Viking's Love (40 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #romance, #adventure, #battle, #historical, #epic, #viking romance, #adventure both on the land and on the sea, #fantasy themes

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They arrived in York within a day and a half.
Allisande realized she had only her night rail to wear. She refused
to leave the ship unless she was properly clothed. Joran grinned as
he returned later with a gown and slippers and tossed them to

She stared at the rich, burgundy velvet gown
with awe and appreciation for the fine embroidery and disappeared
behind the wolf-skin enclosure to dress. Rowan appeared to be
chomping at the bit to join Lady Ambryn. Joran chuckled at his
impatient glare when Allisande took longer than he thought
necessary to dress.

Allisande appeared, and Joran sucked in his
breath. She looked as lovely as a queen in the fine garments. He
helped her off the ship as Rowan arrived back with mounts for them.
He pulled her up in front of him, and smiled down into her lively
amethyst gaze as she looked about the crowded city as they

The Northumbrian’s did not appear to mind the
Viking conquest. They passed many who only gazed at them curiously.
They arrived at the Earl of York’s former home.

Allisande realized this was where Ivar took
refuge during the siege of the city when she recognized many of his
warriors as they entered the hall.

Wulfstan eyed her with a smirk as she passed.
Her eyes narrowed, but feeling Joran’s hand in the middle of her
back gave her the courage to hold her head high and ignore him.

Ivar was in the middle of a meeting with his
brothers. Rowan disappeared above the stairs to get the property in
question. Joran seemed eager to be off. Ivar came out of the side
room. He grimaced when his sire spied him with Allisande in the
hall. Ivar grinned insolently at her as he approached. Joran could
feel her stiffen at his side.

Lady Ulsted, you look as lovely as
ever! Where is the little worm you have married? I have a hook I
need baited.” He crowed in jest. The Vikings in the hall chuckled
loudly at this.

Joran’s hand on her shoulder kept her silent.
He gazed at his father with a scowl. “She was forced to wed Ulsted
by Alfred’s decree,” he said harshly and eyed his sire with
something akin to loathing as he waited for Rowan to return with
Lady Ambryn. “But you knew that as well, did you not, Father? You
would have me believe she was willing, and knew all along Ulsted
forced her so I would not seek to reclaim her. Why is that?”

Ivar eyed his son closely, and could see by
his angry glare he knew what he had done. He gazed at the English
girl with a contemptuous look and hastened to explain. “Whatever
lies she has told you are simply not true, my son. She uses you now
for the purpose of saving her coward of a husband. I had
unconfirmed reports she wed Ulsted, and under whatever
circumstances, I wasn’t aware.”

She told me nothing! I know the truth,
so spare me any more of your lies, Father,” Joran said coolly and
was relieved when Rowan appeared with Lady Ambryn tied up and
shrieking over his shoulder. “We will discuss this another time.
Enjoy your victory.”And he turned away before he saw the flash of
pain and regret in Ivar’s eyes as his favorite son slipped out of
the hall with the English girl at his side.

Allisande was glaring up at him as she
witnessed Rowan abduct The Earl of York’s daughter-in-law and
stiffened when the young woman struggled anew when he passed her
off to Joran so he could mount his horse. Seeing her outraged
expression, he tossed the woman up to Rowan and eyed her

Would you prefer he leave her to
Wulfstan, or some other who happens by who wants her?” She eyed
Lady Ambryn with sympathy knowing how distraught she must be. Her
husband was dead, and the English nobles had been expelled from
York. She was Rowan’s now, and she glared at him as he slid from
the horse with his struggling prize.

Lady Ambryn fought like a wildcat when she
saw the long ship. The crack upon her buttock that Rowan delivered
as he took her aboard made her shriek in outrage under her gag.
Allisande would have intervened, but Joran stood in front of her
and shook his head.

Stay out of it,” he said testily. “You
know she will come to no harm with Rowan. Her husband is dead and
her family fled and left her behind. The English do not want her,
so what do you think will become of the girl, Allisande? Lucky for
you that Collin lived to seek to ransom you. Who will seek to
rescue Lady Ambryn?”

