Vengeance 03 - Believe In Me (22 page)

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And caught his breath.

“Cristiana, you are perfect.” Her creamy skin was smooth, her curves more than any man could ask for. The narrowness of her waist, the flare of her hips created shadows and valleys that begged to be explored.

Closer,” she bid him, taking his hand to draw him nearer.

folded his fingers through hers and lowered to lie along her side, his chest covering hers. Her lips beckoned and he indulged, pleasuring them both. Down along the curve of her throat he explored while his hand sought the flare of her hip, the softness of her belly, the silkiness of her thighs.

Her legs trembled as his touch grew bolder
until at last he stroked her intimately. Her gasp pleased him, and he continued his caresses as he kissed and licked her breasts.

When she reached for the
fastening of his chausses, he sucked in his breath. Waiting was no longer an option. He rose to remove them and returned to her side.

“Oh my,”
she said as she stared at him, eyes wide. “May I...touch you?”

He paused, wondering if he could bear it. Before he could respond
, her hesitant fingers wrapped around his shaft. “You’re so soft, like the finest velvet, yet so hard.”

The wonder in her voice nearly made him smile, but the sensations her touch evoked caused him to groan.
The fire deep within him raged at her touch. Within moments, he removed her hand to wrap it in his. He could wait no longer.

“I would make you mine,” he whispered, kissing her lips gently.

“Aye, please.” She pulled him closer.

He moved to brace himself above her, reveling in the feel of her warm and soft
beneath him. He entered her slowly, giving her time to adjust to the feel of him.

” Her frown gave him pause.

“A moment if you please,” he begged, wanting nothing more than to move, needing all his concentration to remain still
as he encountered the barrier that attested to her virginity.

But Cristiana deemed otherwise. She shifted her hips, taking all of him into her. “Oh!

The doubt in her tone gave him pause
. He held still for as long as he could, then with a groan, he withdrew and thrust into her again, his body taking over. After a brief hesitation, her hips rose to meet his, her hands roaming over his shoulders, his neck, his nipples, torturing him with her clever fingers.


Wanting nothing more than for Cristiana to find pleasure, he reached down between them, touching her very center.

cry of release proved his undoing and he poured himself into her. A torrent of feelings and emotions raged through him as his heart overflowed with love. Never had he thought to share such a moment with anyone. He wanted only to hold tight and never let her go.

After a long moment, he rose up on his elbow
to shift some of his weight off of her. Brushing soft tendrils of hair from her face, he gazed into her eyes. “I love you. Now and always. From this moment on, you are mine.”

Tears filled her eyes, her expression one of wonder. “And I love you, William.
Now and always.”

e kissed her, letting happiness and contentment permeate him, body and soul. Settling beside her, he pulled her close, wishing they could stay there forever.


Cristiana sat at the table beside William later that morn, making certain some part of her always touched him. Yet that didn’t seem to be enough. Deep inside, she was terrified that his love for her was merely a dream, that it would be taken away from her at any moment.

e than ever, she wanted them to run.

She wanted
the three of them to leave Longsbury and find a place far away where they could live in peace. What she and William had was far too precious to risk losing. The chances of winning against Bishop Duval seemed impossible. Why put everything they had, including their very lives, at risk?

Yet here she sat once again around the table in the cottage, trying to focus on a plan that would
return them to the bishop. The very idea of it ruined her appetite. She set down the piece of bread Henry had provided, her cheese still untouched.

We can’t simply walk in and confront the bishop,” Cristiana said, still not convinced revealing the bishop’s wrongdoings was their only option. “I tried that to no avail. We need someone to aid us. Someone in a position of power.”

“There’s something we should tell you.” William took her hand in his. “Henry and I visit
ed Abbot Clarke recently.”

Henry ran his hand over his face. Cristiana knew him well enough to know he was upset. She clenched her
other hand into a fist, her fingers biting into her palm, wondering what William was about to say.

“Father Charles’ body was discovered in the
abbey pond.”

“What?” Shock and horror filled her
as she thought of the kind priest whose bones had ached. “That can’t be. He was leaving.”

“He was leaving because he had a disagreement with the bishop,” Henry added.

