Viking Sensitivity (Night World Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Viking Sensitivity (Night World Series Book 2)
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Charlie hesitated a second before following. Mia directed her attention to her aunt, who was finally letting go and moving a little bit away. "How are you holding up on? You okay?" The concern filled her aunt's face.

Mia nodded. "I think so. My only concern is if he comes back. I'm not sure how to handle it if he does. I can't very well stay in the shop the rest of the day."

Her aunt stroked Mia's face with her hand. "Don't worry, we'll come up with something."

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Carter and Charlie came back over. Neither of them looked terribly happy. Charlie came and stood next to her while the Lieutenant stopped where he stood before.

"Okay, Miss Jones, I have your description and your version of events so I'm going to head back and fill out the necessary paperwork. If I need more information I will let you know. Please do not hesitate to call me or nine-one-one should anything else happen."

He pulled a business card out of one of his other pockets and put out his hand for Mia to grab it. She smiled at him, taking his card and putting it in her back pants pocket.

He nodded to all three of the before walking out of the shop. He went and spoke to the two officers who were now standing out by the police car again. Mia had not been paying attention so she didn't know how long it'd been since they returned.

After a second or two Charlie interrupted her thoughts. Charlie smiled and looked at Mia with her aunt.

"How about you let me handle this. Don't worry, I won't let any harm come from her. But I think it's better for the others involved if I don't bring another person not of the world into this mess. I think if it is just Mia and I they might be more willing to share information." Charlie looked like she honestly didn't like what she was saying but believed it was the best scenario.

Her aunt looked a little disappointed but nodded. "I can't say that I like the idea but I agree with you. I think it is the best shot to get information. But if there is anything either of you needs I demand you call me and let me know." Then she gave Mia another tightly gripped bear hug before letting go, wiping her eyes, and heading out of the shop.

Mia looked to Charlie. The other woman shifted her head from one shoulder to the other before straightening it out.

"I think it is about time we head to Gwen's store. I also really think it's time we started getting some answers. Are you ready? I'll drive since you've already had an eventful morning."

Mia couldn't agree more. She wanted answers. She wanted information. She wanted to know exactly what was going on. There was a small part of her that thought she wouldn't like the answers. She also needed to talk to Viking. They need to decide on some sort of course of action for this thing that was going on between them. Giving a small nod, Mia followed Charlie out to her car.

Chapter 10



Viking practically paced the shop at eleven. Someone must have called Gwen because after about ten minutes she appeared and convinced him that pacing the lounge would be a better idea. Once in the lounge he yelled for the young warriors in there to get out. Gwen mumbled something about how that wasn't what she had in mind but didn't say anything else before sitting on the couch and watching him pace. It wasn't until almost eleven-thirty that Mia and her MP came walking through the lounge door immediately followed by Raider and Poet.

The expressions on both women's faces told Viking to tread lightly. He wanted to yell and rage about them being late but he could tell something had happened. He could see Gwen in the corner of his eye and could make out enough of her to see she agreed with his assessment. He must have missed someone inviting them to sit down because both women sat on the couch across from him. Even though Viking itched to sit down on the arm of the couch next to Mia he knew that would not be a wise idea. So he forced his body to sit on the same couch as Gwen. Raider sat in one of the armchairs and Poet went to lean against the same table as yesterday.

The MP broke the silence. "Mia had an incident this morning."

Viking's blood started to boil. The anger that someone would bother his mate made him want to rip that someone to shreds. He settled for just making fists in his lap.

"What happened?"

He was glad Gwen spoke. She could keep her voice a concerned neutral. Viking's would have been no more than a growl.

"Well that thing from her dream somehow attached itself to a guy who knew where she worked and waited for her in the coffee shop across the shopping area. He then proceeded to follow her to the store making comments so she would recognize him as being from the dream. She was able to get the shop first and shut the door behind her. When he went to the door the ward I put in place burned him before he could do anything. That was enough to chase him off. When the cops came they did a search of the area could not find him. However he made a comment to Mia that neither of us understand. He said next time she saw him he would have a different face. Does that make sense to any of you?" The MP looked at each of them in turn.

