VIP (14 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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they labeled it as ‘browsing the university’ for college research purposes. I
was thrilled to finally have my girls there and for the three of us to spend
time together. They were arriving at 9:00 p.m. I wanted to pick them up from
the airport, however they insisted on taking a cab to experience “The New York

decided to live off campus and not in my fraternity house. I lived by myself
and I loved it. I resided in East Village, because I wanted a two-bedroom
apartment. I was fortunate that it was still within walking distance of campus.
My rent was high, my parents were supportive though. I think they would have
said yes to anything at this point, being that I was the only child.

I hopped
in the shower and walked out into my living room.


jumped, screaming like a little girl.

shit, girls!! You scared the fuck out of me. What are you doing here? Your
plane doesn’t land until tonight.” 

“We left
after lunch and took an earlier flight. We wanted to surprise you, Sebby! Nice
towel by the way.” Julia said. Olivia was looking at any and everything, but
me. I could see her blushing.
Damn it, I could not get hard right now.

“I mean,
I could have been naked…” I said.

seen one you’ve seen them all, Sebby.” Julia replied.
Did she just admit
that she’s seen one?!
I looked at Olivia.

the fuck is she talking about?” Julia grinned and Olivia chuckled. I needed to
go change before I flipped my shit. I wanted us to have a great time this
weekend. When I returned they were both looking at something on their iPad.

girls hungry? I thought we could go grab a bite to eat. I could show you around
a little tonight. We’ll get a head start tomorrow on sightseeing, then tomorrow
night the Kappa house is throwing their annual Valentine’s Day party.”

“I love
everything about what you just said, Sebby!” Julia squealed.

I took
them to Gruppo, the best pizza around, that I was aware of anyways. We walked
around Tompkins Square Park for a bit. They whined the whole time about the
cold. They had Florida blood, and couldn’t get over how cold it was,
Miami blood.
We crashed early, and I was woken at the ass crack of dawn to
go explore Manhattan. We did all the tourist crap you can imagine; Statue of
Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Chrysler Building, Empire State Building,
and Rockefeller Center. If I heard “please…just one more place” one more time,
I would have keeled over and passed out.

It was
great, both my girls in New York with me, one on each arm. I couldn’t have been
happier, well maybe I could have, I was trying my damnedest not to go there. I
still glanced at Olivia, and every freaking time I did, those green eyes lured
me right to her. I kept my distance though. I mean we touched, goofing off and
shit, not like I was fighting to touch her. I didn’t. I was proud of myself. I
refrained and kept my two best friends, friends.

made me promise that we would go to Little Italy the next day before they left.
I was exhausted…how the hell can two small people move around that fast and
still have energy is beyond me. By the time we made it back to the apartment it
was time to get ready to go to dinner. I only had one bathroom, so I’m sure you
can guess who got to get ready last. My bathroom looked like Victoria Secret
fucking exploded. I mean…perfume, hairspray, body lotion, and a puffy brush
that had sparkles on it,
what the fuck is that?

God, the worst was over, I thought, until I walked back to see what they were
wearing. I’m still not sure what the hell they were wearing, two red skimpy
something’s and to top it all off…fuck me heels!

“Why are
you guys wearing t-shirts?” Of course, I got laughs in return.

crazy…they’re dresses! We got them from the Dash store on South Beach, aren’t
they pretty?” Olivia asked, twirling around.

the rest of it? I asked as they looked down, liking what they saw and then each
other. They looked back to me and I was sure they could read the What The Fuck

why am I the only one seeing a problem?!

“I’m not
taking you to the Alpha house dressed like that, either change or we’re not
going.” As if… calling my bluff they started walking to the door.

don’t have anything else to wear, plus we have coats to put on too. You need to
get over this whole protective thing you got going on, it doesn’t suit you. We
wear stuff like this all the time.”


now!” Julia shouted. With a disgruntled sigh. I moved to get my coat, damn
it…another battle lost.