“What are suggesting?” She couldn’t wrap her mind around what they were telling her.
Yet she remembered how distraught Father Charles had been when she’d last seen him.

neck had marks around it. Stones were tied to his legs.”

“He was murdered?” She glanced back and forth between the two of them. The
ir somber expressions were her answer. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to overcome her shock at the news.

“We believe the bishop decided he knew too much and had him killed.” William squeezed her hand.

“That is why we came to get you,” Henry added. “We realized you were in even more danger than we had thought.”

“And Abb
ot Clarke? What does he think?”

“He felt there was enough evidence of the bishop’s deeds to bring them before the archbishop. He
’s traveled to speak with him.”

“When will he return?”

“Not soon enough,” Henry said. “If all goes well, the journey will still take him three days.”

Our concern is that the abbot is not completely convinced of the bishop’s treachery,” William added. “Therefore what he tells the archbishop may not be convincing either.”

“But with the evidence I have of the bishop’s involvement in the death of my mother

“We should have enough to prove his guilt.”
Henry slammed his fist on the table with an expression of satisfaction.

Once Abbot Clarke returns, we can give him the additional information you have.
can confront the bishop,” William suggested. “That would keep us out of the middle of the situation and hopefully out of harm’s way.”

Cristiana breathed a sigh of relief
. The idea of returning to the bishop’s manor was terrifying in light of the news of Father Charles’ death. Hope filled her that they could keep their distance from the bishop. Perhaps they had a chance of success after all. “I only met Abbot Clarke once, but he seemed very kind. He knew my mother.”

He is intelligent as well. What we told him came as a shock,” William said. “But as we discussed it, he realized there were other situations that caused him concern.”

Shall I go to the abbey and see if there is any news of his return?” Henry asked, rising from the table.

William shook his head. “
It’s too dangerous. The bishop will have men looking everywhere for us. We should remain here.”

“Perhaps we can send someone else with a message,” Cristiana suggested.

“You write the message and I’ll find someone to deliver it.” Henry took his bread with him and closed the door behind him.

“Shall we
pen the message?” Cristiana asked.

William smiled
and winked at her. “I believe it will take Henry some time before he finds just the right person to deliver it.”

Cristiana couldn’t miss the passion in William’s eyes. It sparked an answering need within her.

“Come here,
” he demanded with open arms.

She gladly complied
, sinking into his kiss and basking in his love.



Three days passed in bliss while they awaited word from Abbot Clarke. Unfortunately, no one at the abbey had news of the exact date of his return.

Cristiana didn’t mind. Spending each moment of the day with William was nothing short of amazing.
This morn she had tidied the cottage, straightening their few belongings like any good wife might do. Henry had brought her some dried lavender. She’d bound it and hung it from a rafter and its sweet fragrance permeated the air.

William often stepped outside
, telling her that he wanted some fresh air. But she knew he walked the woods that bordered the cottage to make certain no one lurked there. Several of the villagers had noted their presence, and some had come to speak with them. They appeared to be friendly enough.

William had warned her
to avoid drawing any attention to them, especially if it involved her ability. He seemed to understand the rumors that would start once she healed someone. She supposed it was because he was used to such occurrences with his brother, Nicholas.

Henry had ventured into the small village nearby to purchase a few items for their next meal. The knight had befriended as many of the townspeople as he could, hoping they’d keep their
temporary presence a secret. Cristiana knew he enjoyed visiting and didn’t expect him to return for awhile.

autumn weather was mild and she opened the shutters to let in fresh air, peeking out to catch a glimpse of William. At last she found him, walking along the edge of the trees. His broad shoulders filled out his dark blue tunic nicely. His sword was strapped to his narrow hips. Sunlight caught the lighter strands of his hair as he walked.

Her heartbeat
quickened as she watched. To think this tall, powerful, handsome knight loved her was still a wonder. She’d never believed someone would love her as William did. Each time in the past when she’d gotten close to another person, they’d learn of her gift and their feelings toward her would change. She’d never had friends or a suitor. The idea of marrying had seemed impossible. Not when people viewed her with such mistrust.

William had changed all that.
Dare she hope his plan would be successful and they’d have a chance to grow old together?

