Viper's Defiant Mate (17 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Viper's Defiant Mate
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Chapter 20

Tina shivered. She ached all over. Viper had been gone when she woke in the early afternoon. She knew they were due to leave the
sometime today or tomorrow. They would continue on to Viper’s home planet in his Starship. A part of her was excited to see Riley again, while another part of her was terrified about what the future would hold. They had left so fast, that none of the important things were planned or discussed.

Important things like how they were supposed to make a living so they could take care of their basic needs. Needs like food, shelter, clothing and other such essentials for daily survival. Hell, she didn’t know anything about the world they were going to, except for what Viper and Riley had told her.

Another shiver wracked Tina’s body and she released a small moan. Viper had been like a crazy man last night. Every time she had been about to fall asleep, he had ignited her body into a quivering mass of wanton need again and again.

Sitting up, Tina rubbed at her throbbing temple. She swore he must have given her some kind of alien disease when he bit her. She knew he had on at least three separate occasions during the night.

“Damn it,” she groaned when she discovered her legs could barely support her. “The guy wasn’t kidding when he said that he was going to love every part of me.”

Tina released another groan when the communication panel pinged. Riley’s face flashed on the screen. As much as she would love to ignore her sister, Tina felt if anyone could understand what happened to her last night, it would be Riley.

Pushing off the bed, Tina pulled the covers off with her and wrapped them around her body as she stumbled to the control panel. She slid into the seat and pressed the button on the fourth chime. Tina rested her head on her hand the image of her sister came online.

“Wow!” Riley said, looking at Tina with concerned. “You look like shit. Who did you get into a fight with?”

Tina took one look at her sister and bowed her head so her hair could hide her face. Silent sobs shook her shoulders as her sister’s words switched on the water faucet inside her. She didn’t know what was wrong, she just felt off, strange, like she wasn’t herself any more. It took her a full two minutes to finally get herself under enough control to answer Riley’s rapid questions.

“Tina, sweetheart. Oh, Tina, I fucked up again, didn’t I? I’m so sorry,” Riley murmured softly. “It will be alright. You’ll see. Everything will be alright.”

Tina shook her head. “No… No… it won’t,” she muttered between sobs. “I really screwed up this time. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“What happened?” Riley demanded. “You can tell me, Tina. If I can’t fix it, I’ll see if Vox can. He’s actually pretty good with the off-with-the-head commands.”

A soft giggle escaped Tina when she thought of which head she might like to see chopped off. Her grandmother was right, humor did help solve problems, especially when she pictured a tiny, animated penis running around and Vox chasing it like the Red Queen yelling ‘Off with his head!’.

“Thanks, Riley,” Tina sighed as she brushed her damp cheeks. “I needed that.”

Riley giggled. “I can imagine which head you must feel like chopping,” she snorted. “I felt the same way after my first night with Vox. I thought he was going to kill me. I swear there needs to be a new word for ‘horney’ in the dictionary. It just doesn’t do justice for Vox.”

Tina drew in a shaky breath and looked at her sister. “Did you… Did you feel weird after it? I mean, like you weren’t you anymore?” She asked. “I feel like there’s something inside me.”

“Was it Viper?” Riley asked in a quiet, serious tone. “Did he bite you?”

Tina rolled her eyes. “Yes, and bite is an understatement. I’ve got chew marks all over me,” she retorted dryly. “I think he thought I was a new chew toy.”

Riley stared at Tina for several long seconds. Tina could see the doubt, worry, and something else in her sister’s eyes. Impatient to know what Riley was trying to hide, she finally snapped at her.

“You were never good at hiding secrets,” Tina bit out. “What are you trying to hide? Did he give me some alien STD?”


Tina scratched absently at her arm. There were some things that people shouldn’t know about. Things like turning into a hideous creature without your permission. She had been stunned when Riley finally explained what was happening to her.

“It’s kind of weird at first, but you get used to it,” Riley said with an apologetic smile. “I mean, well, you can run and jump faster and I’ve learned to shift just enough so I can do my own nails.”

