Read Vexed Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Genre Fiction, #Romance, #mc biker romance erotica, #MC President, #virgin, #Outlaw MC, #outlaw motorcycle club, #Coming of Age, #older man younger woman, #Hollywood, #starlet

Vexed (14 page)

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He gives me about two seconds to unstrap my bag before taking off, leaving me stranded at my parents’ house.

All I can do is watch him drive away.


ou motherfuckin’ prick

That’s rude.

What the fuck?

My head’s pounding. Went straight to the clubhouse, ignored every bitch in sight, and proceeded to get stinking drunk.

Something slams into the bottom of whatever I’m sleeping on, jarring me painfully awake.

Dante’s angry face stares down at me.

“What the fuck, bro?” My words come out thick and slurred.

“You just dumped Athena at her house without making sure she was okay?”

“She ain’t my problem.” I roll over without vomiting and consider it a win.

“Like fuck she’s not.” He kicks the couch again.

“Knock it off, fucker.”

“Her parents kicked her out and took her car.”

I refuse to let him know how much that bothers me. “So?” I mumble into the couch cushions. They smell like ass, which makes me reconsider shoving my face against them.

“So, now I got her living at my fuckin’ house.”

With two hands on my head, to keep it from exploding, I sit up and face him. “Why is this my problem?”

“Are you fuckin’ serious? You rode out of here like a fuckin’ lunatic. Risked getting’ in the middle of Red Storm bullshit to rescue her, and now you’re gonna act like you don’t give a shit?”

“That about sums it up.”

He jams a finger in my chest, knocking me against the back of the couch and I slap it away. “I fuckin’ warned you to be careful with her.”

“She left. Got her ass in trouble. Obviously, she ain’t ol’ lady material. So mind your own business.”

Dante ignores everything I said. “That’s no excuse to be so fuckin’ harsh on her. She’s eighteen, ya fuck. She knows dick about this life. You knew that going in. Eighteen-year-old girls do stupid shit. Your own fuckin’ fault.”

“Karina doesn’t.”

Wrong thing to say. His face goes positively ice-cold. I’d laugh if my head didn’t hurt so fucking bad.

“She’s different. Leave her out of this.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to treat her with some fuckin’ respect and at least talk to her.”

I groan and put my head down, although if I vomit on Dante, maybe he’ll go away and leave me alone. “Why?”

“Because now I’m outnumbered in my own fuckin’ house and I gotta listen to a broken-hearted girl cryin’ her eyes out all god damned night long.”

What a load of bullshit. I stand, swaying on my feet just a tad, and poke Dante in the chest until he takes a step back. “She ain’t broken-hearted. She was doing just fine in California and she’ll do just fine here.”

“You’re a dick.”

“So I hear.”

“You ain’t gonna talk to her?”


He glares at me and when I don’t say anything he nods. “Fine. Then you stay the fuck away from her permanently.”

“No problem.”

“I ain’t fuckin’ joking. You don’t get to decide in a few weeks, when you’re done sulking like a pussy, that you wanna start something up again. You won’t man up and talk to her now, then you ain’t doin’ it later.”

I open my mouth to say fine again, but nothing comes out.

Dante smirks and folds his arms over his chest.


“I’m so sorry, Karina.”

My best friend smiles and sets a plate of cookies in front of me.

“It’s okay.”

“How mad is Dante that I’m here?”

This time she grins. “He’s not mad at all. Flustered maybe.”

“I’ll find a job and apartment, I promise.”

“Are you going back to L.A.?”

I’ve thought about this endlessly. Romeo doesn’t want me. That bridge has been incinerated. I talked to Elliot for over an hour last night. He cheered me up by mentioning, one of the casting directors I’d auditioned for told him she might have a part coming up that was perfect for me. When I pointed out I had no way to get back to Los Angles and nowhere to stay even if I did, he offered money for a bus ticket and invited me to come stay with him. Unsure of what I’d done to deserve his kindness, I’d blubbered out a thank you and promised him I’d think about it.

“Maybe. Elliot’s roommate is leaving when their lease is up, so he asked if I want to get an apartment together.”

“At least you know he’s safe and won’t have psychos visiting.”

My exact same thoughts when he’d brought it up. “True.”

“A gay bestie in Hollywood. You’re such a cliché.”

“You’re a cliché for saying that.”

Her laughter lifts some of the gloom off my shoulders.