It is wrong! She doesn’t want to go!”
Allisande heard the girl shrieking as Rowan placed her in the

She has nowhere to go!” Joran snapped
and shook his head. “We leave her here and she is at Wulfstan’s
mercy and the rest of Ivar’s men. Is that what you

Allisande remained mute and allowed him to
help her board. She glared at Rowan and enjoyed the scratch mark
marring his perfect cheek as he wiped at the rivulet of blood, and
grinned at them both when he returned. “Lady Ambryn is not feeling
herself this day and chooses to remain in the hold,” he said with a
grin and chuckled low as he walked away to get the ship

Allisande said nothing as the ship sailed out
of the harbor in York. She felt for Lady Ambryn. It was unfair she
had been left behind during the attack. She cursed her cowardly
relations. She shook off her concerns for Lady Ambryn when Joran
told her of Rowan’s interest in her.

She wasn’t to be sold when they reached Oslo.
He knew Allisande worried that Rowan would sell her, but he grinned
and declared the Viking smitten with the girl. Rowan disappeared
into the hold from time to time with food and other necessities for
Lady Ambryn. Allisande was grinning when she saw he returned with
more scores on his cheek from her nails with approval.

You are bleeding again, Rowan,” she
called brightly and chuckled at his black scowl as he retreated to
the bow of the ship. “I worry for your handsome looks if you do not
take more care when you next feed Lady Ambryn.”

Rowan turned and gave her a look that said to
mind her own business.



Chapter Twenty-One

The trip to Oslo was surprisingly fast. Rowan
looked like he tangled with Lady Ambryn on many occasions when they
finally docked.

Allisande and Joran left them at the quay and
rode on to Ivar’s residence to collect his men. Allisande had no
more worries for Lady Ambryn when she saw the look of determination
on Rowan’s face when they made to depart.

He wasn’t a cruel man, even if he was a
Viking. She knew him to be honorable, despite his reputation. Lady
Ambryn could do far worse if she remained in York.

Grogan was relieved to see them when they
entered the hall. He engulfed her in a bear hug that took her by
surprise. Haldon and the rest of the Vikings seemed eager to be on
their way as well. She was feeling much better after eating a
hearty meal and seeking a bath.

Allisande was content as she watched them
load everything onto a wagon outside for the trip back. Joran led
her to the wagon and insisted she ride atop the perch rather than
mount in front of him for her comfort.

She smiled and watched as their party
returned to the quay as the sun began to fall. She marveled at the
difference seven months made since the last time she was at Ivar’s
home. A hard kick in her middle assured her of that. She rubbed her
abdomen lovingly as she watched the procession approach the docks.
Rowan’s ship was still there. She paused when Joran helped her

Please allow me to speak to Lady
Ambryn? She is doubtless terrified,” Allisande said with such a
pleading look he couldn’t refuse her. He grinned and reached down
and lifted her up by her forearms for a brief kiss and nodded,
rolling his eyes. “Had I had someone to tell me all would be well,
you wouldn’t have had to deal with so much of my abuse, Viking,”
she said sweetly, and they both knew she lied threw her lovely
teeth as he stepped aside as she walked over to Rowan’s

Rowan looked out of sorts as she approached.
She wanted to dissolve into peals of laughter at the fresh wounds
upon the other side of his cheek. Lady Ambryn had her admiration.
When she asked Rowan if she could speak to the girl, he glowered
down at her.

Do you wish to give her pointers with
a sword, Sweetface?” He tightened the ropes alongside the ship.
“That is all I need! She is threatening to cut off my manhood, and
you of all would speak to her?”

I will tell her all will be well, if
you can assure me that it will be, and no more,” Allisande promised
and he nodded so quickly, she hid a smile as he reached down and
lifted her aboard. His green eyes met hers and she looked away,
aware of his brooding thoughts of the last time she had been aboard
his ship and his obvious disappointment it didn’t work out as he

It was awkward for them both. She was
grateful as he released her upon the deck, looking as obviously
disturbed as she. She knew Joran watched them, and was careful to
guard her words as she spoke.