Viking tried to calm himself enough to think. He glanced around the room and did not like what he saw. He was the only one with any shock remotely on his face. Granted it was hard to shock Poet but still. Viking shifted to look directly at Gwen.

"Why is this not a surprise to you?"

Gwen gave him her full attention. For a split second she looked remorseful then she blanked her face. Her husband was rubbing off on her.

"On a hunch I sent Carter down there check out her store since we did not know what we were dealing with. I called to see if he could spot anything as a cop that might help us out. I wanted him to use common channels to watch her during the day. As it turned out, he was on his way down there when Mia was attacked. So Carter was the one who ended up answering the call. When he left Mia. He called me and let me know what happened. I was with Poet and Raider so they heard most of the story as well."

Viking felt a bust anger fly through his body. "Why did you not tell me? Why didn't he call me?"

He knew his voice had grown more aggressive and there wasn't much he could do about it.

Gwen sighed. "You weren't exactly in the right frame of mind for me to be telling you. As for calling you, why would he? I called him. Also, you detached yourself from things this morning. Remember?"

Viking looked away. He felt a little foolish to have forgotten already. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath. "I am not one who knows a lot about the Spirit World." He looked directly at Mia. He couldn't help himself, he didn't want to look anywhere else. "So I put Raider, Gwen and Poet in charge of research. Were you three able to come up with anything?"

He had a fifty-fifty shot of one of them answering. Poet had never been good at following orders and that was, in a way, what he just gave. Gwen usually didn't follow orders on principle.

"I know lots of things. And I know several things which the many faces comment would pertain. But I'm not entirely sure any of them is exactly what you're looking for."

Viking fought the snarl at Poet's words. Count on Poet to give a vague and non-helpful answer.

"I might not have news. It all depends on what this thing does next. Before I came downstairs today I did some searching. And it turns out there might be a couple of beings that could do what this one is doing. Being both in a dream and connected to this guy. Honestly, that could be a lot of them. But the faces comment would probably narrow the field. It could either be trying to freak you out or moving on to a new person to control. I just don't know. At the risk of sounding like a horrible person I won't know until it makes its next move."

That was what Viking was afraid of. He didn't like not having an answer. Especially since this thing seems to have made his mate a target.

"Are you telling me that, with the people you have everywhere, you don't know anything?" The MP sounded angry and Viking could not blame her.

Mia seemed to deflate a little around the edges. "Does that mean no one can help me at all?" She sounded like she already came to a conclusion.

"Not necessarily. The Spirit World is kind of like a dating site. We have to find out everything about him to narrow it down to one specific being. I don't know even ten percent of all the beings in the Spirit World. That's why I can't tell you for sure who this is. Once we know who it is then we might be able to do something. But with the information we have right now I'm afraid there isn't much we can do beyond keep somebody with you and make sure your wards are staying up-to-date."

Viking saw his opening. He felt absolutely devious about using it. It would be a way for him to be around Mia, which would calm the Maddening. And to protect her.

When he spoke he made sure his voice was level. "I can stay with you. Even if that means sleeping on the couch or something like that. I have experience in this."

He added when he saw the speculation on her face. "Gwen has been attacked by spirits for more than twenty years. I'm use to having to protect her from things. This is what I do."

He heard Gwen rustle next to him.

"He has a good point. He was protecting me from things I didn't even know where a danger until it was too late. That might actually be for the best until we can figure out a plan for how to either get you off this thing's radar or get rid of it entirely. Ultimately, it's up to you. He would be staying in your home and infringing on your time. And from the way your MP friend, I'm so sorry I've never gotten your name, is talking I'm guessing she doesn't have a lot of experience with it either."

Mia and her MP looked at each other a moment. It looked as if they were having a silent conversation.

After a moment they turned back and Mia spoke. "We need to discuss this someplace alone."

