Vegas Shuffle (Vegas Series)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #The Vegas Series

BOOK: Vegas Shuffle (Vegas Series)
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Vegas Shuffle

Left high and dry, Aurora battles against her love for Kai. She eventually fights her way out of the pain of abandonment when she learns that Kai unknowingly left her with a part of himself she can love. Of course, she’s also forced to take on another partner. Lisa Jordan is a ditzy gal who gets under her collar at first, but soon her chatty cheerfulness and incredible skills wins her a place on Aurora’s best-friend list.

Then there’s the good-looking devil, Jeff Waters, who’s the owner of the fantastic new casino in town. He makes up his mind he desires Aurora. She’s his type of woman, and he’s the kind of guy who’s used to getting what he wants.

***Author’s Warning***Spoiler Alert***

If you haven’t read the first two stories in this series—more importantly the last one called “
Roll the Dice
,” then this book will open with a spoiler.

Vegas Shuffle
is a short bridge book that explains what is taking place in Aurora Morelli’s life until the next full-length Vegas book is released in late March called “
High Stakes Gamble

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Also Author of

Vegas Series

Action–packed thrillers!


Roll the Dice

The Vicarage Bench Series

Spirit travel at its best!

She’s Me

He’s Her

We’re One

Vicarage Bench Anthology

Together again

Together for Christmas

Angels with Attitude Series

Angels playing cupid!

My Cheeky Angel

His Devious Angel

Loveable Christmas Angel

Single Titles

Christmas Runaway

Mimi’s Mix


Previously, in “Roll the Dice,” book #2 of the Vegas series, we know that Kia Lawson arrives in Vegas from L.A. with only one mission. To find Earl Rhondo, the man responsible for his sister’s rape and subsequent death. He teams up with the Las Vegas Police and is forced to partner with Aurora Morelli, who’s also on the trail of the vicious serial rapist for her own reasons. Aurora mesmerizes Kai from the very first moment he lays eyes on the dark-haired, sparkling-eyed beauty. A spitfire full of smarts and strong opinions, she’s a cop to live up to; one with convictions about how the law works. And revenge has no place in her beliefs. She makes him fall in love with her, gives him reasons to forget his lust for vengeance, and then in the final moment, she betrays him.

When the bald-headed, purse-carrying, Bruce Willis lookalike arrives to be Aurora’s new partner, she knows he’ll be trouble. Cocky, self-assured guys like him have always played havoc with her world. Learning her lesson as an impressionable young girl, these days she gives these guys short shift. Now forced to partner him, she begins to see a man full of hate with only one objective … and that is to kill. Not that the animal Rhondo doesn’t deserve to die for attacking so many women, including Aurora’s ex-partner; but she believes the law will deal with him. Their job is to bring him to justice. If only she can get Kai to see things as clearly as she does. As their time together passes, increasing attraction erupts in one night of glorious lovemaking where they take a chance on nature being on their sides, a chance that later proves to be an error of judgment. On the day they finally catch up with the scumbag life-wrecker Rhondo, he’s kidnapped Aurora’s ex-partner Debbie Ashton, and her newborn son, Alec. Therefore, three cops—Debbie’s husband and Aurora’s boss Cory, Kai and Aurora stand in the line of duty with their weapons all pointing towards the brute who runs out of a shack, revolvers blasting, making his last stand.


“Three weapons blasted.”

“But only one bullet killed.”

Aurora stood between her boss and her lover, shoulders slumped. The gun was still clenched in the hand hanging down by her side. She’d taken an irreversible step. She’d shot a man to death. Now a killer, she searched her soul as to whether she could live with this heavy weight. Skimming back over the last minute, she knew she’d had no choice.

Whether Kai or Debbie’s husband, Lt. Cory Ashton saw Debbie’s signal didn’t really matter. Because Aurora knew without a doubt, the sign had been for her. Debbie had used their special gun-finger gesture, “shoot to kill”, and the begging in her eyes had convinced Aurora she had no choice. Not knowing what had happened in the shack where Debbie and her newborn had been held hostage for the last few hours compelled Aurora to obey her friend’s plea.

The strong tie between the two women had built trust over their five years working the streets together. Watching each other’s backs—and being there as both family and friend to the person who was most important in keeping the other alive—had woven a strong connection. Especially for Aurora, who had no other family. Therefore, in these types of circumstances, one didn’t question the directives from the other; faith kicked in and instincts took over.

Even though Aurora hadn’t taken her eyes away from the bloodied body that lay askew a few hundred feet from where she still stood, in a strange way she saw everything happening at the same time. For instance, she knew Debbie had raced to Cory to be swept into his arms. She’d also perceived the shocked look that Kai had flung her way before rushing to the downed man to kick away his gun and lean over the body to check his neck for any signs of life.