Tina had excused herself to go throw up when she saw Riley partially shift one arm so she could show off her painted claws. It had taken Tina twenty minutes to regain her strength enough that she could get a shower and get dressed. She didn’t know where Viper was and didn’t care. All she wanted was to find somewhere safe where she could bury her head and die.

She had found that place in her grandmother’s cabin. Tina felt bad for having a meltdown the moment her grandmother opened her door. Forty minutes later, and two glasses of Valdier whiskey, and Tina was curled up in Pearl’s bed with a nice buzz and an empty heart.

“He should have told me,” she whispered as another tear escaped. “He should have asked me if I wanted to turn into a Werecat. I own a chicken. Do I look like cat material?”

Pearl had quietly excused herself with the suggestion that Tina get some sleep. She wasn’t sure she would be able to sleep, but she was going to try. Maybe then, she could wake up and pretend this was all just a bad dream.

“How am I going to take care of Ruby if I want to eat her?” Tina thought, pulling the pillow into her arms and yawning. “Think beef.”


Viper ran his hands through his hair and turned in a circle. He had been doing a walk around of his Starship in preparation for their departure. He was excited to get Tina down to the planet. Vox had planned the wedding for shortly after they arrived.

Viper’s plans were to attend the wedding, then whisk Tina away to his home in the forest. There he would coax her cat to the surface. A shiver of need coursed through him at the thought of having Tina in the vision he had glimpsed. Her dark brown coat glistening in the sun and shadows as they ran through the forest. He could even picture where his cat would claim his mate. There was a waterfall deep in the forest. Huge old growth trees rose up to conceal it. He would take her in the small grassy area along its bank.

All of those visions came crashing down around him when he received a call from Vox while he was checking the star charts. He had answered it, hoping it would be Vox telling him that they had gone ahead with the wedding and to just drop Pearl off on his way to his forest home. Instead, it was Vox chewing his ass out for upsetting his mate.

“She is with cub!” Vox growled in anger. “You have her upset. Riley is not easy to deal with when she isn’t upset. She is impossible when she is.”

“I heard that, you big oaf,” Riley hollered from the other room. “You gifted me with the power of incredible hearing, remember? It happened when you changed me without my knowledge or permission, just like your mangy brother has done to my sister.”

The dread that had been building inside Viper, turned to a heavy stone weight as it settled in his stomach. It was difficult enough to deal with the idea of the transformation the first time a Sarafin changes, he couldn’t imagine what Tina must be feeling. This would be beyond strange to a human.

“She knows…,” Viper whispered.

Vox looked at Viper with a combination of anger, sympathy, and regret. “Yes, Riley wished to talk to Tina. She felt our son kicking and wanted to share it with her sister. Tina was very upset and shared what happened with Riley. If it helps, Riley was not pleased at first either, but she has come to accept it,” Vox murmured in a low voice.

“Only because I look good in my tiger’s coat,” Riley commented, coming up behind Vox and pressing a hot kiss to his neck. “She is more sensitive about things like this,” she added, looking at Viper. She playfully nipped Vox on the shoulder when he snorted. “She is, but she has a good heart. She just doesn’t like surprises.”

“I must go to her,” Viper muttered. “We will be home by tomorrow afternoon.”

Viper turned off the communicator and shut down all power systems. Once he knew the Starship was secured, he strode down the back platform that was already opened for the technicians stocking it. He was half way across the landing bay when the hair on the back of his neck stood up in warning. He was turning when he heard a familiar voice shout his name.

The dread he felt earlier was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. He watched warily as Pearl St. Claire walked with long, confident strides toward him. The woman really was magnificent even if she was close to six decades old. Her white hair was spiked on the top and she wore a set of dragon-shaped earrings. She must have been sweet-talking one of the Valdier symbiots, probably Tandor’s, into creating her some jewelry. Her body was clad in the black leather of a Valdier Warrior. The woman was moving up in the world. What concerned him the most was the shotgun she used back on Earth was clutched in the palm of her left hand.

