Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3)
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“Gods, you feel so good,” he groaned.

Titillated not only by his empassioned words but by his dominance, she started to tremble in direct response to his aggression. This, it seemed, turned him on as well because he half growled, half moaned as he again covered her body. She dug her nails into the stone as he rocked against her, their sweat-slicked bodies creating a delicious friction.

One of his hands closed over hers and squeezed while the other curled over her shoulder. Everything about the way he took her now was raw, brash,

Pulsing waves started to roll through her as his tempo increased. She sensed wherever he was taking her now was going to be more intense than before.

One, two, three more hard thrusts then he swelled inside of her. Shaking, a strangled roar broke from his chest when he locked up against her and erupted. She squeezed her eyes shut and white-knuckled the rock, a wail rising up as she catapulted into a screaming orgasm. Her body convulsed as sensation after sensation tore through her.

It was hard to know how long they stayed that way, his slick, strong body against hers, their hearts hammering, breathing heavy. She was so totally out of it that she didn’t realize he’d moved her until she curled against his side on a fur by the fire.

Amber peered down at their bodies and mumbled, “When did we get naked?”

Kol was lightly dragging his fingers back and forth over her hip bone. When he didn’t respond, she looked at him. He appeared troubled as he stared at the ceiling. “Kol?”

His eyes flickered to hers. Though lost at first, whatever distress she thought she saw vanished as a small knowing smile curved his lips. “That was good, yes?”

Good didn’t begin to describe it. Obviously he hadn’t heard her initial question so she let it go. “Yeah, it was definitely good.” Never one to hold back, especially when it came to sex, she arched her brows. “For you too?”

His brows lowered slightly. There was that troubled look again. “Very good.”

“Then why do you look upset?”

“Do I?”

She nodded.

Kol seemed to consider his words for a long moment before he sighed. “Because it was not what I expected.”

Oh, shoot. That didn’t sound good. But in his defense, he really had made it all about her. She never got a chance to take care of him. Well, save that last part.

That aside, she wasn’t a big fan of his lack of tact. She sat up and pulled a fur over her. “That’s sort of a crappy thing to say.”

Kol pulled her back down then covered half her body with his. “You misunderstand. What I meant was that it was far more than I expected.”

Amber kept frowning. “So what, you thought I’d suck?”

His lips twitched in repressed amusement as he eyed her lips. “I think sucking is the least of what those beautiful lips are capable of.”

She snorted. His mind was as dirty as hers.

Before she could speak, he put the pad of his thumb against her lips and shook his head. “What I meant was that I didn’t expect you to…” he cleared his throat, clearly struggling with his words. “Feel better than all the others.”

“Oh,” she whispered, ensnared by the near black depths of his gaze, by the honesty of his revelation. Oddly enough, for those like her and Kol, saying something like that was almost equivalent to normal people saying, “I love you.”

Did she feel the same? Was he the best she’d ever had? Absolutely. But telling him as much felt like a betrayal to Sean.


It occurred to her she hadn’t been thinking about him nearly as much as she should. In fact, not at all since a few nights ago. Amber sighed and muttered, “I’m such an ass.”


He moved away when she again sat up.

Amber gave him the truth, whether or not he liked it. “Because I’ve become pretty good at not mourning Sean since I got here.”

Kol sat up and handed her a skin of mead. If he was disgruntled, he hid it well. Instead, he pulled a fur across his lower half and braced his elbows on bent knees as he eyed the fire. “I know nothing of your customs or the length of time you should grieve. But I do know that if Sean truly loved you, he wouldn’t fault you for finding relief from sadness.”

Relief. That was a mild word to describe everything that had happened between her and Kol. It was nice of him to say though. Amber surprised herself when she murmured, “Love." She shook her head. "I might have said I thought he loved me, but I never knew for sure.”

“Of course he did.” Kol’s eyes stayed on the fire. “As I imagine most men have.”

