Vindication (83 page)

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Authors: Lyndall Gordon

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Gisborne, Maria . See Reveley

Giusti, Giuseppe

Gladstone and MW

Glorious Revolution (1688)

Godwin, Fanny (Françoise Imlay, daughter of MW),
Imlay Godwin, Mary Jane (nee Vial, then Gaulis, then Clairmont): appearance; background; character; marriage to Godwin; name;

Godwin, Mary Jane–
relationship with daughter; relationship with stepdaughters; religion; writings

Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (daughter of MW),
Shelley Godwin, William: account of MW; appearance; attractive to women; care of Fanny; character; childhood; contraception; conversations with MW; daughter Mary's relationship with Shelley; death; editing MW's letters; education; educational theories; family background; finances; first meetings with MW; friendship with MW; grave; health; letter to Cowie; literary career; love for MW; love-making; marriage to Mary Jane Clairmont; marriage to MW; married life with MW; meeting with MM; meetings with MW's sisters; MW's death; on MW's father; MW's funeral; on MW's mood; MW's pregnancy; political views; publication of
n; publishing firm; relationship with Barlow; relationship with daughter Mary; relationship with Fuseli; relationship with Mrs Inchbald; relationship with MW; relationship with MW's daughters; relationship with MW's sisters; social circle; Treason Trials; trip to Midlands; view of marriage; works:
Bible Stories
; biographies;
Caleb Williams
; ‘Cursory Strictures';
The Enquirer
Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
Fables Ancient and Modern
Juvenile Library
Life of Lady Jane Grey
Memoirs of the Author of ‘The Rights of Woman'
Political Justice

Godwin, William, son of above


Goldsmith, Oliver

Gordon, Alexander

Gordon, James


Gouges, Olympe de

Gough, Francis

Granard, George Forbes, sixth Earl of

Granard, Selina, Lady

Grant, Anne

Gravel Pit Meeting House, London

Greer, Germaine

Gregory, Dr John

Guerrazzi, Francesco

Gunning sisters


Hale, Sir Matthew

Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of

Halleran, Elinor

Hallet, Étienne Sulpice

Hamburg : Barlow-Imlay enterprise; Barlows in; MW's account of; MW's mission; weather conditions

Hamilton, Emma, Lady

Hamlet as model for MW

Handel, George Frederick;


Hardwicke Act (1753)

Hardy, Thomas

Hardyment, Christina

Harmon, Claire

Hartford Wits

Hassan Bashaw, Dey of Algiers Haydn

Haydon, Benjamin Robert

Haygarth, Dr

Hays, Mary: description of MW; friendship with MW; on gossip about MW; love for Frend; Mary Shelley's letter to; obituary of MW; relationship with Godwin; tea-party; writings

Hazlitt, William

Henry VIII, King

Hess, Martha

Hewlett, Elizabeth (Hobson)

Hewlett, Revd Mr John: career; friendship with Mrs Burgh; friendship with MW; marriage; MW's funeral; sermons

Hichborn, Benjamin

Hinxman, Mr (musician)

Hite, Isaac

Holcroft, Thomas: adaptation of
; friendship with Godwin; on Godwin's marriage; gossip about; meeting with MK; tea with Barlow; treason trial

Holland, Henry Richard Fox, third Baron

Holman Hunt, William

Holmes, Richard Holstein.

Home, Robert

Home, Susanna (Delane)


Hooke, Robert

Hoxton; Academy


Hume, David

Humphreys, Colonel David

Hunter, Anne


Imlay, Fanny (Françoise, daughter of MW): appearance; as a baby; birth; character; childhood; conversation with Owen; death; depression; encounter with father; father's promise of maintenance; health; illegitimacy; Johnson's care for; ‘Lessons' for; letters; meetings with MK; MW's death; MW's fears for; MW's plans for; relationship with aunts; relationship with Godwin; relationship with mother; relationship with Shelley; relationship with stepmother; smallpox; travels with MW; in Wales; works: biographies , and see

