VIP (12 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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need to stop being so nervous. I need the cat to stop grabbing your tongue. I
need to see the strong confident woman that I have appraised from afar. Do you

“Yes I
do, I don’t know what is going on with me. I am normally very comfortable with
my surroundings and myself. I’m just very overwhelmed with everything that is
going on, I think. I know that I can do this though.”

“I know
you can, too. I have full faith in you. Are you nervous, because you think I’m
going to pry for information about your past? As you know I am well aware of
your past, your present, and your future.” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“I think
it can go unsaid that I am a very powerful woman, Bella Rosa. Have peace of
mind to know that there is nothing you need to tell me that I don’t already
know. I did a background check on you, both legal and personal. I know all
about your past, it doesn’t ever need to be discussed. Let’s bury it, from this
day forward you are now anything you want to be, my Bella Rosa.” She pecked me
on the lips and moved over to the camera set up. At that very moment I felt

“Now that
we have established a comradery, how about I answer your question from earlier,”
she suggested. “This camera set up is for you, Darling.” She smiled. “Well…not
just for you, it’s for you, and Brooke.”

As soon
as she said the name, a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed goddess walked into the
room. I actually caught my breath. She had a slender physique with legs that
went for miles. Her face resembled something out of a Vogue magazine. She was
wearing the same silk robe that was lying on the couch, only hers was black. I
could tell that she was naked under that robe and her nipples were hard as
stones. She sat right next to me and poured herself a glass of champagne, and
refilled my glass.

Rosa, this is Brooke. Brooke is another one of my beautiful girls, she has been
with me for almost four years now. Her and you will make friends. You will essentially
make friends with the all the women, however, tonight she will be an instructor
for you.” Brooke took her glass and handed me mine. Clinking her glass with
mine, she smiled, and took a sip. I did the same.

“She is
going to teach you how to please your clients. The camera is going to record
this scene in order for you to watch what you look like when you’re with a
client. It will be sort of a tutorial that you can study and grow from. Brooke
is very good at what she does. She is actually one of my top girls.” She turned
to Brooke.

Baby, will you go get that robe.” Brooke slid from the couch to retrieve it.

“I know
that Brooke is a woman and although we have mostly men clients we also have a
few women. Plus you know how men work…a threesome is a very popular demand.” They
both snickered at that statement, Madam moved back to sit behind me.

“Now I
also want you to learn how to be with a man. It will be crucial for your
success. I know you have only been with one sexual partner, by the way it makes
me so proud that you would sacrifice yourself for such a good cause. Poor boy
needed you and you were there for him, I think you knew then that you were
meant for a life of pleasure.”

“What do
you mean? What guy?” I asked confused. She surely didn’t know about my mother’s
John that had raped me when I was only twelve. And, there was no possible way
that she knew about me helping that boy heading off to college. Hell, I didn’t
even remember his name.

Rosa, my love, I am going to elaborate on this one piece of information from
your past and then we are going to move on from that. Do I make myself clear?”
she asked, in a powerful tone that I knew meant business. I nodded.

“Like I
said, I’ve been watching you for a long time. I just happen to be there the day
that you started at the club. I watched you get out of that old blue Ford
pickup. Once you thanked the boy for the ride and left his presence, I stood in
front of his car, keeping him from moving.

I wanted
you then. I know a VIP when I see one, and you, I wanted. The young lad
volunteered all of the information I was after for a dime bag of weed. He told
me that you had graciously taken his virginity. What a noble soul you are my,
Bella Rosa.

Like I
said, I do extensive investigating on all of my VIP’s, way before you are even
aware that I even exist. I talked to five of your fellow…what did you call it?”
she asked, tapping her chin in deep thought. “Oh, yes, blowjobs. Pro bono blow
jobs if you will. Everyone of the boy’s that I spoke with assured me with
attitudes that there was something wrong with you. They informed me that you
gave a hell of a hand job, and a mean
but that you wouldn’t put
out for anything. I like that about you Bella Rosa. You stand your ground.

You were
a young lady when you came here; I needed to wait until you were a woman before
I made my move. I am aware that you have not been with a single man since you
have arrived here. I am also pleasantly surprised by that…impressive.”

“How did
you know where I came from?” I asked. This was a little disturbing.
She went
to my hometown to investigate me?

