VEGAS follows you home (26 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

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"It's my business to tell, not yours."

"We understand that, but you are going to ruin things before you truly get an opportunity at a real relationship."


"She needs to know about—"

"If you even think about further butting into my life, I cannot be responsible for what happens between us."

He sighs once more, this time in defeat.

"You need to tell her about it before she hears it from someone else. I am telling you now, do it before she finds out the wrong way."

"You think I don't realize the edge I'm walking?" I growl. "Do you think I want to risk this over one almost indiscretion? I'll be damned if I get further into that night than necessary."

"But the guilt—"

"I'll deal with that. It's not yours to bear."

"How can you say that? I've never spoken about the details, not even to Scarlett, and it eats away at me. We don't keep secrets and I bear this burden every day…for you!" Hugh's voice rises.

"Keep your mouth shut," I order through clenched teeth.

"You need to handle this better, Damon. I won't say anything, but
the question is asked, I won't lie for you any longer."

"Fuck you," I growl and hang up.

Tossing my cell to the desk, I press my palms onto the mahogany top and try to calm.

Nothing happened, yet just knowing I considered—

"What was that about?"

Olivia's voice cuts my thoughts and draws my attention. She stands in the doorway of my office with a black coffee cup in her hands, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

"Nothing," I quip.

The look she gives shows her disbelief, so I attempt to change the subject.

"Hugh and I simply don't agree about something."

"Uh huh." Her lips purse tightly before she walks away from the door.

"Did you need something?" I question as I follow.

"Yeah, the truth, but it's clear I won't be getting that from you," she responds with her back to me as she keeps walking.

My lips twitch with the urge to confess my sins, my deepest, darkest secrets — where I truly was the night Rebecca and DJ died, who I was with, what I'd almost done, and even the truth about Alex.

"Momma!" Alex calls through the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen island. Olivia changes course to get him.

"I'm coming, little man," she responds, climbing the stairs.

My phone rings in the distance and I stomp back to my office.


"What?" I bite out as I walk to the kitchen for coffee.

"Don't take that tone with me Damon," she scolds, as if she were my mother.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, hating her ability to make me feel like a child.

"As you should be." A small giggle follows her response. "I want you to meet us for lunch at Tavern on the Green. I already made the reservation and won't take no for an answer, so meet us at twelve." She hangs up.

Groaning, I slam the phone to the marble countertop.

"Another nothing, huh?" Olivia asks, carrying Alex to his highchair.

"No, that was Scarlett demanding our attendance for lunch this afternoon. We don't have to go if you would rather do something else." Pushing away from the counter, and my phone, I move toward the coffee.

"Did you have something else planned?" she asks from within the refrigerator.

She straightens, pulling out eggs, milk, and butter.

"Which cabinet holds your pantry items?" She looks toward me for guidance and I point to the large cabinet behind her. She turns and stretches for a box of pancake mix. After two attempts to reach the top shelf, she braces her hands like she's going to climb.

I quickly move to grasp her waist to prevent her from falling. She starts a bit and tenses under my touch.

"Thanks." Her words are breathy as she slips down against my chest.

Olivia quickly moves away from me, busying herself with making pancakes.

I sit in a chair next to Alex and play a game of peek-a-boo until Olivia places pancakes on the breakfast bar. We eat in comfortable silence, discussing the warm October weather expected and decide we should get Alex out of the apartment.

While Olivia gets herself and Alex dressed for the day, I clean up breakfast plates and mixing bowls. When complete, I go to get myself dressed.

Once dressed, I meet Olivia and Alex in his room.

"I'm thinking we could take Alex to the Central Park Zoo."

They both turn to me. The wooden doorframe presses into my shoulder as I lean and wait for her to respond.

"Dad," Alex blurts, toddling toward me.

My eyes shoot to Olivia, both of us wearing matching expressions of shock. I finally find my voice.

"Yeah, that's right."

Stepping into the room, I lift him into the air.

"I'm your dad."

There is no fighting the smile off my face. Pulling him close to my chest, I look down to Olivia. A mixture of emotions play on her face.

"So, what do you think?" I ask, bringing the conversation back to the zoo.

"Yeah, sure." She shakes her head.

Obviously, she's settled on being annoyed by this stepping-stone between Alex and me.

"You want to go see some animals?" I tickle under his chin.

He laughs and then screams, "Anmahs!"


After Alex's day bag is packed and we have extra jackets, I hail a cab to take us to the zoo. Most of the animals are still outside and we haven't needed our coats yet. Halfway through our outing, my phone vibrates and dings. Pulling it out of my pocket, I find another text from Scarlett.


You had better show up.


I shake my head and slip the phone back into my pocket.

"Scarlett is adamant we join them for lunch."

"Okay." Olivia shrugs.

She helps Alex to stand on a stone fence to see the animal enclosure better.

"We should start heading back to the entrance if we want to meet with them on time."


Narrowing my eyes, I study her lack of reaction.

"Are you going to speak to me at all today?"

She helps Alex back into a wagon and we make our way back to the entrance.

"I've spoken to you." She leans down to give Alex a spill-proof cup.

"Hardly," I growl. "You're being very short."

She sighs.

"I don't appreciate being lied to."

We don't speak again or look at each other until we are secured in another cab.

"What if I said I was arguing with my brother because he and Scarlett can't mind their own business?"