“Do not
take drinks from anyone, and please pull your dress down every few steps.” I

A few of
my brothers met us out at dinner and things went smoothly. The girls got along
great with the guys. I can’t say that I was overly excited about that fact. I
didn’t like the attention they were receiving. Call me a little protective.

party was just how I had expected it to be. The place was packed, the alcohol
was flowing loosely, and the music was blaring. I left the girls to get us all
drinks, and to get away from them long enough to let the guys know that they
were only seventeen, probably more for my benefit than theirs. I was hoping it
would make their dicks stay in their pants. “Sebby, I’m going to go dance with
Oli.” I heard Julia yell. Okay…
dancing that shouldn’t be too bad right?
Wrong…again! The girls were grinding all up on each other.

could move. They could both move, of course my eyes landed right on Olivia’s
dress riding up her thighs as she moved, grinding her hips. I looked to Julia
and she was staring right at me. I knew what the sad smile meant without words.
She wanted me to be looking at her the way I seemed to idiotically always be
looking at Olivia. It never failed. She seemed to always catch me, longing
after her sister and best friend.
Jesus, I had to stop.

man…how the hell did you grow up next to that?” My brother asked, pulling me
from my thoughts of Olivia and my eyes from Julia’s hurt expression.

ask!” I replied, with an even tone.

The rest
of the night proceeded with much of the same. The girls drank and danced while
I monitored and stood guard. By two m. I had a slight buzz and had been holding
the urge to piss for as long as I could. There were so many people it wouldn’t
have taken thirty seconds to lose sight of them. I tried to continue to hold it,
it was becoming unbearable. I had to piss, NOW!

do not let them out of your sight. I’ll be right back.”

bro, no worries,” he halfheartedly promised, as his hips swayed to the music.

The line
to the bathroom was long, as I expected. It was always like that at these
parties. I decided to slip out the back door and use a bush. All I could do was
shake my head in disbelief, as I ventured back to the girls. They were both
dancing all over each other, not that that was any different than what they had
been doing it all night, nevertheless the table? What the hell happened to my
little Julia, that stuck her tongue out on a continuous bases, and my Olivia,
afraid to jump from the tire swing?

the fuck man?” I reprimanded Tony.

You said not to lose sight of them. I didn’t…” he assured me, pointing to them.
“They’re right there.” I would deal with him later.

“Can you
help me get them down and into a taxi?”

so much fun to look at. Oh come on bro they’re actually pretty tame, just
trying out the good ole college experience.” He laughed.

I gave
him a stern look. God, I was turning into my father, acting like they were my
responsibility; shit they were.

downer, let’s get them.”

them off the table and to the cab wasn’t as hard as I imagined it was going to
be, getting them to my apartment was a different story.
Have you ever tried
to get two drunk seventeen year olds to do something?
Between the giggles,
trying to hold them up with both their purses, and straps of their heels looped
over my fingers, it was a shit show.

Once I
finally got them inside, they went straight to the kitchen to raid my cabinets.

chips!” They yelled together with girly giggles of course.

going to go rinse off. Don’t get into any trouble.” I demanded, as I left them.

As soon
as I was out of the shower and drying off, I realized how quiet they had
gotten. That could be bad. I breathed a sigh of relief when they were both
passed out, Olivia half lying on Julia. I pulled the throw blanket from the
back of the couch and covered them.

I closed
my bedroom door and slid on a pair of boxers. I think I also passed out moments
after lying across the bed. Mine however, was from the stress of my girls being
drunk and provocative. I was exhausted.

I’m not
sure how long I was asleep before I felt soft lips, kissing my chest.
Was I
No…it felt way too real to be a dream. The kissing moved lower as
I tried to make myself coherent enough to figure out, what the hell was going
on. My boxers snapped into my skin.
That did it.
I sure the hell
wasn’t dreaming.
“What the fu-.”

going to wake Julia,” Olivia warned.

My eyes hadn’t adjusted yet. I could barely make out her face. When I finally
did, my eyes widened. She was completely naked. Shit, she was naked.

She smiled.
I had absolutely no idea what to say.