Imlay, Gilbert: account of executions; activities in Paris; asks MW to return to London; birth of daughter Fanny; business associate of Barlow; death; duality; family background; finances; French exports; friendship with Barlow; like Gatsby; Godwin's account of; house for MW in London; land speculation; letters to MW; life with MW in Le Havre; in London; Louisiana scheme; love affair with MW; love affairs;
venture; ‘marriage' to MW; military career; money for MW; MW's letters to; MW's pregnancy; MW's Scandinavian mission; MW's suicide attempts; mystery of silver ship mission; promise of maintenance for Fanny; promise to meet MW in Hamburg; protection of MW;
venture; relationship with Bess; relationship with daughter Fanny; relationship with MW; relationship with Wilkinson; shipping schemes; silver treasure ship; spy possibilities; status in Paris during the Terror; visits MW from Paris; works:
The Emigrants
A Topographical Description of the Western Territory

Imlay, John

Imlay, Peter

Imlay, Robert

Imlay family

Inchbald, Elizabeth (‘Mrs Perfection'): appearance; career; gossip about; MW's opinion of; relationship with Godwin; response to Godwin's marriage; snub to MW; social life

Ireland; Ascendancy and experience of MW; Irishness; of MM. See Blood family, Neptune Blood, Curran, Kings, Mitchelstown Castle MM, George Ogle, Archibald Rowan, George Tighe

Irish Rising (1798)

Isnard, Henri-Maximin


Jackson, Andrew


James, Henry James II, King

Janeway, James (first children's author)

Jarvis, Benjamin

Jay, John

Jefferson, Thomas: attitude to slavery; correspondence with Price; Genêt affair; law of religious toleration; Louisiana Purchase; Priestley's influence; racial views; relationship with Barlow; on trade; view of Wilkinson


Jews (synagogue) (reading Torah). See Joel Barlow in internet docs

Jex-Blake, Sophia

Johnson, I.B.

Johnson, Joseph:
Analytical Review
; appearance; career; character; death; family background; French Revolution commissions for MW; health; housing for MW; imprisonment; letters to MW; on MW; MW's death; MW's debts to; MW's letters to; on MW's sisters; on MW's support of her family; MW's translations; Paris visit plan; payments to MW; political views; print shop in St Paul's Churchyard; publication of MW's work; publications; relationship with Barlow; relationship with Fuseli; relationship with Fanny; relationship with George Blood; relationship with Godwin; relationship with MW; social circle; support for MW's family; translations for

Johnson, Dr Samuel: death; dislike of Price;
Lives of the Poets
; meeting with MW; MW reviews
; political views; quoted; reputation; Shakespeare edition

Jordan, Dora

Josephine, wife of Napoleon

Juvenile Library


Kames, Henry Home, Lord

Kauffmann, Angelica

Keats, John

Kegan Paul, Charles

Kemble, John

Kemble, Roger

King, Caroline

King, Catharine (Fenton)

King, Diana

King, Edward

King, Edward, friend of Milton King, George (‘Big George', later 3rd Earl of Kingston): atrocities during Irish Rising; birth; marriage; mistress; MW awaits arrival of; rebuke of sister Margaret

King, Henry

King, James

King, Sir John

King, John, grandson of above

King, John Harcourt, son of second Earl of Kingston

King, Margaret (Lady Mount Cashell, ‘Mrs Mason'): appearance; birth; character; childrearing theory; children; correspondence with MW; death; disguised as a man; father's arrest and trial; finances; first meeting with MW; health; in Italy; in Jena; letters; love affair with Tighe; marriage to Mount Cashell; marriage to Tighe; medical studies and practice; meeting with Shelleys in Pisa; meetings with Godwin; MW's influence on; MW's love for; name; in Paris; politics; and publisher; pupil of MW; reading; relationship with Claire; relationship with Mary Shelley; relationship with mother; relationship with Shelley; separation from first husband; society in Pisa; tombstone; wills; works

King, Mary: appearance; baby; death; marriage; pupil of MW
; relationship with mother; scandal

King, Robert

King family

Kingsborough, Caroline (FitzGerald), Lady: appearance; birth of children; daughters' education; death; dismissal of MW; marriage; MW's opinion of; pets; reception of MW; relationship with George Ogle; relationship with MK; relationship with MW; separation from husband; social life in Dublin; travel plans