Rosa,” she spoke, dropping her head in disappointment, “Where did we agree to
leave history?”

“In the
past,” I answered, with what I knew she was looking for.

girl. You did a boy a favor and gained a little pleasure for yourself. Let’s
leave it at that.”

that’s not the only reason I did it, and I wouldn’t exactly call it

now…I know that. Let’s call it baby steps towards the right direction.” She
pushed all of my hair to my left shoulder and kissed my right shoulder.

“So in
essence, being with a man might feel uncomfortable for you the first couple of
times. I would like to leave that for another day, from my experience being
with a woman first is much easier. It’s better.”

 I had
never even thought about being with a woman. The room suddenly became sultry. I
could feel the dampness in the palms of my hands. I even noticed it on the
backs of my bent knees. What was going on? Was I about to do what I thought I
was about to do or was Brooke the one about to do that?

handed Madam the robe. She placed it across her lap and slowly slid the zipper
to my dress down my back.

Rosa, I don’t want you to think of this as taboo, or put a label on it. Straight,
gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, it’s all so caddy. We’re in an open-minded era, Bella
Rosa. This career will let you embrace all of life’s pleasures, the pleasure of
pleasing your clients, and most importantly…the pleasure of pleasing yourself.”
I swear this woman could read my thoughts.

“Are you

I took a
deep breath.

“Yes.” I
replied with a heavy breath, accepting my destiny with open arms.




Chapter 7


I can’t
believe how fast the months went by. When you’re younger all you want is for
time to go by as fast as possible, you want to grow up, be an adult, and do all
the things you weren’t allowed to do as a child. Well…I’m finally there. I’m an
adult, about to embark on my four-year journey at a university. I had my pick
of the liter when deciding which institution I wanted to attend. I ultimately
decided to follow my father’s Alma Mater and go to NYU, home of the Bobcats.

parents were the proudest that I had ever seen them, on my graduation day. I
graduated Cum Laude with honors. I couldn’t help to smile as my mother bragged
about my accomplishments at my party, later that evening. There were so many
people, more than I had expected. I couldn’t wait to dig into the massive
amount of cards placed in the box, full of money I was sure.

glanced over to Olivia throughout the day, retrieving a smile every time she
saw me look at her. I can’t really describe the smile. I guess it was a proud,
yet sad smile. I hated the strain and distance that had settled between us. As
my mother along with Julia’s and a few of my aunts started to clean up, I
realized that I hadn’t seen Oli in quite some time, at least an hour.

“Hey Mom,
is it okay if I take off for a while?” I asked. The party had pretty much
broken up, so I knew I wasn’t being rude by disappearing. I had other things on
my mind. I needed to set them straight. I didn’t want to go off to school
leaving things the way they were. Of course, my mother dismissed me with a kiss
smack on the lips and another comment about how proud of me she was.

minutes later, I approached our waterhole. Parking my truck and walking the
path, I see Olivia before she sees me. She was sitting on a blanket aimlessly
looking out at the water, her hair wildly blew in the wind, and the moonlight
glow made her look translucent.

“It didn’t
take long for you to find me.” She whispers.

for some reason I knew you would be here. God, I forgot how stunning this place
was at night. When was the last time we were all here?”

here all the time.”

didn’t know that.” I should have known that. I’m saddened by that fact that we
aren’t close anymore, that we haven’t been close in a long time.

I hadn’t
realized that I moved until I was sitting next to her. She didn’t acknowledge
me at first, and then I felt her head lean onto my shoulder, my arm
instantaneously went around her tiny frame. We sat like that for I don’t know
how long, just enjoying the piece, quiet, and the tranquility of each other. I
was too afraid to speak. I knew I had no words to express how much I was going
to miss her. There is so much that I wanted to say and so much I needed for her
to hear. I was too much of a coward to say any of it, and too concerned with my
devotion to Julia. Nothing would be said, and I would take that regret with me
to New York.

I tried to speak. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, I had to say
something. I had to get her to understand how much I loved her. In the same
sense, she had to know that we weren’t going to be together. We just couldn’t.
I was hurting both my girls, and I hated it.