“I’m not
drunk, I swear. I made sure not to drink too much, because I knew you wouldn’t
be with me if you thought I was drunk,” she started explaining.

moved, pulling herself up to straddle my waist. My eyes take in her
unbelievable body. She sat up, luring me even more. I couldn’t stop staring.
She was so much more confident now. She tilted her head to the side while
grinding into me. Her hands trailed her waist and up to her breasts. She
stopped at the back of her neck and pulled her hair tie out, shaking her hair
loose. It fell to the frame of her face. I swallowed for the first time since
she had woken me. She smiled, licked her lips, and leaned towards me. She
stopped a fraction from my lips.

“I want
you Sebastian…I want you so bad…” She whispered, to my lips. Olivia was baiting
me. She wanted me to make the first move. I was confused, torn, and thanks to
her horny as fuck. I wanted her probably more than she wanted me. Julia was
right outside the door. Could I do this to her, right under her nose?

I could
see Olivia growing impatient, her eyes changed from lust, confusion, and
rejection all within seconds. Her body immediately started to withdrawal from

I protested, softly. I didn’t think she heard me. She still moved off of me, grabbing
the sheet to cover herself.

“I’m so
stupid…I can’t believe I just threw myself at you.” She wiped the tear  
sliding down her right cheek.

never going to be together…are we Sebastian?”

I didn’t
know what to say, so I said the only thing that I knew was true.

“I love
you, Oli.” Her eyes closed, as if my words were hurting her. I never wanted to
hurt her.

never going to be enough though…is it?”

I didn’t
know it then, this would be the moment that I would regret for the rest of my

didn’t stop her…

watched her get up, get dressed, and leave.

else was said between us. The following day she faked being too hung over and
stayed at the apartment until it was time for their flight to leave. She hugged
and kissed me goodbye, and the second I let her go I knew that I had lost her.

To what
magnitude, I wouldn’t realize until later…




Chapter 9


As my
head lay on the couch, I opened my eyes and stared at the chandelier above me.
I knew that once I faced them reality would set in and I’d have to discuss what
just happened. I wanted to enjoy this euphoric state. I wished I could have bottled
that feeling, I knew in that moment that there was nothing more right for me to
do than to become a VIP. I belonged there. I had finally found peace.

Rosa…are you with us, Darling?” Madam asked. I raised my head with the biggest
smile on my face.

Beautiful Girl, you’re glowing. Post orgasm afterglow is a delicacy on you.” I
couldn’t stop smiling. It was permanently stamped on my face.

“I don’t
think I need to ask how you’re feeling, eh?” Brooke asked. I looked at her and
she had a haughty look about her.

“I have
no words…I don’t…” I said.

“I know
Bella, no need to tell me how you feel; it’s written all over your face. Our
clients will enjoy that about you. You wear all your emotions on your sleeve.”

“Do you
want me to…I mean you didn’t get…”

wasn’t about me, and trust me when I say I got off plenty, just as much as you
did.” She looked at Madam. “May I be excused, Madam. I need to go get ready for
my date tonight.” Brooke stated.

course Brooke Baby, you were magnificent as always. Please, tell Victor I said
hello.” Madam moved to kiss Brooke’s cheek. “I hope you enjoy your evening. I
haven’t had a chance to catch La Nouba yet, let me know if it’s something I
need to make time for.” She said.

“I will.
It was great meeting you, Bella. I’ll see you soon for a shopping day, okay?”
She asked.

I replied. I couldn’t believe she was having a normal conversation with me,
after what just happened. Brooke left and Madam moved to sit by me again. She
handed me my robe and it was then that I realized I was still naked. I put it
on and tied it this time. I then reached for my panties and put them on.

“I can’t
tell you how proud I am of you, Bella Rosa. You have exceeded any measly idea
my imagination could come up with. I knew that you would be made for this, the
way that you come is remarkable, with everything you have, and you don’t hold
back one bit.” She took a sip of her champagne and handed me my glass.

took charge with Brooke without even being told to, it was a natural instinct
for you. You weren’t shy or bashful that you were being filmed or that I was
watching. Part of me knows that you got off on knowing that you were being
observed.” I tilted my head, waiting for her to finish.

has been some evening for you. I know you have had enough.”
I swear this
lady was a mind reader.

have had too much to drink; the chauffer will drive you home. I’ll call you tomorrow
to move forward, yes?” She said, and I nodded my head.

couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned the entire night. My thoughts and feelings
were a tangled mess. I knew come the next morning my life would change and I
would no longer be this silhouette of a person. In a sense, I was waving
goodbye to a part of me, and saying hello to someone new. My life was about to
change in more ways than one.