I thank you for whatever you said to
Joran on my behalf,” she said softly, and Rowan nodded, feeling a
trace of regret as he looked down at her. He was painfully aware of
how dearly he would have wanted the woman to have been his.
Allisande wormed her way into his black heart. He would always have
a soft feeling for her, but it was Joran she loved. He saw it in
her gaze, and looked away.

I owed him the truth. You have no
worry he thinks the worst now. He knows the truth of what kind of
man his father is, and he is better off for it,” Rowan said in
approval, grinning despite himself. “Though, if we stand here too
long, and too closely; he may decide killing me is once again an
option, Sweetface. I would not want to push the man

She smiled and nodded, looking over to see
Joran glowering at them. His look said he would never trust them
alone together. Allisande knew it took much for him to accept
whatever passed between them as easily as he had. He accepted their
words nothing happened between them, but the glint in his eyes
spoke volumes.

The thought of him with Merta during that
time made her want to scratch the redhead’s eyes out, so she
stepped back from the man, and watched as he opened the hold to
allow her inside. Allisande stepped inside, and squinted into the

Lady Ambryn, I am Allisande of
Lockwraithe, I would speak with you before I leave,” she called and
the girl came forward, her luminous silver eyes filled with dread.
Her white blonde hair was in sharp contrast to her eyes. Allisande
could clearly see what enthralled Rowan. She reminded her of the
ethereal fairies her mother had told her of when she was a child.
Ambryn of York was a stunning jewel despite the dirty, stained gown
and her multitude of bruises on her face. Her full lips trembled.
Allisande could see the girl was terrified. Her heart went out to

Rowan is not a cruel man, Lady Ambryn.
He only sought to save you from Ivar’s men when he took you from
York. You must not be afraid.”

He won’t keep his barbaric hands off
me!” Ambryn snapped and tossed a glare upwards. “He thinks to come
down here, and charm me into his bed. Each time I have sent him
away with another piece of his pretty face under my

Allisande refrained from laughing at that as
the girl gazed at her pleadingly, and begged to be taken back to
her home. It was obvious she had no wish to be the Viking’s
captive. Allisande felt as though she was looking into a mirror as
she heard those words.

Where would you go?” Allisande asked
bluntly. The girl looked startled by the question. “Your family is
gone, your husband dead, and the nobles have been expelled from
York. Where would you like to go?”

Ambryn stared at her and paled, and slid to
the floor as tears poured from her eyes. She had nowhere to go and
knew it. She huddled in misery. Allisande slid down and smoothed
her hair off her face and whispered soothing words. “It will be
alright. Rowan will keep you safe. I do not know what he intends
for you, but you must trust him, Lady Ambryn,” Allisande said
softly and squeezed her hands comfortingly. “He is not the
barbarian you think him. And if not for the strips of flesh you
have scoured from his face, he is thought to be quite handsome. You
could have been far worse off had he left you in Ivar’s lair, and
you know this. Do not fight him. You only make it worse for
yourself. Now stop crying and be brave. I do not know a lot about
Rowan, but I know he means you no harm.”

The girl quit crying and eyed her with a bit
of gratitude as she stood up. Allisande could see she was quite
tall as she looked up at her. She was at least five foot and eight
inches, tall for a woman, despite her slenderness.

She was wiping her eyes with the hem of her
sleeve and looked more in control when Allisande called out to
Rowan. He opened the door to the hold, and stood aside as the two
women came out.

Ambryn squinted from the bright light of the
day. Allisande turned and made her way off the ship into Joran’s
waiting hands. She did not fail to miss the look of gratitude Rowan
gave her before he glared at Ambryn, rubbing his injured cheeks
before he called out for his men to make ready to sail.

Where do they go?” Allisande watched
Rowan’s ship disembark from the harbor of Oslo.

I have no idea. He didn’t tell me
where he goes. I know next to nothing of Rowan except he was
fostered in my father’s household with me when we were boys,” Joran
admitted honestly and shrugged at her sour look to hear that. “We
are Vikings, Wench. We stay out of one another’s affairs. I know
there are few women who have not fallen for Rowan’s charm. Lady
Ambryn will likely be another notch in his belt. She wouldn’t have
fared well in my father’s hands. If I were Rowan, I would tie the
wench up until she learns her manners.”

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