My whole body tenses when I hear Dante’s bike in the front yard. I’m still mortified Karina had to pick me up from my parents. She brought me here, and forced me to explain the whole story to Dante. Recounting how Romeo dumped me in my parents’ driveway like a sack of garbage and how my parents refused to allow me in the house, left me wishing I’d hitchhiked back to Los Angeles instead of calling Karina. What was the point of coming home to a place where no one wanted me?

Well, Karina seems happy I’m here. Staying with the two of them is fucking weird, though. Inside these walls, Dante’s completely different. Still bossy and demanding, for sure. But he also dotes on my friend in a way that’s sweet and unexpected.

Let’s not forget he didn’t hesitate to offer me the spare bedroom when Karina dragged me home like a homeless kitten either.

Karina lights up and rushes to the door to greet him. Even though he’s only been gone for about an hour, they make out as if he’d been off to war and back.
is the weirdness. The two of them can’t keep their hands off each other. And I don’t even want to contemplate the noises that came from their bedroom last night.

Who wants to nurse a shattered heart around two kinky nymphos?

Not me.

My heavy, dramatic sigh finally pulls them apart. Dante pins me with a stern stare. “You okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just getting so hot in here we might need to put the A/C on.”

Karina blushes and pulls away from him, while Dante glances up at the ceiling, probably praying for aliens to come abduct me.

Karina pulls him over to the kitchen counter and hands him a cookie, which he devours in two bites. He compliments little Miss Nestle Tollhouse and presses a kiss to her forehead.


“How you feelin’ today, Athena?” he asks.

“Better. Thank you for—”

He waves off my gratitude. “You can stay here as long as you need to.”


“On one condition.”

Oh dear God, please tell me this isn’t the part where they ask me to join them upstairs.

“You need to stay away from Romeo,” he finishes.

I almost would have preferred a three-way invite to hearing Romeo’s name. “ problem there.”

“I ain’t kidding.”

“Okay. Jeez. I think I might go back to L.A. anyway.”

Dante's scowl spurs me to explain. “I talked to my friend there and he said I can stay with him. I’ll be safe there.”

“We’ll see.” I don’t think I care for the ominous tone he uses, but I keep my mouth shut.

Karina bounces on her toes, dying to share her news with Dante. “I heard from Kadence.”

He lifts an eyebrow. “And?”

“She wants to meet up tomorrow. Athena said she’ll go with me.”

Dante’s face turns hard and unreadable. “Where?”

“Mall maybe?”

“No. Do it at the clubhouse where I can keep an eye on you. Just in case.”

“Are you sure? We could meet here? I can make dinner—”

“Definitely not here.” His face softens when he sees the pout on her face. Why couldn’t Romeo be patient and understanding the way Dante is? “I know she’s your sister, baby girl. But you don’t know a thing about her. I don’t trust her enough to have her in my home.”

The man has a point, and I’m about to say that when Karina agrees.

Oh fuck. That means— “Karina, you don’t still need me then, do you?”

“Yeah,” Dante answers. “You should still be there for her.”

Karina nods vigorously. How can I say no?

“But you just said you wanted me to stay away from Romeo,” I point out.

Dante’s not used to having people—girls specifically, I think—question him. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you,” he answers slowly, giving me a hard look. “I’d like you there for Karina’s sake.”

Shit. Guilt me much? “Yeah, no problem.”

As long as I avoid Romeo, everything will be fine.


a shame I have to kill Dante.

We’ve been brothers for almost twenty years. Sure, we annoy the fuck out of each other, but our friendship goes back before patching into the club. Bonded over all the dirty deeds we were forced to do as prospects. Patched in at the same time. Even got elected to our current positions at the same time.

What he’s doing today can’t go unpunished though.

“Why are they in my clubhouse?” I growl at him.

He’s probably smirking at me. But I can’t tell because my eyes haven’t left Athena since she walked in here with Dante’s girl a couple minutes ago.

“Karina’s meetin’ up with her sister.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question.”

“I want Athena here for moral support, in case things don’t go well.”

“That doesn’t explain why they’re in
my clubhouse

“Well, Prez,” he answers slowly. “I don’t want Kadence up at my house yet.”

I’d love to punch the sarcasm out of him. “But having her in our clubhouse seems safe? You know she’s got ties to Bolt’s crew.”

“Ain’t like they don’t know where our clubhouse is, Prez.”

He’s got a point.