Buckle up;
it’s going to be one hell of a ride.






I searched
for my phone, trying to wake up enough to figure out why Oli's ringtone was
echoing in my room.

What time is it?” I asked, in a groggy voice.

time? Who cares about time, Sebby? Time is overrated, you need to live in the
moment and cherish each day like it was your last.”

“Oli? Are
you drunk?”

“Drunk? Hmm…Am
I drunk? I don’t know, drunks a funny word. Don’t you think so? Drunk. Say it,

where are you?” I glanced at my phone, reading 2:45 a.m.

“I’m not
where I want to be, that’s for damn sure.” I could hear her bitter tone.

Julia?” I hesitated, rubbing the sleep from my face.

Julia…Babygirl Julia…I don’t know, Sebby. Maybe she’s with you. Maybe you’ve
been sneaking around my back with her, maybe you’ve been fucking us both. Is
that it Sebastian, is that why we can’t be together?”

scaring me. Where they fuck are you?” I shouted.

fucking yell at me. You have no right to yell at me okay, you have no right to
touch me, or fuck me, or tell me you love me. Because, it’s all bullshit lies!
You are a liar. I don’t believe you anymore. All you do is lie to me.”

“Oli, I
don’t lie to you. I’ve never lied to you. I have never been with Julia the way
we’ve been together, and you know I love you. I understand that you’re hurt and
upset. Please tell me where you are. I will have someone come get you. You’re
not driving are you?”

not driving, just swimming. Remember our swims in our waterhole, Sebby,
remember our first kiss there? We were such kids. That was the dumbest thing
I've ever done, why would I want to be with someone that doesn't want me? What
the fuck is wrong with me, Sebastian? Tell me why the fuck I can't get over
you? Why is it so much easier for you?” She wept.

it’s not easy for me. None of this is easy for me. Please, tell me where you
are. I’m going crazy over here. Are you at our waterhole?” I paced my room. I
was wide-awake and scared shitless. I didn’t feel good about this. Something in
my gut told me this was not good.

threw me away. You always throw me away. I am disposable to you. You know! You
know that I will always be there. You keep me in the corner and when you’re
ready to play with me you do. You fucking use me. You’ve always fucking used

my God, Baby…you know that’s not fucking true. Why are you doing this? Why are
you saying this?”

Sebastian it’s the fucking truth. I finally realize it now. You don’t love me
and you never did. Nothing will be as precious to you, as your Babygirl. I
always come in second place. Guess what Sebastian, I won’t do it anymore. You
can’t do this to me anymore. I won’t let you.”

that’s enough. You’re drunk, and you need to tell me where you are. We will
finish this discussion when you’re sober.”

you, Sebastian. Now you’re telling me when we can and can’t talk. That’s
fucking rich. You know what…fucking forget it. Forget you.” I heard a click.

Oli…shit…” I paced my room for the next hour trying to decide what to do. Do I
call her parents? Do I contact Julia?

didn’t want her to get in trouble.

would be fine.

would wake up the next morning, call me, and everything would be fine.

took two Tylenol p.m.’s and went to sleep, reassuring myself that everything
would be alright.






I once
read that a person dies every 1.8 seconds. This translates to 105 people per
minute, 6,319 per hour and 151,650 people per day. Totaling approximately
55,503,922 every year. You never once think that these numbers would ever
affect you directly. You live everyday learning about other peoples’ pain.

