only right he have a place of his own when he is visiting me."

I tense at the thought of sending Alex away for lengthy amounts of time.

Damon pulls my stiff body against his. I raise my hands, pressing them against his chest. His cheek grazes mine as his lips whisper against my ear.

"Besides, if Vegas proved anything, it's how compatible we are physically." His tongue touches my lobe, causing a shiver to spread through my body. "Perhaps it will persuade you to stay."

"That…" I shake the lust away, "that's not going to happen."

He pulls away, a smirk on his face. "So you say."

Motioning toward the hallway, he says, "
room is this way."

"I can't just leave Alex in here alone."

"That's what this is for." Reaching next to the door, he pulls a built-in gate out of a hidden space in the wall.

"Oh." I walk over, follow Damon out of the room, and pull the gate until it snaps shut.

"This way." Damon's hand finds the small of my back once more, edging me toward the double doors before us.

Entering the bedroom, I expect clinical and cold. Instead, the king sized bed covered in a sandy colored comforter, blue-green throw pillows, and hints of white, surprises me. With a king size bed, hopefully I'll be able to keep distance between us at night.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Knyght." Damon's arms circle me once more.

"Damon, you can't call me that."

His arms tighten.

"You promised you would—"

"You want me to lie to everyone?" I cut him off and pull from his embrace. "Why would you want to lie to everyone and make it that much more awkward when this is over?"

His chest heaves and his eyes narrow.

"Momma!" Alex shouts. "Momma!" Panic plagues his voice.

"I'm right here, baby," I shout back, quickly exiting the bedroom.

Alex is practically climbing the gate to get to me when I finally lift him into my arms. He buries his watery-eyed face into my neck and squeezes.

"What's wrong?" Damon looks over Alex. "Is he alright?"

"He's fine. It's unfamiliar to him. I'm sure he thought we left him."

I hug Alex tighter, assuring him.

"I'm sorry." Damon deflates a little. "I didn't mean for him to get frightened."

"He's okay. Really," I assure Damon.

"Hey, buddy. Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat?"

Damon rubs Alex's back, just as his little head pops up.

"Eat!" he shouts.

"What do you want, buddy?" Damon smiles.

"Cookies," Alex cheers.

"I don't think so." I purse my lips. "Maybe cookies after you have dinner."

"How about pizza?" Damon offers.

"Pizza," Alex repeats.

"Pizza it is."


Damon puts his cell phone to his ear and then presses the
button instead of the
I expect. When we stop, the three of us step into the lobby of the building.

"Mister Knyght," a man greets. Standing up from his shiny black desk, his full uniform identifies him as the doorman.

"Peter." Damon gives a brief nod.

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