VEGAS follows you home (24 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

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My body misses hers the moment she slides out from beneath me. The hard throb between my thighs burns for attention, but I climb out of bed and find Olivia calming Alex next to his bed.

"Is he alright?" I yawn.

Her eyes reach mine and my heart pounds. I look between them, standing in my apartment, in a nursery, and the rest of my life finally feels worth living. She will hate me, but I can't let them go. Not now. Not ever. This is right. Us, as a family, is right.

"Yeah, he's just adjusting to new surroundings."

Olivia will no longer meet my eyes. She smiles small and squeezes by me with Alex in her arms.

Sighing, I know last night's conversation is probably the cause. I'd hoped it would make her walls come down just a little; instead, it seems to have had the opposite effect. Maybe I should have told her the entire tale of the night my world crashed down around me. Would it make her hate me more? Would she believe me? Maybe she would blame me, too.

Stepping out of Alex's room, I stand in the hallway, listening to her move around the kitchen as she talks to Alex. My instinct is to run to her, beg her to understand, to accept us, but Olivia is stubborn and determined. Qualities I can admire, but not when I'm trying to get her to accept our unusual circumstances. Fighting the instinct, I go back to my room and get dressed.

Showered and dressed, I return to Olivia and Alex. They’re both sitting at the kitchen island, eating.

"There's a plate in the oven for you." She motions toward the oven with her fork.

"Thank you."

Retrieving my plate, I sit at the island next to them. We eat in silence, Olivia still distant and my nerves about today's plan to visit with my mother weighing on me.

As I clear the breakfast dishes, Olivia goes upstairs to get Alex and herself ready. The closer we get to departure, the more anxious I become.

Mother had been supportive of the search for Alex. However, she does not approve of my impromptu marriage in Vegas. To be more specific, she is bitterly angry I entered a marriage with Olivia. But not going to see Mother isn't an option. Today has to take place under my terms and arrangements. If left to her own devices, my mother would ensure a meeting and it would not be in anyone's favor but her own.


"When are we leaving?"

"What?" I quip, snapping out my worrisome thoughts.

"For your mother’s. When are we leaving?" Olivia frowns.

"Not for a few hours," I answer, still a bit distracted by my thoughts.

With a silent nod, she places Alex, who is freshly dressed in khaki pants and green polo shirt, onto his feet. He hurries over to the toys from Heidi and my father left in the living area.

"Will I be getting the silent treatment for the rest of your visit, or just today?"

"Sorry," she mumbles, wrapping her arms around her middle.

With a deep breath, I push off the island I'd been leaning against and approach her.

Her head lifts at my movement and she takes a step back.

"I didn't say those things last night just to say them. It was complete honesty. I meant every word."

I watch her swallow before speaking.

"I know you think you and I have a connection—"

"Damn it, Olivia," I growl low, not wanting to draw Alex's attention. "I don't think it, I know it."

"Mon," Alex calls out.

Taking a deep, calming breath, I turn to him.

"Yeah, buddy?" Smiling, I walk to him.

"Pay blocks." He tugs on the basket of multicolored cubes.

I help him pull out the toys and sit on the floor.

"Of course we can play blocks together."

Once settled onto the floor, I glance behind me to find Olivia gone — probably back upstairs.

After an hour of playing blocks with my son, Olivia returns to the living room dressed in a pair of black pants, which hug her legs, a long-sleeved, blue-green, flowing blouse that reaches almost mid-thigh, and a black belt that accentuates her thin figure. The color of her blouse compliments her fair, freckled skin and bright red hair. I could only wish we were alone and she was willing.

Turning my attention back to Alex, I ruffle his hair.

"You ready to go for a visit today?"

I pick up a couple blocks and put them back in the basket.

"No," Alex states firmly, pulling the blocks back out.

"We are going bye-bye to meet your grandmother," I repeat, cleaning up the blocks.

"NO!" he shouts. "Pay blocks!"

Wide-eyed, I stare at him, unsure of how to handle the outburst.

"Alexander," Olivia authoritatively warns as she makes her way next to him.

His body tenses, but he refuses to look at her.

"We are leaving, so let's clean up, please."

Squatting next to him, she starts placing more blocks in the basket.

He pouts for a moment before slamming each block into the basket.

"Be easy," Olivia orders.

Alex listens, helping to put the remaining toys where they belong.


At ten-thirty, we are received at my mother's home by her butler, Norman.

Olivia looks more nervous than she did at my father’s, but the Banks Mansion can do that to people. She starts fidgeting and holds Alex closer.

"Norman," I greet with a nod.

"Mr. Knyght." He returns a brief nod. "Your mother is waiting for you in the breakfast room."

"Thank you."

Sliding my arm around Olivia's waist, I lead her to my mother.

"She has a room just for breakfast?" Olivia whispers.

I silently chuckle.

"It's just a fancy name for the room. I did mention I come from money, right?"

She looks up at me, annoyed. I grin.

"Well, my mother is born and bred money. It's her family with the high pedigree and old money."

When we reach the open French doors, I usher Olivia inside. We're the immediate focus of my mother's cold green eyes. She openly appraises Olivia and then Alex. Finally, she looks at me.

"Damon, come."

With a tap to her cheek, she prompts me to kiss her in greeting.

Slipping away from Olivia, I move to my mother's side.

"How are you, Mother?" I kiss her.

"Nothing new to report."