Now that her dream seemed within reach, she was even more frightened of losing it.
She tried to hide her fear from William, but when she was alone, her doubt grew ten-fold. The bishop wanted her alive to heal for him, but William was a thorn in his side. Surely the bishop would prefer William dead. The thought made her shudder.

William moved deeper into the woods out of her view.
With a deep sigh and a reminder not to fret, she turned away, determined to try her hand at mending a tunic of William’s. She gathered the needle and thread Henry had supplied and sat at the table.

he simple task brought her such pleasure. Perhaps it was because she might be doing this very thing if she were William’s wife in truth. Longing coursed through her, so deep, so huge that it brought a lump to her throat. Though she was enjoying their time together, the looming threat of the bishop made this time bittersweet.

A noise from outside brought her out of her thoughts. With determination, she smiled, not wanting William to see her
concern. The door opened and her heart leapt, anticipating his greeting which would surely be accompanied by a kiss.

“Well, look who we have here.”

Cristiana gasped at the stranger. “Who are you?”

In truth, she didn’t need to ask.
He wore the bishop’s colors.

“I am here on behalf of Bishop Thomas Duval.” He smiled
, revealing rotten teeth. “I’ll be escorting you back to him.”

She rose slowly from the table, the mended tunic in her hands, well aware the needle she
held was not the weapon she needed. Heart pounding, she clutched the fabric as she backed away, wondering if William would hear her if she screamed.

“You have led us on a merry chase, my lady.” He advanced slowly, that awful smile on his face. He was big both in height and girth. How could she possibly
get away from him and reach William?

“The bishop has been very worried. He will be pleased to have you returned safe and sound.”

She glanced over her shoulder, trying to make certain she didn’t back into a corner. “I have no wish to return to the bishop.”

Oh?” He continued to approach her.

“I want you to leave now. Tell Bishop Duval that I appreciate him
asking after me, but as you can see, I am well.”

The large man laughed. “He said you might say that.”

She took another step, easing closer to the door but the small space left little room to maneuver.

“He said what you want
no longer matters.”

She swallowed hard for she knew that to be true. “I ask you again, please leave. My companions will be back any moment.”

His eyes narrowed as he glanced around the room. “I saw no sign of them. Besides, we will soon be gone.”

His gaze returned to her and he lurched forward, grabbing her arm.

She cried out and tried to wrench free as she threw the tunic in the man’s face.

The door to the cottage flew open, bouncing on its hinges. “Release her!”

She’d never been so glad to see William.

The man-at-arms stumbled back, shocked at William’s appearance.
He quickly recovered and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I have orders to return the lady to Bishop Duval.”

“That is not
an option,” William said, taking Cristiana by the hand and pulling her behind him.

The man studied William as though determining how difficult it would be to defeat him.

William put his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Be gone while you still have your life.”

After a long moment, the man nodded. “You are Sir William?”

“What business is that of yours?”

“I have a message for you from the bishop.”

“Speak quickly then be gone if you wish to see another day,” William warned.

“He says Lady Elizabeth of Staverton came to pay you a visit.

“I don’t believe that.”

“See for yourself.” The man-at-arms pulled a rolled missive from his belt and handed it to William. “Unfortunately, she isn’t feeling well.”

William stilled for a long moment as he read the note, making
Cristiana realize it confirmed what the man had told them. Obviously this was terrible news. “When did she arrive?”

Only yesterday.”

Leave. Now.”

“Don’t you have a

“He’ll have
my reply soon enough.”

“Very well then.
I’ll take my leave.” He shut the door behind him.

William felt as though he’d been struck. To think of Elizabeth in the bishop’s hands made him ill.
He’d saved Cristiana only to have his brother’s wife in danger. How could this have come to pass?

in hell was Nicholas?

“William?” Cristiana stepped in front of him and put her hand on his chest. “Who is Elizabeth?”

“My brother’s wife.”

“Oh no!

“She is with child.”

“Why would she have gone to Longsbury?”

“I cannot imagine.

Henry appeared in the doorway. “Who was that?”

“One of the bishop’s men,” William answered.

You’re letting him leave? Now the bishop will know where we are.” Henry looked at him as though he were crazed. “We need to find another place to hide as quickly as possible.”