Her eyes cut to his profile. It was a great one. Strong. Proportionate. But even as the artist in her studied the planes of his face, the woman inside was again standing on the edge of a precipice.

Except this time it wasn’t of a sexual nature.

When his eyes slowly turned to hers, she swore she stopped breathing. Resolution churned in his dark gaze along with something else entirely. Then, like she knew reflected in her eyes, a flash of wariness before his gaze returned to the fire. She wasn’t surprised in the least when he chose to keep his response safe, when he chose to avoid emotions neither of them was ready to tackle.

“You can continue to love him but find release with other men, Amber.” He took a swig from his skin. “There is no fault in that.”

“I don’t want to find release with other men.” Best to walk the line, play it safe. “Just you…for now.”

Obviously ready to lighten the mood, he chuckled. “You won’t want another after me.” But it seemed he heard the commitment in his cocky declaration. “No time soon that is.”

Though a little embarrassed when her stomach growled, she was grateful for the distraction. “Sorry, I guess I’m hungry after all.”

The atmosphere in the cave eased considerably as he grinned and pulled a variety of items out of the satchel. Bread, cheese, dried meat, nuts. After that, they simply enjoyed a good meal and good company. Just like he said they would. He told her more about his culture and she shared just enough about the twenty-first century not to overwhelm him.

“So you can fly without wings?” he asked. “Truly?”

Amber nodded and smiled. “Yup, but planes do have wings. They just don’t flap.”

“Mankind comes far in over a thousand years,” he murmured. “Technology sounds…hard to believe.”

“Just as much as magic did to me.” She shrugged. “And dragons for that matter.”

Though he kept a frown from his face, she heard the sadness in his voice. “So there is no magic or dragons in your time?”

“I honestly don’t know.” She shook her head. “After everything I’ve seen since arriving here I’m starting to think there’s no way this stuff vanished no matter how much time has passed. I mean seriously, it’s pretty much confirmed that Norse gods exist and I don’t care what anyone says, gods are forever. That means they’re still kickin’ around in the twenty-first century.”

Kol nodded as he handed her the last piece of bread. “True.”

She ripped it and handed half back to him. “And you’ve gotta understand my era. Lots of countries, lots of governments and lots of leaders. People always trying to control other people. So my thought is dragon shifters likely keep a low profile.” She winked at him. “After all, you’re pretty smart and damn powerful, right? It’d be easy for you guys to hide in plain sight.”

“I mean no harm, but much of what you shared makes humanity sound as if it becomes very self-absorbed, so yes…” He nodded. “Our kind would be able to hide well there.”

“No worries. I’m not offended. Humanity changes a lot.” She downed the last of her mead. “But it’s not all bad. Good people still exist.”

“I believe it.” Kol squeezed her hand. “Because I’ve met you and your sisters.”

“You’re sweet.”

“I could say the same about you. Delicious.” His pupils flared as his finger stroked the inside of her wrist. “But you have yet to taste me.”

Amber understood his meaning and chuckled, a little buzzed from the mead. “God, you’re naughty.”

“So they say.” Instead of continuing along the sensual path he could so easily take her down right now, he laid back, his hand still wrapped with hers. “Let’s rest, woman.”

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and eyed him. “Just rest?”

“You’re mourning,” he reminded. “And I respect that.”

Amber might have a full belly, but that didn’t stop lust from curling between her legs. Everything about him turned her on from his looks to his personality.

“I’d really just like to hold you, Amber,” he said softly.

Something about the look in his eyes, the absolute honesty, made her melt down next to him. He pulled a fur over them and though lust certainly flared as their bodies pressed close, he made no move other than to stroke her hair. That was it. A simple touch. A caress that translated far deeper emotions than sex ever could.

Warmed by his body, lulled by his caress, she drifted.

Then, though it might have been minutes or hours later, her eyes snapped open. Kol was sitting up, holding his head and drenched in sweat. Worried, she sat up, alarmed when she saw the pain twisting his features.