“Viper! I warned you,” Pearl shouted. “I warned you what would happen if you hurt Tina. It’s time to meet your maker, you sorry-ass-son-of-a-bitch. I really don’t give a damn who it is.”

Viper had stopped when he saw Pearl, but now his feet were moving backwards. He turned and started running, he was almost through the side entrance when he heard the familiar roar of the shotgun and the painful sting of the rock salt cutting through the leather of his uniform. Goddess, he hated that woman sometimes. He winced when the second round caught him across his thighs. He hated even more Pearl’s expertise with the damn weapon she loved to carry.

Chapter 21

Viper eased his favorite Starship down onto the platform. He quickly closed everything down and secured it. Since he was traveling alone, he could move faster. Unfortunately, he had to wait for clearance before he could open the platform door of his ship.

He swore when he saw the other ship was already preparing to lift off. The damn tower had delayed him so that Pearl and Tina could arrive and disembark before he even set down. It had been two days since he had seen Tina. Even Creon had apologetically detained him so that the transport Vox had sent could pick up the two women and depart before he could prevent it.


“I apologize, Viper, but Vox is the ruler,” Creon said with a sympathetic grin.

“Not to mention one of your best friends,” Viper had snapped when he realized that the men had ganged up on him. “She is my mate. You have no right to interfere.”

“She asked for assistance,” Creon retorted. “I had no way of denying her.”

Viper had turned away in anger. He would see Tina at the wedding. If she wouldn’t listen, he would kidnap her and love her so thoroughly, she wouldn’t be able to deny him.

Mate, need mate, hurting, mate hurting,
his cat hissed pacing back and forth in agitation.
Mate hurting.

I know our mate is hurting,
Viper snapped.
Do you think I can’t feel her pain?

“Besides, I didn’t want to have to mop your blood up off the ship again,” Creon added with a raised eyebrow. “It makes me appreciate just getting my ass kicked by Carmen, instead of shot.”

Viper shook his head at Creon. “How would you feel if Carmen were ripped away from you?” He asked in a husky voice.

The laughter in Creon’s eyes faded until it was replaced with concern and a haunting that told Viper that the Valdier Prince understood what he was saying. Without their mates, their existence was pure torture.

“Take this,” Carmen said, stepping up to where he and Creon were standing. She waited until Viper took the white cloth out of her hand before she stepped back and wrapped her arm around Creon’s waist. “We both understand what it feels like, Viper,” she added. “So does Tina. This is a very strange world for us. Just be patient, we are fast learners.”

Viper stared down at the white cloth for several long seconds before he nodded. Looking up at Carmen, he realized that he should have shown her the respect she deserved when he first met her. Beneath the delicate beauty beat the heart of a warrior.

Stepping forward, he held out his hand to her. She started in surprise when he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it before bowing and releasing it to step back. He nodded to Creon.

“I apologize for my behavior when we first met, Lady Carmen,” Viper said in a quiet voice. “It was an insult to you and unfitting for a Prince.”

Carmen gave him a bemused smile and shook her head. “Everyone makes mistakes, Viper, you just have to be strong enough to learn from them and move on,” she replied with a grin.

“Pearl’s Rule Number Eight,” Viper murmured with a bow of his head. “It is amazing how smart she is beneath her tough exterior.”


Now, he worked his way through the palace to the room that had been set up for the wedding. He paused at the entrance. He didn’t notice any of the beautiful decorations. His eyes were focused on the curvy brunette partially hidden by his younger brothers and Pearl.

He slowly walked forward, keeping his eyes on Tina. He knew the exact moment that she felt his presence. She stiffened and turned as if in slow motion toward him. He could see the hurt and confusion mixed with anger at his betrayal at not telling her what would happen to her.

Pearl turned and glared at him. He heard her murmur to Tina. Tina looked back at him and shook her head before glancing away.

Pearl looked around the room. Viper vaguely heard her ask for her shotgun. Vox had been smart in having the damn thing taken away from Pearl before she came into the palace. His older brother obviously didn’t want to take a chance of getting his ass bruised up in the off-chance that Riley’s grandmother didn’t like him.

