Vindication (84 page)

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Authors: Lyndall Gordon

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Ogle, Samuel

Opie, Amelia (Alderson): anti-slavery movement; marriage; in Paris; relationship with Godwin; relationship with MW; writings

Opie, John: marriage; MW's funeral; in Paris; portrait of Fuseli; portrait of MW; relationship with MW

Orléans, Philippe (‘Égalité'), duc de

Otto, Louis

Owen, Robert; Owenite feminism

Oxford, Jane (‘Aspasia'), Lady


Paine, Thomas: appeal for Louis XVI's life; arrest and imprisonment in Paris; arrest for debt; career; effigy burnt; meeting with MM in Paris; meetings with MW in Paris; opinion of Barlow; political views; refugee in Paris; relationship with Godwin; relationship with Johnson; release from prison in Paris; response to Burke; trial for high treason; view of Terror; works:
Common Sense
An Occasional Letter on the Female Sex
Rights of Man

Paley, William

Palli, Angelica

. See

Paris, architecture and barriers; Chinese Baths; guillotine; Law of Suspects; Luxembourg prison; Maison de Bretagne; post-Terror; wartime shortages; in 1802.

Parker, Daniel

Parkman, George: work and murder

Parr, Dr

Parr, Katherine

Parrot (sea captain)

Peace of Amiens

Peacock, Thomas Love

Pearson, Karl

Pembroke, Mary Sidney, Countess of

Percy, Bishop Thomas

Peterloo Massacre

Pétion, Jérôme

Pickering, Timothy

Pinckney, Charles

Pinel, Philippe

Pinkerton, Miss

Pisa: Claire in; MM settles in; MM's medical practice; medical school; Shelleys in

Pitt, William: appearance; Combination Acts; Godwin's biography of; informers; Irish policies; political views; propaganda; Regency issues; replacement by Fox; response to French Revolution; supporters; Treason Trials

Ploug, Søren

Poe, Edgar Allan

Poignand, Dr Louis

Polwhele, Richard

Polygon, Somers Town

Pompadour, Mme de

Ponsonby, John

Pope, Alexander

Portarlington, Lord

Price, Rice

Price, Dr Richard: American admirers of; appearance; Barlow's approach; career; congregation at Gravel Pit Meeting House; congregation at Newington Green; educational theories; illness; influence on MW; on Ireland; political views; popularity; relationship with Godwin; relationship with Johnson; relationship with MW; response to
A Vindication of the Rights of Men
; sermons; Unitarianism; views on slavery; works:
Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution
Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty
On the Love of Our Country
Thoughts on Education

Price, Samuel

Priestley, Joseph

Primrose Street, Spitalfields

Prior, Revd John

Prior, Mrs


Raleigh, Sir Walter


Rawlins, Sophia,

Regis, Balthazar

Reveley, Henry

Reveley, Maria. See Gisborne

Reynolds, Sir Joshua

Richardson, Samuel, See



Robards, Rachel

Robespierre, Maximilien: execution of Brissot; fall and execution;
Grande Terreur
; influence; Louisiana scheme; MW's criticisms of; policy towards Americans; policy towards women; sales of royal possessions

Robinson, Helena (Moore, daughter of MM)

Robinson, Mary (‘Perdita')

Robinson, Richard

Roebuck & Henckell

Roederer, Pierre Louis, comte de

Rogers, Samuel

Rogers, Thomas

Roland de la Platière, Jean Marie

Roland de la Platière, Jeanne Manon Philipon

Romney, George

Roper, Margaret

Roscoe, William: appearance; consulted by MW; Fuseli exhibition; letter from MW; opinion of Godwin; portrait of MW; projects; support for MW

Rosini, Giovanni

Rossetti, Gabriele

Rothwell, Richard

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques : Imlay as natural man; influence on French Revolution; influence on Fuseli; influence on MW; MW's disagreements with; MW's reading of; on Nature; view of women; works:
Solitary Walker

Rowan, Archibald Hamilton: background; edition of
; friendship with MW; imprisonment in Dublin; letters from MW; in Paris; on spies; trial