Still, I want Athena out of my clubhouse.

Or upstairs in my bed.

I tell myself it’s her outfit that’s messing with my head. Some sort of skintight pants with little cupcakes printed all over them and a loose pink tank top.

I want to eat every inch of her.

Kadence finally shows up, and Dante leaves to supervise his girl. The sisters have a tearful first meeting. At least they finally know about each other. Tucker made a big deal about how wild Kadence is, and by the look of her, he wasn’t just saying it to be an asshole. She screams trouble. From her barely-there top to the shorts that barely cover her ass cheeks. That’s how she goes dressed to an MC clubhouse during the day to meet her sister? A rival of her man’s MC too, from what I hear. I don’t envy Dante for having to deal with

He must deem Kadence worthy to associate with Karina and finally stops hovering over them. Unfortunately, he returns to annoy me.

“Remember what I said, Prez?”

“Why are you still bothering me?”

The fucker laughs and slaps me on the back.

“Get your drooling in now. I hear she’s going back to L.A.”

That finally snaps me out of leering at Athena’s ass. “What?”

“Yeah. Got some dude lined up to be her roommate and everything.”

“Like fuck.”

“Not your problem. Remember?”

“Fuck off.” I glance at him. “Why’re you lettin’ her go back there?”

“She wants to go. How am I supposed to stop her?” He lifts his chin in Karina’s direction. “I got my hands full with my own girl. Anyway, Athena’s not your problem, so don’t worry about it.”

I wait until Dante’s distracted and Athena steps away to make my move. Creepy fuck that I am, I stalk her across the clubhouse. My last threads of patience fray as I wait outside the bathroom. What the fuck do I say? Why am I doing this? We’re totally wrong for each other.

She’s eight-fucking-teen. Legal, to fuck, sure.

But for fuck’s sake, she was a toddler when I patched into the club.

That alone should be enough to keep me away from her.

Except, my moral compass has been off-kilter for as long as I remember.

I should leave her alone and let her find a man who makes more sense for her.

The thought of her with anyone else pushes me into jealous asshole territory.

When the door finally opens, I’m wound so tight, I grab her and throw her up against the wall. She lets out a startled gasp of surprise.

“Why’re you in my clubhouse?” I ask, my lips so close to hers, I can almost taste her.

“I—I’m with Karina,” she stammers, those gorgeous steel blues wide as saucers. “Dante said it was okay and you wouldn’t bother me.”

“Am I
you, sweetheart?”

Her eyes gloss over. “No. But you’re hurting me.”

I relax my hold on her but still keep her trapped against the wall with my body. “Sorry.”

“What do you want from me?” she asks with a hitch in her voice.

“I don’t know.”

“Well, if you don’t know, how should I?” She tries to push her way out from under me, but I keep her pinned. Missed that smart mouth.

“I want to stop thinking about you all the fucking time,” I admit.

Her eyebrows scrunch into an adorable little crinkle. “Yeah? Well, me too.”

“You think about you all the time, too?”

“Don’t be a jerk.”

“I’m still pissed you left the way you did.”

She looks down at where our bodies are almost touching. “I know. I’m still mad at myself.”

I’m surprised to hear her admit that.

“Why’d you do it?”

“I don’t know. I can’t explain it. It’d been my dream for so long, I was afraid if I gave it up for a guy and then it didn’t work out, I’d be a failure.”

Her honesty breaks some of my anger. “I wish you’d talked to me about it.”

“I didn’t think you were serious about me staying.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“I tried calling—”

“I know.”


I cut her off with a kiss. At first she kisses me back, but then she shakes herself free. “Don’t do this to me again. Please,” she whispers.

“Do what?”

She lowers her gaze. “Confuse me.”

I know she’s referring to our night in the motel and guilt slams into me. “You’re the one in
clubhouse,” I say instead of what I should say.

“I didn’t mean—”

“No? What’d you mean? Coming here dressed like that.”

“Like what?”

“So fucking sexy I can’t take my eyes off you.”

“Let go of me and I’ll get out of your sight.”

My arms tighten around her. “No.” I cup her face in my hands and crush my mouth to hers. Our kisses meld into one long hungry kiss until we’re both breathing hard. She shudders as one of my hands kneads her breast and whimpers as my fingers trail down her side, slipping under the whispy fabric of her shirt. For a second, I work my fingers over her skin, I missed her softness.