“Oh my God, what’s the matter?”

But she already knew and his words confirmed it.

“I’m fine,” he said through clenched teeth. “Just a bad ache in my head.”

Chills raced up her spine. Just like Sean had been plagued with.

Just like her sister’s had said.

He had a headache and by the looks of it, one just as severe as those that Sean had suffered from.

Chapter Twelve


Kol clenched his teeth against waves of pain. He’d rather be thrust through with a sword over and over than suffer this. It wasn’t a noble pain. There was no honor in it. There was no hope of Odin and glory in Valhalla beyond it. No, he felt nothing but cowardice as it ripped through his head.

This was a pain that he could not fight with a weapon or dragon magic.

“I’ll be right back,” Amber murmured. Though concerned for her, he could barely move beneath the agony. Before long she returned and knelt in front of him.

“Shh,” she whispered as she put the icy skin against his head. Then she took his hand and firmly pressed her fingers together just over the area between his thumb and forefinger.

“I’m a dragon,” he muttered. “I should be able to fight this.”

“Some pain just slips through the cracks,” she said softly and pressed the area on his hand more firmly while she kept the cold skin against his head. He might have found the whole scene comical if he wasn’t hurting so much.

But, strangely enough, the pain seemed to be lessening. He closed his eyes and exhaled through his teeth. Though it didn’t abate entirely, the pounding in his head lessened enough that he cracked his eyes open and murmured, “What are you doing to my hand?”

“It’s a pressure point,” she said. “Everything in your body is affected by blood flow.” She pressed the area a little more. “They say this area is one of a few that affects your head.”

The dragon in him wanted to scoff at the theory, but the flesh and blood man was relishing the lessening pain far too much to complain. He clenched his hand over hers, pressing the icy skin closer. “You put snow in this.”


Though still surfacing from the pain, he took in her outfit then her bare feet, again red. She had tossed on the dress he ripped down the backside so it did nothing to warm her. And forget boots. She just barreled out in the elements to fill the skin. His eyes went to her hand, the one pressing against his. It was red too.

“Not good,” he muttered, soaking up the chill pressed to his head for another long moment before he removed the skin and wrapped a fur around her. Before she could protest, he pulled her onto his lap and warmed her against his body.

“I’m fine,” she assured, once more pressing the skin against his head and squeezing the pressure point on his hand.

“You’re shivering,” he complained, wrapping her tighter.

Despite the abating pain in his head, he was fast becoming aware of her body. Such an unbelievably lush body. Though it took everything for him to admit she had felt better than the others, he hadn’t been nearly honest enough.

For the first time ever, the dragon had reared up when he had sex.

While half of him reasoned she’d felt so damn good because of that, another half, the
knew there was more. That what he experienced with Amber was just a miniscule part of what the woman would be capable of making him feel. Just being inside her was addicting. The taste of her, the way her body moved when he pleasured her. The open, unabashed pleasure and appreciation she let him see when she lost herself to his touch.

Entering her body felt like he had finally found…something.

He still had no idea what that was only that it was far more gratifying than sex.

Amber didn’t just open her body but her soul. She gave everything. More than he realized existed. Whatever it was, he wanted more. Far more. And the dragon? He didn’t stop until he claimed her. Until he held her down, forced her screams of pleasure, felt her ultimate release and poured his seed into her.

But somewhere deep down inside Kol knew it wasn’t the dragon in charge.

It was him.

Because the dragon would not feel so deeply unless he did.

Lost in thought, face buried in her sweet hair, he whispered, “It’s all right, my pain is almost gone.” Yet something was rearing up, a new pain. “Are you all right?”

“I am,” she murmured.

Amber looked at him with concern when he set aside the skin and said, “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Then a long wail entered his mind and sharp pain didn’t quite reach his stomach but made him alert.

“What’s the matter?” Amber asked.