Rowan, Mrs

Rowe, Nicholas

Ruskin, John

Rutland, Charles Manners, fourth Duke of

Ryberg, Niels


St Clair, William

St George's Chapel, Windsor

Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de

Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf

Sargent, John Singer

Sargent, Major Winthrop

The Scarlet Pimpernel

Schlabrendorf, Gustav von


Schreiner, Olive

Schweizer, Magdalena (‘Madeleine')

Scioto Land Company: Barlow's role; failure; organisation

Scolfield, William (pseudonym of Godwin)

Scott, Walter

Scully, Denys

Seelye, John

Semelweiss, Ignaz

Seward, Anna

Sex education

Sexual abuse in school

Shakespeare, William. See Hamlet

Sharp, Jane

Shelburne, William Petty, Lord (later Marquess of Lansdowne)

Shelley, Clara

Shelley, Elena

Shelley, Harriet (Westbrook)

Shelley, Mary (Godwin): appearance; birth; character; childhood; children; death; education; elopement with Shelley; father's death; finances; grave; letters; marriage; meeting with MK; in Pisa; pregnancy; relationship with Claire; relationship with Fanny; relationship with father; relationship with MK; relationship with mother's memory; relationship with Shelley; relationship with stepmother; travels; works. See

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: appearance; character; death; family background; Florence; health; marriages; meeting with MK; in Pisa; relationship with Claire; relationship with Fanny; relationship with Godwin; relationship with Mary; travels; works.

Shelley, Percy Florence

Shelley, William (‘Will-Mouse')

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Siddons, Sarah

Silsbee, Edward Augustus

Skeys, Fanny,

Skeys, Hugh: birth of son; death of son; death of wife; Fanny Blood's love for; Godwin's letter to; letters; marriage to Fanny Blood; news of; promise of gown to MW; second marriage

Skeys, John

Skeys, William

Skinner Street, London

Slavery; enslavement of American sailors Smith, Charlotte

Smith, Joan

Société des Républicaines-Révolutionnaires

Society for Constitutional Information

Sothren, Mrs (Miss Godwin)

Southey, Robert

Sowerby, James

Spenser, Edmund

Staël, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Mme de

Stent, Anne

Stephen, James

Sterne, Laurence

Stone, John Hurford

Stone, Lawrence

Store Street, London


Swan, James

Sweden. See Backman, Carl XIV, Gothenburg, Strömstad

Swift, Jonathan


Tabart, Benjamin

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de

Tallien, Jean-Lambert

Tasker and family

Taylor, Thomas

Tecumseh, Shawnee chief

Temple, Minny

Thompson, William

Thoreau, Henry

Thornhill, Colonel James

Thrale, Hester (later Mrs Piozzi)

Tickell, John

Tighe, Anna Laura (‘Laurette')

Tighe, Catherine Elizabeth Ranieri (‘Nerina')

Tighe, George William

Times, The

Times Literary Supplement

Tocqueville, Alexis de

Todd, Janet

Tomalin, Claire Tønsberg

Tooke, Horne

Treason Trials (1794)

Trelawny, Edward John

Trimmer, Sarah

Tristram Shandy, see

Turnbull, Forbes & Co.

Twain, Mark

Twiss, Francis


United Irishmen


Vaccà Berlinghieri, Andrea

Vaccà, Sophie

Vallon, Annette

Vergniaud, Pierre Victurnien


Vesey, Mrs

Vickery, Amanda

Villeneuve, M. de

Virgil (Dido)

Viviani, Emilia

Volney, Constantin



Waak (sea captain)

Wakefield, Gilbert

Walker, Joseph

Walkington farm, Yorkshire

Walpole, Horace


Washington, George: Backman appointment; ‘Circular to the States'; correspondence with Price; influence; neutrality policy; Paine's service with; relationship with Barlow; spymaster

The Waste Land
and MW's Hamburg

Wilkinson appointment; Yale degree

Waterhouse, Joshua

Watson, James

Watts, Isaac

Wedgwood, Josiah the younger

Wedgwood, Thomas

Wedgwood family

Wesley, John

West, Benjamin

Westminster Review

Wheatcroft, John

Wheatley, Phillis

White's Hotel, Paris

Wilberforce, William

Wilkinson, James; agents

Williams, Helen Maria: appearance; Burke's opinion of; flight to Switzerland; imprisonment;
Letters from France
; meeting with MK; political views; relationship with Imlay n; relationship with MW; salon in London; salon in Paris; view of Jacobins; Wordsworth's sonnet on