He heard Gwen stands next to him. "Of course, if you follow me I'll take you to our office. It has soundproofing so people won't be able to hear you."

He could hear the pleasantness in her voice. She was trying to make them trust her. Not that they didn't have reason to trust her but Gwen was clearly trying. Both women in front of him got up and presumably followed Gwen out of the room. Neither Poet nor Raider spoke while the women were gone.

After a few moments the door opened and closed again. Viking assumed that meant Gwen returned. It wasn't until she came and sat down next to him Viking looked away from the vacated couch.

Gwen seemed to have been waiting for him to make eye contact. Once he looked up she started to speak. "It is a good plan Viking. You would be best to protect her in this circumstance. And not just because she is your mate. You really do have the most experience." She put her hand comfortingly on his arm.

He didn't find it even remotely comforting. The Maddening had him wanting to run after Mia and simply take her someplace safe, not ask her permission. But he knew that was a bad idea. Just like he knew Gwen was trying to give him comfort where there was none.

"Well this has certainly gotten a little bit of ridiculous."

"Seriously Poet I will rip out your voice box and burn it." Raiders snarled.

Poet snorted.

"I would certainly like to see you try. But before we go about doing that I'd like to point out again that this is ridiculous. Think about. What are the odds these rebels unintentionally go after our King's mate and then, within two months, go after one of his general's mate? If indeed this is the rebellion. Think about it. Does that seem a little suspicious, or is it just me?"

It was very quiet for several moments while everyone thought about Poet's words. Viking agreed. It was suspicious. Either these rebels had some sort of cosmic knowledge or the universe thought itself very funny.

"Or you could look at it this way, Poet, the universe is putting the mate on the path to a Warrior when the Warrior is most needed. It's tipping the rebellion's hand for us."

"Gwen, don't encourage him. You know how annoying you get when the two of you start talking philosophically."

Viking wasn't sure who sounded more irritable, him or Raider. Raider seemed to be losing his cool as often as Viking.

It seemed as if Gwen would comply and Poet might just have decided it wasn't worth the fight. Because neither of them spoke. It could have just been they didn't have a chance to comment because soon after Mia and the MP came back into the lounge.

Viking saw it then. Mia glanced at Poet. She was purposefully avoiding looking at him since they'd entered. Now she was giving Poet a look as she walked by him. Clearly she remembered him from her dream the night before. That had Viking kicking himself for not asking what Poet had done in the dream. She hadn't been attacked or he would've told him that. What did happen while he was there? Viking told himself he would corner Poet later and find out.

Mia stood in front of him. Since she didn't seem to be sitting anytime soon, Viking stood.

"I'm going to agree to your plan. If you give me your phone number I'll text you my address and you can come by this evening after you've had a chance to pack and settle whatever it is you need to settle here." She was clearly trying to keep an even blank tone.

But Viking heard some emotion underneath it that he couldn't quite identify. He couldn't help the excitement at her agreement of his plan. This would give them a chance to be alone together. Get to know each other. And try to get rid of the Maddening. He nodded by way of response but couldn't think of anything to say.

Mia and the MP looked at each other again before the MP spoke.

"Okay, well, if that is settled please keep me in the loop if you guys learn anything. Hopefully we will have this settled soon. We are on our way out. I'll stay with her until you get there. As for my name, it's Charlie." As soon as the MP stopped talking she smiled. But it was somewhat forced.

Mia pulled out her phone and looked at Viking expectantly. He rattled off his number and she entered it into her phone. Once she finished both she and Charlie exited the lounge.

Viking felt lucky he would get to spend time with his mate. Even if he only had one day left. He wanted to get to know her some. Even if she chose not to end the Maddening. He wouldn't push or guilt her. She had a lot on her plate. She didn't need to deal with Warrior aggression too.

He tried to make himself concentrate on the problem at hand and not on Mia and himself but it was difficult. Instead of talking to anyone else in the room Viking headed upstairs to pack a bag.

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