"Is that the truth? Or has it taken you all morning to come up with this?" She raises a brow.

"The truth."

"Hmm." She turns to look out the window. She's obviously not sure whether she should believe me.

The ride to the restaurant is quiet, aside from Alex squealing.


When we arrive, Scarlett swoops in on Alex and Olivia. Hugh stands, calmly and apprehensively, gaging my reaction to his presence.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

He nods. "I've said my piece."

"As have I." I raise my brow and smirk.

"Come and sit down, you two." Scarlett rolls her eyes and waves us over to two empty seats.

During lunch, the previous tension between Hugh and I dissolves. We casually discuss business and family. Scarlett engages Olivia to learn more about her and Alex.

"Oh, Damon," Scarlett blurts across the table, "we got the box for the Yankees game. You two should come with us." It wasn't an invitation. She was making demands again.

"Scarlett, I've made some plans—"

"Cancel them. We have the box and it's the World Series. You and Olivia can join us. We’ll have fun." She turns from me to Olivia. "Tell me you'll come?"

Scarlett doesn't pout, but she has this look that defies rejection. I almost feel bad for Olivia. She doesn't stand a chance.

"Well, I'm not sure. Alex will need a babysitter and I don't know if—"

"Heidi will watch him, I'm sure." I could've gotten us out of the invitation, but I'm now seeing the possibilities of this outing. An outing where Olivia and I can relax, have fun, and also have the buffer of another couple.

Scarlett smiles, knowing I'm completely onboard with the plans.

"Idee?" Alex looks around for her. "Idee?"

"You want to see Heidi, huh?" Scarlett coos.

A large grin lights up his little face.

"I guess. If Heidi doesn't mind, that is," Olivia hesitantly resigns.

"Since she's done nothing but talk about Alex since their night together, I'm sure she will be more than willing," Hugh reassures with a smile.

"We'll have to ask her." Olivia looks to me.

"Taking care of it now." Scarlett smiles, her phone already to her ear.

Scarlett is a force. And this is why she works for me.

"Heidi, it’s Scar. We are out with Damon, Olivia, and Alex."

She pauses, and then tilts her phone from her face. Her eyes meet mine and then Hugh's.

"She says hello and she loves you both."

I smile. Heidi is a softer more loving force, but just as powerful.

"Heidi, can you watch Alex tomorrow evening?" Scar nods, listening. "I'm sure they can bring him to your house this time." Her eyes seek mine in a silent question.

I nod.

"Yes, they will bring him to you." Another pause. "Great, thank you so much!" A smile spreads over Scar's face. "Yes, I promise to start calling you mom, and I love you, too."

Scarlett ends the call, beaming. She's gotten her way — again.

"All set."

"I'm not so sure about leaving Alex in an unfamiliar house. I mean, he may get nervous about—"

"Olivia, he loves Heidi and she will spoil him rotten. You know how great he is with her."

She nods, reluctantly, looking at Alex and running her fingers through his hair. Pulling away from her touch, he shoves French fries in his mouth.

At the conclusion of lunch, we settle the final details of our night out. Scarlett calls it a double date and Olivia cringes.

"I'll have some Yankees clothes sent over to Damon's for you." Scarlett grins.

"My father would have a heart attack if he saw me in anything other than Pirates gear," Olivia giggles.

The sound is perfection.

Scarlett, a diehard Yankee girl, scrunches her face in distaste.

"Well, we'll remedy your penchant for black and gold tomorrow." She hugs Olivia as we part ways.


Alex fights sleep in the car on the way home, rubbing his eyes and sucking his fingers. He loses the battle just as we pull up to my building. Olivia leads the way to the elevator and to the apartment, as I cradle Alex in my arms. The curve and natural sway of her hips draws my attention.

She turns when we reach the door and catches me ogling her. I snap my eyes to her face, prepared for her annoyance. I’m surprised to find amusement glinting in her bright eyes. Shaking her head, she holds out her palm.

"Key?" she whispers.

"Left pocket," I respond in a hush, jutting my hip out.

For a moment, she hesitates, staring at my hip. Then she steps closer and slips her hand into my pocket.

Her fingers moving against me, so close to my groin, are enough to stir my lower body to life. I silently pray she finds the key before she finds me reacting like a teenager.

She fishes out the key and unlocks the door.

I calm myself, and my erection, while taking Alex to bed. On my way back downstairs, with the intention of going to my office, my body springs back to life at the sight before me.

Olivia lies across my couch, on her stomach, flipping through television channels. The curve of her ass is prominently displayed by the way she rests on her forearms.

Licking my lips and swallowing roughly, my fingers twitch to touch her, to glide over her curves and grip the plump flesh. Knowing she unwelcomes my touch, I turn quickly for my office and close the door behind me.

Groaning, I sit behind my desk and take deep breaths. No matter how much I try to fight the arousal, the image of her sprawled on my couch leads to memories of her naked body. It's been a month and I can still remember the softness of her skin, the way she molded against me, and how explosive the night had been. Reaching down, I adjust the discomfort in my pants.

Down, boy.

A crash and curse from the other side of the office door brings me out of my chair and moving toward the kitchen.

Olivia stands next to the counter with glass shards scattered around her sock covered feet. Her eyes move from the mess on the floor to me.

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