Sebby, there’s nothing you can say that I don’t already know,” She quietly
stopped me, placing her finger over my lips.

attentively watched as she came to her knees and slowly lifted her dress to her
thighs, moving it higher and higher until she was left in her bra and panties.
I knew where this was going. I also knew that I wasn’t strong enough to say no.
I didn’t want to say no. I wanted her. Never letting my eyes leave hers, I
placed my fingers around the elastic on her panties and pulled her to me.

I could
sense her nervousness and knew at that moment without asking that she still had
not lost her virginity. I took a deep breath, wrapped my arms around her waist
and rested my head on her stomach. She ran her fingers through my hair in a
comforting manner. I don’t know what the hell I was feeling. I loved her so
much and she felt so good in my arms.

guys like accepting that trophy, not me. I never wanted to be responsible for
taking that from any girl, however I couldn’t help the satisfying emotion of
being her first. I vaguely felt her shake. I smiled and kissed her bellybutton,
feeling the suction of a deep breath. I could tell that it was one of those
breaths that you take when you’re so emotionally charged that you can’t help
it. Her nervous breaths provoked me to kiss her lower. I didn’t; I wanted to
take it slow, for her.

I looked
up to her closed eyes. The tip of her tongue peered out between her lips; it
was the sexiest, most innocent, look I had ever seen. I took it as an
invitation and moved up her body. I softly bit down on her tongue, causing her
eyes to open. I gradually took her tongue and started lightly sucking on it as
our eyes stayed in a trance, locked on each other’s. There was so much emotion
in her eyes, they told me everything. She wanted me, as much as I wanted her.     

She panted, between kisses.


“I want
to touch you.”

I urgently
pulled the sides of her face, kissing her more aggressively than before. I knew
that I needed to slow down for her, damn, I couldn’t help it. I wanted her so
much. All the built up of years of anticipation, longing, and desire that I had
kept safely bottled up was surfacing. It was more than I could have ever

delicate fingers moved down my shirt, releasing each button in a slow torturous
motion. She opened my shirt and slid it from my shoulders. I slid it down my
arms, removing it completely. I watched her eyes when she broke our kiss,
moving her eyes down my bare chest. I sucked in the breath next. Her hands
traced my pecs and moved down to the contours of my abs. Allie had touched me
there, several times, this was different, this was so expressive, emotional, and
loving; this was Olivia. 

“I feel
like I’m seeing you, for the first time.” She whispered, hot words to the
corner of my mouth.

“I can’t
say the same, Oli, I’ve been looking at you since I was twelve.” Her giggles
were contagious and I found myself laughing too.

nervous…I don’t want to be. I want this to be good for you. I have no idea what
the hell I’m doing,” she admitted “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. I’ll
do whatever you want.”

What a
loaded question.
Don’t be a selfish guy Sebastian, don’t be a selfish guy
Sebastian, I repeated to myself over and over.

I pulled
her back into one last kiss before I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to see
her naked. It wasn’t a want, it was a need.

“God Oli,
I really want to take this nice and slow for you, I don’t know if I’m going to
be patient enough. I’m dying to get you naked and wet.” Even with the cast of
the moonlight, I could tell that she was blushing.

going to take off your bra and then your panties, okay?” She nodded, as I
pressed my body to hers, forcing her to lie down

unclasped her bra and removed it, letting it fall to the ground. I took a
second to appreciate the beauty that is Olivia. Her breasts were round and
perky, larger than they looked in a bikini. Her nipples were hard tan pebbles,
requesting to be sucked. I softly took her nipple into my mouth, as a satisfied
moan escaped from my throat. I was taking Olivia. I was making her mine. I
didn’t want to think about tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. I wanted to
live that now moment forever. She was mine. Olivia was mine.

Sebastian…that feels incredible, don’t stop.” I didn’t recognize her voice. All
I could hear was desire, as I fondled her breasts and caressed her nipple with
the palm of my hand in a back and forth motion. Nothing could have prepared me
for this moment. Her panting and moaning beneath me would be forever entrenched
in my mind.

I whispered. I knew this was going to hurt her. I wanted her to at least
experience some pleasure before I took mine. I placed my hand on her pussy and
she immediately pushed into my palm.

with me, Sebastian.” I didn’t think it was possible, but my dick had just gone
from hard to harder.

She felt
even better than I had played out in my mind so many times. I stroked her more
aggressively than I had planned to. I couldn’t help it. Fuck…I am human, and of
the male species.

