Viking Wrath (11 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Viking Wrath
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I looked up to Cnut. "Can you see the other tower?"

"Aye, Jarl."

"Then leave Harald up there to watch it while we signal our drekar. Go to the beach and build a fire."

"Will the other tower not see it.?"

"They will look to this tower and see no signal. I am hoping they will think these sentries were cooking fish. However we will have warriors waiting in case they investigate."

"Magnus get up into the tower. Keep your eye on the tower south of here."

Cnut had finished examining the dead warriors. "Their weapons are better than those of the men of On Corn Walum but they do not wear mail."

"It may be that their better warriors do. Now we wait for our drekar and Snorri. Light the fire."

There was much driftwood on the beach and we used part of the roof of the sentries' shelter. Soon the smoke rose. I hoped that the other tower would assume we had lit the fire to cook fish. There were signs that the sentries had fished from the rocks which surrounded the bay. When I saw the sails in the distance I breathed a sigh of relief; Erik and Haaken had brought them from the north. The headland would hide them from prying eyes. Worryingly the tide had yet to turn fully. There was a line of rocks down the middle of the bay. I began to walk into the sea to see its depth. Our drekar were shallow bottomed. They could still float in water which came up to my chest. When the water lapped against my chin I knew they would be safe.

As I walked back in Bjorn the Scout laughed, "Did you feel like a swim Jarl."

I nodded, "Aye, Bjorn the Scout. I feel refreshed now."

Aiden and Siggi clambered down the path to the beach. Aiden looked pleased with himself. "You did well to spot that cove, Aiden, although I would have preferred to navigate it during daylight."

"As would I, Jarl but I did not know if it could be seen from this tower. I can see now that it would not." He stood. "And now I will fetch Olaf Sweet Tooth." Siggi mimed going with him. The two headed back across the headland.

While we waited for the drekar to edge around into the bay I took off my byrnie and my kyrtle. We would be moving as soon as Snorri returned and I wanted dry clothes when that happened. Erik edged
'The Heart of the Dragon'
closer; he brought her in under a couple of oars rather than the sail. Instead of using a ship's boy to test the depth he had one of the Ulfheonar jump into the sea. When the warrior's head rose from the water with his hand raised, the anchor was dropped. Soon armour and shields were ferried ashore and then my warriors.
anchored next to my drekar.

Wolf Killer and Haaken One Eye joined me."It went well?"

"Aye and the other tower cannot see this bay but I would not have the drekar leave the bay yet. We await Snorri. The fire is already lit so let us have some hot food before we head to the hill fort."

"We saw the mountain from the sea but we could not see the fort."

"No and I am anxious for Snorri's news. We are in the dark until he returns."

We had cooked our meal and begun to eat it when Snorri and Arne returned. He looked happy. Haaken asked, "Did you have trouble? You took your time."

"We wanted to find at least two routes back here. We saw Kara, Jarl. She and Angharad were walking around the fort. There look to be almost as many women within its walls as there are warriors."

"And how many warriors are there?"

"There looked to be almost sixty."

"And Elfrida?"

"I am sorry Wolf Killer we only saw Kara but there was a hut with two guards outside. Perhaps that is where she is being held."

I frowned, "Did Kara look in distress?"

There was a pause then Snorri shook his head, "She appeared to be laughing and joking." He looked at my son whose face was as black as thunder, "I am sorry but that is what we saw."

"She may be leading them on."

I nodded but I was worried."Perhaps. You have two routes then?"

"Aye but I should warn you that none of the paths to the mountain can be travelled quickly. The island is covered in gorse. The paths twist between it. There are many paths but all lead to the foot of the mountain. There is one route which twists along the cliffs and another which heads directly for the summit. We can reach the summit unseen. The defences appear to face the port."

"Do they have a ditch around the fort?"

"Not as such. There is plentiful rock and the fort is made of stone. It is about the same size as your home, Jarl. There are round huts within made of stone and wattle and daub. They will burn."

I had made up my mind. "Can we reach the mountain quickly?"

"We can easily reach there before it is dark."

"Then we do that. Wolf Killer, I want ten of your men to go down the coast and take the other tower. They can then come back here and wait at this tower until we return."

"That cuts down the men we can use to attack."