“Where’s my goddamn gun!” Pearl called out in aggravation.

“Vox isn’t here yet,” Walkyr whispered with a grin. “We gave him a mission.”

Viper nodded and slowly counted. Right now, he didn’t have the patience to deal with Pearl’s hostilities toward him. He breathed through his nose in an effort to keep from just saying to hell with everything and taking off with Tina.

He thought things were going to calm down until he saw Riley peeking in again, she bit at her finger nail as she looked to see if Vox had shown up yet. Pearl must have seen the worry and the uncertainty as well.

“Where’s my gun?” She demanded again.

“I am not giving you that damn gun! You are dangerous enough without it,” Viper ground out as his own tempered frayed at Vox’s absence.

He wanted, needed, to get Tina away from everyone. The strain on his and his cat’s control was quickly becoming dangerous. He needed to get Tina alone soon so that he could explain that he had never meant to hurt her feelings and that he knew they could be happy if she would just give him a chance.

Things moved quickly the moment Vox appeared. Viper barely remembered any of it. All he had eyes for was Tina. The red haze of fear that was slowly choking him made him snap out. A vague part of him heard his voice, but it was if it was coming from someone else. He immediately realized that he had pushed Tina too far when the words ‘Make me,’ slipped past his lips in a menacing snarl.

He looked down in time to realize that Tina was holding the device Pearl had used on Bahadur back on Earth. He closed his eyes, wishing he could stop time and rewind it. For a moment, as the world around him lit up with the force of the shock that coursed through his body, he thought he might actually be able to do it.

A small part of him acknowledged that this was what he got for being such an arrogant ass at times. He lay on the ground, twitching as his brothers gazed down at him in fascination. He could hear the sounds of crashing and the faint sounds of Vox’s roars. It took all of his self-control to turn his head when he felt something peck at a strand of his hair. He found himself face to beak with Ruby. The Orpington was completely oblivious to the rampaging tigers.

Closing his eyes, Viper decided he would just lay there until it was all over. A sigh of resignation ran through him when he felt Ruby’s warm body snuggling up close to his head. For a moment, the humor of the situation suddenly occurred to him. He was lying twitching uncontrollably on the floor at his brother’s wedding with a chicken, tigers, his furious mate, and her gun-toting grandmother. It didn’t help that Pearl was commenting it was the best wedding she had ever attended.

I would hate to see what the worst wedding was like,
Viper thought wearily.


Three days later, Viper stood outside in the palace gardens staring blindly across the colorful landscape. He started when he felt an arm wrap slide through his. Turning his head, he stared down into the worried eyes of his mother.

Rosario smiled and turned her head to gaze out of the sunlit garden as well. They stood like that for several minutes before she spoke. Viper felt some of the despair he was feeling slowly dissolve.

“I like your mate,” she murmured in a quiet voice. “She is different from Riley.”

Viper nodded. “I don’t think our world could handle another Riley,” he muttered before he winced at his words. “I didn’t mean that like it sounded. She is perfect for Vox.”

Rosario chuckled as they started walking along the path. “Yes, she is,” she admitted. “Vox would have walked over any other female. Pearl is a delight as well.”

Viper bit back the words he would use to describe Pearl. Stubborn, menacing, dangerous, pain-in-the-ass, smart, loving, loyal, and fiercely protective finished off the list. He released a deep sigh as he remembered the Unbreakable Rule. She did exactly that.

“She is a good woman,” he finally said. “She cared for Riley and Tina. Tina has not told me what happened to her parents. I am lucky to have you and father.”

Rosario squeezed Viper’s arm. “You have always been a great warrior,” she said. “You are quickly growing into a great mate.”

“I don’t feel like it,” Viper whispered. “I don’t know how to get through to her. I need her.”

Rosario stopped. The path in the garden forked. One section led to the pond in the center and the other led back around to the palace. She turned and gazed up at her son.

“She needs you, as well, Viper,” Rosario replied with a smile that held love and understanding. “Being a mate is not easy, but it is the most wonderful gift you can receive. Listen to her, love her, and guide her in her new life. She is scared.”