“Put your hands on my shoulders.”

She stares at me with dazed eyes. “Why?”

“I want to find out how wet you are.”

I don’t wait for an answer. I tug at the stretchy waistband of her pants and slip my hand inside.

She gasps as I force my hand between her thighs, touching everywhere. “Is this mine?”

“God, yes.”

I can’t think straight. I might even pass out.

Is this really happening?

I almost died when I walked into the clubhouse and saw Romeo. The heavy weight of his gaze sat on my shoulders the entire time Karina and Kadence were talking, until the need to get away and take some deep breaths chased me out of the room.

Then he grabbed me, admitted he can’t stop thinking about me either. Kissed me.

And now his hand’s down my pants cupping my pussy in a thrilling possessive way that makes my heart race.

“Is this mine?” He growls the question against my throat again and I think I gasp out an answer, but I’m not sure.

“Answer me and I’ll make you come.” Despite the possessive grip on my private parts, he rains soft kisses on my cheeks, forehead, and finally my lips. “Would you like that?” he asks.

My lips part as I stare at his wicked smirk. “Only yours.”

“I can’t stand thinking of you with anyone else.”

“Me either.”

“There’s no one but you, Shortcake.”

Oh. The rough way he whispers the silly, but sweet nickname makes my nipples tighten. Then the rest of his sentence registers. “No. I mean, I can’t stand the idea of being with anyone besides you. Ever.”

He studies me for second. I meant every word though. I know he thinks I’m too young to know what the hell I want. But if I try to picture myself in five, ten, or twenty years, I can’t see anything that doesn’t include his arms around me. It’s the only place I’ve ever felt completely safe. Even when he’s tense and so on the edge his grip is less than gentle. I don’t need gentle. I need strong, determined, and protective.

“Careful, Athena,” he warns. “I want to do what’s right for you, but when you say stuff like that, it’s hard.”

I’m not sure what he thinks is
for me, but then his hand presses into me, the tips of his fingers sliding up my slit and nothing else matters. He buries his face against my neck, kissing and licking.

“Romeo. Someone…someone might see us.”

“So.” He slides his fingers right up to my clit and I gasp, jerking my hips into his hands. “You’re soaked,” he whispers. “I think the idea of someone seeing me doing dirty things to you turns you on.”

He traces a lazy circle around my clit before working his way back. Up and down he teases me. Slipping his fingers inside me, then taking them away.

My skin flames. Scared we might get caught. Secretly thrilled at the idea. The teasing stops and he slides one finger inside me, so hard I let out a soft squeak. Every confident stroke pushes me closer to the edge.

“Tell me what you need, Athena. Say it.”

“This. Please don’t stop.”

“Harder?” He adds another finger, giving me an extra little push that makes me rise on tip toes.

“Yes, yes. So good. Like that.”

“I need you in my bed, Athena. Need to fuck you. Need you to know you’re mine.”

Those words give me the extra nudge I need. My skin burns all over, and I shudder through my orgasm. He kisses my forehead and holds me until I stop trembling.


If I don’t get her upstairs soon, we’ll end up rutting in the hallway like animals.

“I got you, Shortcake. Ride it out.”

She responds by melting into me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I lift her into my arms and carry her upstairs.

By the time I get her to my room, she’s coherent again. She claws at my shirt as I set her down and I whip off her top. She rubs her hand over my dick, still trapped in my pants.

“I want to take care of you.”

“Not yet, Shortcake. This is still all about you.” I take a step back to admire the sight of her innocent pink bra and those
fucking cupcake pants

“These fucking pants have been messing with me since you got here,” I say as I sink to the floor in front of her and peel the soft, stretchy material down her legs.

“You like them?” she asks, her sex-kitten tone making a reappearance.

“Yup.” I trace my fingers under the tiny pink thong she’s wearing. “This is nice, too.”

She giggles, then gasps as I slide them down her legs, and put my mouth on her.

“Get on the bed,” I mumble against her pussy after giving it one final lick. She races over and jumps into my bed. Her big blue eyes watch intently as I set a record for shedding my clothes.

I want to shove my face in her cunt and lick her until she screams, but I start slow, kissing my way down her body. Savoring every inch. Everything about her is beautiful and I feel like a brute attacking her.

“Missed you,” I mumble against her breast.

Her hands rake through my hair, sending shivers down my spine. “I missed you too, Reed. So much.”

BOOK: Vexed
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