Connected to his brothers and their wives, it took half a breath to realize what was happening. Though anxious as hell, he remained calm so Amber wouldn’t get upset. He stood and pulled her to her feet. “We need to get back to the village.”

“Now. Really?”

“Yes. The storm is worsening. We’re safer there.”

That wasn’t a total lie. The storm
worsening but never so much that he would have abandoned their time here. He’d weather Middle Earth slamming into Asgard if it meant he could keep her here alone with him longer.

Stress might be raging through him as much as his brothers, but he couldn’t help grinning as Amber tried to tie together her ripped dress.

“Stop.” He handed her dry pants and a tunic. “Wear these.”

Her brows furrowed. “My clothes from earlier. Nice to see they dried so quickly.” She shot him a look and grabbed them. “You could’ve said something before I attempted to tie this dress together.”

“I enjoy watching the way your mind works,” he replied, surprised at how true the statement was. There was something about her creativity that mesmerized him.

“Ugh, alrighty then.” But she smiled as she wiggled out of her makeshift dress then pulled on the pants and tunic.

Kol might be distressed, but his groin still tightened at the sway of her full breasts and the cinch of her small waist as she tried to gracefully finagle on clothing. There was still so much of her little, curvy body he wanted to explore.

When his kin’s distress again swamped him, he yanked on his clothes and boots, grabbed their cloaks and pulled her after him.

“What about the furs and our stuff?”

“We’ll come back for them.”

In little time, he had them bundled up and Thorunn plodding back through the heavy snow. The wind was fierce, but his horse got them to the stables in better time than he figured she would. His nephew, Heidrek was waiting and took the horse.

Kol clasped his shoulder and tried to keep his tone light. “Take good care of her.” Then he whispered in his ear. “Everything will be all right.”

Heidrek’s eyes glistened slightly as he nodded. He knew what was going on and had likely been asked to stay here for the time being.

When Kol hesitated, worried about him, his brother’s son stood up a little taller and nodded. “Go on now. Thorunn will be well cared for.”

Kol ruffled the top of his head. “Thank you.”

Then he pulled Amber after him moments before a long wail rent the air.

“Oh no…Veronica?” she murmured before another long cry erupted.

The baby was being born.

He let go of her hand as Amber tore away and did her best to run through the snow toward Raknar’s holding. “Veronica? I’m coming!”

He joined Naðr and Kjar outside. The king paced, his hair standing on end from running his hand through it too much. The shipwright leaned against the building, head bent, murmuring prayers. There was no need to ask where Raknar was. With Veronica. He felt his brother’s anguish, concern and excitement as thoroughly here as he had back in the cave.

Chest tight, Kol didn’t know what to do with himself. Part of him wanted to soothe Veronica, even Megan, but a part he barely understood wanted to protect Amber from anything that might go wrong. Anything that might break her heart even more than it had already been broken. Because it had been. By something or someone in her past. Exactly what or who that was he had yet to discover.

When Veronica started wailing louder, mixed with outright screams, Naðr became ferocious. First his eyes locked on Kjar. “Get me ale. Now.” Then his eyes went to Kol and whatever he meant to say sputtered out. So his eyes swam over his immediate surroundings until they locked on some poor warrior who happened by.

“You, go get me ale!” he roared.

Kjar muttered something about Naðr needing too much ale before he strode off.

“Wait,” Naðr said and Kjar stopped. “Don’t go. You might be needed.”

The shipwright spun on his heel and narrowed his eyes. “Yes, my King.”

He knew Kjar cared about Veronica as much as them so he gave him a lot of credit for remaining relatively calm. By the time the warrior returned with several skins of ale, all of them were pacing and flinching every time a cry came from inside.

Kol downed half his skin, crouched and hung his head. Conflicting emotions and pain swamped him as readily as they did his brothers. Veronica’s physical pain as well as her worry over the babe. Then baby Matthew himself. His fear as he struggled into the world. It was unlike anything Kol had ever felt. It took everything he had not to barrel inside and try to help them both…to make this transition easier.