Crazy thing, before Rhondo had run from the shack wildly shooting in their direction, she’d battled with Cory and Kai not to take the law into their own hands. Despite their excellent reasons to kill the rapist, both had promised her not to use vigilante tactics. The men were sharpshooters, and had easily shot to disarm the crazed felon. Then she had gone done exactly what she’d begged them not to.

The approaching squad cars waiting further up the road made a lot of noise as they pealed into the yard, parking every which way while the officers began setting up their equipment in order to stake out the crime scene.

Still she stood, not moving. Not until Debbie approached and gently put her arms around her did Aurora shift from her frozen position.

“Thank you, Aurora. If I’d had a gun, I would have taken the shot to help him die. I’m so grateful, my friend.”

Aurora bit the side of her mouth to keep from screaming the words. “Help him die?!” Instead, her voice emanated husky and tremulous. “I’ve never had to shoot anyone to kill them before. You know that’s why I’ve spent so many hours practicing at the gun club. So why did you want me to kill Rhondo? Was it to hide the fact that he really is Alec’s daddy?”

“Good God, no! That had nothing to do with it. It’s too much to go into right now, but trust me when I say you didn’t murder him. You gave him pity and let him die like he wanted. In the end, he deserved mercy and for him justice was death.”

Just then an ecstatic Cory approached carrying his sleeping baby son, Alec. The man’s face was alight with love and relief. He handed the baby to his wife, who gladly opened her arms for the tiny bundle.

When he turned to face Aurora, Cory’s face took on a serious expression. He held his hand out towards her. “I’ll take your weapon and badge, Detective. And as soon as we get back to the station, we’ll need your uniform. You know the procedures.”

“Yes, boss.” Aurora stood before him, again not moving.

Gently he reached down to where her gun still hung by her right leg and retrieved the weapon from her fingers. It sounded like a huge tunnel separated them as he spoke each word slowly. “Know that whatever statement you decide to make, Aurora, I’ll write my report to support your explanations to the review board. We all will. It was a righteous kill.”

Aurora moved like an automaton by Cory’s side toward the waiting police vehicle. As she got closer to Kai, relief flooded into her icy body. Here was love and comfort and kindness.

Kai turned from the officer who he’d been giving orders to and looked at her reaching hands. Then their glances caught and held.

Her eyes appealed and begged.

Narrowed and hard, his eyes only accused.

Chapter One

When Rhondo had clutched at his heart and dropped like a stone, Kai couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d aimed at Rhondo’s arm. Since Cory had shot first, he knew Cory’s bullet had wounded the man’s gun hand. There was actually no need for Aurora to even use her weapon. But split seconds later, she’d shot to kill, and Kai felt as if the bullet had ripped into his own heart, through his newborn trust, and shattered his growing love.

She’d played him for a fool. A goddamn blind, lovesick fool! Right up to just before the encounter, she’d convinced him to choose her and their future. Then the crazy female had betrayed him and taken his shot. A righteous shot considering they’d been under fire.

Not that any of the bullets Rhondo wildly fired had even come close to them. The crazy bastard had shot into the air over their heads. And he knew Aurora had the smarts to have figured out that scenario. She was comfortable with her weapon. Not that long ago, Kai had seen her in action in an underground parking lot where gunfire had taken place. The woman must have been aware that this sick puppy had chosen suicide by cop as his ticket from a world he hated.

So why had she killed the man, after begging Kai not to? She’d always known his aim had been to eliminate Rhondo for raping his sister and being responsible for her taking her own life.

Moments before the shooting, eyes shining with integrity, Aurora had convinced him to give up his revenge, that their love was all that mattered. Damn bit of good that did him. Instead she’d taken the shot that should have been his.

While bizarre thoughts ricocheted inside his skull, he felt her eyes watching his every move. As he bent over the victim, the coppery smell of blood assailed his senses, turning his stomach. Adrenaline, spiked during the action, became a sour acid taste in his mouth. The cacti nearby called to him as a convenient place to relieve the sickness but instead he swallowed and breathed through his mouth. Death, never pretty, looked good on Rhondo. A weird kind of smile lifted one corner of the madman’s mouth as if he’d been happy in the moment he died.

Kai hoped the devil wiped the fucking smile off his face as soon as the bastard arrived. Frustration burned a hole in his guts. He looked at Aurora and then turned away. The crazy woman still hadn’t moved. Her silent yearning cut through his hurt and into his heart, but he hardened himself from answering her unspoken plea, from going to her with his support. How could he support her actions? How could he still love a girl who’d betrayed him so deeply?

Screaming his pain into her already traumatized features wouldn’t have helped him, and it sure as hell wouldn’t be good for her either. He’d stay away. No ranting or beating his hands against something hard so the rage had a release, not here, not now.

He needed time.

Chapter Two

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