"If we do not then we may find our escape blocked." I stared at my son. He nodded. "Lead on Snorri. Bjorn the Scout, bring up the rear. Aiden, I want you close to me. I fear we will need your skills as much as those of the Ulfheonar. There is magic about this place."

"I know, Jarl, it feels like a weight upon my shoulders. I hear the voices of the dead and they are all around. They speak in strange tongues and they are not happy."

"This is from the time of the Romans."

"Aye Jarl. The books tell me that the Romans slaughtered the ones they called the druids in the sacred groves on this island. Their bodies were not buried but dismembered and scattered. They are restless and seek revenge."

"But we are not Roman!"

"I know Haaken, but we are trespassers. Be careful as we near the mountain. It is no Wyddfa but there is a power which sleeps beneath its stone."

Chapter 8

Snorri led my snaking column through the bright yellow gorse. In places it was so high as to hide us from view. He had marked our junctions with his sword so that he knew when to turn. The cut gorse lay on the trail in the form of an arrow. The mountain was always in sight, no matter in which direction we turned we could always see it looming before us. As Snorri had said, it was not a real mountain but it dominated this tiny island and none of us would underestimate the power. For my part my mind was filled with concern for Kara. Her brother had thought that she might have been duping them. She was clever enough to do that but something in my heart told me that she was not. Aiden's warnings of the power of the mountain made my heart feel like lead. Had my daughter been suborned? Had I lost her?

The paths began to climb. We smelled smoke and Snorri gave the signal for caution. We were near to some huts. We saw them not, for the gorse hid them but we could smell the smoke to our left. I knew that my Ulfheonar could move silently but I was not as sure about the men of Arturus. I need not have worried; no one gave us away.

We passed through a dry ghyll. As we emerged into the lighter afternoon air I saw that we were now at the foot of the mountain. I peered to the south east and saw our tower. Snorri said, "You can see the other tower from here too."

"This means they can see us." My son joined me. "I hope your men have taken that other tower. This is a bare mountain now and we will be seen as we ascend."

"Do not worry. Magnus Strongarm is a good warrior. He would make a good Ulfheonar save that he is oathsworn to me."

I nodded. That was good enough for me.

Snorri said, "We can only be seen for a short time. When we round this bend in the path we can only be seen by the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea."

He was right but, as we stepped from the shelter of the mountain a mighty wind struck us from the west. Aiden almost staggered. Snorri turned, "What ails you, Aiden?"

He shook his head as he leaned against the rock of the mountain. The touch of the stone seemed to steady him. "That is my home beyond that sea and here the power of the mountain grows. I can feel it in my fingers. It is hard for me to walk. I feel as though I am carrying Ulf Bjornson on my shoulders." He looked at me and, for the first time in a long time, I saw doubt on his face. "They need no defences on this side because the mountain protects them." He took the blue stone from around his neck and held it tightly. It seemed to ease whatever pain he was feeling. "Your sword will save us this day." He looked at Haaken and Cnut who were as equally surprised as I was. "You two will need to watch the Jarl's back closer than you have ever done."

Haaken said, "I have stood by him since I lost my eye. I will protect him."

"And I was there when Odin touched the sword. You need not fear for the Jarl so long as I live. I will die before I allow harm to come to him."

Aiden nodded, "Then let us hurry, Snorri. I feel as though there are eyes upon us!"

There was no longer any gorse to worry us but there was a sheer drop to the sea below. Now that we were closing in on our prey I began to worry about getting the women down this path. It would be neither easy nor safe. We would cross that particular bridge when we came to it. As we twisted and turned our way up the rocky path I began to worry more and more about the difficulties we would encounter bringing down the women. Elfrida, in particular, would be a burden. She was with child.

As we paused at the foot of the last climb I looked down my line. Ulf Bjornson would have to carry her. I waved him over. I spoke quietly to him. I did not want her husband to interfere. "Ulf, I want you to be the last one, with Bjorn the Scout, to attack the fort. I want the two of you to find the women. You will be responsible for getting Elfrida down this trail." He glanced involuntarily at the rock strewn path beneath his feet. He nodded. "If you have to then carry her. Do not worry about anything else other than saving Elfrida. It is a great responsibility for she carries my grandchild."

"It will be an honour, Jarl."