But more than that, the brothers were fighting against keeping their kin safe by any means necessary. The dragon was rearing up, determined to protect its own at all cost. Which was a hel of a battle because dragons instinctively protected their own over humanity. They
rip apart anything that kept another dragon, no matter how innocent its mother, from being born.

While it would be optimistic to think they could use their dragon magic to help birth the baby safely, it wouldn’t go that way. The beast within would care nothing for finesse. The worst part was they wouldn’t realize the harm done until they reconnected with their humanity…until it was far too late. Which meant Veronica’s life was not only threatened by normal risks affiliated with childbirth but by the brothers themselves.

So he wasn’t surprised when the pitch of her cry changed and the king stopped pacing. He growled at Kjar. “Get Raknar out of there. Bar me and my brothers from her. Now!”

After all, only one thing could keep a human safe from any magical creature, including a dragon.

A god.

In this case, a demi-god was just as efficient.

Kjar nodded and strode inside. Like Naðr, Kol felt like a caged beast. His thoughts were drifting further and further from Veronica, even Amber, as his instincts urged him to protect the baby dragon. His nostrils flared and red haze marred his vision. He growled when another long wail came from inside.

By the time Kjar came out, he had a sword to Raknar’s back, eyes dangerous as they flickered between Naðr and Kol. “Follow me.”

The brothers all teetered between ripping him to pieces and complying because a part of their mind still knew what was best. None said a word as the demi-god tossed them each a skin of ale and they plunked down in Kjar’s lodge.

Then they waited.

They could feel the heartbeat of the baby dragon and flexed their muscles against the binding magic Kjar held them with. If Kol was having a thousand fantasies about how he could kill the demi-god and even Veronica, then he could only imagine what Naðr was feeling. Worse than that, what was Raknar feeling? But he knew because his brother’s blood was part of him. His emotions were part of him.

And it was anyone’s worst nightmare.

Loving with all your heart but unable to see past the dragon, the pure need to protect blood. If Kjar didn’t keep Raknar away during this, he might very well kill everything that mattered most to him. He would destroy his true love, Veronica, to protect a child that might not even make it into this world.

Spitting nutshells, the shipwright’s eyes never left the brothers. Tensions remained high. Nobody said a word as snow and wind howled. They were all too busy fighting their dragons and Kjar’s magic.

It seemed like half the night went by before the red haze of his dragon started to lessen around the edges. Something had changed. Anxious, they sprang to their feet. Kjar, obviously taking no chances, kept a sword raised, eyes glowing as he barred them with his magic.

Head lowered, Raknar’s voice was low, tortured. “Can you feel Matthew’s heartbeat?”

Kol and Naðr put a hand on either of his shoulders and lowered their heads as well, tried to stem out their magic beyond Kjar’s grip.

But there was silence.


A tremor went through Raknar. It was taking everything he had not to shift into the dragon.

Suddenly, Kjar cocked his head and slowly but surely a smile crept onto his face. Moments later, his magic lifted. “Matthew has been born safely.”

“And Veronica?” Raknar said, still barely breathing.

“Alive and well.”

Tension unraveled and they smiled. The men embraced, laughed and clapped each another on the back before they headed for Raknar’s holding. Kara and another woman met them at the entrance. Her eyes went to Raknar. “She and the baby are doing well. They’re waiting for you all.”

Kara had always been gifted at delivering children, so he was grateful she’d been here. He squeezed her hand, kissed her cheek and murmured in her ear in passing. “Thank you for taking care of them.”

She nodded, smiled then stepped aside as the brothers and Kjar entered. Though a fire burned, the skins over the windows were pulled aside, allowing in an icy wind. Unlike a human child, little Matthew and by affiliation his mother, ran hotter than most.

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