Kingsborough, Robert King, Viscount (later 2nd Earl of Kingston): building and planting works; character; daughters; education; marriage; military activities; murder of Fitzgerald; relationship with earlier governess; relationship with MW; separation from wife; trial for murder

Kingston, Jane, Lady

Kingston, Edward King 1st Earl of

Kingston College

Knowles, John


Lady's Magazine

Lafayette, marquis de Lafayette, Mme de

Lamb, Charles and Mary

Lamballe, Princesse de

Laugharne, Pembrokeshire

Lavater, Johan-Kaspar

Lawes Resolutions, The

Laws affecting women; Hardwicke Act (1753);
Laws Respecting Women
; marriage laws. See MW,
The Wrongs of Woman

Le Brun, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Le Havre (Havre-Marat): Barlow in; harbour frozen; Imlay in; MW in; shipping traffic; treasure ship

Leavenworth, Mark

Lee, Henry (‘Light Foot Harry')

Leigh-Perrot, Mrs

Léon, Pauline

Leopardi, Giacomo


Lind, Lars



Livingston, Robert


Locke, John

London Corresponding Society London Friends of the People

Louis King: Barlow's work; Burke on; execution; flight to Varennes; imprisonment; move to Paris; Roederer's warning; trial


Louisiana: Barlow-Imlay scheme; British interest; ceded to Spain; French interest; purchase; size of territory; Spanish governor; Wilkinson's policy


Macaulay, Catharine

Makin, Basua

Malthus, Thomas

Mansfield, William Murray, first Earl of

Marat, Jean Paul


Marie Antoinette, Queen: Burke on; execution; flight to Varennes; imprisonment; move to Paris; MW's opinion of; son's accusations; unpopularity

Marshall, James

Martineau, Harriet

Mason, Miss (teaching assistant)

Mason, Mrs,
King, Margaret

Mathias, Thomas J.

May, John

Meares, George Galbraith

Men and Women's Club

Méricourt, Anne-Joseph (‘Théroigne')

Mill, Harriet Taylor

Mill, John Stuart

Milton, John: bust of; edition of works illustrated by Fuseli; influence on Fuseli;
; MW on;
Paradise Lost
; style

Mirabeau, comte de

Miranda, Francisco di

Miró, Esteban

Mitchelstown Castle, County Cork: building work; estate; Mary King scandal; MW at; MW's arrival; site

Mitchelstown Light Dragoons

Moira, Elizabeth, Lady

Molden, Gunnar

Monroe, James

Montagu, Basil

Montagu, Elizabeth

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

Moore, Edward

Moore, Elizabeth

Moore, Helena (married George King)

Moore, Helena (daughter of MK),

Moore, Jane

Moore, Miss (sister-in-law of George Ogle)

Moore, Richard Moore, Robert

Moore, Stephen, Lord Kilworth

Moore, Thomas

Moore Park

Mordini, Antonio

More, Hannah

More, Sir Thomas

Morning Chronicle

Morris, Gouverneur

Mott, Lucretia

Mount Cashell, Margaret, Lady,
King, Margaret

Mount Cashell, Stephen Moore, second Earl of: appearance; character; death; interests; marriage; possession of children; separation from wife; travels

Mount Cashell family,
see under

Murray, John


Napoleon Bonaparte: campaigns; defeat; Louisiana Purchase; regime; Tuileries banquet

Natchez (Spanish border with US)

National Convention

Necker, Jacques

Nelson, Horatio


Newington Green: community; George Blood's reputation; MW's return; Price's congregation; school

Newton (tutor)

Nightingale, Florence

Noble, Brabazon

North, Frederick, eighth Lord

Norton, Caroline

Norway. See Arendal, Risør, Tønsberg, Wulfsberg

Nyström, Per


O'Brien (sea captain)

O'Connor, Arthur

Ogle, Elizabeth (Moore): in Dublin; marriage; relationship with MW

Ogle, George: appearance; in Dublin; family background; marriage; MW's opinion of; political career; political views; relationship with Lady Kingsborough; relationship with MW; songs

Ogle, Dame Isabell

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