Snorri led us up the last hundred or so paces. Behind us the sun was setting and we would need to avoid being silhouetted against the dying light. Just below the summit Snorri waved us to sit. There was a small dell which was sheltered from the wind. He came over to me and spoke quietly. "It is over that ridge."

"Go and watch the camp, Snorri. You have done well. I will join you." Wolf Killer, Haaken and Cnut all joined me without being asked. "Have the men rest, eat and drink." They all had water skins and some dried venison. "Then join me on the ridge where we will spy out the land." I looked at my son. "You will keep silent, no matter what we see!" He opened his mouth as though to argue and then nodded. "Aiden, come with me. Your eyes and your powers will be of more use this day than a dozen swords."

I took off my helmet and shield and laid them on the ground and then bellied up to join Snorri. He had been right about the defences. There was just one gate and that led down the other side of the mountain towards the port. I could see the masts of three or four ships within the harbour. It was not a large fort but the warriors within its walls looked to be well armed and they wore armour. The standard of Gwynedd flew from the gatehouse. The witch was under the protection of their King. I could see that we would be able to get over the walls quite easily. It was just three or four paces high. We could use our shields to raise warriors. We had done so before. There were eight men patrolling the walls but their attention was largely on the gate. When they passed below us they glanced up but we remained still. We would look like three more rocks.

I felt movement close by but did not turn around. It was Arturus with Haaken and Cnut. I continued to examine the defences. We would attack in the depths of night. There our small numbers would not be as apparent and our fearsome appearance would give us an advantage if we were seen. I saw that they had stables and I heard the neigh of a horse. I wondered where the women were when I saw, beyond the fort, Kara, Angharad and her woman Demelza walking up the road which led from the town. Snorri was right, Kara did look at ease. I heard my son snort and I put my hand on his arm. He sank back down. I counted the guards and saw that we would be slightly outnumbered. Of course I did not know how many were within the huts or the small warrior hall. It was possible we would be well outnumbered. We did not have time to watch for a long time and gather numbers. A chill came over me as I realised there was a stake in the middle of the fort and kindling around it. The dream I had had while sailing close to Wyddfa came back to me. We had no time to lose. As my eye moved across the fort I found the hut where I assumed Elfrida and the others were being held. There were two guards standing outside a small hut on the opposite side of the fort from the stables and the gate. It was quite close to the rear wall of the fort. I watched as Kara and the two Priestesses entered the gate. Kara appeared to be laughing. They headed for a large hut which was close to the gate and they entered. I had seen enough. The light was fading fast now as it began to dip below the horizon and I slithered back down to the dell to join the rest of my men.

When they had joined me I explained what I intended. "Wolf Killer, your archers will stay on the ridge and they will clear the walls of sentries. That will be on my command." He nodded. "They then keep the walls and our escape route clear. We will work in threes. Two hold a shield while the third mounts the walls. They will be clear by then and we do not move until all of our men are safely on the wall. Bjorn the Scout, Snorri and Ulf will secure the captives. Wolf Killer you and your warriors will secure the gate and Kara. You will take Aiden with you. His skills may be necessary; if she is under the witch's power then he might be the only one who can save her.. The Ulfheonar will deal with the warrior hall. If we can eliminate the threat from the warriors then our escape will be easier. If any escape through the gate then we are in trouble. We know not how many other warriors are in the town. This whole island is the stronghold of their king."

My son said, "Why can I not rescue my own wife?"

"Because I want you to secure the gate and I am Jarl still. I have good men, Ulfheonar who will rescue your wife. You lead your men and secure the gate. That is an order." I paused and narrowed my eyes, "You can, of course, remain up here with the archers if you feel you cannot obey my orders."

I saw the others all stare at my son. This was a crucial moment. He had to obey my commands or we would fail. I wanted his head to rule and not his heart. He had to understand that my commands were for the best. I saw his head drop forward and he nodded.

"Good, now rest. Snorri, set Siggi the Silent and Harald Long Legs to watch the fort. The rest of us will sleep. Until it is time."

I knew that most would not but they would, at least, lie down and close their eyes. Aiden and Kara had both taught me how to lie with my eyes closed and go into my own mind. I did so but I held the pommel of my sword in my hand. I found the blue stone comforting and my worries and fears began to ease. Aiden had been correct. The power of the stones was greater here than it had been in the land of On Corn Walum.