Her eyes bore into Olivia. I can feel the tension and Olivia's nervous fidgeting. Knowing my mother can exploit a weakness like a shark with the scent of blood, I move back to Olivia's side for support.

"Introduce me to my grandson, Damon. I've waited long enough to meet him." Straightening her already perfect posture, she looks expectantly at Alex.

Olivia hesitates, but I urge her forward. She complies, but only a few steps, so I take Alex into my arms and bring him to my mother.

"Mother, this is Alexander, your grandson."

Sitting in a chair beside her at the round table, I put Alex eyelevel with her. Alex grasps my shirt, hiding his face in my neck.
I feel your pain, little buddy.
I rub his back, hoping to soothe him.

"Let's have a look."

She shifts around in her seat and pulls his arm from my chest so she can look him over. Alex resists, but finally gives in.

"He has your eyes and that God awful hair." She turns to Olivia. "It should be cut shorter to keep it from looking so wild."

I shoot a look at Olivia, who is obviously trying to keep her anger in check.

"He also has a lot of his mother in him, I see." Mother's disappointing tone brings my attention back to her.

"Speaking of his mother, this is my wife, Olivia."

I motion for Olivia to take a seat next to me. She doesn't. My mother briefly glances to her before turning back to me.

"Olivia, this is my mother, Mildred Banks-Knyght."

"Yes, I see." Mildred forces a smile and then takes a deep breath. "Olivia, please sit. Your standing is making me uncomfortable," she states without looking at her.

"Wouldn't want that, now would we?" Olivia mumbles, taking a seat next to me.

Clearing my throat, I situate Alex in my lap so he can face the table, though he still won't fully acknowledge my mother.

"So, how long is he visiting?"

Mother picks up her antique teacup and sips slowly.

"Until the end of the week." There's no hiding the sadness at the mention of them leaving.

"I see." She places her cup back onto the saucer and sets the saucer on the table. "When will he be back to spend some time or to live with you?" she asks.

"Excuse me?" Olivia interrupts.

"Did you not understand the question, dear?" my mother patronizes.

"Mother," I warn.

She waves me off.

"Damon, I understand your need for
, but your choice to marry is absolutely preposterous. And to top off this insanity, you didn't secure any of your assets before marrying this…this girl."

I quickly turn my attention to Olivia, wanting to calm the anger I know she will be feeling, but what I see is smugness.

"I completely agree, Miss Banks."

Olivia smiles at me before turning her attention to my mother.

"Excuse me?" my mother asks incredulously. "You agree with me?"

"Yes. In fact, I've offered your son an annulment, but he's refused me." Olivia crosses her arms over her chest.

I narrow my eyes at her.

"Is this true, Damon?"

"It's more complicated than that," I snap. "Think of Alex."

"Hmm…" my mother responds.

"Damon, I've told you we could make arrangements for Alex and for you to be in each other's lives. The annulment has nothing to do with him." Olivia reaches for a teacup and sips what I'm sure she believes to be a victory drink.

"Damon Patrick!" my mother exclaims, her body shaking from anger. "Agree to this immediately. Have the lawyers review the paperwork and sign the damn papers. Make visitation and custody agreements now."

"I'm not a child. I can make my own decisions."

Adrenaline causes my body to shake and anger boils in my stomach.

"Enough with this behavior. Do as I say!" Her hand slaps the table, causing the china to chatter.

Out of the corner of my eye, Olivia flinches, guilt flashing in her eyes. She has no idea what she's started or whom she has started it with.

"Are you listening to me?"

I meet my mother's gaze, knowing she’s about to share her famous speech.

"You are my only child. The only heir to the Banks’ empire and I have worked too damn hard for you to throw it all away on childish acts of insurgency. When we discussed your actions regarding this matter, I told you to seek out your child or children. Not once did I approve of marriage."

She begins to cough and wheeze.

"Damon?" Olivia scoots to the end of her seat, preparing to help my mother. "We should help her."

Ignoring Olivia's panic and my mother's act, I sit back in the chair.

"Mother, it's not going to work this time. Now, you can get control of yourself and visit with your grandson or we can go. Which shall it be?"

Mildred Banks immediately stops her theatrics and narrows her eyes on me.

"I don't know what's gotten into you," she grumbles, picking up her cup and sipping once more.

The look of disbelieve on Olivia's face is priceless. I have to suppress my urge to laugh.

"I've grown up. It would be quite nice if you would respect that and stop acting."

I grab a couple of finger sandwiches the maid just placed on the table and set them in front of Alex.

The remainder of the visit goes in the fashion it started. She ignores Olivia, dotes on Alex, and continues attempting to convince me to sign the papers.

After a couple of hours, I excuse us from my mother's presence. Olivia thanks her for her hospitality, which I'm sure takes great effort, and we get into the car, where Alex falls asleep and Olivia stays quiet.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask while maneuvering the car.

"Your family, they are…I mean, they are crazy." She shakes her head.

I laugh.

"I didn't realize I was being funny." She raises her brow at me.

"Oh, it is very funny. Straight forward and funny." My body shakes with silent laughter during the last few minutes of the drive.

Alex doesn't wake when we return, so I carry him to his bed. Olivia follows, helping to tuck him in.

"You should get dressed," I state as we leave Alex's room.

"Where are we going?

"It's a surprise." I wink.

"I need to know how to dress." She rolls her eyes.

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