“Shit Baby,
you’re so wet. Have you ever made yourself come?”  I just had to know. “No…I’ve…oh
God…tried…” She panted breathlessly. “Right there…couldn’t get there.” I
removed my hand and she groaned in protest. “No, don’t stop…please don’t stop…”

grabbed her panties and slid them off.

“Oh fuck
Baby, you shave completely.” I closed my eyes trying to regain any ounce of

giggled, “I’m a swimmer,” she explained, as her fingers skimmed across my face.

you alright?”

to maintain my composure, I grabbed the back of her neck and brought my lips
down to meet hers. I crushed her mouth urgent and forcefully. I couldn’t talk;
if I did I was going to lose it. I just needed her embrace. My lips moved on their
own accord. I no longer had control over my movements. I kissed her jawline,
her neck, and deliberately made my way to where I wanted to be most; her pussy.

breathing escalated, as soon as she realized what I was about to do. She
enticed me, bucking her hips forward. I took it as another open invitation, and
plunged my tongue from her opening to the top of her clit. She instantaneously
arched her back and breathed out my name. “Sebastian…” I will never forget the
raspy way she said my name. It was full of emotion, mixed with pure lust. That
was all it took for me to go wild. I ate her pussy like it was the last meal
that I would ever eat. I ate like a starving man who had finally found food.

I used
every technique I knew, to find out what she wanted the most. Olivia liked it
rough. I learned this from her treacherous whimpers and moans. Her reactions
encouraged me to suck on her clit vigorously. I took the opportunity to try to
stretch her. I inserted one finger and could feel her body tighten.
I was fucked. She was so tight. Her pussy gripped my finger, like a vise. I
thought I was going to come before I ever got inside.

so tight. Tell me if I’m hurting you.”

removed my finger, replacing it as far as I could with my tongue. She was close
to losing control, and if I didn’t get my shit together I was going to lose it
with her.

She repeated, over and over.

I sucked
her clit and moved my head in a side-to-side motion. That was it. She was
spent. She trembled, opened her legs more, and pulled my hair like she was
trying to rip it out. I started to taste more of her juices, as her body
continued to spasm and she called out, screaming my name.

I beckoned, as she rode out her orgasm and I licked her clean.

“Oh my God…oh
my God…Sebastian…I feel like Jell-O.” She chuckled. I laughed. Only Olivia
would say Jell-O at a time like this. I wiped some of her juices from my mouth
as she took my hand to bring me to her.

attentively stared into each other’s eyes. In this moment there was no need for
words to know what we were each feeling. It was some sort of connection, a
linking that had always been there, and as much as we tried to avoid it, we
couldn’t. The laws of attraction had found their way to us. I had no idea how I
was going to let her go.

leaned towards me. I parted my lips, expecting her to kiss me. She didn’t. She
ran her tongue along the outside of my mouth, licking herself from my lips.

“Pretty Baby,
you’re a little vixen.”  I accused, feeling her smile on my lips.

“I was
curious…you seemed to like it. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”

Before I
could respond, her tongue glided around my lips as she plunged into my mouth.
She reached for my belt and unbuttoned my slacks. I moved between her legs, and
was overwhelmed at how unbelievable she felt beneath my body. I had never been
so content in my life. I felt her fingers touch the head of my dick and
uncontrollably moaned in her mouth.     

whispered in between kisses. “I need to grab a condom from my wallet.”

don’t need it. I’m on the pill.” She replied.

stopped kissing her.


laughed. “No…not because of that Sebastian, because I have really bad cramps.”

“Do you
not want to use one?” I asked.

trust you,” she assured me, as she kissed me again. I checked to make sure she
was still wet. The last thing I wanted was to hurt her even more. “Is it going
to hurt?” she asked, as if she was reading my mind.

you’re the only virgin I’ve been with. I don’t know how much it’s going to
hurt, I know it will probably be uncomfortable.”

I began
to kiss her as I positioned my dick to her opening. I lightly pressed into her,
stopping once my head was in. I could feel her uncomfortable movements, and
knew it was only going to get worse. I inched in a little more. She stopped
kissing me to hide her face in the crook of my neck. I knew had I been able to
see her eyes they were tightly squeezed shut, waiting for the unknown.

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