I found that I had slept. It was one of those sleeps that Butar, Ragnar and Olaf had enjoyed in their later years. I awoke when Aiden touched me and pointed to the skies. The moon had gone behind a cloud. I donned my helmet and hefted my shield. Drawing Ragnar's Spirit I moved towards the path which led down to the fort. My men all rose. I saw my Ulfheonar touch their wolf pendants while Wolf Killer's men touched Thor's Hammer. It was a ritual before battle.

We would be moving in the shadows of the mountain and I hoped that we would be invisible. I turned to make sure that my warriors were all ready. The archers looked down from the summit. From now on there would be no words; it would be hand signals only. Each group of warriors was ready. Haaken and Cnut were at my shoulder. I waved my sword above my head and descended down the slope. The Ulfheonar, sure footed as goats, followed me. I watched the ground to avoid any stone which might be sent skittering down the mountain to alert the guards and sentries.

I paused as I saw a shadow on the wall. It was a sentry. There was a lighter shadow which I took to be his face. There was a second one and his back was to us. We hurried down the last twenty steps to shelter beneath the wall. Haaken and Cnut held Cnut's shield and I put one tentative foot upon it. I waited until the rest of the Ulfheonar were in position, each one with a foot on a shield. Then I waved my sword and the arrows flew. Even as they sped towards their targets I had placed both feet on the shield and was being raised to the wall. I scrambled on and looked around. The guards on this side had all been silenced. The range had been so close that the archers had aimed at their heads. They had died instantly and, more importantly, silently. I reached down and helped Cnut on to the ramparts. The two of us easily pulled Haaken up.

The guards on the other side of the fort, at the gate, peered towards the land. We began to move along the walls to allow Wolf Killer and the rest of his warriors to climb. The Norns had been silent for some time but there was a sudden grating of a blade on stone. It sounded like an avalanche in the night and the guards on the gate turned. Even as arrows sped towards them they sounded the alarm. Speed was now of the essence. I saw a ladder and I began to descend. I wondered if no one had heard the alarm and then the doors of the warrior hall were thrown open. There were shouts and cries in Welsh and warriors erupted from every hut.

It was vital now that we all stuck to our plan. I ran with the Ulfheonar to the warrior hall. I now saw why there had not been a quicker reaction to the cry. They had taken the time to don armour. This would not be as easy as it might have been. A wall of warriors ran towards us. I knew that Haaken and Cnut guarded my sides and I blocked the sword thrust from the first warrior with my shield. I jabbed with my sword but this was no novice and he contemptuously flicked Ragnar's Spirit aside with his own shield. He was not intimidated by my appearance and it would not do to underestimate this warrior's skill. His open helmet allowed me to see his face and when his eyes flicked to once side I knew that he would feint with his sword. I did not fall for the feint and when he punched with his shield I was ready with my own and our shields locked. He was strong and I felt myself going backwards. My two companions were busy with their own combats. I used a trick of my own. I spun around so that his weight took him past me and he struggled to regain his balance. I swung my sword as he passed and heard the grunt of pain as my sword sliced across his unprotected leg. I continued my spin and he became disorientated. It allowed me to hit him in the back with my shield and he sprawled to the floor. This was no time to be generous and I plunged my sword into his back.

Turning I saw that the enemy were flooding from the hall and we were struggling to contain them. Glancing over my shoulders I saw that Bjorn the Scout and Snorri had done as I had asked and were guarding the hut. Then I cursed as I saw that the gate was open and my son was not to be seen. He had disobeyed me. The distraction almost cost me my life as a sword came towards my back. Cnut saved me and his shield took the blow which was meant for me. I stabbed the would be killer in the throat and then watched in horror as another warrior rammed a spear through Cnut's back. I screamed in rage and brought my sword down to split his skull in two.

I had no time to see how Cnut was for another two warriors ran at me. Suddenly Haaken was by my side and we locked shields. The two spears hit our shields and we both pushed. The spear is good at range but we were now in close. We opened our shields and our blades darted out to smash the spears in two. The two warriors' hands went to their swords but our hands were quicker and the two were despatched in two blows.

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