You read
it in the paper, you watch on the news, or you listen to it on the radio. It
surrounds you if you really think about it. Not one time in those moments do
you ever think about how close to home it could ever become. Until one day, you
wake up just like you do everyday, you’re sitting eating breakfast with the
paper in your hand and you get a phone call that will change your life,

progressed in slow motion, seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to

heard the familiar ringtone and smiled, walking over to Julia’s smiling face
lit up on the screen of my cellphone. I hit accept and said, hello. I’m not
sure what I felt at that moment; fear maybe, panic, confusion? Something was
wrong. I couldn’t understand a word Julia was saying. Actually, I don’t think
she was saying words at all. It was mostly hysterical crying and heaving in
breaths. I tried to tell her to calm down and that I couldn’t understand a word
she was saying.

a deep breath, try to breathe, Babygirl. In and out. That’s it, in and out,” I
repeated over and over, trying to calm her enough to tell me what the hell was
going on. My heart was beating at an alarming rate.

know how it feels when something just scared the shit out of you, and you feel
all jittery inside? That’s how this felt, and I didn’t even know what was going
on yet. My adrenaline was racing, my body felt stiff, and my hands were
shaking. I knew something bad had happened. I suddenly felt like heaving, and fought
back the urges to do so. Two little words…that was all that it took for my life
to completely change…Two fucking words…


coffee mug dropped to the floor, I heard it shatter, and saw all the pieces of
glass scatter across the tile. My vision was suddenly blurry…was I crying? I
heard Julia talking, the only words that registered were…


I had just spoken to her last night? Was that my mom? What was she saying?
Where did Julia go?

are you okay? Do you need me to come, get you, and bring you home?...Sebastian,
answer me honey…are you okay? I could hear her. She seemed so far away.

okay. I’ll be there soon.”

hand fell and I hit the end button on my phone, instantly a picture of Julia,
Olivia, and I was on the screen. I stared at it while my mind was stuck on one


was an endless phrase that repeated itself over and over in my head, a cycle
that I couldn’t stop…over and over.


arm shot up and my phone was flung across the room. I watched as it flew
through the air, stopping by the contact of the wall, and once again. I
witnessed the pieces shatter and then scatter across the tiled floor.


legs moved backwards.


wall behind me stopped my movement.


could feel my body recoiling.


slid down the wall.


Was I
sitting down?

I sat
there and let go. I wept, sobbed uncontrollably, and sucked in air that wasn’t
there. How could this be happening? I needed to talk to, Oli. I wanted Oli. Oh
God! Why? I’m not sure how long I sat there and wailed. I presumed it was quite
a while. I had finally shed the last of the tears that were left in me and
stared off into nowhere.

couldn’t move. I couldn’t feel and I was numb. I sat there until it was dark. I
could see shadows and then, nothing, darkness. I sat there until my body
couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I had died too.



The days
that followed were filled with people coming in and out of Julia’s home,  with
questions I had no idea how to answer, endless amounts of condolences, and
preparations for a day that I just wanted to be over.

hours seemed to blend together; I had no idea what day it even was. I continued
to be in a fog, a daze, and stupefied beyond belief. I hadn’t allowed myself to
stop moving. I was afraid to. If I stopped moving, I would crash. I couldn’t
acknowledge anything, not the house that she grew up in, not the memories
everywhere I turned, not the smells that reminded me of her, and not the sounds
that she would make. I moved in auto-pilot, trying to avoid flashbacks. I just
needed to get through these last days. My only concern was Julia. Had it not
been for her, I would have gotten the hell out of there as fast as I could.

“Do you
want some coffee or tea, Sebby?” Julia asked, I couldn’t help but notice that
she looked exactly how I felt.

some water will be fine. Have you been sleeping, Babygirl?” She opened the
fridge and brought me a bottle of water.

you been sleeping?” She retorted, as I followed her to the couch.

all feels so surreal.
aren’t supposed to bury their kids. You’ve barely been speaking, Sebby.” She
turned and dropped her legs over mine; I moved my hand up and touched her hair.

can this be happening? I don’t understand.” I could hear the sorrow in her voice.
“What are we going to do? I don’t understand. The toxicology report said that
she was drinking, her alcohol level showed 0.19. Why would Oli go swimming when
she was drunk, and when did Oli even drink? This is all so confusing.”

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