Williams, Jane

Wilmot, Catherine

Wollstonecraft, Charles (brother of MW): in

America; birth; debts; emigration to America; in

Ireland; Johnson's appeals to; legal career; living with father; widow

Wollstonecraft, Edward (Ned, brother of MW): articled clerk; brother Charles working with; childhood; court case; debts; dispute over property; education; heir in patriarchal system; law firm; London home; management of family finances; marriage; parish church; relationship with mother; relationship with MW; sister Bess's escape from marriage; sister Everina living with

Wollstonecraft, Edward John (father of MW): career; daughter Bess's visits; dispute over property; drunkenness; family background; finances; Godwin on; health; in Laugharne; marriage; relationship with children; reputation; second marriage; son Charles living with; son Charles's inheritance; violence

Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth (Dickson, mother of MW): beaten by husband; character; children; death; family background; illness; marriage; relationship with MW

Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth (Eliza, Bess, sister of MW),

Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth (Munday, sister-in-law of MW)

Wollstonecraft, Everina (sister of MW): birth; character; death; emigration plan; finances; letters from MW; letters from sister Bess; living with brother Ned; meeting with Godwin; MW's death; Newington Green school; in Paris; relationship with Godwin; relationship with mother; relationship with niece Fanny; relationship with sister MW; sister Bess's escape; teaching career; translations

Wollstonecraft, Henry Woodstock (brother of MW)

Wollstonecraft, James (brother of MW): arrested in Paris; birth; character; debts; gossip; naval career; relationship with MW; study of mathematics

Wollstonecraft, Lydia (stepmother of MW)

Wollstonecraft, Mary:

LIFE: family background; birth; christening; childhood; education; companion to Mrs Dawson; flirtations; nursing her dying mother; mother's death; living with Blood family; sister Bess's marriage; plans Bess's escape; in hiding with Bess; school in Newington Green; voyage to Lisbon; Fanny's death; return from Lisbon; first book (
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters
); journey to Ireland; governess to King family; first novel (
Mary, A Fiction
); with King family in Dublin; dismissal; move to London; staying with Johnson; decides on writing career; visiting family; house in George Street; life in London; publications; translations; reviewing;
Vindication of the Rights of Men
; first meeting with Godwin;
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
; plans for brothers and sisters; move to Store Street; first meetings with Barlows; proposal to move in with Fuselis; journey to Paris; arrival in Paris; social contacts in Paris; first meeting with Imlay; developing relationship with Imlay; move to Neuilly-sur-Seine; writing history of French Revolution; status as Imlay's wife; return to Paris; first pregnancy; in Paris during the Terror; move to Le Havre; birth of daughter Fanny; motherhood; treasure ship venture; return to Paris; in Paris without Imlay; return to England; house in Charlotte Street; first suicide attempt; mission to Scandinavia; journey to Gothenburg; investigations in Scandinavia;
; journey to
Hamburg; return to England; second suicide attempt; ultimatum to Imlay; proposal of marriage; encounters with Imlay; move to Cumming Street; visits Godwin; developing relationship with Godwin; move to Judd Place West; second novel (
The Wrongs of Woman
); love affair with Godwin; second pregnancy; marriage to Godwin; social status; Godwin's journey to the Midlands; ‘Lessons' for Fanny; birth of daughter Mary; death; funeral; grave; biographies

MONEY: brother Ned's meanness; debts; debts repaid by mystery donor; earnings as governess; earnings from writing; Imlay's promises; loans from Cowie; loss of fortune; marriage to Godwin; need to work; Newington Green school; in Paris; support of Blood family; support of family

PERSON: and American ideals; and marriage; belief in cleanliness; childcare; compassion; contradictions in character; depression; desire; domestic; domestic affections; dress; educational theories, and sex education; energy; expression; eyes; hair; health; home at centre of education, (see domestic affections); hypochondria; independence; language; manners; melancholy; moods; music; need for friendship; non-violence; passion; politics; portraits; reading; religion; reputation; roles; Romanticism; self-pity; stays; voice

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