I’ll be returning to the bishop’s.”

“Have you gone mad?” Henry asked.

“He has Elizabeth. Somehow he’s taken Elizabeth.” William watched as a horrified expression came over Henry’s face.

“How can that be?” His mouth opened
and closed in shock. “What happened to Nicholas?”

Hearing Henry ask the question aloud only made William worry more. Had the bishop killed his brother? That was the only
explanation that made sense yet he could not bring himself to believe it.

“Nicholas would never allow Elizabeth to leave
Staverton without him. Not when she’s expecting a babe,” Henry said.

He wouldn’t.” William had nothing more to say. Believing the worst would not aid them. Nor could they take the time to ride to Staverton to see if anyone there had news. “I must return to the bishop’s manor and see if my presence is enough to get him to release Elizabeth.”

“I’m going with you.” Cristiana said the words with quiet determination.

“You’ll go with Henry to await the abbot’s return. When—”

“Nay, William. The man-at-arms said Elizabeth is ill. If that’s true, she’ll need me.”

“’Tis far too dangerous,” William argued.

“I’m going.” She began to
gather their things. “Your chances are better with me along.”

“I’ll prepare the horses,” Henry said, not bothering to shut the door behind him.

“Cristiana,” William said as he moved to take her hand but she pulled away. His heart clenched at her rejection.

“We should hurry, William. Before
something terrible befalls her.” At last she looked at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, her face pale. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I never meant anything like this to occur.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.
The fault for this lies with the bishop.” He gathered her stiff form into his arms, holding her tight. For the briefest moment, she relaxed, laying her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him, her body trembling against his.

“Let us go,” she whispered as she released him and stepped away. “We must make certain Lady Elizabeth is safe.”

He stared at her, wishing he knew her thoughts. But she was right. They had to hurry. He didn’t trust Bishop Duval in the least.


Cristiana rode before William, sick at what had happened.

If Will
iam’s brother or Elizabeth was hurt because of her—
She simply couldn’t bear the
notion of either of those thoughts being true. All this because Bishop Duval wanted her and her healing ability.

Tears filled her eyes
again. Why couldn’t she be normal? She had sacrificed so much over the years, always guarding her tongue, hiding her ability in an effort to protect herself and her mother. She’d had to be careful to whom she spoke and what she said for as long as she could remember. It was never ending. Doing so was always difficult, preventing her from making friends, from having a true life.

But this...this was too much.

William and his family didn’t deserve to be harmed because of her. She should never have let William take her from Bishop Duval. She should’ve insisted on staying there and done as he asked. It seemed so petty now to have wanted a life of her own, free from the demands of the bishop.

A tiny part of her heart ached at the idea of William being
willing to trade her for his brother’s wife. Nay, that wasn’t true. Her entire being ached at the idea, but there was no other way. She would be the first to suggest that she offer herself in exchange for Lady Elizabeth. Never would she allow someone to suffer because of her.

She should’ve known the past
three days had been too good to be anything more than a dream. At least now she’d have a memory to cherish in the years ahead. If she lived that long. The way the bishop was determined to use her, she’d be lucky to survive the winter.

She swallowed her tears, determined not to make this any harder on William than it
was already. She knew he cared for her, of that she had no doubt. But their love was too new, too fresh, to have the bond needed to overcome something like this. With a deep breath, she gathered her courage. She would do anything necessary to save Lady Elizabeth. She only hoped she could save William as well.

Henry slowed his horse. “I’ll bid you farewell here.”

Cristiana stared at him, unable to believe he’d abandon William in his time of need.

“I hope
to see you very soon, my friend,” William said.

“You’ll be seeing Abbot Clarke
and me as quickly as I can manage.” Henry nodded at her. “Lady Cristiana, stay safe until I get there.”

She glanced over her shoulder at William, confused as to what the men were speaking of.

Henry turned his steed and rode hard, mud flying up behind the horse’s pounding hooves.

“I don’t understand,” she said, frowning as she watched
Henry ride away.

“We are sticking with our plan. Henry will get Abbot Clarke and we will all have a nice visit
with Bishop Duval. Together.”

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