“I would be, too,” Viper admitted. “I am now. I’m terrified of losing her.”

“Tell her,” Rosario murmured as she rose up on her toes to brush a kiss against his cheek. “She needs to know that even warriors can be afraid sometimes.”

Viper watched as his mother stepped back and turned to go down the path back to the palace. For a moment, he felt like a young cub that had gotten lost in the garden and it had suddenly become a strange and dangerous place.

He felt the pull of his mate. Turning, he closed his eyes and reached for her. Her loneliness touched him and he could feel her fear. Opening his eyes, he started down the path toward the pond. He pulled a small blade from his side and stopped every few steps to cut one of the blooms flowering along the gravel path. By the time he reached the end of the path, he had a colorful bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand.

Viper reached into his vest with his free hand and pulled out the white cloth Carmen had given him. Stepping out into the opening, he paused to gaze at where Tina sat on the grass in the shade of one of the trees. She was staring out over the pond.

He walked quietly across the grass and stood silently beside her. A wave of uncertainty flashed through him. He was not used to these feelings of confusion and doubt.

“I don’t really remember my mom,” Tina whispered. “She left when I was little. Pearl said my mom had lost her way. That she forgot the Unbreakable Rule.”

“What about your father?” Viper asked quietly, sinking down to the ground beside her. “Why did he not protect you and care for you?”

Tina’s lips curved up at the corner into a small, sad smile. “I think he was lost, too, when he met my mom. He didn’t know about me until about a year ago. By then, he had found a different path to follow and I wasn’t part of it. Through it all, there was grandma and Riley. The three of us against the world,” she said with a soft laugh. “Riley with her mouth, Pearl with her shotgun, and me with my fists. We were ready for whatever the world threw at us.”

“Until,” Viper murmured.

Tina turned her head and looked at him with haunted eyes. “Until I learned that the world was a bigger, badder place than the three of us,” she replied in a soft voice before she turned back to look at the water. “I didn’t like it anymore.”

“What happened?” Viper asked, reaching for her hand.

He watched as she took the white cloth he had crumbled up in it. She smoothed it out before wrapping her fingers through his. A slow, shuddering sigh escaped her.

“My high school years were not the best,” she admitted. “I wanted to be more than the nasty names the girls called me. I was smart. I studied and I was good at math. Those were not the qualifications for being popular in school. We were living in Los Angeles, as well. Pearl had a good paying job as the manager a printing business. One day I came upon a group of boys beating up a girl. They were going to kill her, something told me that. I went it screaming and yelling and fists flying.”

“This girl, it is your friend Toni, yes?” Viper asked.

Tina nodded and released his hand to pick at the white cloth she had smoothed out. “Yes, it was Toni. She had been set up by some of the ‘in’ girls at the high school. There was a gang that thought they could muscle in on the Di Stefano Empire. They didn’t realize that they were playing hard ball with the pros. I didn’t recognize Toni as we didn’t move in the same circles. I just saw someone that needed help. Fortunately, there was an incident a block over and the cops heard my screams.”

“There is more,” he said when her voice faded.

Tina nodded. “A couple of days later there was a drive by shooting and four of the boys were killed,” she said. “It happened just a few blocks from the school. Pearl doesn’t know, but I saw the man slip the money under our door. It was a ‘thank you’ from the Di Stefano family. The thing is, if you accept a payment, even one you didn’t ask for, it pulled you into their family. Once it became known I was under the Di Stefano protection, I became a target. The gang wanted to make an example of what happened to those that supported them. I was that example because I stopped them from killing Toni. They couldn’t get to her, but they could get to me. A group of them caught me on my way to the library.”

Viper waited, desperately wanting to pull Tina into his arms, but something told him she needed to finish what she was telling him first. Pearl’s words came back to him in an explosion of awareness.

“Yes, something happened… a long time ago. It scared her bad enough that she never talked about it and let it take over her life. If you are the one meant for her, she’ll open up. It might take a while, but she’ll tell you. If she doesn’t, then maybe you aren’t the man for her. She needs someone she can trust.”

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